Carcinoid tumors may be cancerous or benign and form largely in the lungs and gut. Carcinoid tumors are rare tumors that develop from hormone-producing cells called enterochromaffin cells that occur throughout the body, with approximately 65% originating in the gastrointestinal tract and 25% in the lungs. Even when they are malignant, carcinoid tumors usually are slow to grow and to spread, they can occur almost anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract but primarily in the stomach, small intestine, appendix, colon, and rectum.
The prevalence of carcinoid tumors is difficult to determine since many carcinoid tumors are not detected because they produce no symptoms. Carcinoid tumors can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous).
The carcinoid syndrome is a syndrome that is caused by the release of hormones and other chemical substances called vasoactive amines from the carcinoid tumor and may include signs and symptoms such as:
- Abdominal pain,
- Wheezing,
- Facial flushing,
- Diarrhea,
- Heart disease, and
- Carcinoid crisis.
- Carcinoid tumors can be found by endoscopy, barium small intestinal X-ray studies, and capsule enteroscopy. Their diagnosis requires a biopsy to provide a tissue sample.
- Metastatic carcinoid tumors can be diagnosed by CT or MRIscans, indium 111 octreotide scans, and bone scans.
- Carcinoid tumors can be managed and treated with observation, surgery, cryotherapy, radiofrequency ablation, hepatic artery embolization, interferontherapy, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
- The carcinoid syndrome’s signs or symptoms can be blocked or lessened by medication.
- The prognosis and survival rate for someone with a carcinoid tumor varies with the extent of the metastatic disease in the presence of the carcinoid syndrome. The clinical course of these cancersis often indolent with 5-year survival approaching 75%. Current treatment is not curative, but patients can be helped by palliative measures.
Causes of Flushing or Hot Flashes
Hot flashes or flushing are considered to be a characteristic symptom of the menopausal transition; however, they also can occur in men due to conditions such as low testosterone. Flushing also can occur in people as a result of certain rare medical conditions such as carcinoid syndrome, a medical condition in which a carcinoid tumor secretes
large amounts of serotonin, a hormone produced by the body.
Additional symptoms of carcinoid syndrome or carcinoid tumor include:
- Abdominal pain
- Wheezing
- Niacin deficiency
- Diarrhea (up to 20 times per day)
- Gastrointestinal bleeding
Carcinoid tumors
A carcinoid tumor is a tumor that develops from enterochromaffin cells. Enterochromaffin cells are hormone- and chemical-producing cells that normally are found in the small intestine, appendix, colon, rectum, bronchi, pancreas, ovaries, testes, bile ducts, liver, as well as other organs. Enterochromaffin cells produce many types of substances for example, histamine, serotonin, dopamine, tachykinins, and other chemicals that have profound effects on the circulatory system (heart and blood vessels), the gastrointestinal tract, and the lungs. These substances are therefore called vasoactive amines. For example, serotonin can cause diarrhea, histamine wheezing, and tachykinins flushing due to dilation of blood vessels.
Since carcinoid tumors develop from enterochromaffin cells, they frequently retain the capability of producing the same hormones, often in large quantities. When these hormones circulate in the blood, they can cause symptoms of carcinoid syndrome, which is discussed later.
The important characteristic of carcinoid tumors that sets them apart from other gastrointestinal tract tumors is their potential to cause the carcinoid syndrome. Most other gastrointestinal tract tumors (such as colon cancers or small bowel lymphomas) cause symptoms primarily due to their local effects on the intestines such as abdominal pain, intestinal bleeding, and intestinal obstruction. Although carcinoid tumors may also cause these local symptoms, they may also produce and release the substances that cause the carcinoid syndrome. Often, symptoms of the carcinoid syndrome can be more devastating than the local symptoms.
Carcinoid syndrome
The carcinoid syndrome is a combination of symptoms caused by the hormones and other chemical substances released by the tumors into the blood stream. The symptoms of the carcinoid syndrome vary depending on which hormones are released by the tumors. The common hormones released are serotonin, bradykinin (a molecule produced by enzymes at the site of an injury and then binds to receptors to cause pain), histamine, and chromogranin A (a general marker for neuroendocrine tumors).
Symptoms of carcinoid syndrome
6 Typical carcinoid symptoms include:
1- Flushing
Flushing is the most common (90%) symptom typically occur suddenly, either spontaneously or brought on by emotional and/or physical stress or drinking alcohol.
Flushing is characterized by redness or purple discoloration of the face and neck (or upper body) accompanied by a warm sensation. Episodes of flushing can last minutes to hours and can be accompanied by palpitations, low blood pressure, or fainting. Rarely, flushing can be accompanied by high blood pressure.
Drugs responsible for flushing include serotonin, bradykinin, and substance P.
2- Diarrhea
Diarrhea is the second most common symptom of carcinoid syndrome (almost 75% of patients).
Diarrhea often occurs with flushing but also can occur alone. Diarrhea in carcinoid syndrome is most likely caused by the hormone serotonin. Medications that block the action of serotonin such as ondansetron often alleviate the diarrhea. Sometimes diarrhea in the carcinoid syndrome can be due to a local effect of the tumor partially obstructing the small intestine.
3- Heart disease
Heart disease (estimated 50% of patients) with the carcinoid syndrome typically causes scarring and stiffness of the tricuspid and pulmonic valves of the right side of the heart (most likely caused by prolonged exposure to high levels of serotonin in the blood), which decreases the ability of the heart to pump blood from the right ventricle to the lungs and to the rest of the body and leads to heart failure.
Typical symptoms of heart failure include an:
4- Carcinoid crisis
Carcinoid crisis can occur at the time of surgery, it is characterized by a sudden and profound drop in blood pressure causing shock, sometimes accompanied by an abnormally fast heart rate, high blood glucose, and severe bronchospasm. Carcinoid crisis can be fatal.
