Small Breasts (Hypomastia) or Flat Chest or Underdeveloped Breasts – is characterized by the underdevelopment of breast tissue. It’s not a disease but rather a variation in breast size that can affect anyone, regardless of health or hormonal balance. The primary indicator is simply a smaller breast size, which might be noticeable as early as adolescence when breasts begin to develop during puberty.
The impact of Small Breasts (Hypomastia) extends beyond the physical. In a society where physical appearance often influences social interactions and personal perception, women with hypomastia might experience feelings of inadequacy or discomfort.
Causes of Small Breasts or Flat Chest/Underdeveloped Breasts
Hormonal factors are the most important cause of undeveloped breasts in a woman. It can occur after or during PCOS/PCOD.
The female hormones cause enlargement of the milk-producing tissue in the breast and may also contribute to breast swelling by the way of temporary fluid accumulation. Hormones can also increase the fat content within the breast over the long term. Any trouble or disease or abnormality could be the cause of un development or in other words “Mammary Atrophy”.
Amastia is a condition distinct from hypomastia, defined by the complete absence of one or both breasts and the nipple-areola complex. It is a rare congenital disorder that can occur either in isolation or as part of a syndrome affecting other parts of the body.
While hypomastia refers to the underdevelopment of breast tissue, resulting in smaller-than-average breasts, amastia is the absence of breast tissue entirely. Amastia can affect individuals in varying degrees, from the absence of a single breast to the lack of both breasts and nipples. This condition is noticeable from birth and is different from cases where breasts do not develop during puberty, a condition known as delayed breast development.
Allopathic Treatment for Small Breasts (Hypomastia)
There is no treatment for small breasts size (hypomastia) in allopathy accept of surgery. For many, surgical intervention offers a more definitive solution to concerns regarding breast size. Breast augmentation surgery, involving the insertion of implants or the transfer of fat to increase breast volume, is among the most popular cosmetic procedures worldwide.
What is Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation surgery aims to enhance the size and shape of the breasts, often leading to a more proportional figure and a renewed sense of comfort in one’s appearance. The procedure involves either the placement of implants beneath the breast tissue or the transfer of your own fat to the breast area.
Breast implants are classified into two main types: silicone and saline. Silicone implants are filled with silicone gel, offering a texture that many find to be more like natural breast tissue. Saline implants, on the other hand, are filled with sterile salt water. They are inserted empty and then filled once in place, allowing for minor adjustments in size.
Each type of implant comes with its considerations regarding feel, appearance, and risk of many complications.
Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation
An alternative to implants, fat transfer breast augmentation involves removing fat from other parts of patient’s body—typically through liposuction—and injecting it into patient’s breasts. This option appeals to those seeking a more natural enhancement, as it uses the patient’s own tissue. However, it generally provides a more subtle increase in size compared to implants.
Common Post-Surgical Complications
Some of the more common complications associated with breast augmentation include:
- Infection: Infections can occur at the incision sites or around the implant, sometimes requiring antibiotic treatment or, in severe cases, removal of the implant.
- Capsular Contracture: This occurs when the scar tissue around the implant tightens, potentially causing pain and hardness. It might necessitate surgery to remove the scar tissue or replace the implant.
- Implant Leakage or Rupture: Both saline and silicone implants can break. If a saline implant leaks, the saline will be safely absorbed by the body, leading to a noticeable decrease in breast size. A ruptured silicone implant can cause allergic reactions, infections and breast pain and off course changes in contour and shape.
- Changes in Nipple and Breast Sensation: May patients experience numbness in their breasts and lose of sense for lifetime.
Natural treatment for Small Breasts (Hypomastia)
Certain oils can help breasts grow larger or otherwise stimulate breast health.
These claims can apply to a wide range of oils, including:
- Almond oil.
- Jojoba oil.
- Olive oil.
- Flaxseed oil.
- Soybean oil.
- Wheat germ oil.
- Evening primrose oil.
- Essential oils, such as rose, jasmine, or lavender.
Homeopathic treatment for Small Breasts (Hypomastia)
Stimulating the receptors of estrogen will make breasts bigger. Two hormones grow breasts progesterone and estrogen. As for breast enlargement in men, the mentioned methods should work on them as well.
