A kidney infection (pyelonephritis) is a type of urinary tract infection (UTI). Bacteria cause it when they move from another part of our body, like our bladder, up to one or both of our kidneys. Kidney infections can be more serious than lower UTIs. For some people, lower UTIs can go away on their own, but kidney infections can lead to serious complications if left untreated.
How do we get a kidney infection?
Our kidneys make urine to get rid of waste. The urine moves ureters to the bladder, from there, it moves through another urethra to leave our body. This usually cleans out any bacteria or other germs with it.
Sometimes, bacteria can move upwards into our body and infect parts of our urinary tract, including our urethra, bladder (cystitis) or ureters. From there, they can move into one or both kidneys, causing a kidney infection. Bacteria that get into our blood from another part of our body can also infect our kidneys.
Difference between a kidney infection and a urinary tract infection
A kidney infection is a type of urinary tract infection (UTI). But when people say “UTI,” they often mean a lower urinary tract infection (infection of bladder and/or urethra). A lower UTI and a kidney infection can have similar symptoms, but a kidney infection is more likely to suddenly make one feel sick, give a fever or cause pain in lower back or flank pain.
Causes of kidney infections
Bacterial infections are the most common cause of kidney infections. Viral infections are rare. Some types of bacteria that cause kidney infections include:
- E. coli.
- Proteus mirabilis.
- Enterobacter.
- Staphylococcus.
Risk factors for kidney infection
Risk factors for kidney infections include:
Blockage. Anything that keeps us from emptying the urine out of our urinary tract can allow bacteria to grow and back up into the kidneys. This includes kidney stones, enlarged prostate and uterine prolapse. Pressure on the bladder during pregnancy can also increase risk.
Vesicoureteral reflux. This is a condition where urine goes the wrong way and backs up from patient’s bladder.
Conditions that put a person at increased risk for infections. These include diabetes, HIV and being on immunosuppressive medications.
Patient’s anatomy. Women and people assigned female at birth and people who don’t have a penis have a shorter urethra, which makes it easier for bacteria to move up to their bladder and kidneys.
Symptoms of kidney infection or pyelonephritis
Symptoms of a kidney infection include:
- Fever.
- Chills.
- Lower back or flank pain.
- Painful urination.
- Bloody (hematuria) or cloudy (pyuria) urine.
- Urgent or frequent need to urinate.
Sometimes, kidney infections can lead to life-threatening complications, especially in people with a weakened immune system or other underlying health issues for example:
- Emphysematous pyelonephritis. This is a condition where bacteria start destroying parts of the kidneys and create gas. It’s most common in people with diabetes.
- Renal papillary necrosis. This is a condition that damages our kidneys.
Diagnosis and Tests
A doctor diagnoses a kidney infection by reviewing patient’s symptoms and testing his/her urine for signs of infection (urinalysis). Also test patient’s blood and get images of his/her kidneys with a CT scan or renal ultrasound.
Allopathic/Conventional Treatment for Kidney infection or Pyelonephritis
Healthcare providers treat kidney infections with antibiotics. You’ll have to take antibiotics for at least 14 days. If you’re very sick or if you aren’t getting better with antibiotics, you might need to be treated in the hospital or take antibiotics for longer.
Advise a combination of antibiotics to treat a kidney infection. They may include:
- Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX).
- Amoxicillin or augmentin.
- Ceftriaxone or cephalexin.
- Ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin.
First-line antibiotics
Fosfomycin is a single-dose antibiotic for uncomplicated UTIs resulting from certain bacteria, including E. coli.
Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, also called co-trimoxazole, is a sulfonamide that often treats more severe UTIs. However, this antibiotic may harm beneficial bacteria in your body. Additionally, resistance to this antibiotic is increasing.
Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole may effectively treat recurrent UTIs over an extended period. This antibiotic has many side effects especially isn’t safe during pregnancy or while nursing, in case of gastric diseases. The typical treatment duration is 14 days.
First-generation cephalosporins such as cephalexin have a high urine excretion rate, which enhances their effectiveness for UTIs. You often prescribe cephalosporins to patients with penicillin allergies.
