Breast Cancer-Causes-Diagnosis-Best treatment options-Homeopathic treatment-Best Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan-Dr Qaisar AhmedDr Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS

Breast cancer is an invasive tumor that develops in the mammary gland. Breast cancer is defined as cancer which originates from breast tissue. It is the major cause of death now days in middle aged women around the world. Ingestion of contaminated pork by malnourished youngsters who normally take protein-deficient vegetarian food regimen causes elaboration of beta-enterotoxin.

The good news is that most breast lumps are not cancer, but it is still important to be knowledgeable about this widespread disease.

Breast cancer is the second most carcinoma site of cancer in women; onset of breast cancer is more common after age 30. Age and health history can affect the risk of developing breast cancer. Fertility, ovarian function, and estrogen exposure play a role in the onset of breast cancer.

Cancers in general have also been associated with numerous chemical carcinogens and non-ionizing radiation (EMF). Radiation is a proven cause of breast cancer, and some studies link breast cancer with heredity, dietary choices, obesity and allopathic hormones and birth control pills.

The impaired flow of lymph fluid is thought to allow toxins to build up, thus causing breast tissue cells to be exposed to higher concentrations of cancer-causing toxins for longer periods of time, especially in non-nursing women.

Potential Link Between Aluminum Salts in Deodorants and Breast Cancer

Chemicals that mimic the body’s natural hormone estrogens are known to affect a woman’s risk of breast cancer. Evidence is mounting that the aluminum-based compound (especially talcum powders, makeup powders etc.), which often makes up quarter of the volume of some antiperspirant agents, can break through the skin and that once in the body it could mimic estrogen.

Over recent years scientists have found that many compounds in the environment mimic or interfere with estrogen. These compounds are normally complex molecules and are found in many materials like detergents, pesticides and plastics etc. Now scientists are realizing that a variety of simple metal ions, including aluminum and cadmium can also bind to the body’s estrogen-receptors and influence their action.

“Since vitamin deficiency (sunlight) and estrogen is known to be involved in the development and progression of breast cancer, any components of the environment that have estrogenic activity and which can enter the human breast could theoretically influence a woman’s risk of breast cancer,” says author of the review Dr Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS K.P.K, Pakistan.

Aluminum salts are a major source of exposure to aluminum in humans. It is often apply/sprayed into armpits, inadvertently concentrating exposure near to the breast. In addition, it is often applied immediately after shaving, when the skin is likely to be damaged and less able to keep the aluminum out.


Smoking or chewing tobacco introduces cadmium into the body, and research shows that it too can collect in breast tissue. There are indications that this accumulation of cadmium may also be linked to an increased risk of breast cancer.

“Each of these agents on their own may not have a powerful effect, but we need to see what happens when a number of them act together?” it could be that this would have a significant effect on diseases like breast cancer,” says Dr Qaisar Ahmed.

Body Sprays

A different study examining the frequency of underarm shaving and antiperspirant/deodorant use among 437 breast cancer survivors was released in 2023. This study found that the age of breast cancer diagnosis was significantly lower in women who used products and perfumes in their underarms more frequently. Furthermore, women who began underarm perfume habits before 16 years of age were diagnosed with breast cancer at an earlier age than those who began that habit later.

Other research has focused on certain preservatives (parabens) that are used in deodorants and antiperspirants, as well as many cosmetic, processed food, drinks, and pharmaceutical drugs etc. Parabens have been shown to mimic the activity of estrogen in the body’s cells.

Because estrogen promotes the growth of breast cancer cells, some scientists have suggested that the use of deodorants or antiperspirants could cause the accumulation of parabens in breast tissues, which may contribute to the development of breast cancer.

Bedroom Light

Results of the study, the first population-based investigation of the relationship between breast-cancer risk and exposure to light at night as determined by sleep habits, bedroom lighting and graveyard-shift work, there have been a number of studies looking at the health effects of night-shift work, from heart disease to stomach ailments, this is the first that has looked comprehensively at both graveyard-shift work and light at night as independent risk factors for breast cancer.breast-cancer-treatment-dr-qaisar-ahmed-dixe-cosmetics

The link between sleep, light at night and breast cancer may involve melatonin (a hormone produced by the brain’s pineal gland). Production of melatonin peaks at night during sleep. One theory is that nighttime sleep deprivation or exposure to light at night somehow interrupts melatonin production, which in turn stimulates the ovaries to kick out extra estrogen.

