dysmenorrhea or painful menses-painful-cramps-Cause-Diagnosis-Best treatment options-Top Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed

Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. or menstrual cramps occur when the uterus contracts strongly during menstruation. The contraction of the uterus aids to expel its lining (endometrium) and clots out through the vaginal opening. If the uterus contracts too strongly, it can press against nearby blood vessels, cutting off the supply of oxygen to the muscle tissue of the uterus. Pain results when part of a muscle briefly loses its oxygen supply.

Prostaglandin is the chemical responsible for the contraction of the uterus. The higher the prostaglandins, the higher are the contractions. The uterus contracts throughout the menstrual cycle; however, the maximum contraction occurs during menstruation.

Dysmenorrhea or painful menses may be primary or secondary. Primary dysmenorrhea is due to chemicals called prostaglandins secreted during normal periods. These activate the body’s pain pathways. Primary dysmenorrhea is common menstrual cramps. Cramps usually begin one to two years after a woman starts getting her period. Pain usually is felt in the lower abdomen or back and can be mild to severe. Common menstrual cramps usually become less painful as a woman age and may stop entirely after the woman has a baby.

Secondary dysmenorrhea is pain caused by a disorder in the woman’s reproductive organs. Pain from secondary dysmenorrhea usually begins earlier in the menstrual cycle and lasts longer than common menstrual cramps.

Other causes of dysmenorrhea are:

  • Endometriosis: The endometrium gets implanted outside the uterus, most commonly on the fallopian tubes, ovaries, or the tissue lining of the pelvis.
  • Uterine fibroids/Tumors: These noncancerous tumors in the wall of the uterus can cause pain.
  • Adenomyosis: The endometrium begins to grow into the muscular walls of the uterus.
  • Pelvic inflammatory diseaseThis refers to the infection of the female reproductive organs.
  • Cervical stenosis: In some women, the cervical opening is small enough to obstruct menstrual flow, causing a painful increase in pressure within the uterus.
  • Abnormal pregnancy
  • Infections, tumors, or polyps in the pelvic cavity.

How to Detect Dysmenorrhea or painful menses?

First, asked your patient about her symptoms and menstrual cycles, perform a pelvic exam, insert speculum and examines the vagina, cervix, and uterus. Search/examine for any lumps or changes and take a small sample of vaginal fluid for testing.

If the cramps are not common menstrual cramps, further tests may be needed.

Diagnosis and Initial Management of Dysmenorrhea-dysmenorrhea or painful menses-painful-cramps-Cause-Diagnosis-Best treatment options-Top Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed

Symptoms of Dysmenorrhea or painful menses

Symptoms may vary among women. However, the most common symptoms noted include:

    • Cramping in the lower abdomen.
    • Feeling of pressure in the abdomen.
    • Pain in the lower abdomen.
    • Low back pain.
    • Pain radiating down the legs.
    • Nausea.
    • Vomiting.
    • Loose stools.
    • Fatigue.
    • Weakness.
    • Fainting.
    • Headaches.

Allopathically Treatment for Dysmenorrhea or painful menses

To relieve mild menstrual cramps, take aspirin or any other pain reliever, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Oral contraceptives (Women taking birth control pills have less menstrual pain.)

(Note: patients of duodenal/peptic ulcers, Crohn’s disease, Liver diseases, Spleen and kidney diseases should be very careful with these allopathic drugs).

Place a heating pad or hot water bottle on your lower back or abdomen. Rest when needed Avoid foods that contain caffeine. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. Massage your lower back and abdomen.

Homeopathic treatment for Dysmenorrhea or painful menses

Actea Racemosa or Cimicifuga Racemosa

Menses profuse, early; dark, coagulated; scanty, irregular, delayed, or suppressed. Hysterical or epileptically spasms at time of menses. Pains in uterine region shoot from side to side. Pains in ovarian region shoot upward. Bearing down in uterine region and small of back; limbs feel heavy, torpid. Severe pain in lower part of abdomen. Rheumatic dysmenorrhea. Leucorrhea with sensation of weight in the uterus. During pregnancy – nausea; false labor-like pains; sharp pains across abdomen; insomnia. During parturition “shivers,” first stage; pains too strong; spasmodic cardiac neuralgia; lochia suppressed (by cold or emotions); rigid os; Puerperal mania. Tendency to abort at third month. Infra-mammary pains. Burning in breasts.