Cephalosporins should be avoid while nursing and if patient has gastric and hepatic diseases. The typical treatment duration is 7 days.
Nitrofurantoin is suitable for treating simple UTIs. Healthcare professionals commonly prescribe it as a prophylactic antibiotic.
Nitrofurantoin acts like Homeopathic medicines, it slows bacterial growth instead of directly killing them, increasing the likelihood of our immune system naturally resolving the infection; but nitrofurantoin has many and severe side effects instead of Homeopathic medicines.
Pregnant or nursing, patients with hepatic, splenic and digestive tract diseases consult a healthcare professional about the safety of using nitrofurantoin. Avoid taking it after 38 weeks of pregnancy. Usually, the treatment lasts 7 days.
Second-line antibiotics
Amoxicillin/potassium clavulanate (Augmentin) is a type of β-lactam antibiotic with a dual mechanism of action.
Amoxicillin directly attacks bacteria, while potassium clavulanate, a β-lactamase inhibitor, blocks the enzymes that break down amoxicillin, helping to prevent resistance.
If you’re pregnant or nursing, consult a healthcare professional about its safety.
Fluoroquinolones like ciprofloxacin are a type of quinolone antibiotic often useful for complicated UTIs and prostate infections.
Fluoroquinolones are linked with antimicrobial resistance, so only take them if essential, but are not recommended for children or people with heart problems, during pregnancy and while nursing. Typically, the treatment lasts 3 days.
Intravenous (IV) or intramuscular (IM) antibiotics
Healthcare professionals typically use IV and IM antibiotics for more severe infections or when you cannot take oral medications.
Ampicillin/sulbactam treats infections resistant to certain antibiotics.
Ceftriaxone is an IV option for uncomplicated UTIs and may be effective in 3-day courses.
Intravenous meropenem/vaborbactam is a valuable option for complicated UTIs caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria in adults.
Cefiderocol is a last-line option for complicated UTIs. However, it can have gastrointestinal side effects, and people with kidney conditions should use it with caution.
Imipenem/cilastatin/relebactam is an IV antibiotic that’s typically well tolerated. It’s often used to treat gram-negative infections in adults, including people who are critically ill or at high risk.
Medication for pain relief
Over-the-counter medications may help ease UTI symptoms. For example:
- Acetaminophen may help to reduce pain and fever.
- Phenazopyridine helps to alleviate pain and burning.
- Methenamine/Sodium salicylate/Benzoic acid may help to ease pain and inflammation.
These medications do not treat the infection.
Take the entire course of your antibiotics, even if you start feeling better soon after you first start the medication. This helps ensure your infection fully resolves and reduces the chance of recurrence.
Consult a healthcare professional if your symptoms persist beyond a few days of antibiotic use or worsen.
Homeopathic Treatment for Kidney Infection or Pyelonephritis
When the urine is normal, it doesn’t have a strong smell. However, a strong smell from cloudy, oily urine may indicate kidney stones or a kidney infection. Conversely, a sweet smell in the urine can be a symptom of diabetes.
Eating certain foods can also cause the urine to smell, for example cabbage, broccoli, asparagus, garlic, red meat, and excess alcohol.
Orange urine may also be triggered by the consumption of too many red or orange-colored foods, like berries or beets.
There are also certain diseases and health conditions associated with oily urine. As we noted, in general, a healthy person will visit the bathroom six to eight times daily, but this all depends on how much fluid he drinks.
If you feel the need to urinate without drinking extra fluids, you may have a urinary tract infection, overactive bladder, diabetes, interstitial cystitis, an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia), or a neurological condition like a stroke or Parkinson’s disease.
Again, normal urine color will be yellow, very dark yellow, and white. Most people do not know what their urine looks like.
Top Homeopathic Medicines for kidney Infection or pyelonephritis are:
Homeopathic medicines work wonderfully on urinary tract infections, whether acute or chronic. Naturally and safe, by strengthening the immune system.
Solidago Virgaurea
Scanty, reddish brown, thick sediment, dysuria, gravel. Difficult and scanty. Albuminuria, hematuria, and slime in urine. Renal and bladder pain. Clear and offensive urine. Aurea.
