Diarrhea, or “the runs,” is when a person experiences loose, watery stools and feel the urgent need to have a bowel movement multiple times a day. A few causes include infections (viral or bacterial), diseases, and food intolerances. Diarrhea can be acute or chronic. Acute diarrhea occurs when the condition lasts for 1 to 2 days.
Chronic diarrhea refers to having diarrhea on most days for longer than 3 to 4 weeks. Some common causes of chronic diarrhea include:
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
- Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).
- Conditions, such as celiac disease, that affect the absorption of certain nutrients.
Diarrhea could be due to several conditions or circumstances. Potential causes of diarrhea include:
- Viral infections including rotavirus, norovirus, and viral gastroenteritis.
- Bacterial infections, including Salmonella and E. coli.
- Parasitic infections.
- Intestinal diseases.
- Food intolerance, such as lactose intolerance.
- An adverse reaction to allopathic medication.
- Gallbladder or stomach surgery.
Rotavirus is the most common cause of acute diarrhea globally. Globally, most diarrhea deaths are the result of contaminated water supplies, insufficient sanitation, due to food poisoning from eating contaminated foodstuffs (restaurants and packed/processed food).
Chronic diarrhea may be a symptom of a more severe condition such as irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease. Frequent and severe diarrhea could be a sign of intestinal disease or a functional bowel disorder.
Symptoms of diarrhea
There are many different symptoms of diarrhea. One may experience only one of these or any combination of all of them. The symptoms depend on the cause. The main symptoms of diarrhea are frequent loose, watery stools and a pressing urge to have a bowel movement. It’s common to feel one or more of the following:
- Nausea.
- Abdominal pain.
- Cramping
- Bloating.
- Dehydration.
- Frequent urge to evacuate bowels.
- Large volume of stools.
- Dehydration.
Dehydration and diarrhea
Diarrhea can cause you to lose fluids quickly and put you at risk for dehydration. If you don’t receive treatment for diarrhea, it can have severe effects. The symptoms of dehydration include:
- Fatigue.
- Dry mucous membranes.
- Increased heart rate.
- Headache.
- Lightheadedness.
- Sunken eyes.
- Sunken fontanel.
- Irritable.
- Insomnia.
- Increased thirst.
- Decreased urination.
- Dry mouth, skin eyes etc.
Diarrhea in babies and young children
Children are particularly susceptible to diarrhea and dehydration. Diarrhea and its complications account for around 1 in 9 annual child deaths worldwide, making this the second leading cause of death in those under age 5.
Your doctor will complete a physical examination and consider your medical history when determining the cause of your diarrhea. They may also request laboratory tests to examine urine and blood samples.
Additional tests your doctor may order to determine the cause of diarrhea and other related conditions can include:
- diet elimination tests to determine whether a food intolerance or allergy is the cause
- imaging tests to check for inflammation and structural abnormalities of the intestine
- a stool culture to check for bacteria, parasites, or signs of disease
- a colonoscopy to check the entire colon for signs of intestinal disease
- a sigmoidoscopy to check the rectum and lower colon for signs of intestinal disease
A colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy is especially helpful for determining if you have an intestinal disease or severe or chronic diarrhea.
Research shows that the treatment for diarrhea typically requires replacing lost fluids. This means patient need to drink more water or electrolyte replacement beverages, such as brown sugar or Egyptian (rock sugar) with lemon and salt etc. Pharmacological treatment is rarely of any use, and antidiarrheal drugs are often harmful. Antimicrobial agents, in addition to the immune system, help destroy offending organisms. Their use is confined to specific etiologies and/or clinical circumstances.
In more severe cases, you may advise fluids through intravenous (IV) therapy. If a bacterial infection is the cause of the diarrhea, allopathic doctor should prescribe antibiotics for example Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim 5:1 ratio.
Antimicrobial treatment
In terms of recommended antimicrobial treatment in the immunocompetent host, enteric bacterial and protozoan pathogens can be grouped as follows:
Agents for whom antimicrobial therapy is always indicated: The consensus includes only V cholerae, Shigella species, and G lamblia.