Homeopathy is used to cure disease and less to encourage development. If the breasts are small due to hormonal imbalances and the person is still developing, homeopathy can help regulate hormones so development can proceed normally. The breasts may grow a bit as a result of that. Other than that, each person has their particular body type, and this is not an illness to be “cured”. said Dr. Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS.
Dong Quai “female ginseng.” {Angelica Sinensis, Chinese Angelica}: 
(Dong Quai root is used. Dong Quai has some effects of estrogen, and it may affect other hormones in the body. Dong Quai also contain coumarins, which give it blood-thinning effects in the body (be careful with other cardiac medication, could not be advised to pregnant – abortive effect). Best for hormonal balance, digestive support, and liver detoxification.
Dong Quai is used in combination with other plant extracts in Chinese traditional medicine as an analgesic for rheumatism, an allergy suppressant, and the treatment of menstrual disorders. Dong Quai and its chemical constituents possess Anti asthmatic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and anticoagulant properties).
Watercress leaves (Nasturtium officinale):
Nasturtium Officinale contains heigh amount of Vit- C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, E, keratins etc and having strong antibiotic, anti-viral and anti-fungi effects. Nasturtium Off is native plant of Morrocco, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Azerbaijan and Dagestan. It increases breast tissue, their growth and improves their health. Agalactia.
Breasts and nipples small, withered, retracted. Marasmus. Masturbation effects. Before menstruation, itching and humid eruption of forehead. PCOs. Menses late and scanty. Moist eruption in right groin before menses.
Viscum Album
Sharp shooting pains in ovarian region coming and going for two weeks. Shooting lumbar pain and stiffness. Hormonal diseases. Small breasts (Hypomastia). Fainted before menses. Retained placenta. Metrorrhagia, partly bright, partly clotted and dark, with dull headache, stitches in temples, numbness of extremities, blue rings round eyes, sunken eyes.
It causes uterine contractions and stops hemorrhages. Endometritis characterized by enlargement; either subinvolution, alveolar hyperplasia or hypertrophy.
Agnus Castus
Scanty menses. Hormonal imbalance. Abhorrence of sexual intercourse. Relaxation of genitals, with leucorrhea. Agalactia; with sadness. Small breasts/hypomastia. Sterility. Leucorrhea staining yellow; transparent. Hysterical palpitation with nosebleed.
Sepia Officianalis
Acts specially on the portal system, with venous congestion. Stasis and thereby ptosis of viscera and weariness and misery. Weakness, hypomastia/small breasts, yellow complexion, bearing-down sensation. Pains extend down to back, chills easily. Tendency to abortion. Hot flashes at menopause with weakness and perspiration. Pulsating headache in cerebellum.
Hormonal imbalance – pelvic organs relaxed. Bearing-down sensation as if everything would escape through vulva; must cross limbs to prevent protrusion or press against vulva. Leucorrhea yellow, greenish; with much itching. Menses Too late and scanty, irregular; early and profuse; sharp clutching pains. Violent stitches upward in the vagina, from uterus to umbilicus. Prolapse of uterus and vagina. Morning sickness. Vagina painful, especially on coition.
Pulsations all over the body, and profuse bleeding from small wounds. Very severe, old neuralgic affections; pains rather aggravated by rest. Excoriating, burning, and offensive discharges. Hemorrhages, ulcerations, cancerous affections. Rapid decomposition of fluids and secretions and burning pains. Overgrown and/or poorly developed children (small breasts). Post-climacteric diseases. Irregular menses. Tumefaction, puffiness, gangrene. Teeth diseases.
Lac Canium
Menses too early, profuse, flow in gushes. Breasts swollen; painful before and better on appearance of menses. Small breasts. Mastitis; worse, least jar. Helps to dry up milk. Sinking at epigastrium. Sexual organs easily excited. Backache: spine very sensitive to touch or pressure. Galactorrhea.
Murex Purpurea
The symptoms of the female sexual organs are most prominent. Especially adapted to nervous, lively, affectionate women. Patient weak and run down. Atrophic breasts/small breasts. Great sadness, anxiety, and dread. Conscious of a womb. Pulsation in neck of womb. Sexual desire easily excited. Feeling as if something was pressing on a sore spot in the pelvis: worse sitting. Pain from right side of womb to right or left breast. Nymphomania – least contact of parts causes violent sexual excitement. Sore uterine pain. Hormone irregulated. Menses irregular, profuse, frequent, large clots. Feeling of protrusion. Prolapse; enlargement of uterus, with pelvic tenesmus and sharp pains, extending toward breasts; aggravated lying down. Dysmenorrhea and chronic endometritis, with displacement. Must keep legs tightly crossed. Leucorrhea green or bloody, alternate with mental symptoms and aching in sacrum. Benign tumors in breasts. Pain in breasts during menstrual period.
