Varicocele-Causes-Diagnosis-Best Treatment Options-Homeopathic-Dr-Qaisar-AhmedDr Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS.

A varicocele (VAIR-ick-oh-seal) is a common disorder that enlarges the veins in scrotum. The scrotum is the pouch of skin behind the penis that typically contains testes (testicles). Varicoceles are similar to varicose veins. Larger varicoceles may feel or look like a bag of worms or spaghetti. They may cause mild discomfort, aches or pains. Smaller varicoceles may be too small to see or feel.

Varicoceles are usually painless but can sometimes cause testicular pain, which may come and go. In some people, a varicocele may cause infertility. Varicoceles aren’t life-threatening. However, a varicocele can be very serious if patient want to try to have a biological child.

Varicoceles affect 15% to 20% of all men and people assigned male at birth (AMAB). A varicocele is more likely to occur on the left side of the scrotum because of differences in how blood drains from the left testicle back into the major veins of the body. Less commonly, it can affect the right side or both sides.

Can varicoceles affect fertility?

Yes, varicoceles can affect fertility. Varicoceles can contribute to about 40% of all cases of male infertility.

In my opinion the varicoceles play an important role in male infertility, because it causes blood circulation to the scrotum (testicle) said Dr Qaisar Ahmed. It’s possible that the temperature inside your scrotum decreases due to the poor blood in the veins. The low temperature and poor blood supply affecting both testicles, it affects the sperm count and its production.

Symptoms and Causes

Varicoceles usually have any symptoms, for example:

  • Dull testicular pain or aching in the scrotum, which often gets better when patient lie down.
  • Swelling in testicles or scrotum.
  • Shrinking in testicles (testicular atrophy).
  • Infertility.
  • A small lump above affected testicle.

What is the main cause of a varicocele?

I (Dr Qaisar Ahmed) think that a faulty “switch” (valve) inside certain veins in the spermatic cord cause them. The spermatic cord is a band of tissues that holds the testicles in place. These veins return blood from the testicles to the body. The valve acts as a sort of “on/off” switch. It has two flap-like structures that help blood move back toward the heart. When a valve doesn’t work the way, it should, blood may build up inside the veins in testicles and over time, the veins swell.

Does a varicocele cause erectile dysfunction?

Yes, said Dr Qaisar Ahmed; my research shows mandatory effects of varicoceles causing erectile dysfunction (ED).


Varicoceles may increase the risk of other complications, for example:

  • Low testosterone (male hypogonadism). People assigned male at birth create testosterone in their testicles. Testosterone is a hormone that initiates male characteristics during puberty, enhances libido (sex drive) and helps strengthen bones and muscles. Low testosterone may shrink one’s testicles, reduce his sex drive, decrease his muscle mass and cause depression.
  • Azoospermia. Azoospermia is when there is no sperm in ejaculate (semen).

Diagnosis and Tests

A good should review patient’s medical history, ask questions about his symptoms and perform a physical examination.

During the physical exam, ask your patient to stand up, take a deep breath, hold his nose and mouth closed and strain to push air out (this is the Valsalva maneuver), feel your patient’s scrotum for enlarged veins as patient is holding his breath and straining.

Also order the following tests to confirm the diagnosis:

  • Pelvic ultrasound. A pelvic ultrasound gives us detailed view of the veins in patient’s testicles.
  • Semen analysis. Order a semen analysis if there are concerns that a varicocele is impacting patient’s fertility.
  • Blood test. To check hormone levels, including follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and testosterone.

What are the grades of a varicocele?

After confirming the presence of a varicocele, doctor will grade its severity:

  • Grade 0. This is the smallest type of varicocele. Doctor can’t feel it during a physical exam but is visible on an ultrasound.
  • Grade I. Doctor can’t see the varicocele but can only feel it when patient perform the Valsalva maneuver.
  • Grade II. Doctor can feel the varicocele even when patient is not performing the Valsalva maneuver, but it’s still not visible.
  • Grade III. This is the largest varicocele. Doctor can clearly see and feel it.