Agents for whom antimicrobial therapy is indicated only in selected circumstances, include the following:
- Infections by enteropathogenic E coli, when running a prolonged course
- Enteroinvasive E coli, based on the serologic, genetic, and pathogenic similarities with Shigella
- ersinia infections in subjects with sickle cell disease.
- Salmonella infections in very young infants, if febrile or with positive blood culture findings.
Potent long-acting oral cephalosporin with increased gram-negative coverage. Inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis by binding to 1 or more PBPs. Bacteria eventually lyse because of ongoing activity of cell wall autolytic enzymes while cell wall assembly is arrested.
A third-generation cephalosporin antibiotic with activity against gram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria. Binds to PBPs, inhibiting bacterial cell wall growth.
Third-generation cephalosporin antibiotic with activity against gram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria. Binds to PBPs, inhibiting bacterial cell wall growth.
Bacteriostatic macrolide with activity against most gram-positive organisms and atypical respiratory organisms. Useful for Campylobacter species and vibrio enteritis.
Antiparasitic agent with wide coverage. Nitrofuran with antiprotozoal activity. Alternative drug for children because availability in liquid suspension. Most common adverse effects are GI upset and brown discoloration of urine.
Antiparasitic agents with wide coverage.
Very active against Giardia species, gram-negative anaerobes, and Entamoeba species. Imidazole ring-based antibiotic active against various anaerobic bacteria and protozoa. Often used in combination with other antimicrobial agents except for C difficile enterocolitis).
Amebicidal and antibacterial aminoglycoside obtained from a strain of Streptomyces ramous, active in intestinal amebiasis. Recommended for treatment of Diphyllobothrium latum, Taenia saginata, T solium, Dipylidium caninum, and Hymenolepis nana.
Very effective antiparasitic against Giardia species.
Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim
Folate-synthesis blocker with wide antibiotic coverage. Inhibits bacterial growth by inhibiting synthesis of dihydrofolic acid. Effective in E coli infections. Dosage form contains 5:1 ratio of sulfamethoxazole to trimethoprim.
Effective treatment (when PO) for antibiotic-associated colitis due to C difficile. However, reserve for individuals whose symptoms are not responding to less expensive and almost equally effective metronidazole.
Treats gram-positive and gram-negative organisms as well as mycoplasma, chlamydial, and rickettsial infections. Good agent in older children who present with severe Yersinia species infection.
oites and oocysts and G lamblia trophozoites. Elicits antiprotozoal activity by interfering with pyruvate-ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PFOR) enzyme-dependent electron transfer reaction, which is essential to anaerobic energy metabolism. Available as a 20-mg/mL oral susp.
Nonabsorbed (< 0.4%), broad-spectrum antibiotic specific for enteric pathogens of the gastrointestinal tract (ie, Gram-positive, Gram-negative, aerobic and anaerobic). Rifampin structural analog. Binds to beta-subunit of bacterial DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, thereby inhibiting RNA synthesis. Indicated for E coli (enterotoxigenic and enteroaggregative strains) associated with travelers’ diarrhea.
Some strains of probiotics have been found to be effective as an adjunct. They consistently show a statistically significant benefit and moderate clinical benefit of a few, now well-identified probiotic strains (mostly Lactobacillus GG and Saccharomyces boulardii but also Lactobacillus reuteri) in the treatment of acute watery diarrhea (primarily rotaviral).
Such a beneficial effect seems to result in a reduction of the duration of diarrhea of about one day and seems to be exerted mostly on rotaviral diarrhea, with much less evidence of efficacy in invasive bacterial diarrhea.
Furthermore, probiotics may reduce the risk of spreading rotavirus infection by shortening diarrhea duration and volume of watery stool output and by reducing the fecal shedding of rotavirus, and they have been found useful in preventing the dissemination of hospital-acquired diarrheas.