Aletris Farinosa

Dysmenorrhea or Painful Menses. Dysmenorrhea with labor like pains. Menses scanty, retarded. Prolapse of uterus. Anemic, chlorotic girls with great debility. Tired all the time. Sensation of weight in uterus. China of uterine system.

Magnesium Phosphoric

Menstrual colic: pain precedes flow. Menses six to nine days and too soon. With menses great weakness, intensely sore, bruised feeling, could hardly be up at all, want to be lying. Labia swollen and intensely painful. Flow dark, fibrinous, stringy. Dysmenia; pains (cutting, drawing, pressing, cramping) severe, intermittent.

Magnesia Carbonica and Dysmenorrhea or painful menses.

Backache and general flabby condition. Menstrual flow more profuse during night than day and with dragging pains; Feels better from pressure on abdomen and stooping. No menstrual discharge during the pains. Sensation of bearing down towards groins, as if preparatory to catamenia, with cutting pains in abdomen. Catamenia retarded, or completely suppressed; too scanty; or premature, and accompanied by a variety of sufferings. Constant headache, at each excessive menstrual period. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses.

Falls down in a dead faint at each menstrual period, with aching pains in limbs, which feel useless, and ovarian pain. Emission of deep-colored, thick, glutinous, and pitch-like blood, with the catamenia. Before the catamenia: pains in loins, colic, bulimia, frequent risings, and nausea. During catamenia: dejection, shivering, pains in head, paleness of face, pains in loins, and cramp-like, pressive pains in abdomen, which arrest the menstrual flux. Discharge of white and corrosive mucus from vagina, sometimes preceded by cramps in abdomen. Sore throat before menstruating.

Magnesia Muriatica

Catamenia too early and too copious. Suppressed menses. Black and coagulated blood during catamenia. During catamenia: paleness of face, with pains in loins and depression; fainting; pain in legs. Cramps in uterus, sometimes with pains extending to thighs, and leucorrhea. Leucorrhea during movement or preceded by cramps in abdomen. Scirrhous induration of uterus. Leucorrhea immediately after stool.


Great sexual desire after menses in girls. Severe pain in ovary, with a sensation as if a sac was dysmenorrhea or painful menses-painful-cramps-Cause-Diagnosis-Best treatment options-Top Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed distended and if pressed would burst; sensation as if something was pulling it down, causing it to be sore; pain when walking passed to groin, with burning. Tense pains passing diagonally in ovary, followed by a bubbling sensation. Intense, excruciating, neuralgic pains in whole pelvic region, extending downwards through ovarian region to uterus. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Profuse menses: dark clotted, stains difficult to wash; also, bright/fresh blood, with faintness and pain. Intense menstrual colic with terrible bearing-down, labor-like pains. A burning pain in lower part of back and hips during menses.

After very profuse menses, neuralgia in paroxysms in head, with twitching and drawing in of limbs and cords of neck, which were like wires; pain in lower abdomen, with profuse yellowish leucorrhea. Itching of vagina and labia. Dryness of glottis, with pain during deglutition.


Women who never get well from the change of life -“have never felt well since that time”, unnatural unwell periods. During change of life – flashes of heat all day, and cold flashes on retiring at night. Sensation in the abdomen as if a ball were ascending from thence to chest, as in hysteria. Pains from ovaries to uterus, with discharge of pus while at stool. Uterus feels as if os were constantly open. Redness and swelling of external parts (with discharge of mucus), with itching and sexual desire.

Catamenia feeble, tardy, and of too short duration, often accompanied by hemorrhoidal and, other sufferings. Menstruation suppressed. Menstruation too scanty (blood black). Abdominal spasms during catamenia. Before menses: pains and throbbing in the head, vertigo, epistaxis, aching in stomach, risings, cuttings in hypogastrium, flow of mucus from urethra, and cramps in chest. Before and after menses, diarrhea with violent colic. Menstrual colic. Swelling, induration, pain and other anomalies of ovary. On the appearance of the catamenia, sacral pains, with pain as of a fracture in hips and chest. During the catamenia, pains in the loins like those of labor, throbbing in the head, and cuttings. Miscarriage. Breasts – swollen. Intolerably itching tetters on and around nipples. Nipples swollen, erect, painful to the touch. Sexual desire excited (nymphomania).


