Nymphomania-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic-Allopathic-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed-Risalpur-KPK-PakistanDr. Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS.

Nymphomania or hypersexuality has been defined as an increased sexual drive. It has been thought of as a serious medical condition particularly affecting woman.

While nymphomania was a gendered disorder, men were not immune. The male equivalent, satyriasis, it was also known as Don Juan syndrome in the 1900s.

Nymphomania is a mental disorder marked by compulsive sexual behavior, but compulsive sexual behavior is a serious illness, sometimes it could be due to sexual diseases like vaginal itching, vaginal oversensitivity etc.

Compulsions are unwanted actions, or rituals, that a person engages in repeatedly without getting pleasure from them or being able to control them. Nymphomaniacs act out their compulsions by engaging is risky sexual behavior.

Technically, the term “nymphomania” refers to a woman, though that definition has expanded to include anyone who engages in risky compulsive sexual behavior.

What is female nymphomania or hypersexuality?

Nymphomania was unknown and this was because men and women’s bodies were not thought of being very different, which is why it didn’t seem strange when women were equally lusty as men. In olden times it has also been claimed that women are able to experience pleasure nine times greater than a man. Nymphomania fell out of favor as female sexual desire was a normal part of human sexuality.


The primary symptom of nymphomania is compulsive sexual behavior, including promiscuity. It may occur with other symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder or other mental illnesses or personality disorders. Some patients have severe itching, burning and/or tingling like feelings in their vagaina.

Common symptoms of nymphomaniaNymphomaniac - Dr Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS

Patient may experience nymphomania symptoms daily or just once in a while. At times any of these nymphomania symptoms can be severe:

  • Difficulty concentrating.
  • Vaginal itching/tingling and/or burning.
  • Pelvic and/or vaginal hypersensitivity.
  • Feelings of shame or inadequacy.
  • Guilt.
  • Repeated, uncontrollable behaviors (compulsion).
  • Repeated, unwanted thoughts (obsession).

Allopathic Treatment for nymphomania

There is no cure in conventional or allopathic medicine for nymphomania. Like many other mental illnesses, we can try to treat nymphomania with medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of the two.

Allopathic treatments for nymphomania are similar to treatment for other compulsive disorders, and may include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (to help patient cope with triggers).
  • Family or social therapy.
  • Medications, including anti-anxiety, antidepressant medications, and antipsychotic medications.
  • Talk therapy.

Homeopathic Treatment for nymphomania

In Homeopathy there are many proven medicines for not only female but for male nymphomania too, here are very few of them:

Valeriana Officinalis

Hysteria, over-sensitiveness, nervous affections, when apparently well-chosen remedies fail. Hysterical spasms and affections generally. Hysterical flatulency. Nymphomania.

Mind – changeable disposition. Feels light, as if floating in air. Over-sensitiveness. Hallucinations at night. Irritable. Tremulous. Rheumatic pains in limbs. Constant jerking. Heaviness.

Platinum Metallicum Masturbition-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic-Allopathic-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed-Risalpur-KPK-Pakistan

Platinum Metallica is pre-eminently a woman’s remedy. Strong tendency to paralysis, anesthesia, localized numbness, coldness, hysterical spasms (pains increase and decrease gradually). Tremulousness. Irresistible impulse to kill. Self-exaltation; contempt for others. Arrogant, proud. Weary of everything. Everything seems changed. Mental trouble pressed menses. Physical symptoms disappear as mental symptoms develop.

Parts (sexual) hypersensitive. Tingling internally and externally. Ovaries sensitive and burn. Menses too early, too profuse, dark-clotted, with spasms and painful bearing-down, chilliness, and sensitiveness of parts. Vaginismus. Nymphomania. Excessive sexual development. Pruritus vulvae. Ovaritis with sterility. Abnormal sexual appetite and melancholia. Tightness of thighs, as if too tightly wrapped. Numb and weary sensation. Feel paralyzed. Sleeps with legs far apart.