Retention. Acute urinary infections. Sensation of motion in bladder. Urine scanty, with tenesmus; dark and turbid, loaded with phosphates. Vesical region sensitive. Incontinence, continuous dropping. Frequent and profuse. Hematuria where no pathological condition can be found. Prostatic hypertrophy. Testicles hard, drawn up, inflamed. Nocturnal sweat of genitals. Flow of prostatic fluid. Desire diminished.
Lycopodium Clavatum
Pain in back before urinating; ceases after flow; urine slow in coming, must strain. Retention. Polyuria during the night. Heavy red sediment. No erectile power – impotence. Premature emission. Enlarge prostate. Condylomas.
Hydrangea Arborescens
Burning in urethra and frequent desire. Urine hard to start. Heavy deposit of mucus. Sharp pain in loins. Great thirst, with abdominal symptoms and enlarged prostate. Kidney stones. Spasmodic stricture. Profuse deposit of white amorphous salts.
Cannabis Ind
Burning, scalding or stinging before, during and after urination. Urging and straining but cannot pass a drop, A white glairy mucus may be squeezed from the urethra. Urging to urinate but cannot pass a drop. Profuse, colorless urine. Has to wait some time before the urine flows. Has to force out the last few drops with the hand. The urine dribbles out after the stream ceases.
Hepar Sulphuricum
Urination impeded. Obliged to wait before the urine is passed and then it flows slowly, feels as if some urine always remains behind in bladder. Urine slow and turbid, with whitish sediment; drops out perpendicularly.
Abundant secretion of pale urine, with pressure on the bladder. Acrid, corrosive (corroding the prepuce), or pale and watery, or deep-red, and hot urine. Nocturnal emission of urine. Bed wetting. Blood after urination. Micturition. Stitches in the urethra. Redness and inflammation of the orifice of the urethra. Discharge of mucus from the urethra.
Natrum Muriaticum
Cannot pass urine in the presence or other persons, cannot pass it in a public place, frequent and urgent want to urinate, day and night, sometimes every hour, with copious emission. Involuntary emissions, sometimes on coughing, walking, laughing, or sneezing.
Clear urine, with red sediment, resembling brick-dust. Discharge of mucus from urethra during and after urination, causing itching and biting, mucus from urethra sometimes is yellowish, as in gonorrhea. After micturition spasmodic contraction in abdomen; burning, drawing, and cutting in urethra. During micturition stitches in bladder, smarting, burning in urethra; smarting and soreness in vulva.
Thuja Occidentalis
Urethra swollen inflamed. Urinary stream split and small. Trickling after urinating, severe cutting. Frequent micturition accompanying pains. Desire sudden and urgent but cannot be controlled. Paralysis sphincter vesicae.
Inflammation of prepuce and glans; pain in penis. Balanitis. Gonorrheal rheumatism. Gonorrhea. Chronic induration of testicles. Pain and burning felt near neck of bladder, with frequent and urgent desire to urinate. Prostatic enlargement. Vagina very sensitive. Warty excrescences on vulva and perineum. Profuse leucorrhea; thick, greenish.
Silicea Tera
Hematuria, involuntary, with red or yellow sediment. Prostatic fluid discharged when straining at stool. Nocturnal enuresis. Burning and soreness of genitals, eruption on inner surface of thighs. Chronic gonorrhea, with thick, fetid discharge. Elephantiasis of scrotum. Sexual erethism; nocturnal emissions. Hydrocele. Itching of vulva and vagina; very sensitive. Discharge of blood between menstrual periods.
Purulent urine. Urine turbid, milky, dark, with flakes of mucus and frothy. Secretion diminished; the last drops cause violent burning. Secretion slow/feeble and in a small stream. During the emission of urine, pulling in the spermatic cord. Burning sensation and smarting in the urethra, on commencing to urinate, stitches in the urethra, contraction of the urethra, with the urine stopping suddenly, or only flowing drop by drop; jerk-like. An extreme constricted.