Severe pains in breast at the beginning of menstruation. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Menstruation with pains in lumbo-sacral and ovarian region. Stitching pain in lower abdomen; pains in lumbo-sacral region – feels better when walking. Weakness in genital region; painful menstruation. Blood lumpy, menstruation lasting more days than usual; menstruation ante pones eight days. Burning pains in external genitals; sharp leucorrhea; pains in sacral and ovarian region to hip-joints. Sensation of heat in genitalia externa, with increased leucorrhea. Cramps in uterine region with pains in sacral and ovarian region. Burning pain in ovarian region. Menstruation returns fourteen days after parturition.

Belladonna for Dysmenorrhea or painful menses

Violent protruding pressure towards the genital parts, principally when walking, or when in a crouching posture. Shooting in the internal genital parts. Severe dryness of the vagina. Prolapsus and induration of the matrix. Catamenia too copious, and too early or too tardy, and too pale. Before the catamenia, fatigue, colic, loss of appetite, and confused sight. During the catamenia, nocturnal sweat on the chest, with yawning and transient shivering, colic, or anguish of heart, burning thirst, sharp and cramp-like pains in the back and in the arms. Flow of blood beyond the period of the catamenia. Flow of blood between the periods. Menstrual discharge bright red, feeling very hot. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses.

Metrorrhagia of clear red blood, with a discharge of fetid clots; with violent pain in the small of the back and bearing down. Menstrual blood of bright color, or of a bad smell. Leucorrhea with colic. Diminished lochia. Spasmodic contraction of the uterus. Labour pains too distressing, spasmodic; too weak, or ceasing. After-pains. Congestion and inflammation of the uterus and labia. Stitches in the organs. Puerperal fever, nymphomania. Flow of milk from the breast. Mammae swelled, inflamed and/or indurated.

Phosphorus for Dysmenorrhea or painful menses

Nymphomania. Aversion to coitus. Tearing in genital organs, and stitches upward from vagina into uterus. Edema of labia, later gangrene. Catamenia too early and too profuse and of too long duration, or too early and too scanty and serous with toothache and colic. Discharge of blood from uterus during pregnancy. Before menses: abundant bleeding of ulcers; leucorrhea; want to urinate; and weeping. Frequent and profuse metrorrhagia. On appearance of menses incisive, griping pains in the back and vomiting. After menses: weakness, blue circles around eyes, and anxiety. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Menses: of too short continuance retarded. During menses shooting headaches; fermentation in abdomen; expectoration of blood pains in (small of) back; soreness of limbs; great lassitude and fever; or palpitation of heart; shivering; swelling of gums and cheeks, and many other sufferings.

Sterility on account of excessive voluptuousness, or if the menstruation comes on too late and is too profuse. Smarting, corrosive leucorrhea (drawing blisters). Hard and painful nodosities in breasts. Inflammation of breasts, even after formation of pus. Erysipelatous inflammation of breasts with swelling, burning pains, and shootings. Burning, pinching in breasts, heat mounting to head. Cramp pain in breast, high tip, under sternum, with eructation. Pain below nipple tingling like electricity. Nipples hot and sore. Papular eruption on breasts. Abscess in breasts also with fistulous ulcers; bluish color.

Kreosotumfor Dysmenorrhea or painful mensesdysmenorrhea or painful menses-painful-cramps-Cause-Diagnosis-Best treatment options-Top Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed

Premature catamenia, of too long continuance, and too copious, with a discharge of black blood. Burning in the parts, followed by menstrual discharge of dark blood. Appearance of menses in third month of pregnancy (blood black, flows in a stream). Before the catamenia, abdominal spasms, leucorrhea, irritation, and inquietude, vomiting of mucus or frothy risings, and inflation of the abdomen.

Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. During menses: Hardness of hearing; discharge of fetid wind, constipation, and incarceration of flatus; buzzing and roaring in head; with pressive pains, colic, cuttings, sacral pains, constant shivering, or sweat on the back, and on the chest.

After menses: Abdominal spasms; pressure in the genitals; leucorrhea; and many other sufferings. Pains during menses. Menses flow only when lying; cease on sitting or walking. Metrorrhagia in fungoid disease of endometrium. Leucorrhea, corrosive or mild, and sometimes followed by exhaustion and fatigue. Leucorrhea of a yellow color, staining linen yellow, with weakness in legs. Leucorrhea, having odor of green corn.

Nausea during pregnancy; ptyalism; excoriating lochia. Cramp-like pains in external genitals. Excoriation, with smarting pains between genitals and thighs. Shooting tingling in vagina. Voluptuous itching in vagina, inducing rubbing in evening, succeeded by smarting, swelling, heat, and induration of external parts, with soreness in vagina when urinating. Hard knottiness in neck of uterus or swelling of the genital parts with burning pains. Prolapsus vagina. Prolapsus uteri. Pulling, stitches, and shootings in the mammary glands.

Coffea Cruda

Immoderate irritation of the sexual parts of females, with voluptuous itching, great secretion of mucus, and frequent flow of blood. Metrorrhagia. Labour and after-pains insupportably painful. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses.

Coffea Tosta

Spasmodic sensation deep in uterine region, it seems as if something tried to press outward and could not, because it constantly gave rise to spasms. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Severe labor pains, patient becoming greatly excited; severe pains in small of back. Menstruation increased and prolonged.

Aconitum Napalus

Menses too abundant and too protracted. Suppressed menstruation from fright, from cold feet. After-pains too painful and too protracted. Milk fever (with delirium). Puerperal peritonitis. Maniacal fury on the appearance of the menses. Stitching pains move to fundus uteri, sharp shooting pains, abdomen exceedingly sensitive. Ovaritis from suddenly checked menstrual flow. Labour-like pressing in womb (dysmenorrhea). Uterine hemorrhage; active, much excitability; giddy, cannot sit up; fear of death. Vagina dry, hot, sensitive. Leucorrhea, copious, tenacious, yellow. Increase of milk in breasts.

Chamomilla for Dysmenorrhea or painful menses

Catamenia suppressed, with swelling and precisive pains in the pelvis. Labour like pains, and general dropsy. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Menstrual colic, before the catamenia. Pressure towards the uterus. Violent after-pains. Metrorrhagia, with discharge of deep-red blood, and of clots, accompanied by labor pains. Discharge of blood between the regular catamenia. Burning pains and smarting in the vagina. Corrosive leucorrhea, with smarting. Scirrhous induration of the mammary glands. Suppression of milk (mixed with pus; milk fever). Puerperal fever. Erysipelas of the breasts and soreness of the nipples.

Nux Vomica

Menses too early, lasts too long; always irregular, blood black with faint spells. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Prolapsus uteri. Dysmenorrhea, with pain in sacrum, and constant urging to stool. Inefficient labor-pains; extend to rectum, with desire for stool and frequent urination. Desire too strong. Metrorrhagia, with sensation as if bowels wanted to move.  Constipation and diarrhea Before Period-dysmenorrhea or painful menses-painful-cramps-Cause-Diagnosis-Best treatment options-Top Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed

Cactus Grandiflorus

Constriction in uterine region and ovaries. Dysmenorrhea; pulsating pain in uterus and ovaries. Vaginismus. Menses early, dark, pitch-like; cease on lying down, with heart symptoms.

Bovista Lycoperdon

Diarrhea before and during menses. Menses too early and profuse; worse at night. Voluptuous sensation. Leucorrhea acrid, thick, tough, greenish, follows menses. Cannot bear tight clothing around waist. Traces of menses between menstruation. Soreness of pubes during menses. Metrorrhagia; Periovarian cysts. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses.

