Mad cow disease is the popular term for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), which is a progressive neurological disorder in cattle caused by infection with a rare transmissible agent called prions (defective proteins). They accumulate in the brain cells and damage them.
Animals with mad cow disease may exhibit behavioral changes, nervousness, aggression, abnormal posture, and lack of coordination. They produce less milk than usual and lose weight despite no changes in appetite and eventually die.
Mad cow disease cannot infect humans, in rare cases, when humans consume poor cocked infected meat, they may develop a fatal human form of mad cow disease called variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease gradually destroys the human’s spinal cord and brain.
Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD) is an extremely rare and deadly brain condition. It presents with quick, progressive dementia and neuromuscular problems. The symptoms grow and deteriorate very rapidly and, eventually, cause death. However, milk and milk products are safe.
The transmission of mad cow disease among cattle usually happens when infected animal meat is fed to the cattle. To reduce the incidence of mad cow disease in humans, it’s banned to mix the animal protein in cattle feed.
Eighty-five percent of cases develop spontaneously, 5 to 10 percent are inherited and fewer than one percent are acquired by exposure to contaminated nervous-system tissue during surgical operations.
A person with spontaneously occurring CJD generally develops symptoms in their 60s, followed by a fast deterioration. Even young adults (average age 28 years) may develop mad cow disease, but the symptoms may slightly vary.
The symptoms are similar to and could be mistaken for Alzheimer’s disease. People have dementia-like symptoms such as staggering, memory loss, and decreased eyesight. They eventually die. Mad cow disease (vCJD) often leads to death within six to nine months following the onset of symptoms.
The first symptoms of mad cow disease (vCJD) include:
- Confusion.
- Sadness.
- Behavioral abnormalities.
- Reduced eyesight.
- Lack of coordination.
- Dementia.
Analyze symptoms of your patent, take his/her personal history and food habits. Advise radiological imaging of the brain, such as CT and MRI, to rule out stroke.
Analysis of spinal fluid could be ordered to detect the presence of prions that cause mad cow disease. Because mad cow disease is rare, the primary diagnosis could be different, and the final diagnosis may not be done until the advanced stages.
Allopathic treatment for mad cow disease 
Both vCJD and bovine spongiform encephalopathy belong to a family of diseases called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, which has no allopathic cure, treatment, or vaccination. In allopathy, there is no way to even delay the progression of this disease, and currently there is no allopathy medication available to reduce or stop the course of mad cow disease or other prion-induced diseases. Various studies and trials are underway to make the condition treatable in the future. In meantime only Homeopathy is the hope, in Homeopathy there are several medicines for mad cow or variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.
Homeopathic Treatment for Mad Cow Disease
The entire force of this drug seems to be expended on the brain, through the skin and throat. Suppressed secretions and excretions. Delirium tremens. Delirium, with desire to escape. Absence of pain and muscular mobility especially of muscles of expression and of locomotion. Gyratory and graceful motions. Parkinson’s disease.
Mind – devout, earnest, beseeching and ceaseless talking. Loquacious, garrulous, laughing, singing, swearing, praying, rhyming. Sees ghosts, hears voices, talks with spirits. Rapid changes from joy to sadness. Violent and lewd. Delusions about his identity; thinks himself tall, double, a part missing. Religious mania. Cannot bear solitude or darkness; must have light and company. Sight of water or anything glittering brings on spasms.
Raises head frequently from the pillow. Auditory hallucinations. Seem prominent, staring wide open; pupils dilated. Loss of vision; complains that it is dark. Small objects look large. Parts of the body seem enormously swollen. Strabismus. All objects look black.
Stannum Metallicum
Paralytic weakness; drops things. Ankles swollen. Limbs suddenly give out when attempting to sit down. Dizziness and weakness, stunning pressure in head with nausea. Vertigo. Spasmodic twitching of muscles of forearm and hand. Difficult, weak speech, occasioned by weakness. Neuritis. Paralytic heaviness in the arms. paralysis. Jerking and quivering of eyes. Convulsed or prominent eyes.
Strontium Carbonicum
Chronic sequelae of hemorrhages, after surgeries with much oozing of blood and coldness and prostration. Arteriosclerosis. High blood pressure with flushed face pulsating arteries, threatened apoplexy. Painful paralytic sensation. Numbness.