Origanum Majorana

Acts on nervous system generally and is effective in masturbation and excessively aroused sexual impulses. Affections of the breasts. Desire for active exercise impelling her to run. Nymphomania. Erotomania; powerful lascivious impulses; leucorrhea; hysteria. Lascivious ideas and dreams.


Acts on the nervous system, skin and uterine symptoms. Lymphangitis of septic origin. Symptoms of paralysis agitans. Striking rheumatic symptoms. Hyperactive patients. Feeble-minded children. Prematurely senile. Epileptic symptoms. Convulsive seizures occur during sleep at night. Nymphomania. More or less connected with derangements of the sexual sphere. Anxious about health. Sad, restless. Propensity to bite. Howling; impatient; nervous; imbecile. Desire for solitude. Feeble-minded.

Rhodium Oxydatum Nitricum

Headache alternating with faintness. Faintness improves by passage of stool. Heat preceding chill and alternating with it. Sensation as if teeth blunt; as if sand between them. Scraping or harsh noise – disagreeable sensation in teeth. Hearing more acute; illusion that he hears whispering.

Hilarity and gladness. Nymphomania. Illusions of whispers. Irritation of the mind making regular meditation impossible and causing a sense of dissatisfaction. Aching in forehead, preventing further sleep. Headache alternating with diarrhea.


Nervous affections with marked irritability, diseases of the Genito-urinary tract and skin. Ill effects of anger and insults. Sexual sins and excesses. Nymphomania. Very sensitive. Lacerated tissues. Sphincters lacerated or stretched. Impetuous, violent outbursts of passion, hypochondriacal, sad. Very sensitive as to what others say about her. Dwells on sexual matters; prefers solitude. Peevish. Stupefying headache; passes off with yawning. Brain feels squeezed. Sensation of a ball of lead in forehead. Parts – pelvic organs very sensitive, worse sitting down. Irritable bladder in young married women. Leucorrhea. Prolapsus, with sinking in the abdomen; aching around the hips.


Corrosive itching within vulva, burning and swelling of labia; violent itching between labia and thighs. Nymphomania. Burning and soreness in external and internal parts. Leucorrhea, yellow, acrid; odor of green corn; worse between periods. Hemorrhage after coition. Menses too early, prolonged.

Moschus Nymphomania-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic-Allopathic-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed-Risalpur-KPK-Pakistan

A remedy for hysteria and nervous paroxysms, fainting fits and convulsions, catalepsy, etc. Tension in muscles, skin and mind. Uncontrollable laughter. Scolding. Anxiety with palpitation; starting as if frightened. Sexual hypochondriasis. Nymphomania. Sexual desire, with intolerable titillation in parts. Drawing and pushing in the direction of the genitals; sensation as if menses appear.

Sepia Officinalais

Pelvic organs relaxed. Bearing-down sensation as if everything would escape through vulva. Leucorrhea yellow, greenish; with much itching. Nymphomania. Violent stitches upward in the vagina, from uterus to umbilicus. Prolapse of uterus and vagina. Morning sickness. Vagina painful, especially on coition.

Calcarea Carbonicum

Nymphomania. Before menses, headache, colic, chilliness and leucorrhea. Cutting pains in uterus during menstruation. Menses too early, too profuse, too long, with vertigo, toothache and cold, damp feet; the least excitement causes their return. Uterus easily displaced. Leucorrhea, milky. Burning and itching of parts before and after menstruation; in little girls. Increased sexual desire, easy conception. Hot swelling breasts. Breasts tender and swell before menses – distended breasts in lymphatic women. Much sweat about external genitals. Sterility with copious menses. Uterine polypi.


Absence of pain and muscular mobility especially of muscles of expression and of locomotion. Gyratory and graceful motions. Parkinson disease. Devout, earnest, beseeching and ceaseless talking. Loquacious, garrulous, laughing, singing, swearing, praying, rhyming. Sees ghosts, hears voices, talks with spirits. Rapid changes from joy to sadness. Violent and lewd. Delusions about his identity; thinks himself tall, double, a part missing. Nymphomania. Delirium, with desire to escape.