5- Wheezing
Wheezing occurs in approximately 10% of patients with carcinoid syndrome, is the result of bronchospasm caused by hormones released by the carcinoid tumors.
6- Abdominal pain
Abdominal pain is common in patients with carcinoid syndrome, may be due to tumor metastases in the liver, tumor invading neighboring tissues and organs, or tumor-causing bowel obstruction.
How common are carcinoid tumors and carcinoid syndrome?
The carcinoid syndrome is very rare. This is because many carcinoid tumors are non-secretory — that is, they do not produce the hormones responsible for the carcinoid syndrome. Another reason that the syndrome is rare is that the chemicals released by carcinoid tumors, particularly from tumors within the abdomen, often are destroyed by the liver before they reach the general circulation to cause symptoms. For example, the chemicals produced by small intestinal carcinoid tumors are released into the portal vein. The portal vein blood passes through the liver before reaching the heart and the general circulation. As the portal vein blood passes through the liver, the hormones are inactivated or destroyed by the liver.
Only those carcinoid tumors that can release these substances directly into the general circulation and not into the portal veins can produce the carcinoid syndrome. Thus, the most common cause of carcinoid syndrome is small intestinal carcinoid tumors that have metastasized to the liver. The metastases in the liver can release the chemicals directly into the circulation.
Another rare example is carcinoid tumors of the bronchial airways. Carcinoid tumors in the bronchial airways can release their vasoactive amines directly into the general circulation via the pulmonary veins without passing through the liver.
Where do carcinoid tumors occur?
Carcinoid tumors can be found wherever there are enterochromaffin cells, essentially, throughout the body. The majority (65%) of carcinoid tumors are found in the gastrointestinal tract. The origin of gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors is most commonly the small intestine, appendix, and rectum. Less common origins are the stomach and colon; and the least common origins are the pancreas, gallbladder, and liver (though carcinoid tumors in the liver usually are metastasis from elsewhere).
Approximately 25% of carcinoid tumors are found in the bronchial airways and the lung. The remaining 10% can be found almost anywhere. In some cases, doctors cannot locate the site of origin of the carcinoid tumors, though they know by the symptoms of the carcinoid syndrome that they are present.
Small intestinal carcinoid tumors
In general, small intestinal tumors (whether benign or cancerous, adenocarcinomas or carcinoids) are rare and are most commonly found in the ileum. Small intestinal carcinoid tumors typically produce no symptoms or produce only vague abdominal pain. Therefore, it is difficult to detect carcinoid tumors of the small intestine early, while they still can be completely removed and cured. Typically, small intestinal carcinoid tumors are diagnosed late, often years after the onset of symptoms and usually after local and distant metastases already are present.
Approximately 10% of small intestinal carcinoids cause carcinoid syndrome which usually means that the tumor is malignant and has spread to the liver.
Small intestinal carcinoid tumors often obstruct the small intestine when they reach a large size. Obstruction can be caused by two different mechanisms. The first mechanism is by enlargement and growth of the tumor into the lumen (channel) within the small intestine. The second mechanism is by kinking of the small intestine due to fibrosing mesenteritis (extensive scarring occurs in the tissue surrounding the small intestine). Fibrosing mesenteritis sometimes obstructs the arteries supplying blood to the intestines, resulting in gangrene.
Appendiceal carcinoid tumors
Carcinoid tumors are the most common tumor of the appendix, comprising approximately half of all appendiceal tumors, carcinoid tumors are found in 0.3% of resected appendices, but most of them are smaller than 1 cm and do not cause symptoms. Appendiceal carcinoid tumors larger than 2 cm at the time of diagnosis have approximately a 30% chance of being malignant and having local metastases. Thus, larger appendiceal carcinoid tumors need more extensive surgery such as removal of the right colon rather than a simple appendectomy. Carcinoid tumors limited to the appendix, even metastatic to local tissues, usually do not cause the carcinoid syndrome.
Rectal carcinoid tumors
Rectal carcinoid tumors are often discovered incidentally at the time of flexible sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy. Carcinoid syndrome is rare with rectal carcinoid tumors. The probability of having metastases (malignant carcinoid) correlates with the size of the tumor; those larger than 2 cm have a 60%-80% chance of having metastases, and smaller than 1 cm have less than a 2 % chance of having metastases. Therefore, small rectal carcinoid tumors usually can be successfully removed by simple excision, but the larger tumors (larger than 2 cm) need more extensive surgery that may involve the removal of part of the rectum.
Gastric (stomach) carcinoid tumors
There are three types of gastric (stomach) carcinoid tumors:
Type I gastric carcinoid tumors
They are typically smaller than 1 cm and usually are benign. There can be multiple tumors scattered throughout the body of the stomach. They typically develop in patients with pernicious anemia or chronic atrophic gastritis, conditions in which the stomach stops producing acid. The lack of acid causes the cells in the stomach that produce the hormone gastrin to secrete large amounts of gastrin into the blood. (Gastrin is a hormone normally produced by the body to stimulate stomach acid. The acid in the stomach shuts off the production of gastrin, the lack of acid results in the production of increasing amounts of gastrin. Gastrin, in addition to stimulating acid, also stimulates the growth of enterochromaffin cells in the stomach into benign carcinoid tumors.
Type II gastric carcinoid tumors
Type II gastric carcinoid tumors are extremely rare and are very slow growing with a low probability of becoming malignant. They occur in patients with a rare genetic disorder called MEN (multiple endocrine neoplasia) type I. These patients have tumors in other endocrine glands such as the pituitary gland, parathyroid gland, and pancreas.
Type III gastric carcinoid tumors
Type III gastric carcinoid tumor tend to be larger than 3 cm and tend to be sporadic (occurring one or two at a time) in the otherwise normal stomach (without the presence of pernicious anemia or chronic atrophic gastritis), they usually are malignant and tend to invade deep into the stomach wall and metastasize. Type III tumors can cause local symptoms of abdominal pain and bleeding, as well as symptoms due to carcinoid syndrome. Type III gastric carcinoids usually require surgical removal of the stomach as well as the surrounding lymph nodes.
