Smallpox-Diagnosis-Vaccination-Best-Treatment-Option-Homeopathy-Dr-Qaisar-AhmedDr Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS.

Smallpox is a highly infectious disease caused by the variola virus. It is characterized by symptoms such as fever, a general feeling of unwellness (malaise), headaches and back pain, followed by the development of a rash and raised lesions (pocks) within two to three days. The virus had two primary strains: variola major and variola minor.

Incubation period

Time between becoming infected and developing symptoms – from 7 to 19 days, usually 10 to 14 days.

Infectious period

Time during which an infected person can infect others, from the start of the fever until all scabs have fallen off. People are most contagious during the early skin rash.

Signs and symptoms of smallpox

Smallpox-Diagnosis-Vaccination-Best-Treatment-Option-Homeopathy-Dr-Qaisar-AhmedSigns and symptoms of smallpox may include:

  • sudden onset of high fever which may be recurrent,
  • malaise (general feeling of unwellness),
  • widespread skin rash – flat spots which change into raised bumps then firm fluid filled blisters which then scab (see image),
  • severe headache,
  • backache,
  • abdominal pain,
  • vomiting,
  • diarrhea.

In 30 to 50% of patients with variola major the disease progressed with bleeding, low blood pressure, multi-organ failure and death. Variola minor had a death rate of less than 1%.


Diagnosis is by laboratory testing of blister fluid or skin scrapings, or blood taken during the fever stage.

Allopathic Treatment for Smallpox

No known allopathic treatment is effective for smallpox. Allopathic management of smallpox is mainly supportive. Supportive care in patients with symptomatic smallpox consists of the following:

  • The patient should be isolated until all scabs have fallen off (about 3-4 week after rash onset) to prevent transmission of the variola virus to nonimmune persons.
  • The fluid and electrolyte balance should be monitored and maintained to avoid dehydration.
  • Oral antiviral agents.
  • Medications should be given for fever and pain.
  • Good nutritional support should be maintained.
  • Skin care should be instituted.
  • Complications should be monitored for and treated.
  • Unless the diagnosis of smallpox is confirmed in a laboratory, patients should receive smallpox vaccination if they will be isolated with other patients with confirmed or suspected smallpox, to prevent accidental transmission.
  • Corneal lesions may be treated with topical idoxuridine.

Whenever possible, patients should be cared for at home in the event of a large smallpox outbreak. However, in the event of an outbreak with only a few cases or when patients cannot be cared for at home, hospital admission is advisable.

Treatment of patients with possible or known exposure to smallpox

The smallpox vaccine (Nosode – Homeopathic) is the only known way to prevent smallpox in an exposed person. If given within 4 days of viral exposure, the vaccine can prevent or significantly lessen the severity of smallpox symptoms. Vaccination 4-7 days after exposure may offer some protection from the disease and may lessen its severity.

Isolate patients possibly infected with smallpox virus in negative-pressure rooms under airborne precautions and vaccinate them within the first 4 days after exposure. Supportive and symptomatic treatment (e.g. hydration, nutrition) should be provided.

In July 2018, the US Food and Drug Administration after experiments announces tecovirimat (TPOXX), the first drug indicated for the treatment of smallpox. Tecovirimat is an antiviral that inhibits the activity of the orthopoxvirus VP37 protein.

The effectiveness of tecovirimat against smallpox was established by studies in animals infected with viruses closely related to variola virus, which demonstrated some survival rates compared with those of placebo (tablets or capsules without medicine). The safety of tecovirimat was demonstrated in 359 healthy human volunteers in whom the most frequently reported severe adverse effects including severe headache, nausea, abdominal pain etc. Smallpox-Diagnosis-Vaccination-Best-Treatment-Option-Homeopathy-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed

The US FDA approved a second antiviral according to the animal rule, brincidofovir, for treatment of smallpox in June 2021. Brincidofovir is a prodrug of cidofovir. Brincidofovir effectively penetrates cells via its lipid conjugate, releasing the nucleotide analog cidofovir, which then acts to inhibit viral replication. Cidofovir diphosphate selectively inhibits orthopoxvirus DNA polymerase-mediated viral DNA synthesis by incorporation of cidofovir into the growing viral DNA chain. This results in reductions in the rate of viral DNA synthesis were not successful. It is not recommended for treatment of human smallpox disease caused by variola virus in adult and pediatric patients, including neonates.

Allopathic vaccinia immunoglobulin (VIG) does not appear to offer a survival benefit. However, new drugs are under investigation.

