Computer vision syndrome or Digital eye strain, describes a group of eye and vision- related problems that result from prolonged computer, tablet, e-reader and cell phone use which causes increased stress to near vision in particular. Many individuals experience eye discomfort and vision problems when viewing digital screens for extended periods. The level of discomfort appears to increase with the amount of digital screen use.
Extraocular symptoms
Shoulder pain, neck pain, neck stiffness, headache and backache. Blurred vision that comes and goes, double vision, photophobia (sensitivity to bright light), presbyopia and slowness of focus change.
Ocular – Internal symptoms (Asthenopia) – Eye strain, ache in the eye, ache around the eyes, tired eyes and sore eyes.
Ocular – External symptoms – Burning, dryness, redness, gritty sensation, tearing and irritation, dryness, watering, itching, burning or the sensation of something in the eye, hard to keep eyes open, headache right behind the eyes.
The symptoms reported in children with a prolonged history of screen exposure include reduced attention span, poor behavior, irritability, dry eyes, ocular irritation, eye strain, headache, neck pain and shoulder pain.
Sometime aches and pains appear elsewhere in their bodies, this can happen when the posture isn’t ideal, or you stretch and strain your neck to see your screen. For example:
- Neck stiffness and/or pain.
- Shoulders pain.
- Backache/pain.
Causes of computer vision syndrome
The screens themselves aren’t fully to blame. Spending a long time focusing on close-up objects can strain your eyes, whether you’re looking at a screen or a printed page. But the screens add another layer of strain to your eyes. Here’s why:
- Constant refocusing. When you use screens, you have to constantly focus and refocus to see the print (which is made of pixels, or tiny dots). Constantly moving your eyes in this way can strain them.
- Screen contrast levels. Often, there’s a low contrast level between the letters you read on a screen and their background. This can make your eyes work harder.
- Inadequate blinking. Normally, we naturally blink about 18 to 22 times per minute. We need to blink enough to keep our eyes lubricated. But when using a computer, most people only blink three to seven times per minute, we only partly close our eyes when we blink. Not blinking fully or often enough can cause the surface of our eyes to dry out.
Your symptoms may be more severe than usual if you:
- Have dry eye disease.
- Have uncorrected or under-corrected refractive errors, like nearsightedness.
- Have eye conditions that affect your eyes’ ability to focus, like convergence insufficiency.
Blue cut lenses/Blue blocking lenses:
It was supposed that these lenses block the short-wavelength visible light (blue light) and may lower the reduction of critical flicker frequency {also known as – flicker fusion rate/ flicker fusion threshold} (CFF) and may reduce eye fatigue. However, a recent randomized control trial noted no improvement of computer vision syndrome (CVS) with blue-blocking lenses.
Diagnosis and Tests
Eye care specialists diagnose computer vision syndrome by an eye exam and asking some questions about his/her symptoms or discomfort, how often and severe they are, the amount of time patient spend using a digital device, what type of device/screen he/she uses, work environment, any other medical condition or disease especially of eyes etc.
Allopathically management and treatment
Computer vision syndrome allopathic treatment involves:
- Managing dry eye – recommend artificial tears, advise patient to blink more often.
- Correcting your vision – recommend glasses or contact lenses, advise computer glasses.
- Changing your routine and environment.
Homeopathic management and treatment for Computer vision syndrome
Homeopathy is a very wide (scientifically proven) and unique present of God to humanity. Homeopathy has hundreds of different types of medicines for eye problems and diseases, here are very few of them for Computer vision syndrome:
Agaricus Muscarius
Itching in the eyes. Burning sensation in the internal corners of the eyelids, which are painful on being touched. Pressure in the eyes. Fleshing of light in the corners of the eyes, and agglutination of the lids. Twitching of the eyelids and eyeballs. The cleft of the eyelids growing narrower. Canthi itch, burn, are red. A viscid yellow fleshing light glues the eyelids together. Weakness and confusion of vision, as from a mist before the eyes. Brownish spots (like flies) before the eyes. Black motes before the eyes. Myopia. Diplopia. Muscular asthenopia; nystagmus; squint. Spasms.
Ruta Greveolens
Eyes-strain followed by headache. Eyes red, hot, and painful from sewing or reading fine print. Disturbances of accommodation. Weary pain while reading. Pressure deep in orbits. Tarsal cartilage feels bruised. Pressure over eyebrow. Computer vision syndrome. Asthenopia.