Best probiotic is natural ((homemade) yogurt or Kiefer; sprinkle some sugar, salt and a teaspoon of Husk (Ispaghula), leave it for minute or two and give it to the patient.
Homeopathic Treatment for Diarrhea
Like almost all other fields, Homeopathy is far beyond the allopathy; in Homeopathy there are dozens of medicines treating and curing the diarrhea in just 20 minutes – it’s my (Dr Qaisar Ahmed’s) challenge to all doctor around the globe. Here are few of those Homeopathic medicines for diarrhea:
Nux Vomica
Diarrhea after a debauch; worse, morning. Frequent small evacuations. Scanty stool, with much urging. Dysentery. In any diarrhea case – acute or chronic, simple or very severe give just two-four drops of Nux Vomic-CM/1M/10M anyone, repeat the dose after fifteen minutes and the patient/diarrhea is cured.
Nausea or vomiting (in the same way mentioned above). Flatulent distension, with spasmodic colic. Alternate constipation and diarrhea-after abuse of purgatives. Diarrhea with jaundice.
Early-morning, sudden diarrhea. Stools dark-brown, offensive, discharged with much force. Tabes mesenterica.
Arsenicum Album
Gnawing, burning pains in abdomen. Liver and spleen enlarged and painful. Ascites and anasarca. Abdomen swollen and painful. Painful, spasmodic protrusion of rectum. Tenesmus. Burning pain and pressure in rectum and anus. Stool small, offensive, dark, with much prostration. Worse at night, and after eating and drinking; from chilling stomach, spoiled food, fast food, processed/canned food. Dysentery dark, bloody, very offensive. Cholera, with intense agony, prostration, and burning thirst. Body cold as ice. Skin excoriated about anus.
Veratrum Album
Diarrhea, very painful, watery, copious, and forcibly evacuated, followed by great prostration. Evacuations of cholera morbus and true cholera when vomiting accompanies the purging. Sinking and empty feeling. Cold feeling in stomach and abdomen. Pain in abdomen preceding stool. Cramps, knotting abdomen and legs. Copious vomiting and nausea; aggravated by drinking and least motion.
Lycopodium Clavatum
Immediately after a light meal, abdomen is bloated, full. Constant sense of fermentation in abdomen, like yeast working. Liver sensitive. Dropsy (hepatic). Hepatitis, atrophic from of nutmeg liver. Pain shooting across lower abdomen. Diarrhea. Inactive intestinal canal. Ineffectual urging. Dyspepsia due to farinaceous and fermentable food.
Aloe Socotrina
Involuntary stool on passing wind. Diarrhea with gurgling before stool and lots flatulence, pulsation in rectum. Colic before and during stool. Burning/hot, copious flatus. Jelly-like mucus in stool. Cutting pains and pulsations around navel. worse after stool * Abdomen – heavy & full, hot & bloated. Spastic colitis where pain extends over body. Nausea and headache. Better for COLD applications. Weak and drowsy. Viral gastroenteritis.
Viral gastroenteritis. Dysentery – worse by food and drink. Abdominal pains, before and after stool; stool only after eating. Griping in hypochondrium. Congestion of the liver, with urgent, loose, stools. Brown, thin, bloody stools, with tenesmus. During stool, sharp pain in left side, shooting downward (descending and sigmoid colon). Burning in anus.
Argentum Nitricum
Belching accompanies most gastric ailments. Nausea, retching, vomiting of glairy mucus. Flatulence; painful swelling of pit. Painful spot over stomach that radiates to all parts of the abdomen. Gnawing ulcerating pain; burning and constriction. Ineffectual effort at eructation. Great craving for sweets. Gastritis of drunkards. Ulcerative pain in left side under ribs. Trembling and throbbing in stomach. Enormous distention. Ulceration of stomach, with radiating pain. Desire for cheese and salt. Viral gastroenteritis.
Colic, with much flatulent distention. Stitching ulcerative pain in stomach, below short ribs.