Homeopathic Vaccination and Treatment for smallpox

Vaccine is Homeopathic medicine not allopathic, said Dr. Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS.

Vaccine, suspension of weakened, killed, or fragmented microorganisms or toxins or other biological preparation, such as those consisting of antibodies, lymphocytes, or messenger RNA (mRNA), that is administered primarily to prevent disease.

The very first vaccine (According to the world first Materia medica “Pen-Ts’ao” written in 2700BC by orders of king “Shen-Nung”.) experiment did by chines doctors (herbalists/Ayur-Vedas) There are dozens of Homeopathic medicines for smallpox and antivirals beneficial for smallpox.

Here are few Homeopathic medicines for smallpox:


A good antiviral Homeopathic medicine. As a prophylactic given to those who are, or may be, exposed to infection, I prescribe a dose of the 200th twice or thrice daily (Dr Qaisar Ahmed MDM, DHMS). For an attack of the disease, I find nothing better than Morbillinium. 200, eight or ten globules in six ounces of water, a tablespoon every two hours. The effect of this is heightened by giving alternately Belladona in the same way. These two medicines will be sufficient to carry through any uncomplicated case, and in my experience do even better than Pulsatilla. As the viral poison has a great affinity for the mucous passages, the eyes, the ears and the respiratory mucous membranes.

Hepar Sulph

Abscesses: suppurating glands are very sensitive. Papules prone to suppurate and extend. Acne in youth. Suppurate with prickly pain. Easily bleed. Angio-neurotic oedema. Unhealthy skin: every little injury suppurates. Chapped skin, with deep cracks on hands and feet. Ulcers, with bloody suppuration, smelling like old cheese. Ulcers very sensitive to contact, burning, stinging, easily bleeding. Sweats day and night without relief. “Cold sores” very sensitive. Cannot bear to be uncovered; wants to be wrapped up warmly. Sticking or pricking in afflicted parts. Putrid ulcers, surrounded by little pimples. Great sensitiveness to slightest touch. Chronic and recurring urticaria. Monkeypox. Smallpox. Herpes circinate. Constant offensive exhalation from the body.

Natrium SulphuricumSmallpox-Diagnosis-Vaccination-Best-Treatment-Option-Homeopathy-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed

Itching while undressing. Jaundiced, watery blisters. Sycotic excrescences; wart-like red lumps all over body. Monkeypox.


Yellow. Intense and incessant itching; worse night and when thinking of it. Fiery red rash about anus. Copper-colored spots. Favus. Tumors and abnormal growth. Flashes of heat in face and neck. Night-sweat and hectic.

Aconitum Napellus

Amaurosis, Anger, Apoplexy, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catalepsy, Catheter fever, Chest affections, Chickenpox, Monkeypox, Smallpox, Enteritis, Erythema nodosum, Excitement, Eye affections, Face flushing. Fear and its effects. Glands swollen. Glossitis. Hodgkin’s disease. Hyperpyrexia. Influenza. Jaundice.

Measles, Miliaria, Mumps, Esophagus inflammation, Pleurisy, Puerperal fever. Purpura. Quinsy. Remittent fever. Roseola. Scarlatina. Shivering. Sleeplessness, Tetanus. Tetany. Thirst. Throat affections. Tongue/mouth affections, Traumatic fever. Urethra, spasmodic stricture, Urethral fever. Urine, suppression of. Uterus prolapsus. Vaccination side effects, Yawning. Yellow fever.

Bryonia Alba

Bryonia should be advise in first stag; Symptoms are:  Aphthae. Apoplexy. Asthma. Bilious attack. Breast, inflamed. Bronchitis. Cancer, Chlorosis. Constipation. Consumption. Coryza. Cough.

Eczema. Enteric fever. Eruptions. Gastroenteritis. Hemorrhages. Hands, swollen. Headache. Heart inflammation. Influenza. Intermittent fevers. Jaundice. Joints, pain in. Lactation, Liver malfunctioning.

Lumbago. Measles, Monkeypox, Smallpox, Scarlatina, Pleurisy, Suppressed eruptions and their bad effects. Meningitis. Menstruation, vicarious. Miliaria. Milk fever. Myalgia. Nephritis. Nosebleed. Peritonitis. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Pleurodynia.

Morning cough, Puerperal fever. Pyuria. Relapsing fever. Remittent fever. Rheumatism.  Screaming. Side, pain in. Sleep, anxious dreams in. Spina bifida. Stiff neck. Thirst. Tongue, coated. Toothache. Trachea, pain in. Vertigo. Waking, starts and screams on. Water-brash. Whooping-cough. Yellow fever.