Eye strain and headaches in computer vision syndrome. Tired eyes due to over strain. Eyes red, hot and painful when reading fine letters. Disturbances of accommodation. Dim vision with dullness and weakness of vision. starts.
Cimicifuga Racemosa/Actaea Racemosa
Intense aching pains in the eyeballs which increases if touched or by pressure but feels better by slightest motion. Pain over eyes, extending to occiput. Ciliary neuralgia: acute pains in eyeballs or in temples, extending to eyes, so severe, especially at night. Dilated pupils, with dark spots before the eyes. Peculiar wild look out of eyes. Neck pain and stiffness of neck muscles in computer vision syndrome, symptoms worse from pressure and moving hands, worse from cold, and better from warmth.
Cannabis Indica
Fixed gaze. Eyes bright and shiny. Visual clairvoyance. Jerking in extreme corner of the eye and eyelid. Injection of vessels of conjunctiva of both eyes. Computer vision syndrome. Letters run together when reading. Twinkling, trembling, and glimmering before the eyes.
Eyes suffused; sclerotic and conjunctiva injected. Eyeballs restless. A most intense boring pain in eyes. Cramping pain of ciliary muscle. Computer vision syndrome. Pupils dilated; and insensible. Vision misty; letters run together, can read fine print only at distance of a yard; double vision. Yellow vision. Vision perverted as to color and size; she thought some pills in a box were larger than others; inability to read unless the print was within two or three inches of the nose.
Eyes downcast and dull. Eyes red, fixed, convulsed, and prominent. Spasmodic movement of the eyes. Sclerotic redness. Swelling of the eyelids. Computer vision syndrome. Strabismus. Staring, distorted eyes. Contortion of the eyes. Quivering in the eye. Spasmodic closing of the eyelids. Inability to open the eyelids. Pupils dilated. Dimness of sight. Myopia, or presbyopia. Errors of vision. Diplopia. Objects seem to be much larger than they are in reality, or else of a red color. Objects have colored borders, chiefly yellow. Night blindness. Weakness of sight, as from incipient amaurosis.
Physostigma Venenosum
Astigmatism or blurred vision. Computer vision syndrome. Spasm of ciliary muscle with irritability after using eyes. Pupils contracted. Vision trembling. Bloodshot eyes with burning pain. Eyes inflamed, sclerotic dry, red, and swollen; eyeballs pain and smart; lids feel sore. Eyes bloodshot all the forenoon, with burning in them. Pain on attempting to use binocular vision, as in reading, so that one eye must be closed. Pressure; with muscae volitantes, dark and light long worms or snakes, also tremulous vision. Bright marks when looking at an object; dark yellowish spots covering one or two letters when reading. Sharp, shooting pains, and drawing, twisting sensation in eyes. Eyes sore and painful when move. Pain deep in, over top of eyeball, running up from inner canthus to r. frontal eminence, then down obliquely outward into temple. Sharp stitching pain.
The muscularis internus seems not to do its work rightly, and the axis of the eyes differs in each; eyes feel weak, with lachrymation. Eyes convulsed. Sight blurred, hazy, or misty, film over eyes; objects mixed, dull pain over the eyes and between the eyes. Aching in posterior part of orbit, extending back into the brain. Lids heavy; cannot bear to raise them; twitching, contracted sensation with difficulty in opening them and lachrymation when wide open, difficulty in keeping eye open. Lids immovable.
Tight feeling in ciliary region with sharp pain. Contraction of pupils; in morning; by small and rapid jerks, with sensitiveness to light; then mydriasis, depend on fatigue of sphincter. Pupils dilated. Pupils contracted when asleep, dilated when aroused. Disturbed accommodation: approximation of far point (myopia) and also of near point (the accommodation recovers before the pupil). Vision abnormally acute; double; dim and indistinct; blurred, hazy, misty. (Lens dislocated).
Blue circles round eyes. Eyes glassy and red. Pupil – one eye dilated, the other contracted. Feeling of a hair in eye, which pricked it. Pain in eye as if cold water poured into it. Sensation: of splinter; sand; eyelash; pin pricking eyes. Computer vision syndrome. Shooting, lancinating, stinging pains in eyes. Light irritates eyes; company annoys him. Itching of eyes and very thick tears. Pain in eyebrows. Lids agglutinated on waking. Itching of lids; herpes. Photophobia. Vision: weak, obscure; sees ghosts, faces, flashes.