Allopathic treatment for varicocele

Varicocele allopathic treatment depends on the severity of varicocele. For low-grade varicoceles, an allopathic healthcare provider may recommend at-home treatment options, for example: Varicocele-Varicose Veins-COPD-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic Treatment-Best Homeopathic Doctor-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed-Risalpur-KPK-Pakistan

  • No treatment. Patient have no need to treatment if his varicocele doesn’t bother him or cause fertility issues.
  • Changes the daily routine. Patient may need to avoid certain activities that cause discomfort for example: wearing tighter-fitting underwear (like spandex or elastane) or a jockstrap while exercising, standing for long periods etc.
  • Ice. Applying ice or cold packs to the scrotum may help relieve pain and discomfort. Don’t apply ice directly to your skin but wrap ice or cold packs in a towel. Apply ice for 15 minutes maximum at a time.
  • Over the counter (OTC) medicationsNonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) — such as naproxen and ibuprofen, diclofenac etc. can help relieve any aching or pain in the scrotum or testicles. Not everyone can take NSAIDs, so it’s a good idea to talk to a provider (about side effects) before you take them.

What is varicocele surgery?

A varicocelectomy is a surgical procedure that treats severe varicoceles that are painful or affect patient’s fertility. A surgeon will cut the affected veins and seal off the ends. This redirects blood flow to other healthy veins in the scrotum.

In simple words – “There is no treatment for varicocele in allopathy”.

Homeopathic treatment for varicocele

How do you really and easy get rid of a varicocele?

Homeopathic medicines not only open blockage dissolving the clot but at the same time the same medicine treats the basic cause of varicocele. Duration of treatment depends on person to person, in general almost 30-90 days are enough to treat even complicated cases.

Here are few homeopathic medicines for varicocele and varicose or spider veins:

Apis Mellifica
Homeopathic Treatment-Best Homeopathic Doctor-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed-Risalpur-KPK-Pakistan
             Dr. Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS.

Abscess. Swelling. Apoplexy. Dissection wounds. Dropsy. Ear erysipelas. Erysipelas. Erythema nodosum. Eyes affections; optic neuritis. Feet burning. Gangrene. Varicocele. Gout. Hands, swelling of. Heart affections. Heat-spots. Housemaid’s knee. Hydrocephalus. Hydrothorax. Injuries. synovitis. Meningitis. Ovaries pain, inflammation, tumors. Panaritium. Pannus. Peritonitis. Phlebitis.  Hydrothorax. Soreness in the chest, as from a bruise. Oppression of the chest, shortness of breath especially when ascending; inability to remain in a warm room. Dull aching pain in chest.

Expectoration of copious, transparent, frothy, bloody mucus. Every shock from coughing gives pain in the head, through the chest. Sudden pain just below the heart, soon extending toward. violent beats, shaking the whole body; intermittent beats. Region of heart sensitive to least pressure; rasping sounds of systole and diastole unmistakably audible. Palpitation of heart from scanty secretion of urine, perfectly cured by establishing the natural quantity. Pulse: almost imperceptible at wrist; accelerated and full; very frequent and hard; wiry; irregular and slow pulse; intermittent.

Crotalus Horridus

Swelling and discoloration, skin tense and shows every tint of color, with excruciating pain. Vesication. Sallow. Yellow color of the whole body. Sensitiveness of skin of right half of body. Purpura hemorrhagic. Hemorrhage from every part of body. Bloody sweat. Chilblains, felons. Dissecting wounds. Pustular eruptions. Lymphangitis and septicemia. Boils, carbuncles, and eruptions are surrounded by purplish, mottled skin and oedema. Hands tremble, swollen. Lower extremities tingling. Right-sided paralysis. Urine dark, bloody. Casts. Inflamed kidney. Albuminous, dark, scanty. Hemorrhage; blood dark, fluid, non-coagulable. Blood oozes from rectum, from urinary tract. Septic states. Varicose veins. Varicocele.

Arnica Montana

Veins of hands swollen, purplish; sudden pain as if heart squeezed or had got a shock (angina pectoris). Heart strained; irritable; stitches in. Varicocele. Inflammations.

Secale Cornutum

Varicocele. Precordial tenderness. Painful sensation over heart. Precordial anxiety. Violent spasmodic palpitation of heart. Pulse small, very rapid, contracted; frequently intermittent; fluttering, slow, depressed. Arteriosclerosis.


Spasmodic asthma. Constrictive spasms in chest. Rush of blood to heart and palpitation, that becomes very violent after eating. Palpitation of heart with obstructed respiration; palpitation from every mental emotion. Violent palpitation with anxiety, evenings and mornings in bed; on slight motion. Varicocele. Pulse rapid, full, and hard; small, weak, easily compressed. Irritates, inflammations and degeneration of mucous membranes, serous membranes. Inflammation of spinal cord and nerves, causing paralysis. Fatty degeneration of blood vessels. Polycythemia. Blood extravasations; fatty degenerations, cirrhosis. Osteo myelitis. Bone fragility.

