Azoospermia-Causes-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic treatment-Best Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan-Dr Qaisar Ahmed-Al Haytham clinic-Risalpur-KPKDr Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS.

Azoospermia is the medical term used when there are no sperm in the ejaculate.

It can be “obstructive,” where there is a blockage preventing sperm from entering the ejaculate, or it can be “nonobstructive” when it is due to decreased sperm production by the testis.

A cystic accumulation of blood in the spermatic cord. It is a most common anatomical abnormality of the veins, especially Pampiniform plexus.

Varicocele is mostly found as left sided where the spermatic vein empties in the left renal vein. In short, varicoceles cause insufficient drainage of the blood from the testes that causes excessive pooling of the blood resulting in higher intra-scrotal temperature, very rarely retrograde ejaculations occur into the urinary bladder in cases of:

  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Hodgkin’s disease (prior to retroperitoneal dissection).
  • Prostatectomy.
  • Neurological dysfunction.

Types of Azoospermia

There are three main types of azoospermia:

Pretesticular azoospermia:

When testicles are normal, but patient’s body can’t get them to make sperm. It might happen because of low hormone levels or after patient had chemotherapy. (This type is very rare).

Testicular azoospermia:

Damage to the testicles keeps them from making sperm normally. It can happen because of:

  • An infection in patient’s reproductive tract, such as epididymitis and urethritis.
  • A childhood illness such as viral orchitis, which causes swelling of one or both testicles.
  • A groin injury.
  • Cancer or its treatments, like radiation.
  • Genetic conditions such as Klinefelter’s syndrome.
Post-testicular azoospermia:
Testicles make normal sperm, but something keeps them from getting out, like:

  • A blockage in the tubes that carry sperm from testicles to penis. This is called obstructive azoospermia.
  • A vasectomy.
  • Retrograde ejaculation, when semen goes into your bladder instead of out of your penis during an orgasm.

About 40% of men with azoospermia have the post-testicular type.

Diagnosis of Azoospermia

  • First, take samples of patient’s semen, If the lab examines show no sperm in patient’s semen on two separate occasions, then he has azoospermia.
  • Now try to figure out what’s causing the problem. A complete physical exam, medical history and blood test to measure patient’s hormone levels.
  • If hormone levels are normal, then the patient should be referred for scrotal or transrectal ultrasound to look for an obstruction.
  • An MRI may confirm the diagnosis.
  • If patient don’t have a blockage, genetic tests can find out if he has a problem in his genes.

Allopathic treatments and Fertility

There are a few types of treatment that can help men with azoospermia.

Azoospermia-Causes-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic Treatment-Best Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan-Dr Qaisar Ahmed-Al Haytham clinic-Risalpur-KPK

In allopathic medicine, if patient have the obstructive type, surgery can remove the blockage. The more recent is the blockage, the more likely it is that the surgery will be successful.

Another way is the sperm retrieval can help men with nonobstructive azoospermia or those who have a blockage but don’t want surgery.

One way to do this is to use a tiny needle to draw sperm from patient’s testicle. Then use it later in vitro fertilization (IVF).

To watch about Azoospermia on YouTube Click Here

Homeopathic Treatment for Azoospermia

There are certain homeopathic medicines for azoospermia. These must be prescribed by an experienced doctor, do not self-medicate please.

Medicines for azoospermia are:

Nux Vomica

Nux vomica has proved excellent in Oligospermia. Bad effects of sexual excesses. Constrictive pain in testicles. Orchitis (bacterial and/or viral). Spermatorrhea, with dreams, backache, burning in spine, weakness and irritability. Azoospermia due to mental exertion, bad eating habits (carbonated drinks, fast food, processed and canned food etc), too much touch, red Chille, stimulants (especially allopathic), narcotics, dry weather, sever cold.

Hamamelis Virginiana

Venous congestion, hemorrhages, varicose veins, congestion of any cylindrical shaped organ, with bruised soreness of affected parts. Acts upon the coats of the cylindrical shaped organs causing relaxation with consequent engorgement. Passive venous hemorrhages from any part. Great value in open, painful wounds, with weakness from loss of blood. Pain in spermatic cord, running into testes. Varicocele. Pain in testicles. Orchitis. Testicles enlarged, hot, and painful. Epididymitis. Azoospermia.

Clematis Erecta

Acts especially on skin, glands and Genito-urinary organs, especially testicles. Muscles relaxed or twitching. Ilio-scrotal neuralgia. Testicles indurated with bruised feeling. Azoospermia. Swelling of scrotum (Orchitis). Right half only. Troubles from suppressed gonorrhea. Violent erections with stitches in urethra. Testicles hang heavy or retracted, with pain along spermatic cord; worse, right side.

Pulsatilla Pratensis

Orchitis; pain from abdomen to testicles. Azoospermia. Thick, yellow discharge from urethra; late stage of gonorrhea. Stricture: urine passed only in drops, and stream interrupted. Acute prostatitis. Pain and tenesmus in urinating, worse lying on back.

Azoospermia-Causes-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic Treatment-Best Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan-Dr Qaisar Ahmed-Al Haytham clinic-Risalpur-KPK
Agnus Castus

Diminution of sexual power. The penis is small and flaccid; so relaxed that voluptuous fancies excite no erection. Feeble erections without sexual desire.

The testicles are cold, swollen, hard, and painful. Impotence, with gleet (especially with those who have frequently had gonorrhea). Gleet, without sexual desire or erections. Emission of prostatic fluid when straining at stool; during micturition. Drawing along the spermatic cords. Pollutions from irritable weakness with prostatorrhea. Itching of the genital organs. Yellow discharges from the urethra. Gonorrhea, with suppressed sexual desire.

