Whooping cough-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic Treatment-Best Homeopathic doctor-Dr Qaisar Ahmed-Al Haytham clinic-Risalpur-kpk-PakistanPakistan's best Homeopathic doctor - Dr Qaisar Ahmed MD, DHMS. Al-Haytham clinic, Risalpr, KPK.

Whooping Cough or Pertussis is a bacterial upper respiratory infection that leads to episodes of violent coughing. The disease derives its name from the characteristic sound produced when patient attempt to inhale.

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A bacterium known as Bordetella pertussis causes whooping cough infection. The bacteria attach to the lining of the airways in the upper respiratory system and release toxins that lead to inflammation and swelling.

Most people acquire the bacteria by breathing in the bacteria that are present in droplets released when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

The whoop originates from the inflammation and swelling of the laryngeal structures (voice box) that vibrate when there is a rapid inflow of air during inspiration. The whoop is not often appreciated in infants and toddlers but will be recognized in older children, teens, and some adults (rarely).

Infants and toddlers are more likely to have recurrent and frequent episodes of violent cough, which may cause facial cyanosis (blue skin discoloration) and rarely apnea (cessation of breathing).

Whooping cough is highly contagious.

Vaccination (The Law of Similar)Whooping Cough - vaccine-Whooping cough-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic Treatment-Best Homeopathic doctor-Dr Qaisar Ahmed-Al Haytham clinic-Risalpur-kpk-Pakistan

Homeopathic physicians and health care professionals introduced the pertussis vaccine, combined with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids (DTP). (Homeopathic law of similarity “The Law of Similar”).

Contagious period for whooping cough

  • A person infected with pertussis is highly contagious (can spread the infection to others) from the onset of symptoms to around three weeks after the onset of the coughing episodes.
  • Antibiotic (allopathic and/or Homeopathic) treatment reduces the contagious period to about five days.

Risk factors for Whooping Cough or Pertussis

Whooping cough can infect anyone. Unimmunized or incompletely immunized young infants are particularly vulnerable to the infection and its complications, which can include pneumonia and seizures.

  • Infants who contract whooping cough may also experience episodes of apnea (cessation of breathing).
  • The infection occurs worldwide, even in countries with well-developed vaccination programs.
  • Adults may develop pertussis because the immunity from childhood vaccinations can wear off over time.

Whooping cough vaccine last?

Receiving the vaccine or having the disease does not ensure lifelong protective immunity against pertussis. Immunity to the bacteria decreases after five to 10 years following administration of the vaccine or take a dose of “Pertussinum, Variolium or Mephitis or Drosera or Heper Sulphuricum or Antimuonium Tartaricum” in high i.e. 10M or CM”- single dose.

Older children, adolescents, and adults are at risk of contracting pertussis infection and need revaccination.

Incubation period for Whooping Cough or Pertussis

The incubation period, or the period from exposure to the causative bacteria and development of symptoms, is longer than that for the common cold and most upper respiratory infections.

Typically, signs and symptoms develop within seven to 10 days of exposure to pertussis, but they may not appear for up to three weeks after the initial infection.

Whooping Cough or Pertussis symptoms, signs, and stages

The first stage of whooping cough

The first stage of whooping cough is the catarrhal stage. In the catarrhal stage, which typically lasts from one to two weeks, an infected person has cold-like symptoms (characteristic of an upper respiratory infection), including:

  • runny nose,
  • sneezing,
  • low-grade fever,
  • mild, occasional cough, similar to the common cold.

During this early phase of infection, individuals may believe they have a common cold.

The second stage of whooping cough

The cough gradually becomes more severe, and after one to two weeks, the second stage begins. It is during the second stage (the paroxysmal stage) that physicians suspect a diagnosis of whooping cough. The following characteristics describe the second stage:

There are bursts (paroxysms) of coughing, or numerous rapid coughs, apparently due to difficulty expelling thick mucus from the airways in the lungs. Bursts of coughing increase in frequency during the first one to two weeks remain constant for two to three weeks, and then gradually begin to decrease in frequency.

At the end of the bursts of rapid coughs, a long inspiratory effort (breathing in) usually accompanies a characteristic high-pitched whoop sound for which the disease is named.