Stool: Watery, noisy, flatulent; green, like chopped spinach, with shreddy mucus and enormous distention of abdomen; very offensive. Diarrhea immediately after eating or drinking. Fluids go right through him, after sweets. After any emotion with flatulence. Itching of anus.
Burning, rawness, soreness, tearing and drawing pains in the muscular and fibrous tissues with progressive loss of muscular strength, tendinous contractures. Broken down senile, restless. In catarrhal affections of the air passages. Viral gastroenteritis. This weakness progresses until we have gradually appeared coma. Local paralysis, vocal cords, muscles of deglutition, of tongue, eyelids, face, bladder and extremities.
This medicine relieves abdominal intense neuralgias relieved by bending over – agonizing pain in abdomen. The neuralgic pains are nearly always relieved by pressure. Viral gastroenteritis. Cramps and twitching and shortening of muscles. Constrictions and contractions. Dysenteric stool renewed each time by the least food or drink. Jelly-like stools. Musty odor. Distention.
Aconite Napellus
First choice in inflammations, inflammatory fevers. Serous membranes and muscular tissues affected markedly. Burning in internal parts; tingling, coldness and numbness. Influenza. A state of fear, anxiety; anguish of mind and body. Physical and mental restlessness. Temperature and diarrhea – acute, sudden, and violent invasion, caused in the season when the days are hot, and the nights are comparatively cold. Viral gastroenteritis. Sudden and great sinking of strength. Heavy diarrhea along with high-intensity fever occurs and anxiety.
Baptisia Tinctoria
Baptisia tinctoria improves immune system. The symptoms of this drug are of an asthenic type, simulating low fevers, septic conditions of the blood, malarial poisoning and extreme prostration. Indescribable sick feeling. Great muscular soreness and putrid phenomena.
Viral gastroenteritis. Can swallow only liquids, vomiting (spasm of esophagus). Gastric fever. No appetite. Constant desire for water. Sinking feeling at stomach. Pain in epigastric region. Feeling of hard substance. Cardiac orifice contracted convulsively and ulcerative inflammation of stomach and bowels. Chill with rheumatic pains and soreness all over body. temperature with occasional chills. Chill, with rheumatic pains and soreness all over body. Heat all over, with occasional chills. Adynamic fevers. Typhus fever. Shipboard fever.
Abdomen distended and rumbling. Soreness over region of gallbladder and liver, with diarrhea. Stools very offensive, thin, dark, bloody. Dysentery. Epidemic influenza. Chronic intestinal toxemias of children with fetid stools and eructation.
Irritation, inflammation and degeneration of mucous membranes, of serous membranes. Destructive metabolism.
Sharp cutting pains – very weak, empty, gone sensation felt in whole abdominal cavity. Liver congested. Acute hepatitis. Painless, copious debilitating diarrhea. Green mucus with grains like sago. Involuntary; seems as if anus remained open. Great weakness after stool. Discharge of blood from rectum, during stool. White, hard stools. Bleeding hemorrhoids.
Phosphorus could be advised in the same way as Nux Vomica in CM/1M/10M etc for recovery in 15-20 minutes (my personal experience of many time – Dr Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS).
Podophyllum peltatum
Infection and/or inflammation of duodenum, small intestines, liver, and rectum. Viral gastroenteritis with colicky pain and bilious vomiting. Stool watery with jelly/mucus, painless, profuse. Gushing and offensive. Torpidity of the liver; portal engorgement with a tendency to hemorrhoids, hypogastric pain, fullness of superficial veins, jaundice.
Viral gastroenteritis. Hot, sour belching; nausea and vomiting. Thirst for large quantities of cold water. Vomiting of hot, frothy mucus. Heartburn; gagging or empty retching. Vomiting of milk.
Abdomen – distended, heat and emptiness. Weakness. Can lie comfortably only on stomach – liver region painful, better rubbing. Rumbling and shifting of flatus in ascending colon.
Cholera infantum and morbus. Diarrhea of long standing; early in morning; during teething, with hot, glowing cheeks while being bathed or washed; in hot weather after citrus. Morning, painless diarrhea- Green, watery, fetid, profuse, gushing. Prolapse of rectum before or with stool.