Vertigo with headache and nausea. Distensive pressure. Aches from nape of neck. Flushes in face; violent pulsating. Angina pectoris. Luminous vibrations before the eyes. Photopsia. Humming in the ears. Food tasteless. Violent hiccough causes chest pains; cardialgia. Violent beating of arteries and of heart.
Dizziness as during intoxication. Vertigo, jaws dropped, pupils dilated, quivering of eyes and lids, eyes half open and are turned upwards. Hot sweat and one-sided paralysis. There is coma with dusky red face and oppressed breathing. Slow and labored pulse. Buzzing in ears. Swelling of veins in face and head. Relaxation of all the muscles of the face. Trembling, shocks, and convulsive movements of facial muscles. Paralysis of tongue. Swelling and movements in throat, with fits of obstructed deglutition and strangulation.
Inability to swallow. Retention of urine, inactivity of the bladder. Tension, aching and constriction in chest. Pulsating arteries and swollen veins on neck. Swelling of veins and beating in arteries of neck. Spasmodic jerking and numbness of limbs. Coldness of the extremities. Limb(s) paralysis.
Acid Picricum
Vertigo and noises in ear. Heavy throbbing and burning pains in nap and/or occiput. Shooting in center of eye, photophobia, Pupils dilated. Tingling in lips and other facial muscles, difficulty in swallowing. A heavy throbbing in chest under tenth and eleventh ribs, numbness. Intermittent fluttering of heart. Lame sensation in extremities. Trembling of all muscles.
Rhus Toxicodendron
Listless, sad, thoughts of suicide. Extreme restlessness – continued change of position. Delirium, with fear of being poisoned. Sensorium becomes cloudy. Great apprehension at night, cannot remain in bed. Vertigo when rising. Heavy head. Brain feels loose and as if struck against skull on walking or rising. Scalp sensitive; worse on side lain on.
Hyoscyamus Niger
Disturbs nervous system. As if some diabolical force took possession of the brain and prevented its functions. Mania of a quarrelsome and obscene character. Inclined to be unseemly and immodest in acts, gestures and expressions. Very talkative, persists in stripping herself/uncovering genitals. Jealous, afraid of being poisoned, jealous, foolish. Non-inflammatory cerebral activity. Very suspicious. Great hilarity; inclined to laugh at everything. Delirium, with attempt to run away. Low, muttering speech; constant carphologia, deep stupor. Head feels light and confused. Vertigo as if intoxicated. Brain feels loose, fluctuating.
Natrum Muriaticum
Psychic causes of disease; ill effects of grief, fright, anger, etc. Depressed, particularly in chronic diseases. Consolation aggravates. Irritable; gets into a passion about trifles. Awkward, hasty. Wants to be alone to cry. Tears with laughter.
Head throbs. Blinding headache – feels too large; cold. Anemic headache; nervous, discouraged, broken down.
Veratrum Album
Coprophagia violent mania alternates with silence and refusal to talk. Melancholy, with stupor and mania. Sits in a stupid manner; notices nothing; Sullen indifference. Frenzy of excitement; shrieks, curses. Puerperal mania. Aimless wandering from home. Delusions of impending misfortunes. Mania, with desire to cut and tear things. Attacks of pain, with delirium driving to madness. Cursing, howling all night.
Cold sweat on forehead. Sensation of a lump of ice on vertex. Headache with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pale face. Neck too weak to hold head up. Eyes surrounded by dark rings. Staring; turned upwards, without luster. Lachrymation with redness. Lids dry heavy.
Stupefaction, with falling down, and loss of consciousness., with palpitation, cold moist skin and convulsions of the facial muscles. Sudden cough, suffocation and loss of speech. Very violent pressive headache. Stroke. The headache disappears, with a sensation of coldness in vertex, forehead, in nape of neck, extending to loins. Eyes widely open, or half-closed, convulsed, prominent, and fixed. Pupils dilated, and immovable, darkness before the eyes, obscuration of sight.
Twitching of facial muscles. Sensation of coldness on tongue. Loss of speech. Dry and rough tongue. Tongue feels cold, or burnt and numb. Swelling and stiffness of tongue. Pains in region of heart, slow and irregular beating. Painful stiffness in small of back. Trembling of hands.