Calceria Carbonica for Dysmenorrhea or painful menses

Before menses, headache, colic, chilliness and leucorrhea. Cutting pains in uterus during menstruation. Menses too early, too profuse, too long, with vertigo, toothache and cold, damp feet; the least excitement causes their return. Uterus easily displaced. Leucorrhea, milky. Burning and itching of parts before and after menstruation; in little girls. Increased sexual desire, easy conception. Hot swelling breasts. Breasts tender and swollen before menses. Milk too abundant; disagreeable to child. Deficient lactation, with distended breasts in lymphatic women. Much sweat about external genitals. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Sterility with copious menses. Uterine polyps.

Calceria Phosphoricum

Menses too early, excessive, and bright in girls. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. If late, blood is dark; sometimes, first bright, then dark, with violent backache. During lactation with sexual excitement. Nymphomania, with aching, pressing, or weakness in uterine region. After prolonged nursing. Leucorrhea, like white of egg. Worse morning. Child refuses breast; milk tastes salty. Prolapsus in debilitated persons.

Sabinadysmenorrhea or painful menses-painful-cramps-Cause-Diagnosis-Best treatment options-Top Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed

Menses profuse, bright. Uterine pains extend into thighs. Threatened miscarriage. Sexual desire increased. Leucorrhea after menses, corrosive, offensive. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Discharge of blood between periods, with sexual excitement. Retained placenta; intense after-pains. Menorrhagia in women who aborted readily. Inflammation of ovaries and uterus after abortion.

Promotes expulsion of moles from uterus. Pain from sacrum to pubis, and from below upwards shooting up the vagina. Hemorrhage; partly clotted; worse from least motion. Atony of uterus.

Amber Gresia

Nymphomania, itching of pudendum, with soreness and swelling. Menses too early. Profuse, bluish leucorrhea. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Discharge of blood between periods, at every little accident.

Caulophyllum Thalictroides Dysmenorrhea or painful menses

Extraordinary rigidity of os. Spasmodic and severe pains, which fly in all directions; shivering, without progress; false pains. Revives labor pains and furthers progress of labor. After pains. Leucorrhea, with moth-spots on forehead. Habitual abortion from uterine debility. Needle-like pains in cervix. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Dysmenorrhea, with pains flying to other parts of body. Lochia protracted, great atony. Menses and leucorrhea profuse.


Rigid os. Vaginismus. False labor-pains; pains pass up back. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Dysmenorrhea, with scanty flow; menses retarded. Pain extends to back and hips. Aphonia and sore throat during menses. Sensation as if uterus were squeezed.

Cyclamen Europaeum

Menses profuse, black, membranous, clotted, too early, with labor-like pains from back to pubes. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Flow less when moving about. Menstrual irregularities with megrim and blindness, or fiery spots before eyes. Hiccough during pregnancy. Post-partum hemorrhage, with colicky bearing-down pains, with relief after gush of blood. After menses, swelling of breasts, with milky secretion.

Helonias Dioica for Dysmenorrhea or painful menses

Dragging in sacral region, with prolapse, especially after a miscarriage. Pruritus vulvae. Backache after miscarriage. Weight and soreness in womb; conscious of womb. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Menses too frequent, too profuse. Leucorrhea. Breasts swollen, nipples painful and tender. Parts hot, red, swollen; burn and itch terribly. Albuminuria during pregnancy. Debility attending the menopause.

Pulsatilla Nigra

Menstrual blood black, with clots of mucus, or pale and serous. Catamenia irregular, tardy, or premature, of too short or too long duration, or entirely suppressed with colic, hysterical spasms. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses.

Sepia Officianalis

Pelvic organs relaxed. Bearing-down sensation as if everything would escape through vulva, must cross limbs to prevent protrusion, or press against vulva. Leucorrhea yellow, greenish; with much itching. Menses Too late and scanty, irregular; early and profuse; sharp clutching pains. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Violent stitches upward in the vagina, from uterus to umbilicus. Prolapse of uterus and vagina. Morning sickness. Vagina painful, especially on coition.