Colonic carcinoid tumors
Colonic carcinoid tumors typically occur in the right colon (ascending colon and right half of the transverse colon). Like small bowel carcinoid tumors, colonic carcinoid tumors are often discovered late. Thus, the average size of the tumors at the time of diagnosis is 5 cm, and metastases are present in two-thirds of patients. Carcinoid syndrome is rare with colonic carcinoid tumors.
There are several aspects to the diagnosis of carcinoid tumors:
- Diagnosing the primary carcinoid tumor (the original tumor)
- Diagnosing the carcinoid syndrome
- Diagnosing local tumor metastasis (such as in the lymph nodes adjacent to the primary tumor) and distant metastasis (such as in the liver, bone, and skin)
Diagnosis of carcinoid tumors
In clinical practice, the diagnosis of carcinoid tumor is most commonly made incidentally when tests and procedures are performed for other purposes. If these incidentally found carcinoid tumors are less than 1 cm in size, the prognosis is good because most of them have not metastasized.
Small intestinal barium study
Finding the primary small bowel carcinoid tumors early before they become malignant and metastasize is difficult. Small bowel tumors (carcinoid tumors included) are difficult to diagnose because the traditional small intestinal barium X-rays usually are not accurate in detecting small intestinal tumors that are not yet obstructing the intestine. Furthermore, most of the small intestine cannot be reached by either the upper endoscope or the colonoscope. Therefore, small intestinal carcinoid tumors are often diagnosed late, often after liver metastases or carcinoid syndrome has occurred.
The diagnosis of small intestinal tumors becomes easier when tumors cause small bowel obstruction either by their large size or by causing scarring around the intestine (fibrosing mesenteritis) which leads to kinking of the small intestine. Simple x-rays of the abdomen and barium small intestinal studies both can demonstrate small intestinal obstruction, and computerized axial tomography CT scan of the abdomen can demonstrate the extensive scarring of fibrosing mesenteritis. Sometimes, the carcinoid tumor is found at the time of surgery performed to relieve the small intestinal obstruction.
Capsule enteroscopy
Capsule enteroscopy is a small capsule that contains a camera and a source of light. Thousands of images are obtained by the capsule as it tumbles through the small intestinal, and these images are transmitted to a receiver worn around a patient’s waist.
Sometimes the primary carcinoid tumors of the small intestine or colon can be diagnosed by nuclear medicine octreotide scanning or by CAT scan of the abdomen, but more commonly, these scans are more useful in detecting metastases from carcinoid tumors.
Diagnosis of carcinoid syndrome
One way to diagnose carcinoid tumors is by diagnosing the carcinoid syndrome first, and then by searching for the primary carcinoid tumor and its metastases. In patients with episodic attacks of flushing, diarrhea, and sometimes wheezing, the diagnosis of carcinoid syndrome can be confirmed by measuring the excretion of 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid (5-HIAA) in urine collected over a 24 hour period.
Urine for 5-HIAA. In normal, healthy individuals, a majority of the amino acid tryptophan from the diet is converted in the body to nicotinic acid. Carcinoid tumors that cause carcinoid syndrome, convert most of the tryptophan to serotonin and 5-HIAA. Normal individuals typically excrete less than 8 mg of 5-HIAA in 24 hours. Patients with carcinoid syndrome can excrete between 100-2000 mg of 5-HIAA in 24 hours. When the urine samples are properly collected and tests properly performed, abnormally elevated urinary 5-HIAA provides an accurate diagnosis of carcinoid syndrome and should prompt efforts to search for the carcinoid tumors and their metastases.
Certain foods and medications can interfere with the accuracy of measurements of 5-HIAA in the urine by either falsely increasing or decreasing the 5-HIAA values. These medications and foods should be avoided for 2 days before and the day of urine collection.
Foods that falsely elevate 5-HIAA values include avocados, pineapples, bananas, kiwi, plums, eggplant, walnuts, hickory nuts, and pecans.
Medications that falsely elevate 5-HIAA values include acetaminophen, Robitussin, Phenobarbital, Ephedrine, Nicotine, fluorouracil, and mesalamine.
Medications that can falsely lower 5-HIAA values include aspirin, heparin, alcohol, methyldopa, imipramine, isoniazid, levodopa, phenothiazines, and MAO inhibitors.
Chromogranin A. Chromogranin A is a protein produced by carcinoid tumors. It is not as widely used as urinary 5-HIAA for diagnosing carcinoid syndrome, but it is used by doctors for predicting prognosis. Thus, the blood levels of chromogranin A correlates with the amount of tumor in the body (also known as the tumor burden). Patients with very high chromogranin A levels have worse survival than those with lower levels.
Diagnosing carcinoid tumor metastasis
CT and MRI scans. CT and MRI scans are commonly used in the evaluation of abdominal pain, weight loss, abnormal liver tests, and other symptoms. When liver tumors or abnormal lymph nodes are found on these scans. Unfortunately, tumors found by CT and MRI scans often represent metastases, with liver metastases being the most common. CT and MRI scans are not useful for detecting the primary carcinoid tumors in the small intestine or the colon when they are still small and resectable.
Indium 111 octreotide scans. The cells of approximately 90% of carcinoid tumors have membranes covered with receptors for a hormone called somatostatin. Somatostatin binds to these receptors. Octreotide is a chemical made to resemble somatostatin, and therefore also binds to the receptors. When radioactive indium 111-labeled octreotide is injected into a patient’s vein, the radioactive octreotide will bind to the membrane of carcinoid tumors. When the patient is placed under a nuclear camera, the carcinoid tumors will appear as bright spots on the scan. This octreotide scan is more accurate than CT and MRI scans in detecting liver and other metastases of carcinoid tumors and detecting primary carcinoid tumors. Sometimes, additional carcinoid tumors are found in the liver and lymph nodes with the octreotide scan that is not seen on the CT scan.