Indirect support of the melatonin/breast cancer connection comes from an earlier study of blind women, who were found to have a 20 percent to 50 percent reduced risk of breast cancer as compared to a comparison group of women diagnosed with stroke and cardiovascular disease.

The theory behind this reduced risk: Because blind women are immune to fluctuations in light, their melatonin levels remain constant, which also keeps their circulating estrogen levels in check.

Diet and Obesity

Exposure to diets that produce high levels of estrogen seems to be most important in utero and after menopause; high estrogen levels during reproductive years seem to be protective. Breast cancer may be related to oxidative stress.

Obesity and western dietary patterns may independently provoke hyperinsulinemia insulin resistance at puberty. In teen girls, anovulation may decrease breast cancer.

Breast cancer can be treated effectively especially with Homeopath and especially when it is diagnosed in early stages. Tumors are frequently found in the upper/outer quadrant of the breast and nipple area, in early stages, a single nontender, firm, or hard mass with poorly defined margins may exist.

Later, skin or nipple retraction, axillary lymphadenopathy, breast enlargement, redness, mild edema, and pain may occur. In late stages, ulceration, moderate edema, and metastasis to bone, liver, or brain are common.

Endocrinal cause – longer the cumulative period of menstruation more the risk (early menarche and late menopause)

  • More the cumulative period of lactation better the protection
  • More abortion and each occurring later increases risk
  • More estrogen content in OCP and OCP taken early in the reproductive life (before first pregnancy) increases risk
  • Hormonal replacement therapy increases risk if the estrogen content is higher and if taken more than 5 years.

Types of Breast Cancer

Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare type of cancer that often does not cause a breast lump or mass. It often causes thickening and pitting of the skin, like an orange peel. The affected breast may also be larger or firmer, tender, or itchy. A skin rash or reddening of the skin is common. These changes are caused by cancer cells blocking lymph vessels in the skin. Inflammatory cancer of the breast typically has a fast growth rate.

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

Invasive (or infiltrating) ductal carcinoma (IDC) is the most common type of breast cancer. About 80% of all breast cancers are invasive ductal carcinomas. Invasive ductal carcinoma refers to cancer that has broken through the wall of the milk ducts and has invaded the breast tissues. Invasive ductal carcinoma can spread to the lymph nodes and possibly to other areas of the body.

Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS)

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is considered to be a non-invasive or pre-invasive breast cancer, it starts inside the milk ducts. Carcinoma refers to any cancer that starts in the skin or other tissue (including breast tissue) that line or cover the internal organs, and in situ means “in its original place.” The difference between DCIS and invasive cancer is that in DCIS, the cells have not spread through the walls of the milk ducts into the surrounding breast tissue. DCIS is considered a ‘pre-cancer’, but some cases can transform into more invasive cancers.

Invasive Lobular Carcinoma

Invasive (or infiltrating) lobular carcinoma (ILC) is the second most common type of breast cancer after invasive ductal carcinoma. Lobular means that the cancer started in the milk-producing lobules, which empty out into the ducts that carry milk to the nipple. Invasive lobular carcinoma refers to cancer that has broken through the wall of the lobule and begun to invade the breast tissues. Invasive lobular carcinoma can spread to the lymph nodes and possibly to other areas of the body.

Mucinous Carcinoma

Mucinous (or colloid) carcinoma of the breast is a rare form of invasive ductal carcinoma. In this type of cancer, the tumor is composed of abnormal cells that “float” in pools of mucin, part of the slimy, slippery substance known as mucus. Mucus lines most of the inner surface of our bodies, such as our digestive tract, lungs, liver, and other vital organs. Breast cancer cells can produce some mucus. In mucinous carcinoma, mucin becomes part of the tumor and surrounds the breast cancer cells.