During an attack, the individual may become cyanotic (skin and mucous membranes may turn blue) from lack of oxygen. Children and young infants appear especially ill and distressed. Vomiting (referred to by doctors as post-tussive vomiting) and exhaustion commonly follow the episodes of coughing. The patient usually appears normal between episodes.

Paroxysmal attacks occur more frequently at night, with an average of 15-24 attacks per 24 hours. The paroxysmal stage usually lasts from one to six weeks but may persist for up to 10 weeks.

Infants under 6 months of age may not have the strength to have a whoop, but they do have paroxysms of coughing.

The third stage of whooping cough

The third stage of whooping cough is the recovery or convalescent stage. In the convalescent stage, recovery is gradual. The cough becomes less paroxysmal and usually disappears over two to three weeks with allopathic medication and about 5-10 days with Homeopathic medication; however, paroxysms often recur with subsequent respiratory infections for many months if not treated properly.

How long does whooping cough last?

  • It can take up to three weeks after exposure to develop symptoms, although symptoms usually develop within five to 10 days after infection.
  • The paroxysmal stage, characterized by coughing fits, usually lasts from one to six weeks but can last for up to 10 weeks.
  • The third and final stage (convalescent stage) lasts about two to three weeks.


When a patient has the typical symptoms of whooping cough, doctors can make the diagnosis from the clinical history. However, the disease and its symptoms, including its severity, can vary among affected individuals.

  • Laboratory tests may be necessary in cases in which the diagnosis is uncertain.
  • Culture of the bacterium Bordetella pertussis from nasal secretions can establish the diagnosis.
  • Another test used to successfully identify the bacterium and diagnose whooping cough is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test that can identify genetic material from the bacterium in nasal secretions.

Allopathic treatment for whooping cough or pertussis

Antibiotics directed against Bordetella pertussis can be effective in reducing the severity of whooping cough when administered early in the course of the disease. Antibiotic therapy can also help reduce the risk of transmission of the bacterium to other household members as well as to others who may encounter an infected person.

Unfortunately, physicians diagnose most people with whooping cough later with the condition in the second (paroxysmal) stage of the disease.

Antibiotics are the recommended treatment for anyone who has had the disease for less than three to four weeks. Azithromycin, clarithromycin, erythromycin are antibiotics that have been shown to be effective in treating whooping cough.

It is unclear whether antibiotics have any benefit for people who have been ill with whooping cough for longer than three to four weeks, although doctors still consider antibiotic therapy for this group.

There is no proven effective allopathic treatment for the paroxysms of coughing that accompany whooping cough.

Allopathic health care professionals routinely administer antibiotics to people who have had close contact with an infected person, regardless of their vaccination status.

Over-the-counter cough syrup or cough medicines may cause sedation that leads to worsened outcomes.

Homeopathic Treatment for Whooping Cough or PertussisWhooping cough-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic Treatment-Best Homeopathic doctor-Dr Qaisar Ahmed-Al Haytham clinic-Risalpur-kpk-Pakistan

Agaricus Muscarius

Violent attacks of coughing that can be suppressed by effort of will, worse eating, pain in head while cough lasts. Spasmodic cough at night after falling asleep, with expectoration of little balls of mucus. Labored, oppressed breathing. Cough ends in a sneeze. Whooping cough or pertussis.

Pain, with sensitiveness of spine to touch; worse in dorsal region. Lumbago; worse in open air. Crick in back. Twitching of cervical muscles. Very sensitive to cool air. Violent attacks of heat in evening. Copious sweat. Burning spots.

Calcarea Carbonicum

Whooping cough or pertussis. Tickling cough troublesome at night, dry and free expectoration in morning; cough when playing piano, or by eating. Persistent, irritating cough from chemical fumes. Extreme dyspnea. Painless hoarseness; worse in the morning. Expectoration only during the day; thick, yellow, sour mucus. Bloody expectoration; with sour sensation in chest. Suffocating spells; tightness, burning and soreness in chest; worse going upstairs or slightest ascent, must sit down. Sharp pains in chest from before backwards. Chest very sensitive to touch, percussion, or pressure. Longing for fresh air. Scanty, salty expectoration

Megnisia Phosphoricum

Asthmatic oppression of chest. Dry, tickling cough. Spasmodic cough, with difficulty in lying down. Whooping cough or pertussis. Voice hoarse, larynx sore and raw. Intercostal neuralgia.