Carduus Marianus

Splenic or hepatic cough. Pains in chest, going to front part, to shoulders, back, loins, and abdomen Varicocele-Causes-Diagnosis-Best Treatment Options-Homeopathic-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed combined with urging to urinate. Pain pressure and stitches in scrotum. Varicocele. Varicose veins and ulcers. Dropsical conditions depending on liver disease, and when due to pelvic congestion and hepatic disease. Debility. Hemorrhages. Hemorrhagic piles, prolapse or rectum, burning pain in anus, rectum and scrotum hard and knotting, clayey stools. Pelvic and rectal cancers.

Clematis Erecta

Scrofulous, rheumatic, gonorrheal, and syphilitic patients. Acts especially on skin, glands and Genito-urinary organs, especially testicles. Neuralgic pains in various parts, many of these pains are relieved by perspiration. Muscles relaxed or twitching. Great emaciation. Great sleepiness. Distant pulsation in whole body. Varicocele. Testicles indurated with bruised feeling. Swelling of scrotum (Orchitis). Right half only. Violent erections with stitches in urethra. Testicles hang heavy or retracted, with pain along spermatic cord; worse, right side.


The use of a testicular extract in cases of senile decay and nervous breakdown. Climacteric, sufferings of. Debility. Sexual weakness. Senility. Gland’s secretion or excretion badly affected. Climacteric sufferings. Ovariotomy. Varicocele. Debility, sexual weakness, and premature senile decay.

Salicylicum Acidum

Heat, redness, soreness, and swelling about joints. Spasms. Gangrene. Varicocele. Copious foul-smelling foot-sweats. Itching vesicles and pustules; better by scratching. Sweat without sleep. Urticaria. Hot and burning skin. Purpura. Herpes zoster. Necrosis and softening of bones.

Floricum Acidum

Acts especially upon lower tissues, and indicated in deep, destructive processes, bedsores, ulcerations, varicose veins, distended blood vessels, varicocele and ulcers. Hob-nailed liver of alcoholics. Soreness over liver. Ulceration of uterus and os.

Inflammation of joints of fingers. Feeling as of a splinter under nail. Nails crumble. Caries and necrosis, especially of long bones. Coccygodynia. Ulcer over tibia. Naevi. Ulcers; red edges and vesicles. Decubitus. Itching of cicatrices, especially of the orifices, and in spots. Nails grow rapidly. Periosteal abscess. Profuse, sour, offensive perspiration. Dropsy of limbs. Atony of capillary and venous system. Tissues bloated.

Pulsatilla Pratensis

Drawing, tensive pain in thighs and legs, with restlessness, sleeplessness and chilliness.; pain shifting rapidly; tensive pain, letting up with a snap. Varicocele. Hip-joint painful. Knees swollen, with tearing, drawing pains. Boring pain in heels; suffering worse from letting the affected limb hang down. Veins swollen. Feet red, inflamed, swollen. Legs feel heavy and weary. Varicose veins.


Varicocele. Excoriation between thighs. Hand numbness – arms feel asleep; finger-nails thick, black, and rough, matrix inflamed. Edema lower limbs. Toenails crippled. Stiffness and contraction of toes. Nails brittle and crumbling. Nails deformed, painful, sore, thick, and crippled. Cracks or fissures in ends of fingers. Offensive perspiration of feet. Varicose veins.

Early stage of keloid and fibroma. Pimples and acne. Eruptions, oozing out a sticky exudation. Rawness in bends of limbs, groins, neck, behind ears. Unhealthy skin: every little injury suppurates. Ulcers discharging a glutinous fluid, thin and sticky. Swelling and induration of glands, of testicles. Gouty nodosities. Swelling of feet. Wens.

Bothrops Lanceolatus

Hemorrhages, the blood being fluid and black. Varicocele. Varicose veins. Paralysis of arm or leg. Deep Varicocele-Causes-Diagnosis-Best Treatment Options-Homeopathic-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed gangrene, bones laid bare and necrotic. Hemiplegia. Dissecting gangrene. Slight shivering followed by very profuse cold sweat.

Convallaria Majalis

Fluttering at heart, lasting about a minute, then face would get red, with sensation as if heart stopped beating and would start again very suddenly, with faint, sick feeling. Pulse full, compressible, intermittent. Varicocele. Varicose veins. Orthopnea. Dyspnea while walking. Endocarditis, with extreme orthopnea. Sensation as if heart ceased beating. Angina pectoris. Extremely rapid and irregular pulse.