“Pure” mucinous carcinomas make up only 2-3% of invasive breast cancers. Approximately 5% of invasive breast cancer tumors have a mix of mucinous components in addition to other types of breast cancer cells.

Triple-Negative Breast Cancers

Testing negative for estrogen receptors (ER-), progesterone receptors (PR-), and HER2 (HER2-) on a pathology report means the cancer is “triple-negative”. These negative results indicate the growth of the cancer is not supported by the hormones estrogen and progesterone, nor by the presence of too many HER2 receptors. Therefore, triple-negative breast cancer does not respond to hormonal therapy (such as tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors) or therapies that target HER2 receptors, such as Herceptin. However, other medicines can be used to treat triple-negative breast cancer.

Paget’s Disease of the Nipple

Paget’s disease of the nipple is a rare form of breast cancer in which cancer cells collect in or around the nipple. The cancer usually affects the ducts of the nipple first then spreads to the nipple surface and the areola. A scaly, red, itchy, and irritated nipple and areola are signs of Paget’s disease of the nipple. One theory for the cause of Paget’s disease is that the cancer cells start growing inside the milk ducts within the breast and then break through to the nipple surface. Another possibility is that the cells of the nipple itself become cancerous.

Causes of Breast Cancer

Certain genes control the life cycle—the growth, function, division, and death—of a cell. When these genes are damaged, the balance between normal cell growth and death is lost. Normal breast cells become cancerous because of changes in DNA structure. Breast cancer is caused by cellular DNA damage that leads to out-of-control cell growth.

Causes of Breast Cancer: Genetics & Mutations

Inherited genes can increase the likelihood of breast cancer. For example, mutations of genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 (linked to an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancers) can inhibit the body’s ability to safeguard and repair DNA. Copies of these mutated genes can be passed on genetically to future generations, leading to a genetically inherited increased risk of cancer.


Lifestyle choices can lead to breast cancer as well. Eating a poor diet, inactivity, obesity, alcohol use, tobacco eating or smoking, and exposure to chemicals and toxins are all associated with a greater breast cancer risk.

Signs and Symptoms of breast cancer

  • Changes in size and shape of the breast.
  • Lump in the breast is the most common presentation. It could be hard and irregular but can also be firm.
  • Swelling and redness of the breast.
  • Bleeding from nipple is an uncommon symptom of breast cancer, it involves multiple ducts.
  • Nipple tender, red, ulcerated, inverted with discharge.
  • Puckering or fixation of the skin, ulceration, peau d’ orange (a dimpled condition of the skin of the breast, resembling the skin of an orange), fixation to chest wall and pectorals occurs late.
  • Areola becomes thick with presence of peau d’orange.
  • Bone pains in case of bony metastasis.  About 5% of patients present with bony metastasis giving rise to bony pains.


The Breast Cancer (BRCA) Gene Test

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Several tests are available to look for the Breast Cancer (BRCA) gene. A blood test can be given to analyze DNA mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2. Women who have inherited mutations have a much higher risk of developing breast cancer. The BRCA test is typically only offered to people who may have inherited the mutation. You may be a candidate for the BRCA gene test if you have the following:

  • Personal history of breast cancer
  • Personal history of ovarian cancer
  • Family history of breast cancer in parents, siblings, and/or children
  • A male relative with breast cancer
  • A family member with both breast and ovarian cancers
  • A family member with bilateral breast cancer
  • Two or more relatives with ovarian cancer
  • A relative with known BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation
  • Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry with a close relative with breast or ovarian cancer
  • Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry and a personal history of ovarian cancer

Breast MRI and Ultrasound

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Breast MRI

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is a technology that uses magnets and radio waves to create detailed, 3D images of the breast tissue. Before the test patient may be injected with a contrast solution (dye) through an intravenous line in the arm. The contrast solution will allow potential cancerous breast tissue to show more clearly. Radiologists are able to see areas that could be cancerous because the contrast tends to be more concentrated in areas of cancer growth.

During a breast MRI the breasts are exposed as the patient lies flat on a padded platform with cushioned openings for the breasts. A breast coil surrounds each opening and works with the MRI unit to create the images.


