Low vision or eyesight is the loss of sight that is not correctible with prescription eyeglasses, contact lenses or any allopathic medication and surgeries.
Low vision or eyesight does not include complete blindness, because there is still some sight, and it can be improved with Homeopathic treatment.
Low vision or eyesight includes different degrees of sight loss, from blind spots, poor night vision and problems with glare to an almost complete loss of sight.
Low vision or eyesight has two categories:
- “Partially sighted”: the person has visual acuity between 20/70 and 20/200 with conventional prescription lenses.
- “Legally blind”: the person has visual acuity no better than 20/200 with conventional correction and/or a restricted field of vision less than 20 degrees wide.
The ratio measurement of vision describes visual acuity, or the sharpness of vision, at 20 feet from an object. For example, having 20/70 vision means that you must be at 20 feet to see what a person with normal vision can see at 70 feet.
Causes of Low vision or eyesight
There may be one or more causes of low vision or eyesight. These are usually the result of disorders or injuries affecting the eye or a disorder such as diabetes that affects the entire body. Some of the most common causes of low vision include age-related macular degeneration, diabetes and glaucoma. Low vision or eyesight may also result from cancer of the eye, albinism, brain injury or inherited disorders of the eye including retinitis pigmentosa etc.
An eye exam can diagnose low vision. The tests include the use of lighting, magnifiers and special charts to help test visual acuity, depth perception and visual field.
All it takes to diagnose farsightedness and/or Myopia (nearsightedness or shortsightedness) is a basic eye exam.
Doctor will have a patient read a chart across the room. If that test shows hyperopia, Then use retinoscope to look at how light reflects off patient’s retina. After that use a phoropter to decide on the best prescription for glasses, contact lense or start proper treatment.
Types of Low vision or eyesight
Myopia also known as nearsightedness or shortsightedness is a common condition of the eye where the person can see things near him clearly while those at a distance seem blurry.
It may develop slowly or gradually. Myopia mainly occurs when the light entering the eye does not directly focus on the retina, but rather in front of it; that’s why person suffering from myopia tends to partially close his eyes to see clearly.
Myopic patients often complain of headaches due to eye strain and blink excessively.
Hyperopia (Farsightedness)
Allopathic treatment
Some sight disorders, like diabetes-related retinopathy, can be treated to restore or maintain vision. With allopathic treatment, this is not possible, that’s why low vision or eyesight could be permanent. Allopathic doctors only advise aids for low vision or eyesight; some popular allopathic low vision aids include:
- Telescopic glasses.
- Lenses that filter light.
- Magnifying glasses.
- Hand magnifiers.
- Closed-circuit television.
- Reading prisms.
Some patients with retinitis pigmentosa who have no useful vision may be eligible for the Argus II retinal prosthesis. This device partially restores vision to patients who have lost their sight. In some patients the restored vision allows for them to independently navigate through doorways, sidewalks, sort light and dark colored laundry, or even read large letters.
Non-optical aids designed for people with low vision include:
- Text reading software.
- Check guides.
- High contrast clocks and watches.
- Talking watches and clocks.
- Large print publications.
- Clocks, phones and watches with enlarged numbers.
Homeopathic treatment for Low vision or eyesight
All Homeopathic medicines are equally effective in patients of all age groups and gender. Homeopathy even has treatment for complete blindness.
Top of the list is “Eye-D – Eye Drops” and orally Pyhysostigma, Ruta, Viola Odorata, Oleum Animale and Phosphorus.
Eey-D – eye drops. An amazing formula of Dr. Qaisar Ahmed for many eye diseases.
Myopia and/or Hyperopia could be cured by Eye-D eye-drops in less than three months.
Pysostigma Venenosum
Very effective Medicines and most remarkable medicine for Myopia and for Hyperopia. Night-blindness; photophobia along with blurred vision. Spasm of the ciliary muscle, irritability of the eyes and dim vision.; contraction of pupils; twitching of ocular muscles. Lagophthalmos. Muscae volitantes; flashes of light; partial blindness. Glaucoma; paresis of accommodation; astigmatism. Profuse lachrymation. Spasm of ciliary muscles, with irritability after using eyes. Increasing myopia. Post-diphtheritic paralysis of eye and accommodation muscles.