Apoplectic fits, with blue face, convulsive, movements of limbs, and extravasation of blood in brain. Softening of brain and its membranes. Stroke – violent pain in head, with yellow face and flushed cheeks. Headache, with congestion of blood, sparkling before the eyes, drowsiness, shivering and inclination to lie down, or with nausea and vomiting. Obscuration and loss of sight. Dimness of vision; black flickering before the eyes; often makes reading difficult. Tensive and crawling pains in face, pains in bones of face, prosoplasia, with vomiting of food, feeling of stiffness weakness and paralysis.
Stiffness, immovableness, and paralysis of the tongue. Aphonia, or confused, indistinct speech, nasal tone of voice, difficulty in pronouncing words. Palpitation of heart with fainting and anxiety and irregularity of beats. Paralysis of extremities.
Arnica Montana
Arnica Montana affects the venous system inducing stasis. Stroke. Debilitated with impoverished blood, cardiac dropsy with dyspnea. Tendency to hemorrhage and low fever. There is deathly coldness of forearm. Complaints due to injury. Head hot, with cold body; confused; sensitiveness of brain, with sharp, pinching pains. Diplopia from traumatism, muscular paralysis. Angina pectoris. Stitches in heart. Pulse feeble and irregular. Cardiac dropsy with distressing dyspnea. Extremities distended, feel bruised and sore. Fatty heart and hypertrophy. Skin black and blue.
Aconit Nepalus
Aconite is considered in the initial stage, when the hemorrhage has just happened. It may be due to emotional shock or fright. The person feels restlessness and tossing about. There is great anxiety of mind and body. Face becomes red. Congestive headaches. Hot heavy and bursting sensation in the head. The pulse is fast, full, hard, tense and bounding. Palpitation with anxiety. Hot hands and cold feet. Numbness and tingling in hands and feet, especially left arm. Dry, burning mouth with numbness and tingling. Vertigo, worse on rising.
The chief guiding symptoms belong to the mental and emotion group, especially of frequent employment in diseases of children, where peevishness, restlessness, and colic give the needful indications. A disposition that is mild, calm and gentle; sluggish and constipated bowels contra-indicate chamomilla.
Whining restlessness. Child wants many things which he refuses again. Piteous moaning because he cannot have what he wants. Child can only be quieted when carried about and petted constantly. Impatient, intolerant of being spoken to or interrupted; extremely sensitive to every pain; always complaining. Spiteful, snappish. Complaints from anger and vexation.
Mental calmness contraindicates Chamomilla.
Bryonia Alba 
Exceedingly irritable; everything puts him out of humor. Delirium; wants to go home; talks of business. Vertigo, nausea, faintness on rising, confusion. Bursting, splitting headache, as if everything would be pressed out; as if hit by a hammer from within; worse from motion, stooping, opening eyes. Headache becomes seated in occiput. Drawing in bones towards zygoma. Headache; worse on motion.
Lycopodium Clavatum
Melancholy; afraid to be alone. Little things annoy, extremely sensitive. Averse to undertaking new things. Head strong and haughty when sick. Loss of self-confidence. Hurried when eating. Constant fear of breaking down under stress. Apprehensive. Weak memory, confused thoughts; spells or writes wrong words and syllables. Failing brainpower. Cannot bear to see anything new. Cannot read what he writes. Sadness in morning on awaking.
Shakes head without apparent cause. Twists face and mouth. Pressing headache on vertex. Throbbing headache after every paroxysm of coughing. Headaches over eyes in severe colds. Vertigo in morning. Pain in temples. Tearing pain in occiput; better, fresh air.
Plumbum Metallicum
The great drug for general sclerotic conditions. Lead paralysis is chiefly of extensors, forearm or upper limb, from center to periphery with partial anesthesia or excessive hyperesthesia, preceded by pain. Stroke. Localized neuralgic pains, neuritis. The blood, alimentary and nervous systems are the special seats of action of Plumbum. Hemostasis is interfered with, rapid reduction in number of red corpuscles, hence pallor, icterus, anemia. Constrictive sensation in internal organs. Stinging and tearing in limbs, also twitching and tingling, numbness, pain or tremor. Paralysis.