Sometimes a breast ultrasound is ordered in addition to a mammogram. An ultrasound can demonstrate fluid-filled cysts that are not cancerous. Ultrasounds may also be recommended for routine screening tests in some women at a higher risk of developing breast cancer. During a breast ultrasound patient may be asked to hold her breath, briefly several times.

Breast Cancer Biopsy

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A biopsy is the most certain way to determine whether a breast lump is cancerous. Biopsies may be taken through a needle or through a minor surgical procedure. The results can also determine the type of breast cancer that is present in many cases. Treatments are tailored to the specific type of breast cancer.

Needle Biopsies

A needle biopsy uses a hollow needle to remove tissue or cell samples from the breast. A pathologist studies the samples under a microscope to see if they contain cancer. There are two types of needle biopsies: core needle biopsy and fine needle aspiration (fine needle biopsy).

Core Needle Biopsy

If a lump can be felt in the breast (palpable mass), a core needle biopsy may be performed. The doctor will use a small amount of local anesthetic to numb the skin and the breast tissue around the area. The doctor will insert the needle and remove a small amount of tissue to be examined.

Ultrasound-Guided Core Needle Biopsy

This is one type of biopsy for lumps or abnormalities that cannot be felt (nonpalpable mass). A core needle is placed into the breast tissue and ultrasound helps confirm the exact location of the potential cancer, so the needle is placed correctly. Tissue samples are then taken through the needle. Ultrasound can see the difference between cysts and solid lesions.

MRI-Guided Core Needle Biopsy

For this test, patient will be given a contrast agent through an IV. Her breast will be numbed and compressed, and several MRI images will be taken. The MRI images will guide the doctor to the suspicious area. A needle will be used in the biopsy device to remove tissue samples with a vacuum assisted probe.

Stereotactic Biopsy

If the lump is nonpalpable patient could be also given a stereotactic biopsy. Using a local anesthetic, the radiologist makes a small opening in the skin. A needle is placed into the breast tissue, and imaging studies help confirm the exact placement. Tissue samples are taken through the needle.

Surgical Biopsies

A surgeon makes a cut (incision) in the breast to remove tissue.

Open Excisional Biopsy

This surgery removes an entire lump, and the issue is examined under a microscope. If a section of normal breast tissue is taken all the way around a lump, it is called a lumpectomy. In this procedure, a wire is put through a needle into the area to be biopsied. The X-ray helps to make sure it is in the right location and a small hook at the end of the wire keeps it in position. The surgeon uses the wire as a guide to locate the suspicious tissue.

Incisional Biopsy

An incisional biopsy is very similar to an excisional biopsy, but less tissue is removed. Local anesthetic will be used, and patient will also get IV sedation. An incisional biopsy removes part of the tumor, which means that more surgery may be needed to remove the remaining cancer.

Hormone-Sensitive Breast Cancer

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A biopsy can tell whether the breast cancer has receptors for estrogen (ER-positive) and/or progesterone (PR-positive), indicating which hormone stimulates tumor growth. About two-thirds of breast cancers are hormone receptor-positive. Medications can be given that act to help prevent growth of the tumor from stimulation by these hormones.

ER-positive breast cancer is sensitive to estrogen, whereas PR-positive breast cancer is sensitive to progesterone. Both ER-positive and PR-positive breast cancers may respond to hormone therapy. Hormone receptor (HR) negative is a type of cancer that does not have hormone receptors and will not be affected by hormone blocking treatments.

HER2-Positive Breast Cancer

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HER-2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) is a protein that is expressed at a high level by about 20% of breast cancers. Having this receptor means the cancer tends to grow and spread faster than other forms of breast cancer. However, there are special targeted treatments available for this type of tumor.

Treatments specifically for HER2 – positive breast cancer include:

  • Herceptin (trastuzumab)
  • Kadcyla (ado-trastuzumab emtansine)
  • Perjeta (pertuzumab)
  • Tykerb (lapatinib)

Breast Cancer Stages

Breast cancer stages are classified according to cancer tumor size, location, and extent of spread. Staging helps doctors determine the prognosis and treatment for cancer. The TNM staging system classifies breast cancers according to the following criteria:

  • Tumor (T): Primary tumor size and/or extent,
  • Nodes (N): Spread of cancer to lymph nodes in the regional area of the primary tumor,
  • Metastasis (M): Spread of cancer to distant sites away from the primary tumor.