Pysostigma works good and rapidly progressing eyesight weakness, accompanied by pain in the orbits. My (Dr. Qaisar Ahmed) recommended potency is 200.TDs.
Ruta Graveolens
Ruta is the best medicine when there is severe headache, pain in eyes while reading, sewing and performing other near-sighted activities. Weakness of the ciliary muscles blurred vision. Eyes-strain followed by headache. Eyes red, hot, and painful from sewing or reading fine print. Disturbances of accommodation. Weary pain while reading. Pressure deep in orbits. Tarsal cartilage feels bruised. Pressure over eyebrow. Asthenopia.
My (Dr. Qaisar Ahmed) recommended potency is 200.TDs.
Argentium Nitruicum
Inner canthi swollen and red. Spots before the vision. Blurred vision. Photophobia in warm room. Purulent ophthalmia. Great swelling of conjunctiva; discharge abundant and purulent. Chronic ulceration of margin of lids; sore, thick, swollen. Unable to keep eyes fixed steadily. Eyestrain from sewing; worse in warm room. Aching, tired feeling in eyes, better closing or pressing upon them. Useful in restoring power to the weakened ciliary muscles. Paretic condition of ciliary muscle. Acute granular conjunctivitis. Cornea opaque. Ulcer in cornea.
Natrium Muriaticum
Feels bruised, with headache in school children. Eyelids heavy. Muscles weak and stiff. Letters run together. Sees sparks. Fiery, zigzag appearance around all objects. Burning in eyes. Give out on reading or writing. Stricture of lachrymal duct with suppuration. Escape of muco-pus when pressing upon sac. Lachrymation, burning and acrid. Lids swollen. Eyes appear wet with tears. Tears stream down face on coughing. Asthenopia due to insufficiency of internal recti muscles. Pain in eyes when looking down. Cataract incipient.
Secale Cornutum
Eyeballs sunk deep in the sockets; and surrounded by blue margins. Pupils spasmodically contracted or else dilated. Convulsed eyes. Squinting. Pain in eyes – spasmodically rotated. Fixed, wild look. Cataract, hard or soft; with headache, vertigo, and roaring in ears. Suppuration of cornea. Suppressed secretion of tears. Eyes yellow. Complete blindness. Double or triple vision. Mist, spots and a veil before the sight. Weakness of sight. Sparkling before the eyes and cloudiness of sight. Exophthalmic goiter.
Aconit Nepalus
Eyes red and inflamed, with deep redness of the vessels, and intolerable pains. Profuse lachrymation. Heat and burning in the eyes, with pressive and shooting pains. Swelling of the eyes. Dilated pupils. Lids dry, hard, heavy, sensitive to air. Red, hard swelling of the lids. Eyes sparkling, convulsed, and prominent. Look fixed. Cannot bear the reflection of the sun from the snow; it causes specks, sparks, and scintillations to dance before the eyes. Excessive photophobia; or a strong desire for light. Black spots and mist before the eyes. Disturbed by flickering; fears he may touch others passing by. Vision as if through a veil; difficult to distinguish faces; with anxiety and vertigo. Sudden attacks of blindness. A sensation of drawing in the eyelids with drowsiness. Ophthalmia, very painful, with blear-eyedness, or from foreign bodies having come into the eyes (dust, sparks) – from surgeries.
Euphresia Officianalis
Catarrhal conjunctivitis; discharge of acrid matter. The eyes water all the time. Acrid lachrymation; bland coryza. Discharge thick and excoriating. Burning and swelling of the lids. Frequent inclination to blink. Free discharge of acrid matter. Sticky mucus on cornea; must wink to remove it. Pressure in eyes. Little blisters on cornea. Opacities. Rheumatic iritis. Ptosis.
Cataract with motor disturbances. Inflammation of eyelids; ulceration. Sparks and dark spots before eyes Ptosis. Vision impaired, as if film were before eyes. Paralysis of ocular muscles after exposure to cold.