Belladonna acts upon every part of the nervous system, active congestion, furious excitement, perverted special senses, twitching, convulsions and pain. It has a marked action on the vascular system, skin and glands. Belladonna always is associated with hot, red skin, flushed face, glaring eyes, throbbing carotids, excited mental state, hyperesthesia of all senses, delirium, restless sleep, convulsive movements, dryness of mouth and throat with aversion to water, neuralgic pains that come and go suddenly. Heat, redness, throbbing and burning. Eyes are wide and staring. Throbbing and hammering headache. Eyes are dilated and staring. Throbbing pain deep in eyes. Pulse full and rapid.
Oxytropis Lamberti
Marked action on nervous system. Trembling, sensation of emptiness. Walks backwards. Congestion of spine and paralysis. Pains come and go quickly. Sphincters relaxed. Staggering gait. Reflexes lost. Desires to be alone. Disinclined to work or talk. Worse, thinking of symptoms. Stroke. Depression. Vertigo. Head full, warm feeling. Loss of vision. Pain in maxillary bones and masseter muscles. Mouth and nose dry Eyesight obscured; pupils contracted; do not respond to light. Paralysis of nerves and muscles of eyes.
Stomach: Eructation with colicky pains. Epigastrium tender. Rectum: Sphincter seems relaxed. Stools slip from anus, like lumps of jelly, mushy. Urging to urinate when thinking of it. Profuse flow. No desire of sex or ability. Pain in testicles and along spermatic cord and down thighs. Pain along ulnar nerve. Numb feeling about spine. Staggering gait. Loss of co-ordination. Patellar tendon reflex lost. Pains come and go quickly, but muscles remain sore and stiff.
Cadmium Sulphuricum
Unconscious. Vertigo. Hammering in head. Heat in head. Cornial opacity. Blue circle around eyes. One pupil dilated. Night blindness. Distortion of mouth. Trembling of jaw. Facial paralysis. Difficult swallowing. esophagus constricted. Intense nausea, with pain and cold. Stringy, offensive exudation on mucous membrane. Constant tickling; gagging and nausea, worse deep breathing; chilliness and aching.
Crotalus Horridus 
General disorganization of the blood. Paralysis from stroke. Blood coagulation. Lower limbs go to sleep easily. Hands tremble, swollen. Cannot keep legs still. The patient is loquacious with desire to escape. Muttering, mumbles, jumbles, and stumbles over his words, tremens. Vertigo, with weakness and trembling. Dull heavy occipital pain. Headache with pain in heart on lying on left side. Headache: must walk on tiptoe to avoid jarring. Stroke.
Eyes very sensitive to light. Illusions; blue colors. Ciliary neuralgia: tearing, boring pain. For absorption of intra-ocular hemorrhages, into the vitreous, but particularly for non-inflammatory retinal hemorrhages. Diplopia. Auditory vertigo. Blood oozes from ears. Feeling of stoppage in right ear.
Causticum is effective for paralysis after stroke. Paralysis of single parts. Gradually appearing paralysis. Local paralysis of vocal cords, muscles of deglutition, tongue, rectum, eyelids, face, bladder and extremities. Pain in right frontal eminence.
Face: Paralysis of right side. Pain in facial bones. Dental fistula. Pain in jaws, with difficulty in opening mouth. Cataract with motor disturbances. Inflammation of eyelids; ulceration. Sparks and dark spots before eyes Ptosis. Vision impaired. Paralysis of ocular muscles after exposure to cold. Paralysis of tongue, with indistinct speech.
Ears ringing, roaring, pulsating, with deafness; words and steps re-echo; chronic middle-ear catarrh; accumulation of earwax. Urine: Involuntary when coughing, sneezing.
Barita Carbonicum
Stroke, especially in elderly. Physical and mental weakness and fatigue following a stroke. Sensation as if the brain is loose. Senile dementia with increasing weakness and difficulty in concentrating. Shy towards strangers, childish in behavior. Burning pain. Aneurysms, blood vessels are softened and degenerate, so rupture easily. Loss of memory, mental weakness. Irresolute. Lost confidence in himself. Confusion. Bashful. Aversion to strangers. Childish; grief over trifles. Vertigo; stitches, when standing in the sun, extending through head. Brain feels as if loose. Wens. Alternate dilatation and contraction of pupils.
Cocculus Indicus
Within the sphere of action of Cocculus are many spasmodic and paretic affections, notably those affecting one-half of the body. Stroke. Affects the cerebrum. Painful contracture of limbs and trunk, tetanus. Sensation of hollowness, or emptiness, as if parts had gone to sleep. Feels too weak to talk loudly. Vertigo, nausea, especially when riding or sitting up. Headache in occiput and nape; worse, lying on back of head. Pupils contracted. Opening and shutting sensation, especially in occiput. Trembling of head. Pain in eyes as if torn out of head.