Corallium Rubrum

Hawking of profuse mucus. Throat very sensitive, especially to air. Profuse, nasal catarrh. Inspired air feels cold. Profuse secretion of mucus dropping through posterior nares. Whooping cough or pertussis. Dry, spasmodic, suffocative cough; very rapid cough, short, barking. Cough with great sensitiveness of air-passages; feel cold on deep inspiration. Continuous hysterical cough. Feels suffocated and greatly exhausted after whooping-cough.


Dyspnea, constant constriction in chest. Asthma. Yearly attacks of difficult shortness of breathing. Continued sneezing; coryza; wheezing cough. Cough incessant and violent, with every breath. Chest seems full of phlegm but does not yield to coughing. Bubbling rales. Suffocative cough: child becomes stiff, and blue in the face. Whooping cough or pertussis, with nosebleed, and from mouth. Bleeding from lungs, with nausea; feeling of constriction; rattling cough. Croup. Hemoptysis from slightest exertion. Hoarseness, especially at end of a cold. Complete aphonia.

Mephitis Putorius

Sudden contraction of glottis, when drinking or talking. Food goes down wrong way. False croup; cannot exhale. Spasmodic and whooping-cough. Few paroxysms in daytime, but many at night; with vomiting after eating. Asthma, as if inhaling Sulphur; cough from talking; hollow, deep, with rawness, hoarseness, and pains through chest. Violent spasmodic cough; worse at night.


Sneezing: eyes inflamed; painful; head hot. Hay-fever. Spasmodic asthma; better in open air. Soreness in chest and stomach; must loosen clothing. Dyspnea and sighing inspiration. Emphysema in the aged with asthma. Whooping cough or pertussis, long and continued paroxysms of coughing, unable to get a respiration. Acute laryngo-tracheitis. Bronchitis when the spasmodic element is associated with tenacious expectoration and oppression.

Ambra Gresia Whooping cough-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic Treatment-Best Homeopathic doctor-Dr Qaisar Ahmed-Al Haytham clinic-Risalpur-kpk-Pakistan

Asthmatic breathing with eructation of gas. Nervous, spasmodic cough, with hoarseness and eructation, on waking in morning; worse in presence of people. Whooping cough or pertussis. Tickling in throat, larynx and trachea, chest oppressed, gets out of breath when coughing. Hollow, spasmodic, barking cough, coming from deep in chest. Choking when hawking up phlegm. Palpitation, with pressure in chest as from a lump lodged there, Palpitation in open air with pale face.

Kalium Bichromicum

Voice hoarse; worse, evening. Metallic, hacking cough. Profuse, yellow expectoration, very glutinous and sticky, coming out in long, stringy, and very tenacious mass. Whooping cough or pertussis. Tickling in larynx. Catarrhal laryngitis cough has a brassy sound. True membranous croup, extending to larynx and nares. Cough, with pain in sternum, extending to shoulders; worse when undressing. Pain at bifurcation of trachea on coughing; from mid-sternum to back.

Drosera Rotundfolia

Affects markedly the respiratory organs and is the principal remedy for Whooping cough or pertussis. Drosera can break down resistance to tubercle. Phthisis pulmonal; vomiting of food from coughing with gastric irritation and profuse expectoration. Spasmodic, dry irritative cough, whooping cough. yellow expectoration, with bleeding from nose and mouth, laryngitis. Rough, scraping sensation deep in the faucet and soft palate.


Hoarseness with pain in chest; aphonia. Larynx sore. Cough, with raw soreness of chest. Expectoration scanty; must be swallowed. Whooping cough or pertussis. Cough with pain in hip, especially left worse in evening; better, drinking cold water; worse, warmth of bed. Sore streak down trachea. Mucus under sternum, which he cannot quite reach. Pain in chest, with palpitation. Cannot lie down at night. Voice re-echoes. Own voice roars in ears and distresses. Difficulty of voice of singers and public speakers.