Allopathic Treatment for Breast Cancer

Medical treatment with chemotherapy, radiation, or immunosuppressive drugs used to decrease the spread of cancer throughout the body can also cause damage to healthy cells. Some “second cancers,” completely separate from the initial cancer, have been known to occur following aggressive cancer treatments. Radiation therapy to the chest to treat the current and/or other conditions or cancers also increases the risk of developing breast cancer or increase the severity of current disease.

In allopathic treatment early detection of breast cancer is the key to survival. Mammograms are X-rays of the breast that can detect tumors at a very early stage, before they would be felt or noticed otherwise. During a mammogram, the breasts are compressed between two firm surfaces to spread out the breast tissue. Then an X-ray captures black-and-white images of the breasts that are displayed on a computer screen and examined by a doctor who looks for signs of cancer. 3D mammograms, or breast tomosynthesis, is a breast imaging procedure that also uses X-rays to produce images of breast tissue in order to detect abnormalities.

Breast Cancer Surgery

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Breast-conserving surgery removes the cancer and some healthy tissue around it, but not the breast. Some lymph nodes under the arms may be removed for biopsy. If the cancer is near the chest wall, part of it may be removed. Breast-conserving surgery is also known as breast-sparing surgery, lumpectomy, partial mastectomy, quadrantectomy, and segmental mastectomy.


Mastectomy is the removal of the entire breast and all the surrounding tissue and possibly nearby tissues. There are different mastectomy surgeries available, depending on how much additional tissue is removed.

Radiation Therapy

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High-energy beams of localized radiation are used to kill targeted cancer cells. Radiation therapy can be used after breast cancer surgery, or it may be used in addition to chemotherapy for widespread cancer. This treatment does have side effects, which can include swelling of the area, tiredness, or a sunburn-like effect. There are two ways to administer radiation therapy.

External Beam Radiation

A beam of radiation is focused onto the affected area by an external machine. The treatment is usually given five days a week for five to six weeks.


This form of radiation involves radioactive seeds or pellets that are implanted into the breast next to the cancer.


Breast Cancer-Causes-Diagnosis-Best treatment options-Homeopathic Treatment-Best Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan-Dr Qaisar Ahmed

Chemotherapy drugs are given to kill cancer cells that are located anywhere in the body. It can be administered by a slow IV infusion, by pill, or by a brief IV injection, depending upon the drug. Sometimes chemotherapy is given after surgery to help prevent the cancer from recurring (adjuvant therapy). Side effects of chemotherapy can include an increased risk of infection, nausea, fatigue, and hair loss.

Adjuvant Chemotherapy

If all visible cancer has been removed, there is still the possibility that cancer cells have broken off or are left behind. Adjunct chemotherapy is given to assure that these small amounts of cells are killed. Since some women have a very low risk of recurrence even without chemotherapy, it is not given in all cases.

Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is given before surgery. There is no correlation between neoadjuvant chemotherapy and long-term survival, but there are advantages to see if the cancer responds to the chemotherapy before surgical removal. This can also reduce the size of the cancer and allow for a less extensive surgery in some patients.

Chemotherapy for Advanced Breast Cancer

Chemotherapy can be used if the cancer has metastasized to distant sites in the body. In this case, doctors will determine the most appropriate treatment.

Chemotherapy Side Effects

Different drugs cause different side effects. Certain types of chemotherapy have specific side effects, but each patient’s experience is different. The following are common side effects of chemotherapy:

  • Fatigue
  • Pain (headaches, muscle pain, stomach pain, and pain from nerve damage)
  • Mouth and throat sores
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Blood disorders
  • Changes in thinking and memory
  • Sexual and reproductive issues
  • Appetite loss
  • Hair loss
  • Speeding the current cancer and spreading it to the other organs
  • Permanent damage to the heart, lung, liver, kidneys, or reproductive system

Hormone Therapy

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Some breast cancer cells are activated by female hormones estrogen and/or progesterone (ER- and PR-positive breast cancers). Hormone therapy can stop or slow the growth of hormone receptor-positive tumors by blocking the cancer cells from receiving the hormones they need to grow. Hormone therapy is usually given after surgery, but it can also be given to reduce the chance of developing breast cancer in women at high risk.