Metrorrhagia, with loquacity, singing, praying. Puerperal mania, with characteristic mental symptoms and profuse sweating. Convulsions after labor. Sleep awakens terrified; screams with fright. Deep snoring sleep. Sleepy but cannot sleep.

Asterias Rubens

A medicine for the sycotic diathesis; flabby, lymphatic constitution, flabby with red face. Lancinating pains. Nervous disturbances, neuralgia, chorea, and hysteria. Excitement (in both sexes). Breasts swell and pain in breasts. Excitement of sexual instinct with nervous agitation. Nymphomania. Nodes and indurations of mammary gland, dull aching, neuralgic pain in this region. Breasts swollen, indurated, neuralgia. Axillary glands swollen hard and knotted. Gaits unsteady; muscles refuse to obey the will. Epilepsy; preceded by twitching over whole body.

Lilium Tigrinum

Manifests powerful influence over the pelvic organs and is adapted to many reflex states dependent on some pathological condition of uterus and ovaries. More often indicated in unmarried women. Nymphomania.

Tormented about her salvation. Consolation aggravates. Profound depression of spirits. Constant inclination to weep. Anxious. Disposed to curse, strike, think obscene things. Aimless, hurried manner; must keep busy. Menses early, scanty, dark, clotted, offensive; flow only when moving about. Bearing down sensation with urgent desire for stool, as though all organs would escape. Ceases when resting. Congestion of uterus, prolapse, and anteversion. Constant desire to support parts externally. Pain in ovaries and down thighs. Acrid, brown leucorrhea; smarting in labia. Sexual instinct awakened. Bloated feeling in uterine region. Sub-involution. Pruritus pudenda.

Lactis Vaccini Flos

Menses seven days too soon, profuse; cramps in and above region of navel, bending her double; during the cramps was very cold, and, although well clothed, could not get warm; painful, frequent, and profuse diarrhea. Sexual desire easily excited when the hand touches the bosom – nymphomania.

Tarentula Hispanica Nymphomania in Men-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic-Allopathic-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed-Risalpur-KPK-Pakistan

Remarkable nervous phenomena; hysteria with chlorosis; chorea, dysmenorrhea, spinal irritability. Bladder tenesmus. Constriction sensations. Formication; Extreme restlessness; must keep in constant motion even though walking aggravates. Hysterical epilepsy. Intense sexual excitement. Sudden alteration of mood. Foxy. Destructive impulses; moral relaxation. Must constantly busy herself or walk. Sensitive to music. Averse to company but wants someone present. Ungrateful, discontented. Guided by whims. Wants hair brushed or head rubbed.

Male and female – sexual excitement; lasciviousness reaching almost to insanity; seminal emissions. Vulva dry and hot, itching. Profuse menstruation, with frequent erotic spasms. Pruritus vulvae; nymphomania. Dysmenorrhea, with very sensitive ovaries.

Ambra Grisea

Extreme nervous hypersensitiveness. External numbness of whole body in the morning and weakness. Nervous bilious temperament. Thin, scrawny women. Hysterical. Nymphomania, Itching of pudendum, with soreness and swelling. Menses too early. Profuse, bluish leucorrhea. Worse at night. Discharge of blood between periods, at every little accident.

Male – voluptuous itching of scrotum. Parts externally numb; burn internally. Violent erections without voluptuous sensations. Suffering from spinal irritation. Anemic and sleepless. Dread of people, and desire to be alone. Cannot do anything in presence of others. Intensely shy, blushes easily. Music causes weeping. Despair, loathing of life. Fantastic illusions. Bashful. Loss of love of life. Restless, excited, very loquacious. Time passes slowly. Thinking, difficult in the morning with old people. Dwells upon unpleasant things. Senile dizziness. Rush of blood to head, when listening to music.