Antimuonium Tartaricum

Rattling of mucus with little expectoration with drowsiness, debility and sweat, trembling of whole body, great prostration and faintness. Hoarseness. Rattling of mucus, but hard to expectorate. Burning sensation in chest. Cough excited by eating, with pain in chest and larynx. Edema and impending paralysis of lungs. Whooping cough or pertussis.

Coldness, trembling, and chilliness. Intense heat. Copious perspiration. Cold, clammy sweat, with great faintness. Intermittent fever with lethargic condition.

All symptoms worse, in evening; from lying down at night; from warmth; in damp cold weather; from all sour things and milk. Better, from sitting erect; from eructation and expectoration.


Hoarseness, hawking, rawness of larynx. Irritable, dry, tickling cough; suffocative tightness of chest, with bitter expectoration in daytime. Rattling of mucus in child’s chest. Whooping cough or pertussis.

Pulsatilla Pratensis

Capricious hoarseness; comes and goes. Dry cough in evening and at night; must sit up in bed to get relief; and loose cough in the morning, with copious mucous expectoration. Pressure upon the chest and soreness. Great soreness of epigastrium. Urine emitted with cough. Pain as from ulcer in middle of chest. Expectoration bland, thick, bitter, greenish. Short breath, anxiety, and palpitation when lying on left side. Smothering sensation on lying down. Whooping cough or pertussis.

Cina Maritima

Gagging cough in the morning. Whooping-cough. Violent recurring paroxysms, as of down in throat. Cough ends in a spasm. Cough so violent as to bring tears and sternal pains; feels as if something had been torn off. Periodic; returning spring and fall. Swallows after coughing. Gurgling from throat to stomach after coughing. Child is afraid to speak or move for fear of bringing on paroxysm of coughing. After coughing, moaning, anxious, gasps for air and turns pale. Whooping cough or pertussis.

Light chill. Much fever, associated with clean tongue. Much hunger; colicky pains; chilliness, with thirst. Cold sweat on forehead, nose, and hands.

Ammonium CarbonicumWhooping cough-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic Treatment-Best Homeopathic doctor-Dr Qaisar Ahmed-Al Haytham clinic-Risalpur-kpk-Pakistan

Hoarseness. Cough every morning. Emphysema. Burning in chest. Asthenic Pneumonia. Rattling pulmonal sounds. Slimy sputum and specks of blood. Pulmonary edema. Whooping cough or pertussis.

All symptoms worse in warm, especially in morning (warm room/bed).

Sambucus Nigra

Chest oppressed with pressure in stomach, and nausea Hoarseness with tenacious mucus in larynx. Whooping cough or pertussis. Paroxysmal, suffocative cough, coming on about midnight, with crying and dyspnea. Spasmodic croup. Dry coryza. Sniffles of infants; nose dry and obstructed. Loose choking cough. When nursing child must let go of nipple, nose blocked up, cannot breathe. Child awakes suddenly, nearly suffocating, sits up, turns blue. Cannot expire. Millar’s asthma.

Dry heat while sleeping. Dreads uncovering. Profuse sweat over entire body during waking hours. Dry, deep cough precedes the fever paroxysm.

Conium Maculate

Dry hacking cough, almost continuous; worse, evening and at night, when lying down, talking or laughing, and during pregnancy. Expectoration only after long coughing. Whooping cough or pertussis.

The patient has a cough at night on lying down. They are restless at night and tend to sit up many times due to coughing spells. A tickling sensation in the throat pit may be prominently present. A few individuals may complain of an unusually dry spot in the larynx. In some cases, a headache on coughing may arise.


Hoarseness. Pneumonia (any type). Whooping cough or pertussis. Noisy breathing; short, irregular. Cough, with dyspepsia. Excessive secretion. Suffocation imminent. Bronchitis in the aged, where suffocation from excessive secretion is imminent. Tuberculosis.

Spongia Tosta

A remedy especially marked in the symptoms of the respiratory organs, cough, croup, thyroid gland swollen. stitches and dryness in throat, burning stinging and sore throat etc. Tickling causes cough. Clears throat constantly. Laryngeal phthisis. Goiter.