Secale CornitumSecale Cornutum-dysmenorrhea or painful menses-painful-cramps-Cause-Diagnosis-Best treatment options-Top Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed

Menstrual colic, with coldness and intolerance of heat. Passive hemorrhages in feeble, cachectic women. Burning pains in uterus. Brownish, offensive leucorrhea. Menses irregular, copious, dark; continuous oozing of watery blood until next period. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses.  Threatened abortion about the third month. During labor no expulsive action, though everything is relaxed. After-pains. Suppression of milk; breasts do not fill properly. Dark, offensive lochia. Puerperal fever, putrid discharges, tympanites, coldness, suppressed urine.

Thalaspi Bursa

Menses too early, profuse, protracted, tardy in starting, first day merely a show, second day colic & vomiting. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Profuse, dark, clotted blood with violent cramps, scarcely recovers from one period before another begins.


Uterine hemorrhage, profuse, bright, gushing, with nausea. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Vomiting during pregnancy. Pain from navel to uterus. Menses too early and too profuse.

Abroma Radix

An effective medicine in treating irregular menstrual disorder. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. It can manage dysmenorrhea where menstrual flow may be copious and scanty, leucorrhea.

Erigeron Canadensis

Metrorrhagia, with violent irritation of rectum and bladder, and prolapsus uteri. Bright-red flow. Menorrhagia; profuse leucorrhea; bloody lochia returns after least motion, comes in gushes; between periods, leucorrhea with urinary irritation; pregnant women with “weak uterus;” a bloody discharge on slight exertion. Bleeding hemorrhoids; nosebleed instead of menses. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses.


Dysmenorrhea; spasmodic uterine colic; pains suddenly fly to distant parts. After-pains. False pains. Cramps in fingers and toes alternating with uterine pains.

Veratrum Album

Menses too early; profuse and exhausting. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Dysmenorrhea, with coldness, purging, cold sweat. Faints from least exertion. Sexual mania precedes menses.

Vibernum Opulus

Menses too late, scanty, lasting a few hours, offensive in odor, with crampy pains, cramps extend down thighs. Bearing-down pains before. Ovarian region feels heavy and congested. Aching in sacrum and pubes, with pain in anterior muscles of thighs; spasmodic and membranous dysmenorrhea. Leucorrhea, excoriating. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Smarting and itching of genitals. Faint on attempting to sit up. Frequent and very early miscarriage, causing seeming sterility. Pains from back to loins and womb worse early morning.


Dysmenorrhea with violent irritation of bladder & rectum. Bright red blood. Nosebleed instead of menses. Pain in left ovary & hip. Persistent hemorrhages. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses.


Congestive dysmenorrhea. Pains better by appearance of menses. Nosebleed when flow intermits. Abdominal pain better by bending backwards. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. During menses irritable & disinclined to talk. Menses too early, copious. Uterine displacements.  Membranous Dysmenorrhea-dysmenorrhea or painful menses-painful-cramps-Cause-Diagnosis-Best treatment options-Top Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed

Borax Veneta

Labor pains with frequent eructation. Galactorrhea. In nursing, pain in opposite breast. Leucorrhea like white of eggs, with sensation as if warm water was flowing. Menses too soon, profuse, with griping, nausea and pain in stomach extending into small of back. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Membranous dysmenorrhea. Sterility. Favors easy conception. Sensation of distention in clitoris with sticking. Pruritus of vulva and eczema.

Kali Carbonicum

Menses early, profuse or too late, pale and scanty, with soreness about genitals; pains from back pass down through gluteal muscles, with cutting in abdomen. Pain through left labium, extending through abdomen to chest. Delayed menses in young girls, with chest symptoms or ascites. Difficult, first menses. Complaints after parturition. Uterine hemorrhage; constant oozing after copious flow, with violent backache, relieved by sitting and pressure. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses.

Lac Caninum

Menses too early, profuse, flow in gushes. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Breasts swollen; painful before and better on appearance of menses. Mastitis; worse, least jar. Helps to dry up milk. Sinking at epigastrium. Sexual organs easily excited. Backache: spine very sensitive to touch or pressure. Galactorrhea.

Mercurialis Perennis

Dysmenorrhea with scanty menses, pain & swelling of breasts. Amenorrhea. Great dryness of mouth & throat. Burning of tongue & lips. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses.