Paralysis of facial nerve. Cramp-like pain in masseter muscle; worse, opening mouth. Prosoplasia with wide radiations of pain. Lameness; worse by bending. Trembling and pain in limbs. Arms go to sleep. One-sided paralysis; worse after sleep. Hands are alternately hot and cold; numbness and cold sweat now of one, now of the other hand. Numb and unsteady. Knees crack on motion. Lower limbs very weak. Inflammatory swelling of knee. Intensely painful, paralytic drawing. Limbs straightened out, painful when flexed.
Gelsemium Sempervirens
Centers its action upon the nervous system, acts on various degrees of motor paralysis. General prostration. Dizziness, drowsiness, dullness, and trembling. Slow pulse, tired feeling, mental apathy. Paralysis of various groups of muscles about the eyes, throat, chest, larynx, sphincter, extremities, etc. Post-diphtheritic paralysis. Muscular weakness. Complete relaxation and prostration. Lack of muscular co-ordination. General depression from heat of sun. Fear falling. Sluggish circulation. Nervous affections of cigarette/cigarmakers. Influenza. Measles. Pellagra.
Lathyrus Sativus 
Reflexes always increased. Paralytic affections of lower extremities; spastic paralysis; lateral sclerosis; Beri-Beri. Athetosis. Infantile paralysis, weakness and heaviness, slow recovery of nerve power. Sleepy, constant yawning. Tips of fingers numb. Tremulous, tottering gait. Stroke. Excessive rigidity of legs; spastic gait. Knees knock against each other when walking. Rheumatic paralysis. Gluteal muscles and lower limbs emaciated. Legs blue; swollen, if hanging down.
Pituitrinum is affective for arresting the hemorrhage. Stimulates muscular activity and overcomes inertia. Its influence over unstriped muscular fiber is marked. Cerebral hemorrhage. Will check hemorrhage and add absorption of clot. Vertigo, difficult mental concentration, confusion and fullness deep in frontal region.
Hypericum Perforatum
Brain/head injuries. Lockjaw. Coccydynia. Spasmodic asthmatic attacks. Tetanus. Neuritis, tingling, burning and numbness. Constant drowsiness. Stroke. Throbbing in vertex. Right side of face aches. Brain-fag and neurasthenia. Facial neuralgia and toothache of a pulling, tearing character, with sadness. Head feels longer elongated to a point. In fractured skull, bone splinters. Brain feels alive. Pains in eyes and ears. Falling out of hair.
Darting pain in shoulders. Pressure along ulnar side of arm. Cramp in calves. Pain in toes and fingers, especially in tips. Crawling in hand and feet. Lancinating pain in upper and lower limbs. Neuritis, with tingling, burning pain, numbness and flossy skin. Joints feel bruised. Hysterical joints. Tetanus. Traumatic neuralgia and neuritis.
Stitching, burning pain in head, with vertigo. Spinal degenerations and paralysis of lower limbs. Legs feels so heavy that patient drags them. Pain along spinal cord, with paralytic weakness. Arms feel paralyzed. Throbbing headache, with constipation. Vertigo, with nausea; better after breakfast. Falling out of hair; scalp itches and is numb. Ptosis. Strabismus.
Twitching of lower jaw. Stroke. Pain in arm and fingers, as if hot iron penetrated. Arms feel paralyzed. Legs feel asleep. Staggers on walking. Heels feel numb. Soles tender on stepping, feel soft and swollen. Pain in shoulder and upper arm. Gnawing beneath fingernails. Brittle nails. Inability to walk, except when eyes are open or in daytime. Spinal degenerations and paralysis of lower limbs.
Vertigo of cerebral origin, cerebellar disease, ataxic symptoms and chorea. Profound weakness, gone, faint feeling, and despondency. Loss of control of sphincter. Muscular incoordination. Mental confusion, incoherency, illusions; apathetic. Alternation of happy, hopeful states with depression and weakness. Extreme irritability.
Stroke. Dropsy, stupid; pain on attempting to raise head. Double vision, ptosis; heavy look about eyes; tinnitus, aphasia; tongue paralyzed. Eyes bloodshot and restless. Vertigo, unable to rise. Tinnitus; dysphagia, difficult speech.