The urine cannot be passed out once, flow of urine starts then stops and starts again – feels as if some urine is still left behind. Drop by drop dribbling, intermittent urine flow. Urethral Stricture with gonorrhea.
Chimaphila Umbellata
Acute prostatitis with dysuria and retention, sensation in perineum. Constant pain in region of kidneys; urine scanty, dark, fetid, thick, with copious sediment. Strangury: constant desire to urinate. Cutting, scalding pain, divided stream; stricture. Urethritis with purulent or profuse mucous discharge. Great quantities of thick, ropy, bloody mucus. Greenish-black urine. Albuminuria; hematuria, from long-lasting gonorrhea; clots of coagulated blood pass with urine. Renal dropsy. Urethral stricture patients who have to apply a lot of strain to pass urine. Aurea.
Conium Maculatum
Urine stops suddenly and does not begin go flow for some moments, intermittent urine flow. Pressure on the bladder with stitches.
Nocturia, frequent, and sometimes involuntary. Bedwetting. Painful ruination. Urine thick, white and turbid, red. Retention of urine. Difficult emission of urine, which flows only drop by drop.
Diabetes, frequent inclination to emit clear and aqueous urine. Viscid mucus, discharge of pus from the urethra. Emission of blood, sometimes with difficulty of respiration.
Urine stops suddenly and does not begin to flow again for some moments. Burning, painful and shootings in the urethra.
Retention of urine. Strangury, with tenesmus of the neck of the bladder. Urine flowing slowly and in a small stream, as if the urethra were contracted. Urine of a yellowish green, turbid, and of a moldy smell. Hematuria. Micturition. Urine thick and red, with turbid and thick sediment.
Pressure in the kidneys when sitting, during motion. Heaviness and pain in region of kidneys. Violent burning drawing pain in region of kidneys. Nephritis that follows an irritation of the skin. Frequent desire to urinate. Spasms from any attempt to urinate. Suppressed secretion of urine. Strangury, followed by soreness. Diminished secretion of urine. Secretion of urine considerably augmented. Urine smelling strongly of violets; deposit of mucus, or thick, muddy deposit. Thick, slimy, yellowish white sediment in urine.
Hematuria and constant painful dysuria. Micturition. Urethritis with painful erections. Stricture of urethra.
Retention of urine, with cramp-like pains in the bladder. Urgent and ineffectual efforts with painful emission – drop by drop, weak and scattered stream. Polyurea. Urine, pale yellow, or of a deep red color. Flow of sanguineous mucus from the bladder. Emission of blood, drop by drop.
Purulent urine. Burning smarting while urinating, Incisive pains in the front part of the urethra, during the emission of urine, and afterwards. Sharp, tearing, and incisive pains, successive Pullings and pulsations in the urinary organs. Burning, stinging and tearing in the kidneys. Pressing pain in the kidneys, extending to the bladder; along the ureters; relieved by pressing upon the glans.
Inflammation and ulceration of the kidneys, of the bladder, and of the urethra. Exceedingly painful sensibility of the region of the bladder on its being touched.
Vesicaria Communis
Albuminuria. Cystitis. Dropsy. Gleet. Gonorrhea. Gravel. Hematuria. Nephralgia. Prostatitis.
A smarting, burning sensation in urethra and bladder. Frequent desire to urinate. Urine strangury. Acute or chronic cystitis. In nephralgia, calculus.

Slight or dull pain in kidneys – extending down to the sacrum, with urgent desire to urinate, clear light-colored urine.
Severe dull pain in bladder not by urinating; continued some days after taking the allopathic drug and caused him inflammation of the bladder. Kidney Infection or pyelonephritis.
Tenderness in region of bladder and lower abdomen, extending upward. Pain and tenderness in bladder region with soreness of testicles, extending up spermatic cords.
Urine smells like ammonia. Excessive burning while urinating, sharp cutting pain in urethra, pricking in urethra a short distance back from meatus, biting itching in meatus scratching. Great and urgent desire to urinate but only a small quantity passes, with prickling and soreness of meatus from contact and pressure, nocturia with micturition and sharp pain at root of penis, later passes smaller quantities and darker. Urine cloudy, Great excess of mucus on standing. Enuresis, nocturnal and diurnal.