Acne. Adenoids. Ague. Anemia. Anus, prolapse of. Asthma. Atelectasis. Bedsores. Biliousness. Boils. Catarrh. Chagres fever. Chancre. Cheloid. Consumption. Corns. Cough. Crusta serpiginosa. Dental fistula. Diabetes. Diarrhea. Dysentery. Eczema. Eruptions. Eyes affections. Freckles. Ganglion. Gland’s affections. Gleet. Headache. Herpes. Influenza. Intermittent. Irritation. Itch. Jaundice. Lupus. Monkeypox.

Nettle Rash. Rectum affections. Skin affections. Ulcers. Urticaria. Vaccination. Warts. White swelling.

Apis Melifistida

Abscess, Apoplexy. Carbuncle. Chancre. Dissection wounds. Dropsy. Erysipelas. Erythema nodosum. Eyes affections; optic neuritis. Feet burning. Gangrene. Hands swelling. Injuries. Intermittent fever. Irritation. Labial inflammation.

Punctured wounds. Scarlatina, Monkeypox, Smallpox. Self-abuse. Suppressed eruptions and their effects. Sycosis. Syphilis. Throat, sore. Tongue edema; ulceration of. Trachea, irritation of. Tumors. Typhus. Urethritis. Vaccination. Varicose veins. Variola. Wounds.

Antimonium Tartaricum

Similarity of the smallpox pustule to those produced by Tartar emetic (Monkeypox). Hughes recognizes it almost as a routine agent. Vesication and pustulation.

Asphyxia neonatorum. Chickenpox, Smallpox, Monkeypox. Cholera morbus. Coccygodynia. Cough. Group. Delirium-Tremens. Dyspepsia. Ecthyma. Eyes, inflamed. Impetigo. Intermittent fever. Laryngitis.

Lumbago. Myalgia. Paralysis agitans. Plica-polonica. Psoriasis. Rheumatism. Ringworm. Screaming. Stiff neck. Sycosis. Synovitis. Taste, altered. Thirst. Tongue, coated. Tremors. Varioloid. Vomiting. Whooping-cough.

Thuja Occidentalis

Boenninghausen employed this remedy with success and believed it to be the best curative and preventive agent in smallpox, Monkeypox and Chickenpox. It suits especially the eruptive stage, with milky, flat, painful and offensive pustules upon a dark inflamed area. Variola.


Asthma. Backache. Chill. Fever. Headache; occipital. Herpes zoster. Neuralgia. Smallpox, Monkeypox. Testicle, swelling, backache of smallpox. Neuralgia left by herpes. Side effects of vaccination, Severe cold; chill, violent fever with extremely hot skin, Pain in epigastrium. Pain in limbs as if in bones. Severe backache, pustules. Terrible ulcers on the skin.

Exanthema of sharp, pointed pimples, usually small, seldom large and suppurating, dry, resting on small red areolae, frequently interspersed with spots of red color, sometimes severe itching. Petechial eruptions. Shingles.


Vaccine poison is capable of setting up a morbid state of extreme chronicity, named by Burnett Vaccinosis, symptoms like those of Hahnemann’s Sycosis. Neuralgias, inveterate skin eruptions, chilliness, indigestion with great flatulent distension. Irritable, impatient ill-humored, nervous.

Inflamed and red lids. Skin hot and dry. Pimples and blotches. Eruption like variola.

Prophylactic variolinum-6x is proven by Dr.  Burnett.

For treatment 1M or higher Dr. Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS.

Note: Never advise Variolinum to the patients with weak immune system especially in lower potencies. Dr. Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS, Is. Jurisprudence.


Arsenicum Album

Desquamation of the skin of the body. Skin dry as parchment, cold and bluish. Yellowish/pale skin. Shootings, hot itching, and violent burning in the skin. Reddish or bluish spots in the skin. Petechiae. Inflamed spots, as from morbilli, chiefly in the head, face, and neck.

Miliary eruptions, red and white. Conical pimples, whitish or reddish, with burning itching. Nettle Rash. Eruption of painful black pustules, sometimes itchy pimples, small and tickling. Eruption of small red pimples, which increase and change into gnawing ulcers, covered with a scurf. Vesicular eruptions.

Herpes, with vesicles, and violently burning, especially at night, or with coverings, like fish-scales. Skin jaundiced; general anasarca; black blisters. Pustules filled with blood and pus. Tetters spots, covered with phlyctenules and furfur, with burning nocturnal pains.