Natrum Carbonicum
All the Natrums stimulate cellular activity and increase oxidation and metabolism. Freckles, yellow spots, pimples. Small breasts. Pale, with blue rings around eyes and swollen lids. Induration of cervix. Pudenda sore. Bearing-down sensation. Heaviness; worse, sitting; better by moving. Hormonal imbalance: menses late, scanty like meat-washings. Leukorrheal discharge, offensive, irritating preceded by colic.
Calcarea Carbonica
Its chief action is centered in the vegetative sphere, impaired nutrition being the keynote of its action, the glands, breasts, skin, and bones. Submaxillary glands swollen. Goiter. Itching of pimples in whiskers. Small breasts. Hormonal imbalance: PCOs, PCODs. Increased sexual desire, easy conception. Hot swelling breasts. Breasts tender and swell before menses. Milk too abundant. Deficient lactation, with distended breasts in lymphatic women. Much sweat about external genitals. Sterility with copious menses.
Cimicifuga Racemosa
Has a wide action upon the cerebrospinal and muscular system, as well as upon the uterus and ovaries. Especially useful in rheumatic, nervous subjects with small breasts, ovarian irritation, uterine cramps and heavy limbs. Its muscular and crampy pains, primarily of neurotic origin, occurring in nearly every part of the body. Agitation and pain. Pains like electric shocks here and there. Migraine. Symptoms referable to the pelvic organs prominent. “It lessens the frequency and force of the pulse soothes pain and allays irritability”.
Hormonal imbalance – amenorrhea, pain in ovarian region; shoots upward and down anterior surface of thighs, pain immediately before menses, menses profuse, dark, coagulated, offensive with backache, nervousness; always irregular. Small breasts. Ovarian neuralgia. Pain across pelvis, from hip to hip. After-pains, with great sensitiveness and intolerance to pain. Infra-mammary pains worse, left side. Facial blemishes in young women.
Polygonum Hydropiperoides
Metrorrhagia, also Amenorrhea in young girls. Small breasts. Varicose; hemorrhoids and rectal pockets. Burning in stomach followed by feeling of coldness in the pit of the stomach. Aching pains in hips and loins. Sensation as if hips were being drawn together. Sensation of weight and tension within pelvis. Shooting pains through breasts.
Lycopodium Clavatum
Corresponds to Grauvogle’s carbo-nitrogenous constitution, the non-eliminative lithemic. Lycopodium is adapted more especially to ailments gradually developing, functional power weakening, with weak digestive especially liver functioning. Atony. Malnutrition. Small breast of young ladies. Mild temperaments of lymphatic constitution, with catarrhal tendencies. Vagina dry. Coition painful. Ovarian pain. Varicose veins of pudenda. Leucorrhea, acrid, with burning in vagina. Discharge of blood from genitals during stool.
Nitricum Acidum
External parts, breasts – sore, with ulcers. Leucorrhea brown, flesh-colored, watery, or stringy, offensive. Hair on genitals falls out. Hormonal imbalance. Uterine hemorrhages. Small breasts. Menses early, profuse, like muddy water, with pain in back, hips and thighs. Stitches through vagina. Metrorrhagia after parturition.
Zincum Metallicum
Ovarian pain especially left; can’t keep still. Nymphomania in women. Breasts small. Menses too late, suppressed; lochia suppressed. Breasts painful. Nipples sore. Menses flow more at night. Complaints all better during menstrual flow. Restlessness, depression, coldness spinal tenderness and restless feet.
Chimaphila Umbellata
Acts principally on kidneys, and Genito-urinary tract; affects also lymphatic and mesenteric glands and female mammae. Plethoric young women with dysuria. Women with too small or too large breasts. Hepatic and renal dropsies; chronic alcoholics. Incipient and progressive cataracts.