Indium111-octreotide scans have limitations. The rate of detection of primary carcinoid tumors by the octreotide scan is still only 60%. Scans usually cannot detect primary carcinoid tumors smaller than 1 cm. Scans also cannot detect carcinoid tumors that do not have somatostatin receptors or have receptors that do not bind octreotide. There are two other nuclear scans (PET scans and radioactive MIBG scan) that can be used in conjunction with the octreotide scan that may improve accuracy, but experience with these two scans is limited.
In practice, CT, MRI, and octreotide scans often are used in combination to detect carcinoid tumors, often with accuracy rates approaching 90%. Accurately identifying all of the sites of the carcinoid tumor has important implications for treatment. For example, if only liver metastases are found, the patient potentially can be treated by surgical resection of both the primary tumor and the liver metastasis. If carcinoid tumor metastases are found in the liver as well as other organs, then the patient will not be a good surgical candidate.
Bone scan. In approximately 10% of patients with carcinoid tumors, the tumor metastasizes to the bones and can cause bone pain. Bone scans using radioactive phosphate are accurate for detecting these bony metastases.
Allopathic treatment for carcinoid tumors and carcinoid syndrome
There are many options for the treatment of carcinoid tumors:
- Observation.
- Surgery.
- Cryotherapy, radiofrequency ablation, hepatic artery embolization.
- Interferon and chemotherapy.
- Radiation therapy.
- Medications for the control of the carcinoid syndrome.
Since carcinoid tumors vary widely in their size, malignant potential, prognosis, the extent of metastasis, and symptoms, treatment should be customized for each individual. Because the carcinoid syndrome and metastatic carcinoid tumors are rare and their treatments are complex, most patients should be treated by a team of doctors–gastroenterologists, oncologists, radiologists, cardiologists, and surgeons.
Some patients with unresectable carcinoid tumors may have neither local symptoms nor the carcinoid syndrome. These patients can be observed without surgery or medications because carcinoid tumors are slow-growing, and the patients may not develop symptoms for a prolonged period of time.
Surgery is used for – 1) curative resection, 2) relief of symptoms such as small intestinal obstruction or intestinal bleeding, and 3) reducing the size of tumors that are not completely resectable, a process called tumor debulking, to decrease the tumor burden and decrease the amount of hormone produced by the tumors.
Small rectal carcinoid tumors usually are benign and often can be completely excised. Type 1 gastric carcinoid tumors also usually are benign and often can be removed. Small appendiceal carcinoid tumors usually are removed at the time of appendectomy.
Carcinoid tumors of the small intestine and the colon often are large and have already metastasized at the time of diagnosis. Most patients with metastases are not candidates for a surgery because surgery cannot completely remove the entire tumor. Occasionally, a patient may have a solitary metastasis confined to a portion of the liver. Such patients can be operated with surgical resection of the primary tumor and resection of that part of the liver containing the tumor (partial hepatectomy). There are a limited number of patients with multiple metastases that are confined to the liver. Partial hepatectomy cannot be performed in these patients because of the multiple locations of the tumors. A very small number of these patients have been treated successfully with liver transplantation.
Cryotherapy, radiofrequency ablation, hepatic artery embolization
Cryotherapy, radiofrequency ablation, and hepatic artery embolization all are techniques for debulking unresectable tumors (mainly liver metastasis) to decrease tumor burden and to treat the carcinoid syndrome. Effective debulking can improve the carcinoid syndrome and also prolong survival. Probes that freeze (cryotherapy) or deliver radiofrequency waves (RF ablation) can be inserted into the liver to debulk the liver of metastases from carcinoid tumors. Hepatic artery embolization involves blocking the arterial blood supply to carcinoid tumors (using oil-gelatin sponge particles) in the liver followed by chemotherapy to debulk the remaining liver tumors. Alternatively, radioactive microspheres can be injected into hepatic arteries to destroy liver tumors.
Interferon and chemotherapy
Interferon inhibits the replication of some viruses and the growth of some tumors. Interferon has been used to treat patients with chronic hepatitis B and C. Interferon also arrests the growth of carcinoid tumors in some patients but has significant side effects.
Chemotherapy has been used alone or in combinations with other therapies to treat carcinoid tumors with metastases. The agents used include 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), cyclophosphamide, streptozotocin, and doxorubicin. The tumors do not frequently respond to treatment, and the duration of response usually is only a few months. The side effects and toxicity of chemotherapy are very high.
Radiation therapy
External radiation has been used to alleviate pain due to the presence of metastases from carcinoid tumors in the spine. It also may reduce the size of the tumor in the spine. External radiation usually is not effective in treating tumors within the liver. Radioactive isotopes have also been used to palliatively treat metastatic carcinoid tumors with very limited benefit reported.
Allopathic medications for the control of the carcinoid syndrome
The most important treatment modality for carcinoid syndrome is octreotide, a synthetic hormone similar in structure to the naturally occurring hormone, somatostatin. Somatostatin is widely distributed in the body where it can inhibit the secretion of many other hormones including growth hormone, insulin, and gastrin. It exerts its action by binding to specific receptors on the membranes of cells that produce and release hormones and chemical substances.
Octreotide, like somatostatin, binds to receptors on the cells of carcinoid tumors and inhibits the manufacture and release of tumor hormones. Octreotide is very effective in controlling the symptoms of flushing and diarrhea that are part of the carcinoid syndrome, has been found to reduce the excretion of 5-HIAA in some patients, has been found to slow the growth of carcinoid tumors, and, in a few patients, even reduce the size of the tumors and their metastases. Treatment with octreotide before surgery is important to prevent life-threatening carcinoid crises in patients with carcinoid syndrome undergoing surgery.
Octreotide’s side effects include nausea, headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, elevated blood sugar levels, and gallstones. The major drawback of octreotide is the need to inject it under the skin three times daily. Other longer-acting synthetic hormones resembling somatostatin (for example, lanreotide) can be given intramuscularly every 2 to 4 weeks.