Ataxic movements, staggering gait; cold, weak, trembling; legs seem too heavy. Extreme restlessness; muscular twitching. Knee-jerks disappear. Stiffness and paralysis of both legs. Anesthesia of legs.
Allium Sativum
Allium sativa is an effective cardiac tonic, it makes the blood thin, improve circulation and cardiac disease. Short-lasting vertigo. Weakness in lower limbs; painful weariness in the thighs.
Ginko Biloba
Ginkgo biloba is a best choice for the prevention of stroke. Ginko Biloba improve the brain blood circulation, improves memory. It is among best blood thinner.
Anacardium Orientale 
Fixed ideas. Hallucinations: thinks he is possessed of two persons or wills. Anxiety when walking. Profound melancholy and hypochondriasis, with tendency to use violent language. Brain-fag. Impaired memory. Absent mindedness. Very easily offended. Malicious; seems bent on wickedness. Lack of confidence in himself or others. Suspicious. Clairaudient hears voices far away or of the dead. Senile dementia. Absence of all moral restraint.
Great lowness of spirits. Easily vexed. Fearfulness, as if something were creeping out of every corner. Clairvoyant state. Great tendency to start. Over-sensitive to external impressions. Loss of memory. Paralysis of the insane. Ecstasy. Dread of death when alone. Brain feels tired. Insanity, with an exaggerated idea of one’s own importance. Excitable, produces heat all over. Restless, fidgety. Hypo-sensitive, indifferent.
Nux Vomica
The typical Nux patient is rather thin, spare, quick, active, nervous, and irritable. He does a good deal of mental work; has mental strains and leads a sedentary life, found in prolonged office work, overstudy, and close application to business, with its cares and anxieties.
Very irritable: sensitive to all impressions. Ugly, malicious. Cannot bear noises, odors, light, etc. Does not want to be touched. Time passes too slowly. Even the least ailment affects greatly. Disposed to reproach others. Sullen, fault-finding.
Brain feels turning in a circle. Over sensitiveness. Vertigo, with momentary loss of consciousness. Intoxicated feeling. Scalp sensitive. Frontal headache, with desire to press the head against something.
Cannabis Indica
Hallucinations and imaginations, exaggeration of the duration of time and extent of space, being most characteristic. Conception of time, space and place is gone. Extremely happy and contented, nothing troubles. Ideas crowd upon each other. Has great soothing influence in many nervous disorders, like epilepsy, mania, dementia, delirium tremens, and irritable reflexes. Exophthalmic goiter. Catalepsy.
Excessive loquacity; exuberance of spirits. Time seems too long; seconds seem ages; a few rods an immense distance. Constantly theorizing. Anxious depression; constant fear of becoming insane. Mania must constantly move. Very forgetful; cannot finish sentence. Is lost in delicious thought. Uncontrollable laughter. Delirium tremens. Clairvoyance. Emotional excitement; rapid change of mood. Cannot realize own identity, chronic vertigo as of floating off. Feels as if top of head were opening and shutting and as if calvarium were being lifted. Shocks through brain.
Lillium Tigrinum
Tormented about salvation. Consolation aggravates. Profound depression of spirits. Constant inclination to weep. Anxious; fears some organic and incurable disease. Disposed to curse, strike, think obscene things. Aimless, hurried manner; must keep busy. Wild feeling in head.
Argentum Nitricum
Thinks his understanding will and must fail. Fearful and nervous; impulse to jump out of window. Faintish and tremulous. Melancholic; apprehensive of serious disease. Time passes slowly. Memory weak. Errors of perception. Impulsive; wants to do things in a hurry. Peculiar mental impulses. Fears and anxieties and hidden irrational motives for actions.
Headache with coldness and trembling. Emotional disturbances cause appearance of hemi-cranial attacks. Sense of expansion. Brain-fag, with general debility and trembling. Headache from mental exertion, from dancing. Vertigo, with buzzing in ears and with nervous affections. Aching in frontal eminence, with enlarged feeling in corresponding eye.
Tarentula Hispanica
Remarkable nervous phenomena; hysteria with chlorosis; chorea, dysmenorrhea, spinal irritability. Bladder tenesmus. Constriction sensations. Formication; Extreme restlessness; must keep in constant motion even though walking aggravates. Hysterical epilepsy. Intense sexual excitement.