Argentum Nitricum
Eye strain from overwork. Aching, tired feeling in eyes, better closing or pressing upon them. Blurred vision. Computer vision syndrome. An effective medicine for restoring power to the weakened ciliary muscles. Photophobia. Asthenopia from want of accommodation, even coarser kinds of work strain. Suddenly becomes far-sighted. Cloud over an eye or both eyes; grey spots and serpent-like bodies before sight; black motes. Opacity, of the cornea; ulceration of cornea in infants. Acute granular conjunctivitis, conjunctiva intensely pink, or scarlet red; discharge profuse, inclined to be muco-purulent.
Purulent ophthalmia; pus thick yellow and bland. Ophthalmia neonatorum, pus thick, yellow, profuse and bland. Blepharitis, thick crusts on lids; canthi bloody red; swollen red carunculate (standing out like a lump of red flesh); clusters of intensely red vessels extend from inner canthus to cornea; granular conjunctivitis. Iritis.
Eyes confused, dull, and surrounded by a livid circle. Pressure in eyes. Feeling of sand, principally. Shootings, itching, tickling and burning in eyes. Eyes red, inflamed, with redness of conjunctiva or sclerotia, and injection of vessels of sclerotia, or of external canthi. Profuse lachrymation. Blear-eyedness. Amaurotic dimness. Twitching of lids. Excessive sensitiveness of eyes to light, and to brightness of the fire. Firelight dazzles eyes greatly. Computer vision syndrome.
Eyes inflamed, with swollen inverted tarsi. Pupils dilated. Inability to open eyes well, as if agglutinated to balls. Pustules in conjunctiva, and ulcers in cornea. Eyelids red, inflamed, swollen, ulcerated on margins, and covered with scabs. Sensation as if a cutting instrument were under eyelid. Tumor in eyelid, like a stye. Nocturnal agglutination of eyelids. Spasmodic closing of eyelids, difficulty in opening. Scabs round the eyes. Amblyopia and confused sight, as in looking through a mist. Periodical loss of sight, momentary loss of sight; black points, hovering flies, flames and sparks before eyes. Apparent motion of letters, when reading.
Arnica Montana
Pain, like excoriation, in the eyes and in the eyelids, with difficulty in moving them. Red, inflamed eyes. Inflammation of the eyes with suggillation after mechanical injuries. Computer vision syndrome. Burning in the eyes and flowing of burning tears. Eyelids swollen, and with ecchymosis. Pupils contracted. Eyes dull, cloudy, and downcast. Eyes prominent, or half open. Fixed, anxious look. Obscuration of vision. Bruised, sore feeling in the eyes after close work. Feel tired and heavy after seeing moving pictures. Must keep eyes open. Dizzy on closing them.
Heat and burning in the eyes, or pressure as from sand. Aching in the eyes and the sockets, extending into the head. Eyelids close involuntarily or wide open. Quivering in the eyelids. Ectropium. Paralysis of the optic nerve. Eyes red, brilliant, and convulsed, or fixed, sparkling, and prominent, or dull and turbid. Congestion of blood to the eyes, and redness of the veins. Look fixed, furious, wavering, wild, unsteady, wavering. Spasms and convulsive movements of the eyes. Heat in the eyes. Sclerotic distention, yellow. Inflammatory swelling and suppuration of the lachrymal aperture. Sclerotic softening. Spots and ulcers on the cornea. Computer vision syndrome.
Medullary fungus in the eye. Swelling and inversion of the eyelids. Eyes as if affected by ecchymosis, with hemorrhage. Sensation of burning dryness in the eyes; or flow of acrid and corrosive tears. Pupil immovable and generally dilated, sometimes contracted. Desire for light, or photophobia, with convulsive movements of the eyes when the light strikes them. Distortion, spasms, and convulsions of the eyes.
Momentary blindness. Confused and weak sight, or obscuration and entire loss of sight. Blindness at night (moon-blindness). Presbyopia. Mist, flames, and sparks, before the eyes. Diffusion of the light of candles, which appear to be surrounded by a colored halo. White stars and silvery clouds before the eyes, especially on looking at the ceiling. Objects appear double or reversed, or of a red color. Trembling and sparkling of the letters when reading.