Urgent, hot diarrhea only early morning, making the person rush to the bathroom. Burning in digestive tract, anus – itchy, red, and irritated. Viral gastroenteritis. Complete loss of, or excessive appetite. Putrid eructation. Food tastes too salty. Drinks much, eats little. Milk disagrees. Great desire for sweets. Great acidity, sour eructation. Burning, painful, weight-like pressure.
Abdomen very sensitive to pressure; internal feeling of rawness and soreness. Movements as of something alive. Pain and soreness over liver. Colic after drinking. Itching and burning of anus; piles dependent upon abdominal plethora. Frequent, unsuccessful desire; hard, knotty, insufficient. Child afraid on account of pain. Redness around the anus, with itching. Morning diarrhea, painless, drives out of bed, with prolapsus recti. Hemorrhoids, oozing and belching.
Oppression and burning sensation in chest. Difficult respiration; wants windows open. Aphonia. Heat, throughout chest. Frequent flashes of heat. Violent ebullitions of heat throughout entire body. Dry skin and great thirst. Night sweat, on nape and occiput. Perspiration of single parts. Disgusting sweats. Remittent type.
Croton Tiglium
Inflammation with formation of vesicles and mucous discharges. Burning in the esophagus. Constant urging to stool followed by sudden evacuation. Stoll expelled suddenly, as if shot out all at once. Sensation of swashing in intestines. Stool yellow and watery. Colic before evacuation. Diarrhea, worse drinking the least quantity or while eating. Much prostration. Copious watery stools, with much urging; always forcibly shot out, with gurgling in intestines; worse, drinking the least quantity, or even while eating. Constant urging to stool, followed by sudden evacuation. Swashing sensation in intestines. Viral gastroenteritis. Secretion and accumulation of rattling mucus in the larynx. Asthma, with cough; cannot expand the chest. Sudden coldness and paleness of the hands with wrinkles on fingers.
Eucalyptus Globulus
Eucalyptus is a powerful antiseptic and destructive to low forms of life, a stimulating expectorant and an efficient diaphoretic. Atonic dyspepsia, gastric and intestinal catarrh. A remedy with marked effects on catarrhal processes, malaria, and intestinal disturbance. Influenza. Fevers of a relapsing character. Gastro-intestinal irritation with pain in stomach and upper intestines.
Much fetid gas. Beating and goneness (exhaustion or faintness) with pulsation in epigastric arteries. Spleen hard and contracted. Pain in epigastrium and upper abdomen ameliorated by food. Malignant disease of stomach, vomiting of blood and sour fluid. Viral gastroenteritis. Acute diarrhea. Aching pains in bowels. Dysentery with rectal heat; tenesmus; hemorrhage. Diarrhea – stools thin, watery, preceded by sharp pains. Typhoid diarrhea. Asthma, with great dyspnea and palpitation. Moist asthma. Expectoration white, thick mucus. Bronchitis in the aged. Bronchorrhea. Profuse expectoration of offensive muco-pus. Irritative cough. Whooping-cough in rachitic children. Fetid form of bronchitis, bronchial dilatation and emphysema.
Euphorbium Officinarum
An irritant to the skin and mucous membranes. Burning pain in bones, in limbs and paralytic weakness in the joints. Important respiratory and skin symptoms. Terrible burning pains. Pains of cancer. Everything appears larger. Viral gastroenteritis.
Erysipelas; yellow blisters. Burning in cheek; worse, left. Eyes inflamed and agglutinated. Red swelling of cheeks. Nasal pruritus with mucous secretions from naso-pharynx. Great hunger. Sialorrhea (profuse salty saliva). Waterbrash. Thirst for cold drinks. Sunken; spasmodic, flatulent colic. Stools fermented, profuse, clayey. Feels hollow.