Mercurius Corrosivus
Tenesmus of bladder; suppressed urine. Increased discharge of urine, passed in drops, and with great pain. Urine scanty, brown, with brick-dust like sediment; hematuria; albuminous containing filaments, flocks or dark flesh-like pieces of mucus, epithelial cells of tubule uriniferous in a state of fatty degeneration. Urine smells like ammonia.
Gonorrhoeic discharges, first thin, then thicker (greenish, better at night), and then smarting pain when urinating, with stitches in urethra. Burning in urethra, more before micturition. Paraphimosis. Kidney Infection or pyelonephritis.
Petroselinum (Parsley)
Sudden urging to urinate. Patient suddenly seized with desire to urinate; if not gratified immediately, jumps up and down with pain – severe pain when he passes urine. Discharge of a milky fluid from urethra; Albuminous yellow discharge from urethra; gonorrhea. Urine smells like ammonia. Kidney Infection or pyelonephritis.
Orifice of urethra agglutinated with mucus. Creeping and crawling throughout whole length of urethra. Frequent and almost fruitless want to urinate, every half-hour. Tingling, lancinating, pressure and drawing, in urethra. Crawling and pressure in region of Cowper’s glands in morning in bed, > while standing and sitting. During micturition, burning and tingling from perineum through the whole urethra. Drawing, afterwards itching in fossa navicularis; burning in navicular fossa while urinating. Frequent desire to urinate, caused by crawling stitch behind navicular fossa. Frequent voluptuous tickling in navicular fossa.
Frequent urging. Greenish discharge from urethra; burning in urethra on beginning to urinate. Urine dark, scanty, bloody, albuminous. Kidney Infection or pyelonephritis. Vesicles and ulcers; soft chancre. Cold genitals. Prepuce irritated, itches. Nocturnal emissions, stained with blood.
Stinging pain in ovaries. Itching and burning in vagaina – worse, after urinating; better washing with cold water. Morning sickness, with profuse salivation.
Itching, needle like stitches in kidneys. Pressure on bladder on waking from sleep. Frequent want to urinate, with emission drop by drop, or else of a slender stream of deep-colored urine, excessively painful emission of urine. Urine smells like ammonia. Kidney Infection or pyelonephritis.
Frequent (profuse) emission of clear watery urine (with much urging). Frequent emission of red urine. Constant micturition at night. Bloody urine. Involuntary emission of urine when coughing. After having urinated, a fresh want is felt, as if bladder were again full. Burning sensation in urethra, especially (after and) when urinating (with urging, as if the bladder were not emptied). Constant urging in young married women.
Arsenicum Album
Retention of urine, paralysis of the bladder. Kidney Infection or pyelonephritis. Frequent inclination to make water, even at night, with abundant emission. Incontinence of urine, which escapes almost involuntarily, even at night, in bed. Difficult and painful emission of urine. Scanty urine, of a deep yellow color. Urine aqueous, greenish, brownish, or turbid, with mucus-like sediment. Sanguineous urine. Burning in the urethra on making water. Involuntary discharge of burning urine.
Berberis Vulgaris

Violent sticking pains in the bladder, extending from the kidneys into the urethra, with urging to urinate. Frequently recurring, crampy, contractive pain, or aching pain, in the bladder, when the bladder is full or empty – Incisive pains in the urethra, smarting pain in the urethra, with sensation of excoriation, even during the emission of semen in coition.
Kidney Infection or pyelonephritis. Motion excites and aggravates the urethral pain. Burning stitching pains in the urethra while urinating, and afterwards. Shooting pains in the urethra, extending to the bladder. Aching pains in the region of the bladder, even when it is empty, and after urination. Contractive, drawing, acute, incisive, and cramp like pains in the bladder.