Ulcers with raised and hard edges, surrounded by a red and shining crown; with the bottoms like lard, or of a blackish blue color, with burning pains or shooting, principally when the parts affected become cold. Ulcers, hard on the edges, stinging, burning spongy; with proud flesh; turning black; flat; pus thin, ichorous (cancers), Fetid smell, ichorous suppuration, ready bleeding, putridity, and bluish or greenish color of the ulcers.

Thin crusts or proud flesh on the ulcers. Want of secretion in the ulcers. Carbuncles (burning). Inflammatory tumors with burning pains. Warts. Ulcers inform of a wart. Chilblains. Varices. Discolored nails.


Ecchymosis: wounds and ulcers bleed readily and copiously (small wounds bleed a good deal; ulcers bleed readily; cicatrices bleed readily; pain in old cicatrices), wounds bleeding a great while; skin very hard to heal, masses of blood pass through the pores.Smallpox-Diagnosis-Vaccination-Best-Treatment-Option-Homeopathy-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed

Varicose swellings. Dropsical swelling over whole body. Hard and pale tumefaction. Skin yellow, green, lead-colored, or bluish-red or blackish, chiefly round the wounds and ulcers. Yellow, red, copper-colored spots. Pale, livid spots, with fainting fits. Dry, miliary itch, with eruption of large vesicles of a yellow or of a bluish black color, with swelling of parts affected, and pains which drive to despair.

Miliary eruption, which subsequently resembles nettle-rash, scarlatina, or morbilli. Erysipelas and vesicular eruptions with a red crown. Excoriated places, on touching which a burning pain is felt. Rupia and other skin affections, with angioleucitis (Cooper).

Ulcers, surrounded by pimples, vesicles, and other small ulcers (on a purple skin). Ulcers with great sensitiveness to touch, uneven bottom, ichorous, offensive discharge when touched, especially around the lower extremities.

Gangrenous ulcers. Gangrenous blisters. Superficial ulcers, foul at bottom, with a red crown. Cancerous ulceration (of wounds), or putrefaction of the flesh, which becomes detached from the bones, and falls off piecemeal. Gangrenous wounds, with inflammatory fever, weak, quick, and intermittent pulse, fainting nausea, spasmodic and bilious vomiting, convulsions, and cold sweats. Papule, warts, hard swellings.

Panaris. Red and itching lumps and tuberosities. Carbuncles, with copper-colored surroundings and many smaller boils around them. Flat exanthemata which do not fill up; pustulous exanthemata; spongy excrescences.

Crotalus Horridus

Swelling and discoloration, skin tense and shows every tint of color, with excruciating pain. Vesication. Sallow. Yellow color of the whole body. Great sensitiveness of skin of right half of body. Purpura hemorrhagic. Hemorrhage from every part of body. Bloody sweat. Chilblains, felons. Dissecting wounds. Pustular eruptions. Insect stings. Post-vaccination eruptions. Bad effects of vaccination. Lymphangitis and septicemia. Boils, carbuncles, and eruptions are surrounded by purplish, mottled skin and oedema. Anthrax. Sore sensation relieved by pressure.


Great burning and heat in skin; Livid spots over body and limbs. Eruption like measles or urticaria. Confluent smallpox, Monkeypox, tardy eruption. Foul, gangrenous, eating syphilitic sores.

Anacardium Orientale

Intense itching, eczema, with mental irritability; vesicular eruption; swelling, urticaria; eruption like that of Poison-Oak (Xerophily; Grindel; Croton). Lichen planus; neurotic eczema. Warts on hands. Ulcer formation on forearm.


Polyctenid herpes. Psoriasis. Scrofulous eruptions. Variola; (the decoction taken when eruption is out and beginning to pustulate aborts secondary fever and prevents pitting). Monkeypox.

Eruption out, pustules dissipate, first on face, fever lessens, urine though scanty and dark becomes abundant and pale, strength returns. Eruptions similar to crusta lactea; on forehead and hands papular eruptions, changing to vesicular, with the depression as in smallpox lasting from seven to eight days.

Hydrastis Canadensis

Small-pox internally and locally. The power of Hydrastis over smallpox seen in modifying the disease, abolishing its distressing symptoms, shortening its course, lessening its danger and greatly mitigating its consequences.

P. S: This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy, for learning purpose(s).

For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.

None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.

Dr Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS.Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.

 Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.

Location:  Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.

Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at: Qaisar Ahmed drqaisar

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