Respiratory: Breathing oppressed, as if chest were not wide enough. Spasmodic, dry cough, day and night, with asthma. Violent, fluent coryza, with burning and cough. Constant cough, with stitches from pit of stomach. Croup, dry, hollow, cough. Warm/hot feeling in chest, as if hot food had been swallowed. Paralytic pains – in hip-joint and coccyx.
Antimonium Tartaricum
Drowsiness, debility and sweat. Cholera morbus. Bilharziasis. Trembling of whole body, great prostration and faintness. Lumbago. Chills, contractures and muscular pains. Vertigo alternates with drowsiness. Great despondency. Muttering, delirium, and stupor. Vertigo, with dullness and confusion. Face pale and sunken. Child – whining. Vomiting in any position, excepting lying on right side. Nausea, retching, and vomiting, especially after food, with deathly faintness and prostration.
Spasmodic colic, much flatus. Pressure in abdomen. Cholera morbus. Diarrhea in eruptive diseases. Hoarseness. Rattling of mucus. Burning sensation in chest. Rapid, short, difficult breathing; seems as if he would suffocate; must sit up. Emphysema of the aged. Coughing and gaping consecutively. Bronchial tubes overloaded with mucus. Edema and impending paralysis of lungs. Tachycardia/palpitation with uncomfortable hot feeling. Pulse rapid, weak, trembling. Dizziness, with cough. Dyspnea relieved by eructation. Cough and dyspnea. Coldness, trembling, and chilliness. Severe temperatures. Copious perspiration. Cold, clammy sweat, with great faintness. Intermittent fever with lethargic condition.
Feeling of coldness at edge of teeth. Great irritability of the stomach; burning, smarting, and dryness of the tongue and throat. Pain in the stomach after food. Tenderness in epigastrium. Pain and distention of abdomen from flatulence, after stool. Rumbling and rolling. Dysentery, with retained scybala (hardened masses of feces), with pain in sacral region. Viral gastroenteritis. Diarrhea, with sudden and forcible ejection of bilious stools. Tenesmus after, with burning at anus. Ileo-caecal region sensitive to pressure. Profuse, watery diarrhea in hot weather, particularly old people. Pain in coccyx. Diarrhea with sudden and forcible ejection of bilious stools. Tenesmus after stool with burning in anus. Watery diarrhea in hot weather. Stools are profuse, watery, sometimes yellow, sometimes greenish and lientery.
China officinalis
Debility from exhausting discharges, from loss of vital fluids. Vomiting of undigested food. Slow digestion. Hungry and longing for food which stays undigested. Flatulence. Belching of bitter fluid with no relief. Viral gastroenteritis. Stomach tender, cold. Vomiting of undigested food. Slow digestion. Weight after eating. Flat taste. Darting pain crosswise in hypogastric region. Milk disagrees. Hungry longing for food, which lies undigested. Flatulence: belching of bitter fluid or regurgitation of food gives no relief; worse eating fruit. Hiccough. Belatedness better by movement.
Flatulent colic; tympanitic abdomen. Pain in right hypochondrium. Gall-stone colic. Liver and spleen swollen and enlarged. Jaundice. Internal coldness of stomach and abdomen. Gastro-duodenal catarrh. Stool undigested, frothy, yellow; painless; worse at night, after meals, during hot weather, from fruit, milk etc. Very weakening, with much flatulence. Difficult even when soft.
The chief action is on the ramifications of the pneumogastric nerve, treating spasmodic irritation in chest and stomach. Persistent nausea and vomiting. Mouth, moist; much saliva. Constant nausea and vomiting, with pale, twitching of face. Vomits food, bile, blood, mucus. Stomach feels relaxed, as if hanging down. Viral gastroenteritis. Amebic dysentery with tenesmus; while straining pain so great that it nauseates; little thirst. Cutting, clutching; worse, around the navel. Body rigid; stretched out stiff. Stools – pitch-like green as grass, like frothy molasses, with griping at navel. Dysenteric, slimy.