Neuralgic dysmenorrhea with pain in back & down the legs. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Menses too early, thick, almost black, in strings. Pain in loins & lower abdomen, worse left side extending down the thigh, along the genito crural nerves. Desire to take deep breath during pain. Wants to sit or lie down. Ovarian neuralgia. Thin emaciated chlorotic women with oedema of face & legs.

Trillium Pendulum

Dysmenorrhea with sensation as if hips & back were falling to pieces, better by tight bandaging, better least movement. Flooding with fainting, menorrhagia. Uterine fibroids. Gushing of bright red blood. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses.

Senecio Aureus

Anemic dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Before menses, inflammation of throat, chest & bladder which improve after menses. Functional amenorrhea in young girls with backache. Great heat & constant urge for urination. Scanty bloody urine with much mucus & tenesmus.


Menses too scanty with ovarian irritation or too profuse & too early. Extreme pain during the period, flow profuse & do not cease until next period, most of the time confined to bed. Between periods, constant suffering under left breast at margin of ribs. Oozing of dark, highly coagulated blood, long black strings. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses.

Fraximus Americana

Dysmenorrhea from uterine tumors, fibroids, uterine enlargements. Cramps in feet with bearing down sensation. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses.

Piscidia Ery or Piscidia Piscipula

Neuralgic & spasmodic dysmenorrhea. Irregular menses. Insomnia due to worry, nervous excitement. A nerve sedative. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses.

Asoka Jonosia

Delayed or irregular menses. Headache due to suppressed menses. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Menses scanty, pale, foul smelling, blackish, with, pain, palpitation, hysteria & loss of appetite.

Zincum Valerianicum

Neuralgic dysmenorrhea, ovarialgia, pains shoot down the limbs, even to the foot. Becomes Hysteria-dysmenorrhea or painful menses-painful-cramps-Cause-Diagnosis-Best treatment options-Top Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed almost insane with pain, sleeplessness from pain. Hysterical women. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses.


Violent pains followed by uterine hemorrhage, menses too early. Head heavy, drowsy. Chilly with icy coldness of lower extremities without thirst, followed by heat. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses.

Ignatia Amara Dysmenorrhea or painful menses

Menses, black, too early, too profuse, or scanty. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. During menses great languor, with spasmodic pains in stomach and abdomen. Feminine sexual frigidity. Suppression from grief.

Natrum Muriaticum

Menses irregular; usually profuse. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Vagina dry. Leucorrhea acrid, watery. Bearing-down pains; worse in morning. Prolapsus uteri, with cutting in urethra. Ineffectual labor-pains. Suppressed menses. Hot during menses.

Ammonium Carbonicum

Menses irregular; usually profuse. Vagina dry. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Leucorrhea acrid, watery. Bearing-down pains; worse in morning. Prolapsus uteri, with cutting in urethra. Ineffectual labor-pains. Suppressed menses. Hot during menses.

Cocculus Indicus
coccus - cacti-dysmenorrhea or painful menses-painful-cramps-Cause-Diagnosis-Best treatment options-Top Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed

Dysmenorrhea, with profuse dark menses. Dysmenorrhea or painful menses. Too early menses, clotted, with spasmodic colic. Painful pressing in uterine region, followed by hemorrhoids. Purulent, gushing leucorrhea between menses; very weakening, can scarcely speak. So weak during menstruation, scarcely able to stand.

Coccus Cacti

Menses too early, profuse, black and thick; dark clots, with dysuria. Intermittent menstruation; flow only in evening and at night. Large clots escape when passing water. Labia inflamed.


If your patient uses tampons and develop the following symptoms, let her know to get medical help right away:

These are symptoms of a condition called toxic shock syndrome, which can be life-threatening.

P. S: This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy, for learning purpose(s).

For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.

None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment, but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.

To order medicine by courier, please send your details at WhatsApp– +923119884588

dysmenorrhea or painful menses-painful-cramps-Cause-Diagnosis-Best treatment options-Top Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan-Dr-Qaisar-AhmedDr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.

  Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.

Location:  Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.

Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at:

https://www.youtube.com/Dr Qaisar Ahmed



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