Caladium Seguinum

Caladium is one of the best medicines for that troublesome affection, pruritus vulvae. Sometimes this is set up by intestinal worms finding their way into the vagina, and they may then cause masturbation, and even nymphomania. Itching of external genitals with voluptuousness. Pruritus of vulva and vagina. Pruritus vagina; with onanism (nymphomania).

There is also great disturbance in the male sexual sphere. Masturbation and its results. Nocturnal emissions occurring either without dreams or with non-sexual dreams. Spermatorrhea.

Zincum Metallicum

Testicles swelled, drawn up. Erections violent. Emissions with hypochondriasis. Falling off of pubic hair. Drawing in testicles up to spermatic cord.

Female: Ovarian pain can’t keep still. Nymphomania of lying-in women. Menses too late, suppressed; lochia suppressed. Breasts painful. Nipples sore. All the female symptoms are associated with restlessness, depression, coldness spinal tenderness and restless feet.

Hyosoyamus Niger Hot Lady-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic-Allopathic-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed-Risalpur-KPK-Pakistan

A perfect picture of mania of a quarrelsome and obscene character. Inclined to be unseemly and imodest in acts, gestures and expressions. Very talkative, and persists in stripping herself, or uncovering genitals. Is jealous, afraid of being poisoned, etc. Very suspicious. Talkative, obscene, lascivious mania uncovers body; jealous, foolish. Great hilarity; inclined to laugh at everything. Delirium, with attempt to run away. Low, muttering speech; constant carphologia, deep stupor. Impotence. Lascivious; exposes his person; plays with genitals during fever.

Female: Before menses, hysterical spasms. Excited sexual desire – nymphomania. During menses, convulsive movements, urinary flux and sweat. Lochia suppressed. Spasms of pregnant women. Puerperal mania.

Agnus Castus

Sexual melancholy – nymphomania. Fear of death. Sadness with impression of speedy death. Absentminded, forgetful, lack of courage. Illusion of smell-herrings, musk. Nervous depression and mental forebodings. Scanty menses. Abhorrence of sexual intercourse. Relaxation of genitals, with leucorrhea. Agalactia; with sadness. Sterility. Leucorrhea staining yellow; transparent. Hysterical palpitation.

Cantharis Vesicatoria

Furious delirium. Anxious restlessness, ending in rage. Crying, barking; worse touching larynx or drinking water. Constantly attempts to do something but accomplishes nothing. Acute mania, generally of a sexual type – nymphomania; amorous frenzy; fiery sexual desire. Paroxysms of rage, crying, barking. Sudden loss of consciousness with red face. Strong desire to sex; priapism – painful erections. Pain in glans (Prunus; Pareira).

Female: Expels moles, dead fetuses, membranes, etc. Nymphomania. Puerperal metritis, inflammation of bladder. Menses too early and too profuse; black swelling of vulva with irritation. Constant discharge from uterus; worse false step. Burning pain in ovaries; extremely sensitive. Pain in os coccyx, lancinating and tearing.

Lachesis Mutus

Climacteric troubles, palpitation, flashes of heat, hemorrhages, vertex headache, fainting spells; worse. Menses too short, too feeble; pains. Ovaries painful and swollen, indurated. Mammae inflamed, bluish. Coccyx and sacrum pain, especially on rising from sitting posture. Acts especially well at beginning and close of menstruation. Nymphomania – intense excitement of sexual organs (in both sexes).

Kalium Bromatum

Profound, melancholic delusion; feeling of moral deficiency; religious depression; delusions of conspiracies against him. Loss of memory. Must do something-move about; gets fidgety. Fear of being poisoned. Amnesic aphasia: can pronounce any word told but cannot speak otherwise. Night terrors. Nymphomaniac Review - Dr Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS. Horrid illusions. Active delirium. Suicidal mania with tremulousness. Face flushed. Numb feeling in head. Brain-fag.