One of the remedies whose symptoms point to its employment in bladder affections, notably catarrh, acute and chronic. Scanty urine, and loaded with ropy, muco-purulent sediment. Prostatic enlargement. Labia inflamed, swollen. Pain in vagina. Hot flashes. Painful tumor of mammae, not ulcerated, with undue secretion of milk. Rapid atrophy of breasts. Breasts tumor with sharp pain.
Actaea Racemosa (Cimicifuga Racemosa) for Small Breasts or Flat Chest/Underdeveloped Breasts:
Acts on female Sexual Organs: Back pains. Breast affections, small breasts, baggy breasts, Long-flat breasts, badly shaped breasts, Intramammary pains. Burning in the mammae.
Hormone deficiency: PCODs – menses profuse, early, dark, coagulated; scanty, irregular, delayed or suppressed. Hysterical or epileptically spasms at the time of menses. Feels strange, talks incoherently seems to try to injure herself. Pains in the uterine region. Pains in the ovarian region shoot upward. Bearing down in the uterine region and small of back; limbs feel heavy, torpid. Leucorrhea, with the sensation of weight in the uterus. Puerperal mania.
Sexual neurasthenia; impotency. Sexual debility from nervous prostration, small breasts or undeveloped breasts due to stress and/or malnutrition. the frigidity of females. Aids the establishment of normal menstrual flow in young girls. Incontinence of old people. Chronic prostatic discharge. Renal and cystic catarrh.
Foeniculum Vulgare:
Breast enlargement, Small Breasts or Flat Chest/Underdeveloped Breasts, PCOS due to GIT.
Pueraria Mirifica:
An anti-ageing supplement or as a natural remedy for menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness. Pueraria Mirifica is a powerful antioxidant able to neutralize free radicals that cause harm to cells. These antioxidant effects, along with their pro-estrogenic properties, are believed to be useful in treating women’s health conditions, softening skin, increasing breast size, tightening the vagina and preventing heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
Lac Defloratum for Small Breasts or Flat Chest/Underdeveloped Breasts:
Breasts diminish in size and the secretion of milk nearly stops. The successful treatment of Diabetes and Bright’s Disease was the hint which led Dr Swan to potentize and prove it.
Despondent; does not care to live; has no fear of death. Sick headache: begins in forehead, extending to occiput, in the morning on rising; intense throbbing, with nausea, vomiting, blindness and obstinate constipation; noise, light, motion; during menses; great prostration; copious, pale urine. Globus hystericus; sensation of a large ball rising from stomach to throat, causing a sense of suffocation.
PCOs: menses delayed; suppressed; drinking a glass of milk will promptly suppress flow until next period. Great restlessness, extreme and protracted suffering from loss of sleep. Feels completely exhausted, great fatigue when walking, small breasts. Dropsy: from heart disease; from chronic liver complaint; far advanced albuminuria; following intermittent fever; Obesity; fatty degeneration.
Great weakness during menses. Menstruation irregular. Uterine hemorrhage. Ovaritis. Wedge-like pain from the ovary to the uterus. Dwindling of mammary glands. Small breasts. Soft – hanging breasts. Nodosities in skin of mammae. Acrid leucorrhea, thick, slimy, corroding the linen. Wedge-like pain in the right ovarian region.
Kali Iodatum
Menses late, profuse. During menses, the uterus feels as if squeezed. PCOs. Corrosive leucorrhea, with subacute inflammatory conditions of the womb in young married women. Small breasts. Fibroid tumors, metritis, subinvolution, hypertrophy.
Pulsatilla Pratensis
It is pre-eminently a female remedy, especially for mild, gentle, yielding disposition. Sad, crying readily; weeps when talking. Serious impairment of health is referred to age of puberty. Malnutrition. Small breasts. PCOs – amenorrhea, suppressed menses, nervous debility, or chlorosis. Tardy menses. Too late, scanty, thick, dark, clotted, changeable, intermittent. Chilliness, nausea, downward pressure, painful, flow intermits. Leucorrhea acrid, burning, creamy. Pain in back; tired feeling. Diarrhea during or after menses.
Secale Core
Thin scrawny women, whose breasts are too small, breasts do not properly fill with milk, Stinging pain in breasts.
Menstrual colic. PCOD. Passive hemorrhages in feeble, cachectic women. Burning pains in the uterus. Brownish, offensive leucorrhea. Menses irregular, copious, dark; continuous oozing of watery blood until next period. Threatened abortion about the third month.