Patients with carcinoid syndrome should take vitamin supplements, especially nicotinic acid since carcinoid tumors can cause a deficiency of nicotinic acid. In some patients, diarrhea caused by the carcinoid syndrome may respond to Imodium, Lomotil, ondansetron, or cyproheptadine.
Patients also should avoid alcohol, spicy foods, physical stress, and ephedrine-containing medications such as nasal decongestants to avoid the precipitation of carcinoid syndrome by the release of hormones and chemical substances from the tumor. Patients with chronic diarrhea should take minerals supplements as well as vitamins since any cause of chronic diarrhea can lead to deficiencies of minerals.
Prognosis and survival rate
A patient may be cured if a primary carcinoid tumor is discovered without carcinoid syndrome and is completely removed surgically. On rare occasions, a bronchial carcinoid may be found to be causing carcinoid syndrome without metastases being present. Removal of a bronchial carcinoid tumor can be curative, even if carcinoid syndrome is present.
A patient with the carcinoid syndrome and a primary carcinoid tumor which arose in the gastrointestinal tract has metastatic disease and is generally incurable with allopathy, the clinical course of the disease is slow and indolent.
Homeopathic treatment for almost all types of Cancers
The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat any type of cancer and their symptoms but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility.
As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several well-proved medicines are available for treatment of different types of cancers that can be selected on the basis of cause, condition, sensation, extension, location and modalities of the complaints.
That’s why for individualized medicine selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person.
Exposure to any type of radiation is not an option, said Dr Qaisar Ahmed (MD, DHMS). I categorically reject radiation for living things.
Homeopathy is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of Homeopathy is not only to treat cancer but to address its underlying cause(s) and individual susceptibility.
Here are few Homeopathic medicines for almost all types of cancers: ♠
Plumbum Metallicum
Amaurosis. Anemia. Aneurysm. Anhidrosis. Asthma. Dropsy. Dysmenorrhea. Dysuria. Emaciation. Epilepsy. Epulis. Ganglion. Hemoptysis. Hemorrhoids. Hernia – strangulated. Hyperesthesia. Hypopyon (accumulation of WBC in eyes). Ichthyosis. Intestinal obstruction. Intussusception. Jaundice. Kidney’s affections; granular kidneys. Liver affections. Metrorrhagia. Myelitis. Esophageal stricture. Paralysis – diphtheritic; agitans. Perichondritis. Proctalgia. Progressive muscular atrophy. Prolapsus ani. Colon or Colorectal cancer. Spleen – affections. Stricture. Tabes mesenterica. Tobacco habit and related diseases. Tongue cancer – paralysis. Typhlitis. Vagainal tumor, cancers. Vaginismus. Varicose.
Baryta Carbonica
Aneurysm. Apoplexy. Atrophy. Baldness. Cysts. Foot-sweat. Glandular swellings. Hemorrhoids. Colon or Colorectal cancer. Esophageal spasm. Panaras. Parotitis. Prostate cancer. Quinsy. Tumors. Warts. Wens.
Thuja Occidentalis
Abdomen distended, tumors. Anal fistula; fissure. Cancer. Catalepsy. Constipation. Coxalgia. Diarrhea. Colon or Colorectal cancer. Dyspareunia. Dysmenorrhea. Ear polypus. Enuresis. Epulis. Eyes tumors; granular eye inflammation. Fatty tumors. Feet fetid. Flatus – incarcerated. Hemorrhoids. Hernia. Herpes zoster. Ichthyosis. Intussusception. Ovarian pain, tumors. Ozaena. Neuralgia. Nose – chronic catarrh; nasal polypus. Paralysis. Pemphigus. Polypus. Post-nasal catarrh. Prostate cancer. Ptosis. Ranula. Tea, coffee side effects. Tongue ulcers, tumors; tongue biting. Tumors. Warts.
Cancer. Chancroids. Asthma. Catarrh. Chancroids. Constipation. Dyspepsia. Eczema impetiginized. Ears affections. Fistula. Gastric catarrh. Hemorrhoids. Jaundice. Leucorrhea. Lip cancer. Liver affections. Colon or Colorectal cancer. Lumbago. Menorrhagia. Metrorrhagia. Rectum affections. Stomach affections. Taste of mouth disordered. Tongue affections. Ulcers. Uterus affections.
Calcarea Carbonica
Abdomen abnormally large. Alcohol effects. Anemia. Appetite depraved. Breasts painful. Bronchial glands affections. Cancers. Caries. Debility. Delirium tremens. Dentition. Diarrhea. Dropsy. Dyspepsia. Fistula. Gallstones. Glandular swellings. Gleet. Goiter. Hernia. Herpes. Lactation defective. Leucocythemia. Leucorrhea. Lupus. PCOS. Milk-fever. Miller’s phthisis. Peritonitis. Perspiration. Plethora. Polyps. Colon or Colorectal cancer. Prosoplasia. Psoriasis palmaris. Taste disordered. Trachea affections. Tumors. Warts.
Argentum Nitricum
Acidity. Addison’s disease. Anemia. Chancre. Dyspepsia. Epilepsy. Eructation. Erysipelas. Eyes affections. Flatulence. Gastric ulcer. Colon or Colorectal cancer. Gonorrhea. Hands swelling. Headache. Heartburn. Impetigo. Locomotor ataxy. Neuralgia. Ophthalmia neonatorum. Paralysis. Prostate, enlargement of. Scarlatina. Smallpox. Spinal irritation. Syphilis. Taste – altered. Throat affections. Tongue ulcerated. Warts. Zona.
Cicuta Virosa
Cancer. Catalepsy. Bladder, paralysis of. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Coccygodynia. Concussions. Convulsions. Eczema. Epilepsy. Epithelioma. Eyes inflammation. Facial eruption. Hiccough. Hysteria. Impetigo. Meningitis. Myelitis. Numbness. Esophageal stricture.