Targeted Drug Therapies for Breast Cancer

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Targeted therapies are newer treatments for breast cancer patients. They utilize specific proteins within cancer cells, like the HER-2 protein. Targeted therapies can stop the HER-2 protein from stimulating tumor growth in cancer cells that have this protein. Targeted therapies have fewer side effects than traditional chemotherapy because they only target cancer cells. They are often used in combination with chemotherapy.

Breast Self-Exams

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Experts recommend that women be aware of their breasts and notice any changes, rather than performing checks on a regular schedule. Women who choose to do self-exams should be sure to discuss the technique with their doctor.

What is a Breast Self-Exam?

A breast self-exam is a way to check your breasts for changes such as lumps or thickenings. Early breast cancer detection can improve chances of surviving the disease. Any unusual changes discovered during the breast self-exam should be reported to the doctor.

Homeopathic Treatment for Breast Cancer

In the breast cancer treatment, the selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat breast cancer but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility.


This medicine helps in treating fibroadenoma in the breast. It is the best homeopathic medicine in treating breast cancer. Breasts induration. Glandular swellings. Scrofula. Tumors. Painful sensibility and excoriation of the breasts, with eruption of running phlyctenule. Obstruction and induration of the mammary glands. Hard cicatrices remaining after mammary abscess.

Scrophularia Nodosa

It is used for dissolving the tumors, nodes in breasts. Breast tumors.  Scrofulous affections of glands. Weakness/weight loss. Cutting pain in articulation. Threatened abscesses that show no sign of disappearing. Pemphigus gangrenous.

Conium Maculatum

Conium maculatum is an excellent medicine for breast cancer where mammary glands are hard and sore. Cancer that is scirrhous adenocarcinomas, which begins in the ducts and invades the parenchyma. Breasts flabby. Inflammation of the mammae, with stitches; scirrhous of the mammae after contusion. Scirrhous induration of the mammary glands, with itching and shooting pains.

The breast is hard and nodular, tender to touch. Piercing pains, worse at night. Burning and stinging type of pain in the breast. The skin over the tumor is adherent.

Occasionally there is discharge of pus from nipple. The lesion is hard, almost cartilaginous. The edges are distinct serrated and irregular, associated with productive fibrosis. the breasts are painful even to the touch of the clothes or the jar of walking. Cancer after injury (like a blow) or trauma to breast.


This is one of the principal nosodes of cancer, Carcinosin acts favorably and modifies all cases in which either a history of carcinoma can be elicited, or symptoms of the disease itself exist, always start your treatment with this remedy. Cancerous cachexia. Carcinoma of the mammary glands with great pain and induration of glands; of uterus, the offensive discharge, hemorrhage and pain are greatly relieved.

Asterias Rubens

Flabby lymphatic constitutions. Lancinating pains in breasts, breast feels drawn in. Nodes and induration and ulceration, dull, aching neuralgic pain in this region. Swelling of the breasts. Itching spots. Miliary or furfuraceous eruption between the breasts. There is acute sharp pain. Breasts swell and nipple retracted. Breast feels as if pulled inward and pain extends over inner arm to end of little finger. Numbness of hands and fingers of left side.

Arsenicum Album

Venereal desire in women. Catamenia too early and too copious. Ulcers with burning, cutting pain and bloody offensive discharge. There is great anguish and restlessness. The person thinks it is useless to take medicine, fear of death and disease. Severe weakness. Marasmus. Anemic. Skin of breasts and around, dry as parchment, cold and bluish, yellowish. Shootings, hot itching, and violent burning in the skin. Petechiae. Inflamed spots on breasts, as from morbilli.