Sudden alteration of mood. Foxy. Destructive impulses; moral relaxation. Must constantly busy herself or walk. Sensitive to music. Averse to company but wants someone present. Ungrateful, discontented. Guided by whims. Wants hair brushed or head rubbed. Sexual excitement; lasciviousness reaching almost to insanity; seminal emissions.
Pulsatilla Pratensis
The disposition and mental state are the chief guiding symptoms to the selection of Pulsatilla. It is pre-eminently a female remedy, especially for mild, gentle, yielding disposition. Sad, crying readily; weeps when talking; changeable, contradictory. Thirstless, peevish, and chilly. Great sensitiveness. Wants the head high. Feels uncomfortable with only one pillow. Lies with hands above head.
Weeps easily. Timid, irresolute. Fears in evening to be alone, dark, ghost. Likes sympathy. Children like fuss and caresses. Easily discouraged. Morbid dread of the opposite sex. Religious melancholy. Given to extremes of pleasure and pain. Highly emotional.

Belladonna acts upon every part of the nervous system, producing active congestion, furious excitement, perverted special senses, twitching, convulsions and pain. It has a marked action on the vascular system, skin and glands. Belladonna always is associated with hot, red skin, flushed face, glaring eyes, throbbing carotids, excited mental state, hyperesthesia of all senses, delirium, restless sleep, convulsive movements, dryness of mouth and throat with aversion to water, neuralgic pains that come and go suddenly.
Violence of attack and suddenness of onset. Bell for the extreme of thyroid toxemia. Patient lives in a world of his own, engrossed by specters and visions and oblivious to surrounding realities. While the retina is insensible to actual objects, a host of visual hallucinations throng about him and come to him from within. He is acutely alive and crazed by a flood of subjective visual impressions and fantastic illusions. Hallucinations; sees monsters, hideous faces. Delirium; frightful images; furious; rages, bites, strikes; desire to escape. Loss of consciousness. Disinclined to talk. Perversity, with tears. Acuteness of all senses. Changeableness.
Sensitive to least contact. Much throbbing and heat. Boring of head into pillow; drawn backward and rolls from side to side. Constant moaning.
Oxytropis Lamberti
Marked action on nervous system. Trembling, sensation of emptiness. Walks backwards. Congestion of spine and paralysis. Pains come and go quickly. Sphincters relaxed. Staggering gait. Reflexes lost. Desires to be alone. Disinclined to work or talk. Worse, thinking of symptoms. Mental depression. Vertigo. Feeling of intoxication, with loss of vision. Pain in maxillary bones and masseter muscles. Mouth and nose dry.
Cina Maritima
This is a children’s remedy – big, fat, rosy, scrofulous, corresponding to many conditions that may be referred to intestinal irritation, such as worms and accompanying complaints. An irritability of temper, variable appetite, grinding of teeth, and even convulsions, with screams and violent jerking of the hands and feet, always hungry, cross, ugly, and wants to be rocked. Pain in shocks. Skin sensitive to touch, ill-humor, very cross; does not want to be touched, or crossed, or carried. Desires many things but rejects everything offered. Abnormal consciousness, as if having committed some evil deed.
Headache, alternating with pain in abdomen. Relieved by stooping. Pain in head when reading or writing. Dilated pupils, yellow vision. Weak sight from masturbation. Strabismus from abdominal irritation. Eyestrain, especially when presbyopia sets in. Pulsation of superciliary muscle.
Prognosis for mad cow disease
Unfortunately, the allopathic way of treatment for mad cow disease has no results, many complications can develop in patients.
With the ability to intervene with thrombolytic therapy to kill the virous, reverse the stroke, treat dementia etc, and with more aggressive rehabilitation, the Homeopathic goal is to increase patient survival and function after recovery.
Even with Homeopathic treatment the return to function depends upon the severity of disease, what parts of the brain and body have stopped working, and what complications develop.
Thats why its recommended for patients with mad cow disease to contact Homeopathic doctor as soon as possible for full recovery and avoid other infections and complications.
P. S: This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy, for learning purpose(s).
For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.
Location, address and contact numbers are given below.
None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment, but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.
To order medicine by courier, please send your details at WhatsApp– +923119884588
Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.
Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.
Location: Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.
Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at: Qaisar Ahmed
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