Men: Debility and impotency. Effects of sexual excesses, especially loss of memory, impaired co-ordination, numbness and tingling in limbs. Sexual excitement during partial slumber.

Female: Pruritus. Ovarian neuralgia with great nervous uneasiness. Nymphomania – exaggerated sexual desire. Cystic tumors of ovaries.

Kali Phosphoricum

Male Sexual Organs: Passion increased; priapism in morning. Sexual instinct depressed; impotence. Nymphomania – strong desire, erections with desire to urinate, mornings; followed by impotence and painful seminal emissions at night. Emissions without erections.

Female Sexual Organs: Pains: in ovaries; across sacrum; across abdomen (Chronic abscess discharging periodically through vagina and rectum a copious, orange-colored fluid.). Yellow, greenish, blistering leucorrhea, with too short menses. Intense sexual desire for four or five days after menses (nymphomania).


Nymphomania. Menses too profuse, premature, and too long. Leucorrhea. Catamenia premature, too profuse, and of too long duration. Masturbation. Irritable condition of sexual organs, with congestions. Shootings in breast.


All kinds of sexual excitement, in females especially. Sadness followed by joyfulness and thoughts of marriage. Lascivious dreams. Increased desire for coitus. Swelling and itching of nipples and pains in breasts. morbid sexual excitement in both sexes. Other curious symptoms were: “Impulse to run.” “Heat of head; as the heat increased the head was involuntarily turned from side to side.” Increased desire for coitus – nymphomania. Erotomania with inclination to suicide in a young girl; great sexual irritation; deep moroseness, believes herself lost or despised. Great sexual excitement driving her to onanism; scarcely a day passes without indulgence; whenever she meets a man whose appearance is pleasing, she is driven to commit self-abuse. Nearly idiotic from masturbation. Sexual irritation with leucorrhea and irritation of pudenda, in an unmarried woman of forty. Leucorrhea, sterility, flatulence of uterus.”

Murex Pupura Nymphomania-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic-Allopathic-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed-Risalpur-KPK-Pakistan

The symptoms of the female sexual organs are most prominent and have been clinically verified. Especially adapted to nervous, lively, affectionate women. Patient weak and run down. Great sadness, anxiety, and dread.

Conscious of a womb. Pulsation in neck of womb. Desire easily excited – nymphomania. Feeling as if something was pressing on a sore spot in the pelvis: worse sitting. Least contact of parts causes violent sexual excitement. Sore pain in uterus. Menses irregular, profuse, frequent, large clots. Feeling of protrusion. Prolapse; enlargement of uterus, with pelvic tenesmus and sharp pains, extending toward breasts; aggravated lying down. Dysmenorrhea and chronic endometritis, with displacement. Must keep legs tightly crossed. Leucorrhea green or bloody, alternate with mental symptoms and aching in sacrum. Benign tumors in breasts, pain in them during menstrual period.


Lack of power n men, irresistible desire; involuntary emissions, with lascivious dreams.

In female: Metritis. Chlorosis. Phlebitis. Fistulous tracks after mammary abscess. Slight hemorrhage from uterus between periods. Menses too early and scanty-not profuse, but last too long. Weeps before menses. Stitching pain in mammae. Leucorrhea profuse, smarting, corrosive, instead of menses. Amenorrhea, with vicarious menstruation. Suppuration of mammae, burning, watery, offensive discharge. Nymphomania. Uterine polyps.

Cantharis Vesicatoria

Nymphomania. Puerperal metritis, with inflammation of bladder. Menses too early and too profuse; black swelling of vulva with irritation. Constant discharge from uterus. Burning pain in ovaries; extremely sensitive. Pain in os coccyx, lancinating and tearing. Strong desire (man, woman). Painful erections. Pain in glans. Priapism in gonorrhea.

P. S: This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy, for learning purpose(s).

For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.

None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.

Dr Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS.Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.

 Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.

Location:  Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.

Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at:

https://www.youtube.com/Dr Qaisar Ahmed

https://www.facebook.com/ahmed drqaisar


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