Shooting, violent pains in the loins, extending to the bladder. Sensation of burning in the bladder. Increased secretion of urine, which is as clear as water, sometimes urine pale yellowish, with slimy, gelatinous, mealy sediment, white, greyish white, or reddish, sometimes urine thick, yellowish, like whey, or clay colored water, deep yellow, with abundant sediment, dark yellow, red, becoming turbid, copious; mucous sediment, or transparent, jelly-like reddish, bran-like sediment (which is easily crushed and dissolved between the fingers). Greenish urine, depositing mucus. Urine reddish, as if inflamed, with abundant sediment. Urine smells like ammonia.
Apis Melifistida
Burning soreness when urinating, strangury, Pain in region of kidneys; soreness on pressure or when stooping. Frequent desire, with passage of only a few drops. Urine smells like ammonia and high colored; with thirstlessness. Incontinence of urine from coughing and other circumstances. Urine suppressed. Too profuse discharge of urine. Kidney Infection or pyelonephritis.
Albuminuria of scarlatina. Burning and stinging in the urethra. Burning and smarting in the urethra, as if it were scalded. Bladder very painful, often tenesmus after urinating. Urine often milky appearance; very dark and frothy; very fetid; sediment reddish-brown, like coffee grounds.
Aconi Nepalus
Suppression of urine, with pressure in the bladder and pains in the loins. A frequent desire to discharge urine, accompanied by anxiety and pain. Flow of urine, with sweat, diarrhea, and colic. Involuntary emission of urine, from relaxation of the neck of the bladder. Kidney Infection or pyelonephritis.
Enuresis, with thirst. Urine smells like ammonia, burning, deep red, and with a sediment of a brick color (arising from taking cold, esp. in children), suppression of, from cold. Bloody sediment in the urine, Scanty, red, hot urine, without sediment. Heat and tenesmus in the neck of the bladder.
Kidney Infection or pyelonephritis – urine scanty, slimy, flaky, sandy, hematuria. Gravel. Renal colic. Severe flank pain. Urine dribbles while sitting. Bladder distended and tender. Painful urination. Micturition. Dysuria. Tenesmus of bladder; urine passes in thin, feeble stream. Pain at meatus.
Baryta Carbonicum 
kidney Infection or Pyelonephritis. Polyuria with abundant emission; it can hardly be retained. During urination, burning in urethra. Diminution of sexual desire, and weakness of the genital functions. Relaxed penis, premature emissions. Falling asleep during coition, without the emission having taken place. Cloudy Urine. Gleet. Hypertrophied prostate. Excoriation and oozing between the scrotum and the thighs. Erections only in the morning before rising. Sudden want to urinate.
Chimaphilia Umbellate
Acute prostatitis with dysuria and retention, sensation in perineum as if sitting on a ball. Constant pain in region of kidneys; urine scanty, dark, fetid, thick, with copious sediment. Strangury: constant desire to urinate. Cutting, scalding pain, divided stream; stricture. Urethritis with purulent or profuse mucus discharge. Great quantities of thick, ropy, bloody mucus in urine. Greenish-black urine. Urine scanty; frequently voided, pressing pain before, burning prickling, scalding and smarting during and after, and vesical tenesmus.
kidney Infection or Pyelonephritis. Albuminuria; hematuria, from long-lasting gonorrhea; clots of coagulated blood pass with urine. Renal dropsy. Cloudy Urine. Smarting from neck of bladder the whole length of urethra to meatus; excessive itching. Atrophy of testicles. Sensation as if he had bruised one of testicles. Sensation of swelling in perineum, as if sitting on a ball. Gonorrhea; gleet; syphilis.
Nitric Acid
Nitric Acid – a powerful medicine for kidney Infection or pyelonephritis and bloody urine – urine is offensive in nature (strong and highly offensive). Albuminuria. Urine – dark, bloody, scanty and foul. Urine may feel cold while passing. Some patients, chilliness in the spine appears along with bloody dirty urine.
Uva Ursi
Blood cells along with large quantity of sticky mucus. Pain in the bladder and urethra while passing urine. Cystitis, with bloody urine. Uterine hemorrhage. Chronic vesical irritation, with pain, tenesmus, and catarrhal discharges. Burning after the discharge of slimy urine. Pyelitis. Calculous inflammation. kidney Infection or Pyelonephritis. Dyspnea, nausea, vomiting, pulse small and irregular. Cyanosis. Urticaria without itching.