Great dryness of all air-passages. Hoarseness: larynx dry, burns, constricted. Cough, dry, barking, croupy; larynx sensitive to touch. Croup; worse, during inspiration and before midnight. Respiration short, panting, difficult; feeling of a plug-in larynx. Cough abates after eating or drinking, especially warm drinks. Wheezing asthmatic cough, worse cold air and lying, head low and in warm, with profuse expectoration and suffocation. Whooping cough or pertussis.

Swelling and induration of glands; also, exophthalmic; cervical glands swollen with tensive pain on turning head, painful on pressure; Goiter. Itching; measles.

Viola Odorata

Pneumonia. Viral pneumonia. Dry short spasmodic cough and dyspnea; worse in daytime. Oppression of chest. Pertussis, with hoarseness. Dyspnea during pregnancy. Difficult breathing, anxiety and palpitation, with hysteria. Whooping cough or pertussis.


Millifolium is and antiviral medicine. Cough with bloody sputa or in any lung disease with accompanying cough. Shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, oppression of chest. Hemoptysis after injury or following violent exertion. Whooping cough or pertussis.

Natrum Muriaticum Whooping cough-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic Treatment-Best Homeopathic doctor-Dr Qaisar Ahmed-Al Haytham clinic-Risalpur-kpk-Pakistan

Cough from a tickling in the pit of stomach, accompanied by stitches in liver and spurting of urine. Stitches all over chest. Cough, with bursting pain in head. Shortness of breath. Whooping-cough with flow of tears with cough and with salty sputum. Whooping cough or pertussis.

Kali Sulph

Rattling of mucus in chest. Post-grippe cough, especially in children. Bronchial asthma, with yellow expectoration. Cough; worse in evening and in hot atmosphere. Croupy hoarseness. Whooping cough or pertussis.

Pulsatilla Nigricans

Capricious hoarseness. Whooping cough or pertussis. Dry cough in evening and at night; must sit up in bed to get relief; and loose cough in the morning, with copious mucous expectoration. Expectoration bland, thick, bitter, greenish. Short breath, anxiety, and palpitation when lying on left side.

Heper Sulph

Cough troublesome when walking. Dry, hoarse cough. Cough excited whenever any part of the body gets cold or uncovered, or from eating anything cold. Whooping cough or pertussis. Croup with loose, rattling cough; worse in morning. Choking cough. Rattling, croaking cough; suffocative attacks; has to rise up and bend head backwards. Anxious, wheezing, moist breathing, asthma worse in dry cold air.


Cough from tickling in throat; worse, cold air, reading, laughing, talking, from going from warm room into cold air. Sweetish taste while coughing. Hard, dry, tight, racking cough. Congestion of lungs. Burning pains, frothy or blood-stained sputum. Whooping cough or pertussis. The phlegm may be salty or sweet to taste. Strong odors may trigger a cough. Pneumonia, with oppression.

Arsenic Album

Asthma worse midnight. Burning in chest. Suffocative catarrh. Cough worse after midnight; worse lying on back. Expectoration scanty, frothy. Darting pain through upper third of right lung. Wheezing respiration. Hemoptysis with pain between shoulders; burning heat all over. Cough dry. Whooping cough or pertussis.

Throat: Swollen, edematous, constricted, burning, unable to swallow. Diphtheritic membrane looks dry and wrinkled.

Bryonia Alba

Soreness in larynx and trachea. Hoarseness; worse in open air. Dry, hacking cough from irritation in upper trachea. Cough, dry, at night; must sit up; worse after eating or drinking, with vomiting, with stitches in chest, and expectoration of rust-colored sputa. Frequent desire to take a long breath; must expand lungs. Difficult, quick respiration; worse every movement; caused by stitches in chest. Cough, with feeling as if chest would fly to pieces; presses his head on sternum; must support chest. Croupous and pleuro-pneumonia. Expectoration brick shade, tough, and falls like lumps of jelly. Tough mucus in trachea, loosened only with much hawking. Coming into warm room excites cough. Heaviness beneath the sternum extending towards the right shoulder. Cough worse by going into warm room. Whooping cough or pertussis.