Eruption of small red pimples, which increase and change into gnawing ulcers, covered with a scurf. Vesicular eruptions. Ulcers, hard on the edges, stinging, burning spongy; with proud flesh; turning black; flat; pus thin, ichorous (cancers). Fetid smell, ichorous suppuration, ready bleeding, putridity, and bluish or greenish color of the ulcers. Thin crusts or proud flesh on the ulcers. Spacelus. Burning carbuncles. Inflammatory tumors with burning pains.

Arsenicum Iodatum

Lump in mamma, sensitive to touch and painful; nipple retracted. Breast tumor. Cancer.

Antimonium Crudum

Antimonium crudum is also effective for open ulcer with offensive discharge. There is burning and itching worse at night. Digestion of the patient is easily disordered in Antimonium crud.


Sensitive knotty lump on breasts. Breast cancer with open ulcers. Offensive discharge from the ulcer. Breasts swollen; nipples red; burning and itching pimples about nipples. Mammary cancer.

Thuja Occidentalis

Tumors, cancer, non-healing wounds.


Malandrinum is effective to remove cancerous deposits and remission of primary cancer and shrinkage of mass.

Baryta Carbonicum

Swelling and induration of the glands and inflammation, indurations and enlargement is the fundamental pathogenesis of this drug. The mammary gland is enlarged, and it is lumped, hard, stony in nature. It is very sensitive to touch. The glands which are enlarged are tender with infiltration.

Severe weakness, marasmus. Most commonly the tumors are solitary or occasionally be multiple. A bloody nipple discharge is indication of this drug. Pains like pricks or of burning needles. Injuries in the skin healing with difficulty. Swelling and induration of the glands.

Hydrastis Canadensis

The patient has tendency to indurated glands. Swelling of the mammary glands. Patient complaints of pain and tenderness. Engorged nipples, cracks and discharge of watery, of serosanguinous discharge. Lancinating pain in breast extending up to shoulder and down arm. Cancer of breast, pains like knives thrust into part. Hard, irregular tumor of breast, nipple retracted, glands in axilla enlarged and painful, cachectic appearance. Sore-mouth of nursing women. Abraded, cracked and sore nipples of nursing women. Lancinating pain in breast extending up to shoulder and down arm. Cancer of breast, pains like knives thrust into part. Hard, irregular tumor of breast, nipple retracted, glands in axilla enlarged and painful, cachectic appearance. Sore-mouth of nursing women. Abraded, cracked and sore nipples of nursing women. With cancer the nipples retracted. The glands in the axilla enlarged and painful. Cachectic appearance – excessive emaciation and weakness along with Breast cancer. Marasmus. Scrofulous and cancerous cachexia. Cancers hard, adherent, skin mottled, puckered.


Flaccidity and atrophy of the breasts. Mammary hyperesthesia. Heaviness of breasts as if they would fall off. Acute pain and soreness in breasts with metritis. Bluish red nodosities in breasts; dry, black points at tips. Galactorrhea; thin, watery milk; weakness; emaciation. Milk suppressed; breasts atrophied and relaxed. The mucus membrane of the glands and the breast tissue are inflamed. The breast tissue is hypertrophied, enlarged, hard and nodular. Tumors are well differentiated. Swelling and induration of the glands. Emaciation; ending in marasmus; of glandular tissues (mammae, testicles, thyroid gland, &c).


Cancer of the mammae. Inflammation, swelling, and suppuration of the mammae. Neuralgia of breasts. Mastitis, where the hardness is very apparent from the first, with great burning; very sensitive nipples or breasts, which are more or less painful; even after suppuration these characteristics continue. Fulness of both breasts; lump in upper part. Abscesses; Fistulae; tumors; cancer; hypertrophy. Irritable tumor; very sensitive and painful. Nipples cracked and excoriated; intense suffering on putting child to breast; pains radiate from nipple all over body. Breasts hard as stones after confinement. Breasts full of hard, painful nodosities. Suppression of lochia. Pain in sacrum, down to knees and ankles, then up to sacrum, jerks here and there, after confinement.

Calcarea fluor

Hard knots in breasts, hard indurated swellings in the female breast. It is useful both for fibroadenomas as well as breast cancer. Chaps; fissures. Fistulae.


