Cancer Natural Treatment-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed-Al Haytham-Clinic-Risalpur-KPK-PakistanDr Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS.

Cancer natural treatment is possible with Homeopathy or immunotherapy. Homeopathy is a treatment that uses the patient’s immune system to fight cancer. It is now used in the management of several different types of cancer. With Homeopathy/immunotherapy, substances made by the body or made from natural sources are used to strengthen the body’s natural defenses against cancer.

The aim of homeopathy for cancer natural treatment is not only to treat a type of cancer and its symptoms but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility.

As far as therapeutic cancer natural treatment is concerned, several well-proved Homeopathic medicines are available for treatment of different types of cancers that can be selected on the basis of cause, condition, sensation, extension, location and modalities of the complaints.

That’s why for individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified Homeopathic doctor in person.

Exposure to any type of radiation is not an option, said Dr Qaisar Ahmed (MD, DHMS), I categorically reject radiation for living things. 

In the cancer natural treatment, the selection of Homeopathic medicine is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach.


That’s the astonishing claim of controversial folk healer Jim Kelmun treat cancers with a little baking soda and maple syrup!

{Mix one part baking soda with three parts maple syrup in a small saucepan.
Stir briskly.
Heat for five minutes.
Take one teaspoon daily, as needed}.

Sodium bicarbonate is safe, extremely inexpensive and unstoppably effective when it comes to cancer tissues. It’s an irresistible chemical, cyanide to cancer cells for it hits the cancer cells with a shock wave of alkalinity, which allows much more oxygen into the cancer cells than they can tolerate.

Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. Sodium bicarbonate is, for all intent and purposes, an instant killer of tumors. The extracellular (interstitial) pH (pHe) of solid tumors is significantly more acidic compared to normal tissues.

Our PH

PH controls the speed of our body’s biochemical reactions. It does this by controlling the speed of enzyme activity as well as the speed that electricity moves through our body. The higher (more alkaline) the pH of a substance or solution, the more electrical resistance that substance or solution holds. Therefore, electricity travels slower with higher pH. Cancer Natural Treatment-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed-Al Haytham-Clinic-Risalpur-KPK-Pakistan

If we say something has an acid pH, we are saying it is hot and fast. Alkaline pH on the other hand, biochemically speaking, is slow and cool.

When oxygen enters an acid solution it can combine with H+ ions to form water. Oxygen helps to neutralize the acid, while at the same time the acid prevents oxygen from reaching the tissues that need it. Acidic tissues are devoid of free oxygen. An alkaline solution is just the reverse. Two hydroxyl ions (OH-) can combine to produce one water molecule and one oxygen atom. In other words, an alkaline solution can provide oxygen to the tissues.

At a pH slightly above 7.4 cancer cells become dormant and at pH 8.5 cancer cells will die while healthy cells will live.

Sodium carbonate has been found effective in treating poisoning or overdose from many chemicals and allopathic/pharmaceutical drugs by negating the cardiotoxic and neurotoxic effects. Sodium bicarbonate is useful in treating neurological disorders in children.

Sodium and potassium bicarbonate helps to neutralize excess acids of any kind.

Part of any successful cancer treatment includes chelation and detoxification of heavy metals and a host of toxic chemicals (like mercury, uranium contamination is increasing, lead we are discovering is even more toxic than anyone ever believed and is even in the bread that we eat, arsenic is in broiler chicken, fluoride, chlorine is breathed in most showers etc.).

The IMVA recommends alkaline foods and sodium bicarbonate so that the pH of the blood remains high, which in turn means that the blood is capable of carrying more oxygen. This in turn keeps every cell in the body at peak efficiency and helps the cell eliminate waste products. Detoxification and chelation will proceed more easily and safely under slightly alkaline conditions.

Increased urinary pH reduces oxidative injury in the kidney so it behooves us to work clinically with bicarbonate.

Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Cancer

The main reason is that UVB rays from the sun produce vitamin D, and evidence links vitamin D deficiency with an increased risk of cancer.

In a 2008 case-control cancer natural treatment study published in the journal Carcinogenesis, researchers found that post-menopausal women with low vitamin D in the blood had an increased risk of breast cancer.

The study observed cancer patients between the ages of 50 and 74. In total, 1,394 cases and 1,365 controls were used in the study. Another case-control cancer natural treatment study from 2014 suggested that less than an hour of sunlight daily could reduce breast cancer risk.

Sunlight Kills cancer

As we know there is an anti-cancer link between vitamin D and breast cancer, but how?

The sunlight-induced vitamin D is thought to reduce the reproduction and spread of cancer cells and increase the occurrence of mutated cell self-eradication.

Vitamin D has to be converted into 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol in the liver and kidney in the presence of PTH. The 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol is the active product.

There are various forms of vitamin D. But the most important one is vitamin D3 (also known as cholecalciferol).
Vitamin D3 is synthesized in the skin from 7-dehydrocholesterol, by the action of ultraviolet rays from the sunlight.