Abscess. Acne. Amaurosis. Apoplexy. Bladder weakness. Boils. Colic. Constipation. Convulsions. Diarrhea. Dysentery. Colon or Colorectal cancer. Glandular swellings. Goiter. Hemorrhoids. Hyperemia. Malignant pustule. Menstruation. Mouth affections. Nymphomania. Para metritis. Perichondritis. Peri metritis. Peritonitis. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Smell disordered. Strangury. Taste disordered. Tenesmus. Testicles affections. Thirst. Throat chronic infections. Tongue affections. Uterine affections. Vaccinia.
Conium Maculatum
Asthma. Bladder inflammation. Breast affections; breasts painful. Cancer. Dysmenia (membranous). Herpes. Hypochondriasis. Jaundice. Liver – enlarged. Melancholia. Colon or Colorectal cancer. Menstruation disorders. Ovaries affections. Peritonitis. Phthisis. Painful breasts. Prostatitis. Ptosis. Stomach, affections. Tumors. Ulcers. Vertigo. Vision disordered.
Kalium Iodatum
Actinomycosis. Aneurysm. Anhidrosis. Cancer. Caries. Cold. Condylomas. Consumption/Tuberculosis. Eyes affections; cysts on lids. Fibroma. Glandular swellings. Hemorrhages. Intra-menstrual hemorrhage. Laryngitis. Liver diseases. Colon or Colorectal cancer. Lumbago. Lungs hepatization; Lung’s oedema. Menstruation disorders. Neuralgia. Nodes. Abnormal odor of body. Edema glottidis. Pancreatitis. Prostate diseases. Spleen. Syphilis. Tic-douloureux. Tongue neuralgia. Tumors. Ulcers.
Arsenicum Bromatum
Glandular tumors and indurations, carcinoma, locomotor ataxia.
Hydrastis Canadensis
Alcoholism. Asthma. Cancer. Catarrh. Chancroids. Constipation. Corns. Dyspepsia. Eczema impetiginized. Faintness. Fistula. Gastric catarrh. Gonorrhea. Hemorrhoids. Jaundice. Leucorrhea. Lip cancer. Liver affections. Colon or Colorectal cancer. Lumbago. Lupus. Menorrhagia. Metrorrhagia. Mouth sore. Nipples, sore, nursing-women’s sore mouth. Rectum affections. Stomach affections. Syphilis. Taste – disordered. Deafness along with throat infection. Tongue affections. Ulcers. Uterus affections.
Arsenicum Album
Abscess. Alcoholism. Amenorrhea. Anemia. Aphthae. Asthma. Atrophy. Caecum affections. Cancer. Cancrum oris. Colon or Colorectal cancer. Chronic diarrhea. Diphtheria. Dropsy. Duodenum. Dyspepsia. Fainting. Fever. Gangrene. Gastric ulcer. Gastritis. Gastrodynia. Glandular swellings. Herpes zoster. Hodgkin’s disease. Hypochondriasis. Ichthyosis. Indigestion. Irritation. Jaundice.
Kidney diseases. Leucorrhea. Lichen. Lips eruption (around); Lips epithelioma. Menstruation disorders. Miliary eruptions. Morphea. Myelitis. Nails diseased. Peritonitis. Peri typhlitis. Pityriasis. Plethora. Stomach affections. Strains. Suppuration. Thirst. Throat all-time sore. Tobacco habit – diseases. Tongue affections. Trachea affections. Traumatic fever. Typhus. Ulcers. Vomiting.
Chelidonium Majus
Antrum of Highmore, inflammation of. Cancer. Chest affections. Constipation. Diarrhea. Dyspepsia. Gallstones. Hemorrhoids. Jaundice. Lachrymal fistula. Laryngismus. Liver affections. Nephritis. Neuralgia. Taste altered. Tumors. Warts.
Berberis Vulgaris
Biliary colic. Bilious attack. Bladder affections. Calculus. Duodenum – catarrh. Dysmenorrhea. Fevers. Fistula. Gallstones. Gravel. Herpes. Irritation. Jaundice. Joint affections. Leucorrhea. Liver disorder. Lumbago. Ophthalmia. Oxaluria. Renal colic. Polypus. Spleen affections. Tumors. Urine disorders. Vaginismus. Cancer.
Alopecia areata. Amaurosis. Amblyopia. Anemia, acute pernicious. Anal fissure. Antrum disease. Arteries disease. Asthma. Breast abscess, fistulas. Cancer; bone cancer. Cataract. Intestinal catarrh. Constipation. Diarrhea. Dropsy. Fainting. Fatty degeneration. Fistula. Colon or Colorectal cancer. Flatulence. Fungus hematodes. Gastritis. Hemoglobinuria. Hemorrhagic diathesis. Jaundice – malignancy; due to pregnancy; due to anemia. Liver diseases; acute yellow liver atrophy.
Lumps – hemorrhages, edema, paralysis. Marasmus. Menorrhagia. Nipples sore. Nosal, bleeding. Numbness. Nymphomania. Changed odor of body. Esophageal pain. Ozaena. Pancreatic disorders of. Periostitis. Perspiration, abnormal. Petit mal. Progressive muscular atrophy. Pruritus ani. Psoriasis. Puerperal convulsions. Purpura. Pylorus thickening.
Spleen enlargement. Sprains. Stammering or Stuttering. Throat mucus. Tobacco habit related diseases. Trachea tickling. Tuberculosis. Tumors – erectile, polypoid, cancerous. Ulcers. Urethral stricture. Vaccinia. Variola. Loss of voice. Yellow fever.
Fagonia Arabica or Dhamasa (Cretica)
Inflammation and wound healing tissue scarring and accumulation of extracellular matrix properties, it repairs, and regeneration of injured tissue occur via apoptotic and regenerative mechanisms. In liver cirrhosis, results of certain clinical trials are not so good, but it helps greatly in liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. In liver cancer stages Fegonia Arabica (Cretica) gives wonderful results. Colon or Colorectal cancer.