Swelling of breasts, with tensive pain as if the milk rushed into them and caused pressure, while nursing. Lumps on breasts of girls, before puberty; or escape of thin, milk-like fluid. Scanty supply of milk. Affections of nipples. Weeps every time child is put to breast; pain extends into chest, neck, or down back, changes from place to place. Milk suddenly suppressed; lochia becomes milky white. Galactorrhea especially in women who do not nurse their children. After weaning, breasts swell.

Lac Canium

Breasts very sore and sensitive to pressure for a day or two during menses. Breasts very sore and painful, with sharp, darting pain in r. ovarian region extending to knee, very painful and must keep leg flexed (1st d. after miscarriage at 6th month). Constant pain in breasts, they feel very sore when going up or down stairs. Breasts seem very full. Constant pain in nipples. Breasts sensitive to deep pressure. Breasts painful; feel as if full of very hard lumps. Loss of milk while nursing, without known cause. Galactorrhea. Dries up the milk when nursing. Given for an ulcerated throat to a nursing woman, it cured the throat and nearly dried up the milk. Ulcers on skin – with crusts under which greyish yellow matter formed and was squeezed out.


Yellow fever, where, with exhaustion, vomiting, and extreme prostration, the disease runs deathward. Important gastric symptoms.

Carcinoma ventriculi; persistent vomiting. Tightness of a muscle, tumors, polypus. Caries of nasal bones. Boils on nose. Nostrils ulcerated. Distortion of mouth. Esophageal constriction. Black vomit. Vomiting of mucus, green slime, blood, with great prostration, and great tenderness over the stomach. Burning and cutting pains in stomach. Carcinoma helps the persistent vomiting. Coffee ground vomiting.


Cancer of the mammie; Hard, irregular tumor with retracted nipples, sore lame feeling extended to the arm. Pain in the nipple, which was fissured across the crown. The breasts are very sensitive during nursing, with an excessive flow of milk. They have a tendency to suppurate. The pains seem to radiate or extend from the nipples to all over the body, especially down the arm from the axilla.

A case of Breast Cancer by Dr. Qaisar Ahmed MD (Ur), DHMS (Pakistan).

Woman born in 1965, the first time after a catastrophic mammogram: “strong suspicion of a neoplastic process developed in the superior-external quadrant of the right breast”. The tumor was enormous.

I referred her for US and Biopsy to Irnum Hospital Peshawar.

According to Biopsy results given by Irnum Hospitals Peshawar, she had “lobular carcinoma”.

She refused any treatment, despite the doctor friend who had made the diagnosis, especially since he was devastated by what he had discovered and told her husband: “In any case, treatment or no treatment, she is lost (poor doctor said).

After detailed physical and documental examination I started treatment with:

1.   Lac caninum-200 TDs 

2.  Conium Maculatum-200 TDs

3.  Sepia-200 TDs

All three for one month.

After a month of medication:

Excessive coldness, pain everywhere, hemorrhoids, chronic asthenia and above all a terrible mood, which is so bad that the husband takes refuge in prayer, she is very pious herself.

Almost 6 months later she came, she was much better in all; she said:

I feel like a vital force, I set off, I dare, I undertook tidying up that I did not do anymore, organized meetings with the family, have thirst for life; I discovered the joy of living.

The first prescription was repeated for further two months:

1.  Dendroaspis Polylepis-1M OD straight.

2.  Lac Canium-200 TDs.

3.  Sepia Officianalis-200. TDs

4.   Conium Maculatum-200 TDs.

5.   Moringa Oriflora-200 BD.

6.  Phytolacca Berry-200 BD

In next visit patient was completely cured accept the shape of breast which was badly modified. She reproaches to her husband: “He should better help me”, but in same time she was unbearable with her husband, she does not like sexual activities; advises twenty days medicines for dyspareunia.

Patient Discharged…Thanks to Allah.

P. S: This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy, for learning purpose(s).

For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.

None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.

Dr Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS.Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.

 Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.

Location:  Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.

Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at: Qaisar Ahmed drqaisar

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