Throat: Dryness, sticking on swallowing, scraped and constricted. Tough mucus in larynx and trachea, loosened only after much hawking, worse coming into warm room.

Sambucus Nigra

Hoarseness with tenacious mucus in larynx. Paroxysmal, suffocative cough, coming on about midnight, with crying and dyspnea. Spasmodic croup. Dry coryza. Sniffles of infants; nose dry and obstructed. Loose choking cough. When nursing child must let go of nipple, nose blocked up, cannot breathe. Child awakes suddenly, nearly suffocating, sits up, turns blue. Cannot expire. Millar’s asthma.

Mephitis Putorius

Sudden contraction of glottis, when drinking or talking. Food goes down wrong way. False croup; cannot exhale. Spasmodic and whooping-cough. Few paroxysms in day-time, but many at night; with vomiting after eating. Asthma, as if inhaling Sulphur; cough from talking; hollow, deep, with rawness, hoarseness, and pains through chest. Violent spasmodic cough; worse at night.


Hoarseness. Hurts to talk. Bursting pain in back on coughing. Catarrh of larynx. Loss of voice. Hacking cough. Thorax feels too narrow. Cough often ends in a sneeze. Rattling in chest. Chest oppressed on ascending. Bronchial catarrh, with sore chest walls; much mucus; sensation of oppression and weight of chest. Difficult raising of tough, profuse mucus, in the aged. Asthenic bronchitis of old people with chronic interstitial nephritis or chronic emphysema. Old asthmatics with congestive attacks. Exudations in Pleura. Hydrothorax. Pressure on chest as though lungs were forced back to spine. Voice unsteady, vocal cords partially paralyzed.

Throat: Catarrhal inflammation of throat and faucets, with scraping hoarseness. Burning and rawness. Sensation as if membrane had been abraded.

Sanguineria Whooping cough-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic Treatment-Best Homeopathic doctor-Dr Qaisar Ahmed-Al Haytham clinic-Risalpur-kpk-Pakistan

Continual severe cough, with circumscribed redness of cheeks, with pain in chest; with coryza, then diarrhea. Coughs in old men. Expectoration tough; difficult; rust-colored; extreme dyspnea; hepatization. Breath and sputa smell badly even to patient. Pulmonary consumption, expectoration and breath exceedingly offensive. Whooping-cough. Severe cough after whooping-cough; the cough returns every time patient takes cold. Asthma: excessive dyspnea. Hydrothorax. Hemoptysis. Pneumonia.

Mercurius Sulphuricus

Throat. Heat and sensation of constriction in throat. Dryness of tongue and throat. Burning in mouth and throat. Respiratory Organs. Roughness in throat and hoarseness. Sensation of heat in larynx. Increased expectoration of mucus from larynx” and trachea. Dyspnea; in children; hydrothorax.


Taken from the glairy and stringy mucus containing the virus of whooping-cough. Introduced by John H. Clarke for the treatment of whooping-cough and other spasmodic coughs.

Sticta Pulmonaria

Oppression of lungs. Feeling of a hard mass in chest. Sudden pain through chest from sternum to spine; difficult breathing and speaking. Pulsation from sternum down to abdomen. Coryza with expectoration of dark blood brought on by every cold, damp spell.

Tickling in larynx and trachea causing cough. Clergyman’s sore throat, characterized by great dryness of mucous membranes. Hay-fever, with dryness of membranes. Cough dry day and night; can neither sleep nor lie down; dry, noisy; severe, dry, racking with splitting. Frontal headache. Cough after influenza; after measles; after whooping-cough; barking cough night and morning. Dry spasmodic – the more he coughs the more he wants to could not stop. Dry cough causing pain in upper part of sternum.

Grindelia Robusta

An efficacious remedy for wheezing and oppression in bronchitis patients. The sibilant rales are disseminated with foamy mucus, very difficult to detach. Acts on the pulmonary circulation. Asthma, with profuse tenacious expectoration, which relieves. Stops breathing when falling asleep; wakes with a star, and gasps for breath. Must sit up to breathe. Cannot breathe when lying down. Pertussis, with profuse mucous secretion. Bronchitis with tough, whitish, mucous expectoration. Sibilant rales. Weak heart and respiration. Cannot breathe lying down. Cheyne-Stokes respiration.