It is the best blood purifier and decomposes blood clots, treat all types of Cancers and Thalassemia. Treats all types of Hepatitis. Strengthens liver and prevents/cures liver cancer. vomiting, thirst and burning sensation in abdomen.
Mercurius Solubilis and Mercurius Vivid
Abscess. Anemia. Aphthae. Appendicitis. Breath offensive. Oral cancer. Catarrh. Chancre. Diarrhea – chronic. Dysentery. Dyspepsia. Colon or Colorectal cancer. Ecthyma. Eczema. Emaciation. Excoriation. Fainting. Fevers. Fissures. Glandular swellings. Gumboil, unhealthy. Herpes. Jaundice. Joints affections. Leucorrhea in any age. Liver affections. Lumbago. Mollities ossium. Mucous patches. Oduor of body offensive.
Ovaries affections. Pancreatitis. Para metritis. Parotitis. Peritonitis. Perspiration abnormal. Phimosis. Prostate diseases. Purpura. Pyemia. Ranula. Salivation. Stomatitis. Taste disorders. Teeth affections. Throat related deafness. Throat chronic soreness. Tongue affections: tongue mapped. Tremors. Typhus fever. Ulcers. Vaccination side effects. Vomiting.
For cancer of the liver. Obstinate hepatic engorgements. Burning pain inside; on walking holds his hand on side, hurts him so. Opacities of the vitreous. Jaundice; gallstones. Cholestenone is the physiological opponent of Lecithin. Both seem to play some unknown part in the growth of tumors. Gallstones and insomnia.
Abscesses. Bed-sores. Boils. Cancer. Carbuncles. Caries. Catarrh, chronic. Colds, chronic. Diphtheria. Elephantiasis. Erysipelas. Glanders. Glands, inflamed. Hip-disease. Liver, enlarged. Lupus excedens. Edema. Ozaena. Parotitis. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Phlegmon. Pustules. Putrid fever. Pyemia. Scrofula. Ulcers.
Calceria Arsenicosa
Acidity. Albuminuria. Asthma. Cholera. Cirrhosis of liver. Constipation. Consumption. Corpulence. Dropsy. Embolus. Gastric ulcer. Headache. Indigestion. Liver affections. Obesity. Palpitation. Pancreatic cancer. Tumors.
Conium Maculatum
Asthma. Bladder inflammation. Breast affections; breasts painful. Bronchitis. Bruises. Cancer. Cataract. Chorea. Cough. Depression of spirits. Diphtheritic paralysis. Dysmenia (membranous). Erysipelas. Eyes affections. Galactorrhea. Herpes. Hypochondriasis. Jaundice. Liver enlarged. Melancholia. Menstruation, disordered. Numbness. Ovaries affections. Paralysis; Landry’s. Peritonitis. Phthisis. Pregnancy, painful breasts during. Prostatitis. Ptoses. Scrofula. Spermatorrhea. Sterility. Stomach affections. Testicles affections. Tetters. Trismus. Tumors. Ulcers. Vertigo. Vision, disordered. Wens.
Breast, cancer of. Cancer. Cancerous diathesis. Glands, enlarged. Hemorrhages. Varicose. Worms.
Cinnamomum Ceylanicum
Cancer where pain and fetor are present. Best when skin is intact. Its use in hemorrhages has abundant clinical verification. Nosebleed. Hemorrhages from bowels, hemoptysis, etc. A strain in loins or false step brings on a profuse flow of bright blood. Postpartum hemorrhage. Flatulence and diarrhea. Feeble patients with languid circulation.
Crotalus Horridus
Bilious fever. Boils. Cancers. Carbuncles. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Chancre. Eructation, sharp, sour, rancid. Nausea on movement, bilious vomiting. Dark green vomiting immediately on lying on right side or back. Liver disorders. Black vomit. Colon or Colorectal cancer. Frequent faint sinking, hungry sensation about epigastrium with trembling and fluttering sensation lower down, Stitches in region of liver on drawing a long breath. Jaundice; malignant jaundice with hemorrhage. Stools: black, thin, like coffee-grounds, offensive; dark green, followed by debility; yellow, watery with stinging in abdomen. Intestinal hemorrhage.
Cancer. Flatulence. Gastric ulcer. Stomach, ulceration.
Appis Melifestida
Abscess. Ankles, swelling of. Apoplexy. Asthma. Bladder, affections of. Carbuncle. Cancer. Vomiting of bile. Vomiting, with inflammation of the stomach. Vomiting, with diarrhea. Burning heat in the stomach. Great soreness in pit of stomach when touched. Violent pain and sensitiveness in region of stomach. Ascites and anasarca. Constipation or Diarrhea – copious, blackish-brown, green, or whitish; orange-colored; greenish, yellow mucus; yellow watery; soft and pappy, mixed with serum; thin yellow; of infants. Diarrhea. Diphtheria. Dissection wounds. Dropsy. Ear erysipelas. Erysipelas. Erythema nodosum. Eyes affections; optic neuritis. Feet burning. Gangrene. Gout. Hands, swelling of. Heart affections. Heat-spots.
Hydrocephalus. Hydrothorax. Injuries. Intermittent fever. Irritation. Joints synovitis. Bright’s disease. Labia inflammation. Laryngitis. Lichen. Meningitis. Menstruation, derangements of. Nettle-rash. Nosal redness. Ovaries pain; inflammation; tumors. Pancreatitis. Pannus. Peritonitis. Phlebitis. Pleurisy. Prostatitis. Open non healing wounds. Red gum. Rheumatism. Scarlatina. Self-abuse. Suppressed eruptions effects. Sycosis. Syphilis. Throat chronic sore. Tongue edema; ulceration. Tracheal irritation. Tumors. Typhus. Urethritis. Urine abnormalities. Vaccination. Varicose veins. Variola. Wounds.