Argentum Nitricum
Photophobia. Asthenopia from want of accommodation. Suddenly becomes far-sighted. Cloud over eyes, grey spots and serpent-like bodies before sight; black motes. Opacity, of the cornea; ulceration of cornea in infants. Acute granular conjunctivitis, conjunctiva intensely pink, or scarlet red; discharge profuse, inclined to be muco-purulent. Purulent ophthalmia; pus thick yellow and bland. Computer vision syndrome. Blepharitis, thick crusts on lids; canthi red as blood; swollen red caruncle (standing out like a lump of red flesh); clusters of intensely red vessels extend from inner canthus to cornea; granular conjunctivitis. Sight and eyes seem to suffer as abdominal sufferings increase.
Euphresia Officianalis
Aching in the eyes. Gnawing sensation in the eyes. Inflammatory redness of the eyes. Inflammation of the cornea. Obscuration of and pellicle over cornea. Computer vision syndrome. Bluish obscuration of cornea. Inflammation and ulceration of the edges of the eyelids. Scars from ulcers and specks in the cornea. Abundant flow of corrosive tears. Swelling and agglutination of the eyelids. Swelling of the lower eyelid. Smarting in the eyes, sand like feelings. Lancinations in the eyes, excited by too bright a light or screen. Copious secretion of mucus, sometimes sanguineous, from the eyes and eyelids. Dryness and pressure in the eyes. Compression in the eyelids. Contraction in the eyes and eyelids, which occasions winking. The light seems obscure and vacillating. Photophobia, especially in daylight and in the sunshine.
Gelsemium Sempervirens
Eyes feel bruised. Yellow color of the eyes. Drooping of the eyelids – heavy; can hardly open them or keep them open. Fulness and congestion of the eyelids; paralysis of the eyelids. Double vision controllable by the strength of the will, or when looking sideways, not when looking straight forward. Computer vision syndrome. Eyeballs oscillate laterally when using them. Double vision cannot tell which side of the street he is on. Diplopia and dim vision during pregnancy. Amaurosis from masturbation. Smoky appearance before the eyes, with pain above them. Detached retina. Dimness of sight, and vertigo. Complete blindness. Sudden blindness. Pupils dilated. Aversion to light; more to screen. Astigmatism.
Natrium Muriaticum
Itching in eyes. Shootings, smarting, and burning in eyes. Inflammation of eyes. Corrosive lachrymation. Frequent lachrymation. Secretion of humor in external canthi. Eyelids continually red and ulcerated. Inflammation of eyes with ulcerated lids and glutinous mucus in (external) canthi. Spasmodic closing of lids. Eyes give out on using them. Feeling as if balls were too large and compressed. Pressure in eyes on looking intently at anything. Computer vision syndrome. Sensation of sand in eyes.
Cloudiness of sight when stooping, walking, on reading, writing and when using screen (phone and/or computer). Sight confused, as from down before eyes, or looking through a veil. Letters appear confused, when reading. Diplopia. Hemiopia (perpendicular). Presbyopia. Weakness of sight, as from incipient amaurosis. Black specks, luminous marks, and sparks before eyes. Fiery, zigzag appearance around all things. Momentary loss of sight. Myopia.
Eye strain from whatever cause. Eyes easily tired from slightest use. Heat and burning in the eyes. Pain in the eyes with headache. Nausea and vertigo after use of eyes. White spots before eyes.
Rhus Toxicodendrone
Pains in eyes on moving ball of eye. Pressure and burning sensation. Eyes fixed, dull, and downcast. Smarting in eyes and lids. Affections of internal surface of eyelids. Inflammation of the eyes and lids, with redness and nocturnal agglutination. Profuse lachrymation (eyes full of water, blear-eyedness) with edematous swelling round eyes. Meibomian glands enlarged; cilia fall out. Computer vision syndrome. Photophobia. Severe swelling of the lids, closing the eyes, erysipelatous of whole eye and of surrounding.
Rheumatic ophthalmia, particularly. Gouty keratitis. Sight dim. Paralytic rigidity of the eyelids. Jerking and quivering of eyes and eyelids. Blue color around eyes. Heaviness of the eyelids. Styes; on the lower eyelids. Veil before eyes and weak sight; all objects appear pale.
Computer vision syndrome is a completely Curable disease with Homeopathy, for proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.
None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment, but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.
P. S: This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy, for learning purpose(s).
For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.
None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment, but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.
To order medicine by courier, please send your details at WhatsApp– +923119884588
Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.
Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.
Location: Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.
Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at: Qaisar Ahmed