Dyspnea; constant constriction in chest. Asthma. Difficult shortness of breathing. Continued sneezing; coryza; wheezing cough. Cough incessant and violent, with every breath. Chest seems full of phlegm but does not yield to coughing. Bubbling rales. Suffocative cough: child becomes stiff, and blue in the face. Whooping-cough, with nosebleed, and from mouth. Bleeding from lungs, with nausea; feeling of constriction; rattling cough. Croup. Hemoptysis from slightest exertion. Hoarseness, especially at end of a cold. Complete aphonia.
Intermittent fever, irregular cases, after Quinine. Slightest chill with much heat, nausea, vomiting, and dyspnea. Relapses from improper diet.
Veratrum album
A perfect picture of collapse, with extreme coldness, blueness, and weakness. shock with cold sweat on forehead, pale face, rapid, feeble pulse. Cold perspiration on the forehead, with nearly all complaints. Vomiting, purging, and cramps in extremities. The profuse, violent retching and vomiting is most characteristic. Excessive dryness of all mucous surfaces. “Coprophagia” violent mania alternates with silence and refusal to talk.
Viral gastroenteritis. Salty saliva. Voracious appetite. Thirst for cold water but is vomited as soon as swallowed. Copious vomiting and nausea; aggravated by drinking and least motion. Anguish in pit of stomach. Great weakness after vomiting. Gastric irritability with chronic vomiting of food.
Sinking, empty and cold feeling in stomach and abdomen. Pain in abdomen preceding stool. Cramps, knotting abdomen and legs. Abdomen sensitive to pressure, swollen with terrible colic. Diarrhea, very painful, watery, copious, and forcibly evacuated, followed by great prostration. Evacuations of cholera morbus and true cholera when vomiting accompanies the purging.
Rattling in chest. Much mucus in bronchial tubes, that cannot be coughed up. Coarse rales. Chronic bronchitis. Loud barking, stomach cough, followed by eructation of gas. Hollow cough, tickling low down, with blue face. Urine escapes when coughing.
Bryonia Alba
Aching in every muscle. Irritable; has vertigo from raising the head, pressive headache; dry, parched lips, mouth; excessive thirst, bitter taste, sensitive epigastrium, and feeling of a stone in the stomach. Viral gastroenteritis.
Nausea and faintness, loss of taste. Thirst for large draughts. Vomiting of bile and water immediately after eating. Stomach sensitive to touch. Pressure in stomach after eating, as of a stone. Soreness in stomach when coughing. Dyspeptic ailments during summer heat. Sensitiveness of epigastrium to touch.
Liver region swollen, sore, tensive. Burning pain, stitches; worse, pressure, coughing, breathing. Tenderness of abdominal walls.
Peevishness, restlessness, and colic. A disposition that is mild, calm and gentle; sluggish and constipated bowels contra-indicate chamomilla.
Chamomilla is sensitive, irritable, thirsty, hot, and numb. Pains unendurable, associated with numbness. Night-sweats. Parotid and submaxillary glands swollen. Viral gastroenteritis. Eructation, foul. Nausea. Sweats after eating or drinking. Aversion to warm drinks. Tongue yellow; taste bitter. Bilious vomiting. Acid rising; regurgitation of food. Bitter, bilious vomiting. Pressive gastralgia.
Abdomen distended. Griping in region of navel, and pain in small of back. Flatulent colic with red cheeks and hot perspiration. Hepatic colic. Stool hot, green, watery, fetid, slimy, with colic. Chopped white and yellow mucus like chopped eggs and spinach. Soreness of anus. Diarrhea during dentition. Hemorrhoids, with painful fissures.
Hoarseness, hawking, rawness of larynx. Irritable, dry, tickling cough; suffocative tightness of chest, with bitter expectoration in daytime. Rattling of mucus in child’s chest.
Insupportable pain in loins and hips. Lumbago. Stiffness of neck muscles. Drowsiness with moaning, weeping and wailing during sleep; anxious, frightened dreams, with half-open eyes.
