Psoriasis and Liver
Scientists has many proves that psoriasis and liver diseases are linked to each other. Some evidence suggests a higher risk…
Awarded The Best Homeopathic Doctor in Pakistan (Allopathic and Homeopathic Treatments)
Scientists has many proves that psoriasis and liver diseases are linked to each other. Some evidence suggests a higher risk…
Telangiectasias (commonly known as “spider veins”) are dilated or broken blood vessels located near the surface of the skin or…
Skin Cancer (Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer or Keratinocyte Cancer) are the most common cancers; however, most are not life-threatening. There are…
Perioral dermatitis. Perioral dermatitis is a facial rash that usually develops around the mouth but may also appear around the…
Sjögren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disease characterized by dryness of the mouth, eyes, vagina, breasts (agalactia etc.), urinary trac and…
Autoimmune diseases can affect many types of tissues and nearly any organ in your body. They may cause a variety…
Scleroderma makes our body produce too much collagen, a protein that we need for healthy skin and tissue; our body…
Syphilis is caused by a bacteria called Treponema pallidum. It passes from person to person by contact with the sores…
Hereditary hemochromatosis or high iron levels or Wilson disease, is an inherited (genetic) disorder in which there is excessive accumulation…
Chafing rash – a skin irritation that occur when clothing rubs against the skin or skin rubs against another part…