Gelsemium Semperirens
Ptosis; eyelids heavy; patient can hardly open them. Double vision. Disturbed muscular apparatus. Corrects blurring and discomfort in eyes even after accurately adjusted glasses. Vision blurred, smoky. Dim-sighted; pupils dilated and insensible to light. Orbital neuralgia, with contraction and twitching of muscles. Bruised pain back of the orbits. One pupil dilated, the other contracted. Deep inflammations, with haziness of vitreous. Serous inflammations. Albuminuric retinitis. Detached retina, glaucoma and descemetitis. Hysterical amblyopia.
Calcarea Floure
Flickering and sparks before the eyes, spots on the cornea; conjunctivitis; cataract. Strumous phlyctemular keratitis. Subcutaneous palpebral cysts.
Cyclamen Europium
Dim vision, worse on waking, with spots before eyes. Flickering of various colors. Convergent strabismus. Sees countless stars. Diplopia. Disturbance of vision, associated with gastric disturbances.
Viola Odorata
Myopia and/or Hyperopia, where it is accompanied by severe pain in the eyes (remarkable results). Complains of severe pain in the eyes which radiates to the top of the head (vertex). Heaviness of the eyelids, flames before the eyes.
My (Dr. Qaisar Ahmed) recommended potency is 200.TDs.
Slicea Terra
Angles of eyes affected. Swelling of lachrymal duct. Aversion to light, especially daylight; it produces dazzling, sharp pain through eyes; eyes tender to touch; worse when closed. Vision confused; letters run together on reading. Styes. Iritis and irido-choroiditis, with pus in anterior chamber. Perforating or sloughing ulcer of cornea. Abscess in cornea after traumatic injury. Cataract in office workers. After-effects of keratitis and ulcers of cornea, clearing the opacity.
Oleum Animale Aethereum
Smarting in eyes; misty vision. Glistening bodies before eyes. Lachrymation when eating. Short-sighted. Twitching of lids. The person often sees glistening bodies before his/her eyes, complains of dim vision. Nearsightedness accompanied by twitching of the eyelids.
My (Dr. Qaisar Ahmed) recommended potency is 200.TDs.
Thuja Occidentalis
Ciliary neuralgia; iritis. Eyelids agglutinated at night; dry, scaly. Styes and tarsal tumors. Acute and subacute inflammation of sclera. Sclera raised in patches, and looks bluish red. Large, flat phlyctenules; indolent. Recurring episcleritis. Chronic scleritis.
Cataract. Sensation as if everything were covered with a mist or veil, or dust, or something pulled tightly over eyes. Black points seem to float before the eyes. Patient sees better by shading eyes with hand. Fatigue of eyes and head even without much use of eyes. Green halo about the candlelight. Letters appear red. Atrophy of optic nerve. Edema of lids and about e eyes. Pearly white conjunctiva and long curved lashes. Partial loss of vision from abuse of tobacco Pain in orbital bones. Paresis of extrinsic muscles. Diplopia, due to deviation of the visual axis. Amaurosis from sexual excess. Glaucoma.
Thrombosis of retinal vessels and degenerative changes in retinal cells. Degenerative changes where soreness and curved lines are seen in old people. Retinal trouble with lights and hallucination of vision. Fatigue of the eyes and head even when the eyes are not being overused is a key symptom for Phosphorus.
Nux Vomica
Photophobia; much worse in morning. Smarting dry sensation in inner canthi. Infra-orbital neuralgia, with watering of eyes. Optic nerve atrophy, from habitual use of intoxicants. Paresis of ocular muscles; worse, tobacco and stimulants. Orbital twitching radiating towards the occiput, Optic neuritis.
Glaucoma; with iridescent vision. Violent supra and infra-orbital neuralgia; violent pains and lachrymation. Green colors surround light. Conjunctivitis. Increase in intra-ocular tension, dim sight, photophobia.
Zincum Metallicum
Pterygium; smarting, lachrymation, itching. Pressure as if pressed into head. Itching and soreness of lids and inner angles. Ptosis. Rolling of eyes. Blurring of one-half of vision; worse, stimulants. Squinting. Amaurosis, with severe headache. Red and inflamed conjunctiva; worse, inner canthus.
P. S: This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy, for learning purpose(s).
For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.
None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment, but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.
To order medicine by courier, please send your details at WhatsApp– +923119884588
Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.
Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.
Location: Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.
Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at:
https://www.youtube.com/Dr Qaisar Ahmed