Frequent urging, with severe spasms of bladder; burning and tearing pain. Urine contains blood, pus, and much tenacious mucus, with clots in large masses. Involuntary; green urine. Painful dysuria.
kidney Infection or Pyelonephritis. Hematuria coffee ground sediments. The urine appears dark or black, mixed with blood. Inflamed kidneys that follow an acute disease. Strangury, with bloody urine. Scanty, suppressed, odor of violets. Urethritis, with painful erections. Inflamed kidneys following any acute disease. Constant tenesmus. Intense burning in uterine region. Metritis; puerperal peritonitis. Metrorrhagia with burning in uterus.
Serum Engvelia or Ell Serum
Heart and kidney diseases. In kidney diseases the attack is characterized by oliguria, anuria and albuminuria. Kidney failure. Acute nephritis. Hypertension and oliguria without edema. Cardiac uremia. Asystole with or without edema, dyspnea, and difficult urinary secretion. kidney Infection or Pyelonephritis.
Pareira Brava and Equisetum
Pareira Brava and Equisetum are the Homeopathic medicines having same action on kidney Infection or pyelonephritis with a constant urge to pass urine. The indicating symptom for prescribing Pareira Brava is a constant urge for urination, marked straining to urinate, and pain in bladder and urethra extending down the thighs. Urine is also passed with much difficulty. In the worst cases, urine is passed only by going on a hand and knees position.
Equisetum is of great help when there is a frequent and intolerable urge to urinate. Dull pain in the bladder is constantly present, and a person feels a sharp, cutting, burning sensation in the urethra when urinating.
Eryngium aquaticum
Strangury etc with nervous erethism. Thick, yellow mucous discharges. Influenza. Uridrosis, sweat of urine like odor in evening. Tenesmus of bladder and urethra. Difficult and frequent micturition. Pain behind pubes. Spasmodic stricture. Renal colic. Congestion of kidneys with dull pain in back, running down the ureters and limbs. kidney Infection or Pyelonephritis. Irritable bladder from enlarged prostate gland, or from pressure of uterus. Discharge of prostatic fluid from slight causes. Seminal emissions without erections, with lassitude.
kidney Infection or Pyelonephritis from E. Coli infection. This natural medicine is helpful for acute UTI from E. coli infection as well chronic tendency of a recurrent UTI from E. coli infection. The main symptoms for Colibacillinum use are pain and burning while urination, the frequent urge to urinate, and unsatisfactory urination with the need to urinate again and again even after urination. (Advise higher dilutions only- Dr Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHS.)
Uva Ursi
Uva Ursi is a remedy that is very beneficial for kidney Infection or pyelonephritis (when the urine contains pus and blood). Urine is slimy with thick, ropy mucus and may also be highly offensive. The other guiding features indicative of prescribing Uva Ursi are the constant urge to pass urine, difficulty in passing urine, straining to pass urine, and a cutting/burning pain in the urethra.
Zingiber Officinale
Frequent desire to urinate. Stinging, burning in orifice. Yellow discharge from urethra. Urine thick, turbid, of strong odor, suppressed. kidney Infection or Pyelonephritis. Complete suppression after typhoid. After urinating, continues to ooze in drops. Itching of prepuce. Sexual desire excited; painful erections. Emissions.
How soon after treatment for a kidney infection or pyelonephritis?
With allopathic/conventional treatment patient should start feeling better within two to three days of starting antibiotics, but if infection is harder to treat, it could last for several weeks.
With Homeopathic treatment patient should feel better within few hours and in three to five days will be recovered from all symptoms, severe cases patient has to take Homeopathic medicines for few days (10-20).
Every patient needs to complete his/her prescription of allopathic antibiotics or Homeopathic medication even if he/she starts to feel better, infection may come back if patient stop taking his/her medication too soon.
P. S: This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy, for learning purpose(s).
For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.
None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment, but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.
To order medicine by courier, please send your details at WhatsApp– +923119884588
Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries,
Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.
Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.
Location: Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.
Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at:
https://www.youtube.com/Dr Qaisar Ahmed