Cancer. Carbuncle. Change of life. Cholera infantum. Coccygodynia. Congenital syphilis. Constipation. Consumption. Dentition. Pains generally shooting, or tensive, or pressive, with swelling and induration of the hepatic region. Stinging pain in the liver, Shooting and pressing pains in hepatic region. Sensation of fullness, and pain as from contusion, in liver. Colon or Colorectal cancer. Pressure in region of spleen; the spot is painful to external pressure, diarrhea, or watery stools, papescent; dark brown; watery, putrid, containing undigested food; greyish or white; chipped, very fetid; frequent, greenish, watery; cadaverous smelling. Ineffectual painful urging. Ear affections. Enuresis. Epithelioma.
Eructation. Eruptions. Flushing. Gastro Malachia. Glossitis. Hemorrhages. Hemorrhagic diathesis. Herpes. Hysterical vomiting. Irritation. Leucorrhea. Lips epithelioma. Lupus. Menstruation disorders. Neuralgia. Ovary affections. Prostate irritation. Pregnancy vomiting. Pustules. Rheumatism. Seasickness. Stomach affections. Syphilis. Syphilitic deafness. Teeth caries. Toothache. Ulcers. Urine incontinence. Uterus affections. Vomiting. Whooping-cough. Yawning.
Conium Maculatum
Conium maculatum is a excellent medicine for breast cancer where mammary glands are hard and sore. A typical breast cancer that is scirrhous adenocarcinomas, which begins in the ducts and invades the parenchyma. Sometimes the condition is associated with the inflammation of breast tissue.
The region is hard and nodular, tender to touch. Piercing pains, worse at night. Burning and stinging type of pain in the breast. The skin over the tumor is adherent.
Occasionally there is discharge of pus from nipple. The lesion is hard, almost cartilaginous. The edges are distinct serrated and irregular, associated with productive fibrosis. the breasts are painful even to the touch of the clothes or the jar of walking. Cancer after injury (like a blow) or trauma to breast.
Hydrastis canadensis
Indurated glands. Swelling of the mammary glands. Alcoholism. Asthma. Cancer. Catarrh. Chancroids. Constipation. Corns. Dyspepsia. Eczema impetiginized. Ears affections. Faintness. Fistula. Gastric catarrh. Gonorrhea. Hemorrhoids. Jaundice. Leucorrhea. Lip cancer. Liver affections. Lumbago. Lupus. Menorrhagia. Metrorrhagia. Mouth sore. Nails affections. Nipple’s sore. Noises in the head. Nursing-women sore mouth. Ozaena. Placenta adherent. Post-nasal catarrh. Rectum affections. Sciatica. Seborrhea. Stomach affections. Syphilis. Taste disorders. Throat related deafness. Throat chronic infections. Tongue affections. Typhus. Ulcers. Uterus affections.
Appetite disordered. Atrophy. Brain atrophy. Breasts affections. Cancer. Chilblains. Chyluria. Constipation. Consumption. Coryza. Cough. Croup. Debility. Diabetes. Diarrhea. Colon or Colorectal cancer. Diphtheria. Emaciation. Enteric fever. Galactorrhea. Goiter Hemorrhoids. Headaches. Heart hypertrophy; affections. Hiccough. Hydrocephalus. Iritis. Jaundice. Joints affections. Lactation disorders. Laryngitis Leucorrhea. Liver affections. Lymphatic swellings. Melancholia. Mollities ossium. Ovaries affections; ovarian dropsy. Ozaena. Prostate gland, enlarged. Rheumatic gout. Rheumatism. Salivation. Scars. Seborrhea. Sterility. Syphilis. Tabes mesenterica. Throat affections. Uterus affections. Voice, affections of. Vomiting. Worms.
Albuminuria. Angina pectoris, Anal fissure. Asthma. Barber’s itch. Boils. Bone diseases; Bone tumours. Breasts affections. Cancer. Cholera. Cicatrix. Ciliary neuralgia. Constipation. Corpulence. Cough. Chronic diarrhoea. Diphtheria. Diplopia. Dysentery. Dysmenia. Ears affections. Erythema nodosum. Eustachian tubes affections. Glands enlarged. Gleet. Glossitis. Gonorrhoea. Gout. Granular conjunctivitis. Haemorrhoids. Headache. Hearing altered. Heart affections; hypertrophy; fatty. Impotence. Influenza. Intestinal catarrh. Itch. Lactation, abnormal. Laryngismus. Leucorrhea. Lichen. Liver affections. Lumbago. Lupus. Mouth ulcers. Mumps. Neuralgia. Nipples – sore and painful. Nursing painful. Orchitis. Ozaena. Pan ophthalmitis. Paralysis, diphtheritic. Parotitis. Prostate affections. Rectal cancer. Respiration abnormal. Rheumatism; syphilitic; gonorrheal. Ringworm. Rodent ulcer. Salivation. Sciatica. Sewer-gas poisoning. Spinal irritation. Spleen, pain in. Stiff neck. Syphilis. Syphilitic eruptions. Tetanus. Throat, sore; diphtheritic; herpetic; granular. Toothache. Tumors. Ulcers. Uterus, affections of. Warts. Wens.
Calcarea fluor
Calcarea Fluor corresponds to hard indurated swellings in the breast. Fibroadenomas as well as breast cancer. Adenoids. Aneurysm. Bone affections. Breast indurations. Cataract. Catarrh. Cold sores. Corneal opacities. Cough. Exostosis. Flatulence. Glands indurated. Hemoptysis. Herpes. Hodgkin’s disease. Joints cracking. Liver affections. Lumbago. Nodes. Ozaena. Parturition. Postnasal catarrh. Strains. Syphilis.
P. S: This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy, for learning purpose(s).
For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.
None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment, but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.
To order medicine by courier, please send your details at WhatsApp– +923119884588
Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.
Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.
Location: Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.
Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at: Qaisar Ahmed drqaisar