Varicose veins. Varicocele, hypertrophy, and valvular lesions, organs seem to be drawn together, very susceptible to cold. Heavy pain in scrotum, in extremities etc. Lancinating pains, feels better on deep inspiration. Pulse slow and irregular in rhythm and force; weak and thready, scarcely perceptible or pulse rapid; and full; 120, some beats tolerably full and strong, afterwards 32, irregular in rhythm and force, some of the beats full and bounding. The tissue lying beneath the varicose or varicocele is colored dark purple, and a large quantity of viscid blood-like fluid, with intense burning pains.


Varicose veins. Varicocele. Congestions. Violent beatings of the heart. Trembling of the heart, with anguish and pressive pain. Spasms. Vesical region sensitive. Incontinence, continuous dropping. Frequent and profuse. Hematuria where no pathological condition can be found. Prostatic hypertrophy. Testicles hard, drawn up, inflamed. Nocturnal sweat of genitals. Flow of prostatic fluid. Desire diminished. Shooting pains along limbs. Joints swollen, red, shining, with red streaks radiating. Tottering gait. Shifting rheumatic pains. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Jerking limbs. Involuntary limping. Cold extremities and sexual organs.

Vipera Berus

Increased reflexes, paresis supervenes, a paraplegia of the lower extremities extending upwards. Resembles acute ascending paralysis of Landry. Has special action on urinary organs. Hematuria. Cardiac dropsy.

Inflammation of veins with great swelling, bursting sensation. Varicose veins and acute phlebitis. Veins swollen, sensitive; bursting pain. Severe cramps in lower extremities. Skin livid. Skin peels in large plates. Lymphangioma, boils, carbuncles, with bursting sensation, relieved by elevating parts. Varicocele. Ailments of menopause. Edema of glottis. Polyneuritis, poliomyelitis. Face excessively swollen. Lips and tongue swollen, livid, protruding. Tongue dry, brown, black. Speech difficult.

Hepatomegaly with sever jaundice and fever; pain extends to shoulder, urinary organs and hip. Patient is obliged to keep the extremities elevated. When they are hanging down, it seems as if they would burst – pain is unbearable.

Vipera Communis

Vipera is a very valuable medicine for varicose veins, varicocele and for acute phlebitis, the veins are Varicocele-Causes-Diagnosis-Best Treatment Options-Homeopathic-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed swollen, bordered by an area of inflammation, very sensitive to touch, but particularly with the sensation, on letting the leg hang down, as if it would burst from the fulness of the veins. Suffocation. Dyspnea; with sticking in heart. Anxious breathing, threatening asphyxia. Blood drawn from arm flowed scantily, was dark, mixed with bright streaks. Veins are thick, swollen and hard. Swelling of chest and/or umbilicus. Edema of lungs before death. Oppression, with anxiety.

Sticking in heart; with cold sweat and faintness, slow; feeble; and no pulsation in radial or carotid arteries, but that in crural was very strong. Pulse: rapid; interrupted; slow, febrile; irregular; weak.

Aesculus Hippcostanum

Varicocele. Varicose veins. Oppression, stitches, soreness. Twitching in muscles, heart, testicles, extremities. Stitches and neuralgic pains. Hemorrhoidal complaints. Engorged veins, with backache. Fullness in various parts, dry and swollen.

Hamamelis Virginica 

Tickling and stitches in lower part. Sensation of constriction across chest. Palpitation. Pricking pain in superficial veins of extremities. Varicose veins. Varicocele.

Aurum Metallicum

Aurum develops in the organism, by attacking the blood, glands, and bone, conditions bearing striking resemblance to mercurial and syphilitic infections. Congestions. Varicocele. Ulcers – painful, swollen, obstructed. Inflammations; caries; fetid discharge, purulent, bloody. Boring pains. Varicose veins. Painful retention.  Pain and swelling of testicles. Chronic induration of testicles. Violent erections. Atrophy of testicles. Hydrocele.

Arsenicum Album

Trembling, twitching, spasms, weakness, heaviness, uneasiness. Cramps. Swellings’. Varicose veins. Burning pains. Peripheral neuritis. Diabetic gangrene. Ulcers on heel. Paralysis of lower limbs with atrophy. Varicocele.

Skin – itching, burning, swellings; oedema, eruption, papular, dry, rough, scaly; worse cold and scratching. Malignant pustules. Ulcers with offensive discharge. Anthrax. Poisoned wounds. Urticaria, with burning and restlessness. Psoriasis. Scirrhous. Icy coldness of body. Epithelioma of the skin, of scrotum. Gangrenous inflammations.