Argentum Nitricum

Cancer-like ulcer on prepuce. Ulcers on the prepuce; small, covered with pus; later, spreading, bowl-shaped, with a tallow-like coating. Impotence: erections but fail when coition is attempted. Want of desire, organs shriveled. Coition painful, urethra as if put oil stretch or sensitive at orifice.

Painful tension during erection, chordee, bleeding from urethra, and shooting in urethra from behind forward. Urethra swollen, hard, knotty, painful.

Spasmodic contraction of cremaster muscle, testicle drawn high up. Pain in testes and scrotum as from pins and needles. Azoospermia. Orchitis. Burning in spot in anterior of rectum (prostate gland).


This remedy has a marked action on the genital organs, and pruritus of this region. Coldness of single parts and inclination to lie down, with aggravation on lying on left side. Excellent for smokers and tobacco chewers. Increases the sperm count rapidly, in smokers. Frequent erections, flow of prostatic fluid, nocturnal emissions; until waking. Genital organs flabby; no erections or sexual desire. Azoospermia. Varicocele. Masturbation and its consequences. Modifies craving for tobacco. Pruritus. Glans very red. Organs seem larger, puffed, relaxed, cold, sweating, skin of scrotum thick. Erections when half-asleep; cease when fully awake. Impotency; relaxation of penis during excitement. No emission and no orgasm during embrace.


Complete prostration of the entire muscular system. Collapse. Gastralgia. Arteriosclerosis. violent pain along ureter. Tabacum patient has frequent erections, flow of prostatic fluid, nocturnal emissions; until waking. Genital organs flabby; no erections or sexual desire. Varicocele. Masturbation and its consequences. Modifies craving for tobacco. Pruritus. Glans very red. Organs seem larger, puffed, relaxed, cold, sweating, skin of scrotum thick. Erections when half-asleep; cease when fully awake. Impotency; relaxation of penis during excitement. No emission and no orgasm during embrace.

Conium Maculatum Azoospermia-Causes-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic Treatment-Best Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan-Dr Qaisar Ahmed-Al Haytham clinic-Risalpur-KPK

Swelling of the testes (after contusion). Cutting pain through scrotum to root of penis. Azoospermia. Lasciviousness. Impotence, insufficient erections, and absence of erections. Want of energy in coition. Erections imperfect, and of too short duration. Easy emission of semen, even without firm erections. Dejection, after coition.

Immoderate pollutions. Flow of prostatic fluid during evacuation, and after any mental emotion. With weakness of sexual organs, much sexual erethism, amatory thoughts, even emissions provoked by mere presence of women. Testicular injury Hydrocele, Varicocele, orchitis, effects of suppressed sexual appetite.


Azoospermia. Relaxation and coldness of organs. Pains shoot into testicles from region of kidneys. Strong-smelling sweat on scrotum and pubes. Emissions in sleep, or from sexual atony, with weak knees.

Phosphoric Acid

Lancinating pains in glans, fine pricking at point of penis. Burning cutting in glans with an out-pressing pain in both groins, feeling of heaviness in glans, especially when urinating. Tingling and oozing vesicles round frenum. Sycotic excrescences with heat and burning.

Crop of warts on prepuce. A crop of pedunculated warts come round corolla glandes after taking Pho. ac. in summer drinks. Condylomas. Eruption on penis and scrotum. Inflammatory swelling of scrotum. Pain in testes when touched, gnawing pain. Azoospermia.

Swelling of testes. Spermatic cord – enlarged, hard, and tightened. Absence of sexual desire. Frequent erections (in morning in bed; in morning when standing), without desire for coition. Weakness of sexual organs, with onanism, and little sexual desire. Exhaustion after coition. Frequent and very debilitating pollutions especially where the patient is much affected by the flow.

Onanism; especially when patient is much distressed by the culpability of the act. Discharge of semen when straining during an evacuation.

Titanium Metallicum

Too early ejaculation.  sexual weakness. Too, early ejaculation of semen in coitus. Obstruction. Azoospermia.

Tribulus Terrestris

A very good medicine for patients in their mid 40’s having partial impotence caused by overindulgence. seminal weakness, ready emissions and impoverished semen. Prostatitis, calculous affections and sexual neurasthenia. It meets the auto-traumatism of masturbation correcting the emissions and spermatorrhoea. Partial impotence caused by overindulgence of advancing age, or when accompanied by urinary symptoms, incontinence, painful micturition, etc.

Lycopodium Azoospermia-Causes-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic Treatment-Best Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan-Dr Qaisar Ahmed-Al Haytham clinic-Risalpur-KPK

It has proved its great value in sexual dysfunction (acquired and situational). Very effective in premature ejaculation.

Pain in the glans. Excoriation between scrotum and thighs. Dropsical swelling of genital organs. Immoderate excitement, or absence of sexual desire. Repugnance to coition, or disposition to be too easily excited to it.

Impotence of long standing. Weakness or total absence of erections. Penis small, cold, relaxed. Itching of the internal surface of the prepuce. Excessive pollutions, or absence of pollutions. Emission too speedy or too tardy during coition. Falling asleep during coition. Lassitude, after coition or pollutions. Flow of prostatic fluid, without an erection.

Tinospora Cordifolia

Proved its great value in anti-sperm antibody positive cases, it is an aphrodisiac, increases sexual potency, purifies sperm.


Marked effects on Genito-urinary organs and indicated in elderly men. Prostatitis and sexual agony. Patient easily exhausted physically and mentally. Loss of sexual power. Increased desire and decreased ability. Semen thin, odorless. Sexual neurasthenia. Hydrocele. Dribbling of semen during sleep. Irritation after coitus.

P. S: This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy, for learning purpose(s).

For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.

None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.

Dr Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS.Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.

 Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.

Location:  Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.

Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at: Qaisar Ahmed drqaisar

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