Activation of vitamin D3 occurs in two steps:

First step:

Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) is converted into 25- hydroxycholecalciferol in the liver. This process is limited. and is inhibited by 25-hydroxycholecalciferol itself by feedback mechanism.
This inhibition is essential for two reasons:
i. Regulation of the amount of active vitamin D.
ii. Storage of vitamin D for months together. If vitamin D3 is converted into 25-hydroxycholecalciferol, it remains in the body only for 2 to 5 days. But vitamin D3 is stored in liver for several months.

Second step:

25-hydroxycholecalciferol is converted into 1,25- dihydroxycholecalciferol (calcitriol) in kidney. It is the active form of vitamin D3. This step needs the presence of PTH.

Role of Calcium Ion in Regulating 1, 25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol:

When blood calcium level increases, it inhibits the formation of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol.
The mechanism involved in the inhibition of the formation of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol is as follows:
1. Increase in calcium ion concentration directly suppresses the conversion of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol into 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol. This effect is very mild
2. Increase in calcium ion concentration decreases the PTH secretion, which in turn suppresses the conversion of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol into 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol. This regulates the calcium ion concentration of plasma itself indirectly, i.e. when the PTH synthesis is inhibited, the conversion of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol into 1,25-hydroxycholecalciferol is also inhibited. Lack of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol decreases the absorption of calcium ions from the intestine, from the bones and from the renal tubules as well. This makes the calcium level in the plasma to fall back to normal.

Actions of 1, 25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol:

1. It increases the absorption of calcium from the intestine, by increasing the formation of calcium binding proteins in the intestinal epithelial cells. These proteins act as carrier proteins for facilitated diffusion, by which the calcium ions are transported. The proteins remain in the cells for several weeks after 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol has been removed from the body, thus causing a prolonged effect on calcium absorption
2. It increases the synthesis of calcium-induced ATPase in the intestinal epithelium
3. It increases the synthesis of alkaline phosphatase in the intestinal epithelium
4. It increases the absorption of phosphate from intestine along with calcium.

A new cancer natural treatment study published in The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology last year found that vitamin D compounds suppress the breast cancer stem cell population, which may inhibit breast cancer growth.

Radiation and chemotherapy

Basically, radiation and chemotherapy do not shrink the tumor or kill the colony; the cancer stem cells remains but now more violent, which can cause an aggressive cancer recurrence in the near future. The chemotherapy and radiation pretty much just make the cancer stem cells angry.

The breast tissue abnormality ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) was once considered cancerous, but is now believed to be benign. DCIS may also progress to invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), which is a more serious breast cancer risk, though it may not develop into breast cancer.

Conventional therapy “radiotherapy, chemotherapy, lumpectomies, and mastectomies for DCIS and IDC cases” do not work but aggravate the disease.

However, the aforementioned cancer natural treatment study found that the vitamin D3 compound BXL0124 normalized the Mammo sphere cell culture system (in Homeopathy there are lot of cases cured by Calcarea Carbonica), which included non-stem cell breast cells and breast cancer stem cells and Colon or Colorectal cancer cells.

Vitamin D compounds also repressed cancer stem cell properties, the pluripotency markers OCT4 and KLF-4, and the cell markers CD44, CD49f, pNFkB, and c-Notch1. Simply put, vitamin D3 gives cancer stem cells a run for their money.

Read more about cancer natural treatment – click here »

Other Ways to Reduce Cancer Risk Cancer Natural Treatment-Dr-Qaisar-Ahmed-Al Haytham-Clinic-Risalpur-KPK-Pakistan

Vitamin D3 may be a safe and effective alternative or complementary treatment (cancer natural treatment) to conventional breast cancer therapy. It is also considered a cost-effective preventative therapy against the recurrence of breast cancer.

Decreased dietary intake and/or absorption, certain malabsorption syndromes such as celiac disease, short bowel syndrome, gastric bypass, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic pancreatic insufficiency, and cystic fibrosis may lead to vitamin D deficiency. Lower vitamin D intake orally is more prevalent in the elderly population.

About 50% to 90% of vitamin D is absorbed through the skin via sunlight while the rest comes from the diet.

Twenty minutes of sunshine daily with over 40% of skin exposed is required to prevent vitamin D deficiency. Cutaneous synthesis of vitamin D declines with aging. Dark-skinned people have less cutaneous vitamin D synthesis. Decreased exposure to the sun as seen in individuals who are institutionalized or have prolonged hospitalizations can also lead to vitamin D deficiency. Effective sun exposure is decreased in individuals who use sunscreens consistently.

Individuals with chronic liver disease such as cirrhosis, hyperparathyroidism, renal failure and 1-alpha hydroxylase deficiency, check for treatment.

P. S: This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy, for learning purpose(s).

For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.

None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.

Dr Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS.Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.

 Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.

Location:  Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.

Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at: Qaisar Ahmed drqaisar

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