Coccus Cacti

Constant hawking from enlarged uvula; coryza, with inflamed faucets; accumulation of thick viscid mucus, which is expectorated with great difficulty. Tickling in larynx. Sensation of a crumb behind larynx, must swallow continually; brushing teeth causes cough. Faucets very sensitive. Suffocative cough; worse, first waking, with tough, white mucus, which strangles. Spasmodic morning cough. Whooping cough attacks end with vomiting of this tough mucus. Chronic bronchitis complicated with gravel; large quantities of aluminous, tenacious mucus, are expectorated. Walking against wind takes breath away.

Cuprum Metallicum

Cough as a gurgling sound, better by drinking cold water. Suffocative attacks, worse 3 am. Spasm and constriction of chest; spasmodic asthma, alternating with spasmodic vomiting. Whooping-cough, better, swallow water, with vomiting and spasms and purple face. Spasm of the glottis. Dyspnea with epigastric uneasiness. Spasmodic dyspnea before menstruation. Angina with asthmatic symptoms and cramps


Whooping cough (Use persistently for about ten days). Dry cough, with hoarseness and burning pain behind sternum. Spasmodic cough, with rattling of mucus in the larynx; suffocative. Hoarseness. Croup after febrile symptoms have subsided. Difficult and painful breathing. Violent cramping of chest. Chest pains run upward. Cold sensation when inspiring. Every inspiration provokes cough. Laryngeal diphtheria, membrane begins in larynx and spreads upward. Spasmodic constriction. Asthma; difficulty in getting air into lung. Better at sea, of seafaring men when they come on land. Hypertrophy of heart from gymnastics. Fibrinous bronchitis, great dyspnea. Bronchial tubes feel filled with smoke.

Nux Vomica

Catarrhal hoarseness, with scraping in throat. Spasmodic constriction. Asthma, with fullness in stomach, morning or after eating. Cough, with sensation as if something were torn loose in chest. Shallow respiration. Oppressed breathing. Tight, dry hacking cough; at times with bloody expectoration. Cough brings on bursting headache and bruised pain in epigastric region.

Throat: Rough, scraped feeling. Tickling after waking in morning. Sensation of roughness, tightness, and tension. Pharynx constricted. Uvula swollen. Stitches into ear.


The infection gradually resolves over weeks, but in case of allopathic treatment the coughing paroxysms can persist for several months.

  • The prognosis is worse when complications such as bacterial pneumonia develop in a person with whooping cough.
  • Young infants are at the highest risk of serious complications and even death from whooping cough.

Data indicate that patients allopathically treated patients, secondary pneumonia occurs in about one out of every 20 infants with whooping cough, and one out of 100 affected infants develops convulsions; While patients treated with Homeopathic medicine have much lower ratio of convulsions and/or death.

Most deaths from whooping cough have occurred in unvaccinated children.

What are possible complications of Whooping Cough or Pertussis?

The most common and life-threatening complication and the cause of most whooping cough-related deaths is secondary bacterial pneumonia. (Secondary bacterial pneumonia is bacterial pneumonia that follows another infection of the lung, be it viral or bacterial. A different virus or bacterium than the original infection causes secondary pneumonia.) Young infants are at the highest risk for whooping cough and its associated complications, including secondary pneumonia.

Other possible complications of whooping cough, particularly in infants less than 6 months of age, including

  • seizures,
  • encephalopathy (the abnormal function of the brain due to decreased oxygen delivery to the brain caused by episodes of coughing),
  • reactive airway disease (asthma), dehydration, hearing loss, and malnutrition.
  • Other complications reported in adults include weight loss, loss of bladder control, and
  • rib fractures from coughing.

P. S: This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy, for learning purpose(s).

For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.

None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment, but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.

To order medicine by courier, please send your details at WhatsApp– +923119884588

Whooping cough-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Homeopathic Treatment-Best Homeopathic doctor-Dr Qaisar Ahmed-Al Haytham clinic-Risalpur-kpk-PakistanDr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.

  Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.

Location:  Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.

Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at:

https://www.youtube.com/Dr Qaisar Ahmed

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