During labor no expulsive action, though everything is relaxed. After pains. Suppression of milk; breasts do not fill properly. Small breasts. Dark, offensive lochia. Puerperal fever, putrid discharges, tympanites, coldness, suppressed urine.
Sabal Serrulate for Small Breasts or Flat Chest/Underdeveloped Breasts:
Small breasts or Flat Chest/Underdeveloped Breasts, Furious sexual passion. Awakened by a stinging pain in the left ovary into the abdomen or to the thigh and also a sharp pain in the right ovary. Stinging pain in the uterus, A tense, slightly heavy feeling over the womb. Awakened by a most distressing itching of labia majora. Menses delay four days; nine days. painful urination; mental indifference with irritability Uterine tumor.
Breasts increase in size with pains in pains. Defective lactation in the nursing woman, for four months after confinement, stinging pain in both breasts, right commencing at the nipple and extending into and pervading entire gland about fifteen minutes after the child had been at the breast; caused excessively nervous state and affected the whole body.
Medicago Sativa or Alfalfa
It is long prized for its superior content of vitamins, minerals, and protein. Acts as a fat producer correct tissue waste. best antioxidant. Deficient lactation. Malnutrition. Increases quality and quantity of milk in nursing mothers. Alfalfa is heavily loaded with phytoestrogens and is therefore used in the treatment of menopause symptoms to combat estrogen deficiency. Three types of phytoestrogens are alfalfa-coumestrol, genistein and bio canine. Alfalfa also helps in countering vaginal dryness, night sweats, hot flashes, low estrogen and postmenopausal osteoporosis.
Ammonium Carbonicum
Stout women, always tired and weary, weak immune system, suffer from cholera-like symptoms before menses, lead a sedentary life. PCODs. Too frequent and profuse menses. Small breasts. Fat patients with weak heart. Uremia. Heaviness in all organs. Uncleanness in bodily habits. Swelling of parts, glands, etc. Acid secretions. Prostration from trifles.
Forgetful, ill-humored. Talking and hearing others talk affects greatly. Sad, weepy, unreasonable. Itching, swelling and burning of pudendum. Leucorrhea burning, acrid, watery. Aversion to the other sex. Menses too frequent, profuse, early, copious, clotted, black; colicky pains, and hard, difficult stool, with fatigue, especially of thighs; yawning and chilliness.
Onosmodium :
Amblyopia. Bladder, irritation of. Breasts affections; atrophy of breasts (small breasts). Pregnancy, sickness of. Presbyopia. Seminal emissions. Sexual atony, desire lost. Spine, congestion of.
Uterus; cramps in; prolapse of. Organs. Desire destroyed. Itching of vulva better when scratching, contact of leucorrhea. Constant feeling as if menses would appear. Pain in ovaries; pressure; cutting and throbbing in ovaries. Heavy aching and slowly pulsating pains begin in one ovary and pass over to the other, leaving a soreness that lasts until the pains return.
Uterine cramps as from taking cold during menstruation; bearing down. Soreness in the uterine region.
Leucorrhea light yellowish, offensive, excoriating and profuse, running down the legs, Menstruation too early and too prolonged, the two next periods anticipating and profuse.
Pipsissewa (чимафила зонтичная Chimaphila Umbellata)
Acts principally on kidneys, and Genito-urinary tract; affects also lymphatic and mesenteric glands and female mammae. Breasts atrophy (small breasts), cancer or tumor of breasts. Pipsissewa/Chimaphila Umbellate is best for cataract, cystitis, diabetes, dropsies, Fevers, glands, enlarged, gleet, gonorrhea, intermittent, jaundice, kidneys disorders, lactation disorders, small breasts, liver disorders, nephritis, proctitis, prostatitis, pterygium, ringworm, scrofula, stricture, syphilis, toothache, ulcers, malignant. Urinary disorders, whitlow.
Prolapsus and slight uterine leucorrhea. Vaginal prolapsus. Rapid atrophy of breasts. Tumors (scirrhous) of breasts. Painful tumor of the breast in young unmarried women. Undue secretion, or suppression of milk. Skin. Redness, vesication or desquamation. Eruption of dark red spots.
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P.S: This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy, for learning purpose(s).
For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.
None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment, but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.
To order medicine by courier, please send your details at WhatsApp– +923119884588
Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.
Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.
Location: Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.
Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at: Qaisar Ahmed
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