China officinalis 0r Cinchona officinalis
Debility from exhausting discharges, from loss of vital fluids -periodically. Stomach tender, cold. Vomiting of undigested food. Slow digestion. Weight after eating. Hungry without appetite. Flat taste. Darting pain crosswise in hypogastric region. Viral gastroenteritis. Flatulence: belching of bitter fluid or regurgitation of food gives no relief; worse eating fruit. Hiccough. Flatulent colic. Tympanitic abdomen. Pain in right hypochondrium. Gall-stone colic. Liver and spleen swollen and enlarged. Jaundice. Internal coldness of stomach and abdomen. Gastro-duodenal catarrh.
Stool undigested, frothy, yellow; painless; worse at night, after meals, during hot weather, from fruit, milk, beer. Very weakening, with much flatulence. Difficult even when soft.
Gelsemium Sempervirens
General prostration. Dizziness, drowsiness, dullness, and trembling. Slow pulse, tired feeling, mental apathy. Post-diphtheritic paralysis. Muscular weakness. Complete relaxation and prostration. Lack of muscular co-ordination. General depression. Influenza. Measles. Pellagra. Diarrhea from emotional excitement, fright, bad news. Stool painless or involuntary. Cream-colored, tea green. Partial paralysis of rectum and sphincter. Slowness of breathing, with great prostration. Oppression about chest. Dry cough, with sore chest and fluent coryza. Viral gastroenteritis.
Pulse slow, full, soft, compressible. Heat and sweat stages, long and exhausting. Dumb ague, with much muscular soreness, great prostration, and violent headache. Nervous chills. Bilious remittent fever, with stupor, dizziness, faintness; thirstless, prostrated. Chill, without thirst, along spine; wave-like, extending upward from sacrum to occiput.
Chronic diarrhea. Heartburn; hot, sharp, sour eructation. Hunger, immediately after stool. Nausea, with accumulation of water in mouth. Ravenous hunger. Viral gastroenteritis. Diarrhea only in the daytime; watery, gushing and itching of anus. Hoarseness dry cough and oppression of chest. Croup and laryngeal diphtheria. Chilliness, followed by sweat. Flushes of heat, particularly of the face and head; worse at night. Perspiration on feet and axillae. Chilliness, followed by sweat.
Painful, distended, loud rumbling. Pressure as from a stone. Colic, with chilliness. Stool – rumbling, watery; worse, night; no two stools alike. Dysentery; mucus and blood, with chilliness.
Capricious hoarseness. Dry cough with copious mucous expectoration. Pressure upon the chest and soreness. Great soreness of epigastrium. Urine emitted with cough. Short breath, anxiety, and palpitation. Viral gastroenteritis.
Wakes languid, unrefreshed. Irresistible sleepiness in afternoon. Sleeps with hands over head. Chilliness, even in warm room, without thirst. Chilly with pains, in spots, worse evening. Intolerable burning heat at night, with distended veins; heat in parts of body, coldness in other. One-sided sweat; pains during sweat. External heat is intolerable, veins are distended. During apyrexia, headache, diarrhea, loss of appetite, nausea.
Rice water
The water that remains after boiling rice. It’s high in electrolytes and can help with rehydration; adding some sugar and salt will be best.
Products containing ginger, such as ginger ale or ginger tea, may help soothe an upset stomach, reduce nausea.
Mint (peppermint) has anti-nausea and digestive properties similar to those of ginger. Sipping a soothing mint tea may help you feel better. Peppermint oil helps relax the muscles in our gut. It also has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Yogurt or kefir
Eating unflavored yogurt or drinking kefir helps restore our body’s natural bacterial balance after illness.
Avoid foods like:
- Fast food.
- Broiler chicken.
- Fine flour.
- Bananas (in case of severe respiratory symptoms).
- Bakery and confectionary.
- Carbonated drinks, energy drinks etc.
- White sugar.
P. S: This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy, for learning purpose(s).
For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.
None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment, but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.
To order medicine by courier, please send your details at WhatsApp– +923119884588
Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.
Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.
Location: Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.
Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at:
https://www.youtube.com/Dr Qaisar Ahmed