Lycopodium Clavatum

Numbness, drawing and tearing in limbs, testicles. Heaviness of arms, legs, scrotum etc. Tearing pains. One foot hot, the other cold. Painful callosities on soles; toes and fingers contracted. Sciatica. Hands and feet numb. Limbs go to sleep. Twitching and jerking.

Skin ulcerates. Abscesses beneath skin. Hives. Violent itching; fissured eruptions. Acne. Chronic eczema associated with urinary, gastric and hepatic disorders, bleeds easily. Skin thick and indurated. Varicose veins, naevi, erectile tumors. Varicocele. Brown spots, freckles. Skin dry, shrunken; hair becomes prematurely gray. Dropsies. Offensive secretions; viscid and offensive perspiration.

Zincum Metallicum

Lameness, weakness, trembling and twitching of various muscles. Chilblains. Feet in continued motion. Large varicose veins on legs. Varicocele. Sweaty. Convulsions, with pale face. Transverse pains. Formication of feet and legs as from bugs crawling over the skin. Eczema.

Carbo Vegitablis

Heavy, stiff; feel paralyzed; limbs, go to sleep; weak lower extremities; joints weak. Pain in shins, Varicocele-Varicose Veins-Causes-Diagnosis-Best Treatment Options-Homeopathic-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed scrotum/testicles. Cramp in soles; feet numb and sweaty. Cold from knees down. Toes red, swollen. Burning pain in bones and limbs. Varicocele.

Skin blue, cold ecchymosed. Marbled with venous over distension. Varicose veins. Itching. Moist skin; hot perspiration; senile gangrene beginning in toes; bed sores; bleed easily. Falling out of hair, from a general weakened condition. Indolent ulcers, burning pain. Ichirou, offensive discharge; tendency to gangrene of the margins. Purpura. Varicose ulcers, carbuncles.


varicose veins. Varicocele. Gangrene. Hemorrhagic tendency. Swelling and bloating of integuments of chest. Itching, red places, and miliary eruption on chest. Palpitation of heart and choking from slightest anxiety. Irregularity of beats. disagreeable pulsation in ears. Stitches pains. Shortness of breath. Purpura, septic states. Skin purple, mottled, puffed; looks swollen, bloated, jaundiced, chlorotic. Hemorrhoids protrude, become constricted, purplish, stitches in them.  Hot perspiration, bluish, purplish appearance. Boils, carbuncles, ulcers, with bluish, purple surroundings. Dark blisters. Bed-sores, with black edges. Blue-black swellings. Pyemia; dissecting wounds. Purpura, with intense prostration. Senile erysipelas. Wens. Cellulitis. Varicose ulcers.

Calcarea Flour

Hydrocele; indurations of the testicles. Spasms. Calc. Fluor removes fibroid deposits. Vascular tumors with dilated blood-vessels, varicose or enlarged veins. Aneurism. Valvular disease. Osseous tumors. Rachitic enlargement of femur in infants. Pain lower part of back, with burning.

Nitricum Acidium

Soreness and burning in glans and beneath prepuce. Ulcers; burn and sting; exude, offensive matter. Warts, large jagged; bleed on washing. Ulcers bleed easily, sensitive; splinter-like pains; zigzag, irregular edges; base looks like raw flesh. Exuberant granulations. Black pores on face, papules. Varicose veins. Varicocele. Blisters and ulcers in mouth, tongue, genitals; bleed easily. Fissures, with pain. All discharges very offensive, especially urine, feces, and perspiration. Excessive physical irritability. Gravel; arthritis. Capillary bleeding.

                                                         Varicose Veins-COPD-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic Treatment-Best Homeopathic doctor-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed-KPK-Pakistan
                                                                        Dr. Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS.

Preventing Varicose Veins, varicocele and Spider veins

Although spider veins and varicose veins and varicocele may not always be entirely preventable, there are various measures you can take to reduce your chances of developing them. Prevention tips include:

  • exercising regularly,
  • maintaining a healthy weight,
  • avoiding prolonged sitting or standing,
  • avoiding crossing your legs while seated,
  • elevating your legs when resting, and
  • avoiding wearing tight-fitting clothing around your waist, groin and legs.

P. S: This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy, for learning purpose(s).

For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.

None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.

Dr Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS.Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.

 Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.

Location:  Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.

Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at: Qaisar Ahmed drqaisar

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