Lipodystrophy refers to medical problem where there is an abnormal distribution of fat in the body. This can refer both to fat loss (lipoatrophy) and abnormal accumulation of fat tissue.
The disease may be inherited genetically, (for example, familial partial lipodystrophy or FPLD), or acquired. If inherited it may be present at birth (congenital).
You can get the acquired form after an infection, autoimmune illness, trauma, or repeated pressure or injury on a specific area of the body. (For example, if you have diabetes and you give yourself insulin shots in the same spot every day, you may get lipodystrophy at the injection site).
Generalized lipodystrophy happens throughout the body, while the partial form only affects one area of the body.
If a person is infected with HIV (human immunodeficiency syndrome) he/she has a risk of developing lipodystrophy associated with antiretroviral treatment (for example, protease inhibitors or PIs) for HIV infection. Antiretroviral HIV treatment is directed precisely against the virus that causes HIV.
Many individuals with lipodystrophy have low blood levels of leptin (hormone produced by fat cells that’s involved in how body fat is regulated).
A range of metabolic processes (biochemical process) abnormalities that affect the health of individuals with this syndrome can include insulin resistance, diabetes (diabetes mellitus), and elevated levels of blood lipids (such as high cholesterol).
Lipodystrophy Symptoms & Signs
Lipodystrophy can affect all or part of the body. Signs and symptoms can include areas of the body that appear thin while other areas may appear to be enlarged. Children with the genetic form of lipodystrophy may have symptoms and signs including:
- prominent musculature,
- protruding belly,
- voracious appetite,
- early puberty,
- cognitive deficiencies,
- growth faster than their peers,
- increased bone age etc.
Types of lipodystrophies
There are many different types of lipodystrophies. It can be acquired, or genetic (inherited). The inherited form may be present at birth or develop during childhood (congenital). It may result in fat loss in only one area of the body or throughout the body (generalized).
- Generalized lipodystrophy refers to the situation in which the fat tissue throughout the body is affected (sometimes mistaken for weight or fat gain).
- Partial, or localized, lipodystrophy affects only one area of the body and is not associated with abnormal health generally.
- Both generalized lipodystrophy and partial lipodystrophy can be acquired or congenital.
What is generalized lipodystrophy?
Lipodystrophy is a term that refers to abnormalities of the fat (adipose) tissue in the body. It is a group of rare conditions that are characterized by progressive loss or redistribution of fat, mainly from the tissues beneath the skin (subcutaneous tissues), but loss of fat surrounding the internal organs (visceral fat) also is possible.
What is inherited (familial) lipodystrophy?
Inherited lipodystrophy results from a genetic cause.
- Congenital generalized lipodystrophy (CGL, the Berardinelli-Seip syndrome) is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait.
- There also are several types of the familial partial lipodystrophy (FPLD), such as FPLD type 1 (Kobberling’s syndrome), FPLD type 2 (Dunnigan’s syndrome), and other rare types of the disease.
What is acquired lipodystrophy?
Acquired lipodystrophy is a form of the syndrome that is not genetic but develops as a response to another condition. The acquired forms include:
- Acquired generalized lipodystrophy (AGL), or Lawrence syndrome.
- Acquired partial lipodystrophy (Barraquer-Simons syndrome) is a disorder that leads to loss of fat in the upper trunk and face, which begins in childhood or adolescence.
- Lipodystrophy induced by protease inhibitors used in HIV infection treatment; this can involve both fat loss and abnormal fat buildup for the patient with HIV.
- Localized, or partial, lipodystrophy, such as at an injection site (for example, from cortisone injection), which typically does not affect the overall health of the patient.
Signs and symptoms
The characteristic symptom of lipodystrophy is the loss of or abnormal distribution of fat. Loss of fat also is referred to as lipoatrophy. In the congenital (inherited) form, the loss of fat causes an abnormal appearance that’s usually noticed within the first two years of life. Depending upon the exact cause, the abnormalities may be seen all over the body or localized to one area. For example, some individuals may have areas on their body that appear thin, while other areas might appear larger (where the excessive fat is located). Others might have very little fat on the lower areas of the body and excess fat on the upper areas. Some people will have reduced fat all over the body.
Congenital generalized lipodystrophy symptoms
Children with the condition may have other associated symptoms and signs, for example, the child may:
- Want and devours food (has a voracious appetite).
- Grow faster and is taller than his or her piers (accelerated linear growth).
- Have an increased metabolic rate.
- Have advanced bone age.
- Have a belly that sticks out (protrudes).
- Have highly developed muscles (prominent musculature).
- Go through puberty early (precocious sexual development).
- Have mental retardation.
- Have dark, velvety skin patches (acanthosis nigricans).
Generalized lipodystrophy
In generalized lipodystrophy, fat can be found in abnormal locations in the body including the heart, kidneys, liver, and pancreas. The presence of fat deposits in these organs can cause problems such as:
- Insulin resistance
- Diabetes
- High cholesterol
- Fatty liver disease
- Pancreatitis
- Heart disease
Acquired generalized lipodystrophy symptoms
Acquired generalized lipodystrophy has signs and symptoms similar to the inherited forms but occurs in previously healthy children or adults. In all forms of lipodystrophy, women appear to be more severely affected than men.
Causes of lipodystrophy
Genetic mutations that cause inherited lipodystrophy
Congenital generalized lipodystrophy is a result of specific genetic mutations that are passed from one generation to the next (inherited). Mutations in the genes known as AGPAT2 and BSCL2 account for the majority (about 95%) of cases of CGL. Mutations in other genes, including CAV1 and PTRF, have also been associated with this form of the disease.
Generalized lipodystrophy and leptin deficiency
Leptin is natural chemical that is responsible for the metabolism of fat. Some patients with generalized lipodystrophy have been shown to be deficient in leptin. Low leptin levels cause abnormalities in the body’s metabolism, which creates excess fat. This excessive fat tissue, as mentioned previously, can cause metabolic complications and diseases like insulin resistance, diabetes, high cholesterol, fatty liver disease, and heart disease.
Acquired lipodystrophy causes
Acquired lipodystrophy syndrome has been reported after infections; autoimmune diseases; injury (trauma); or if pressure is put on, or repeated injections placed in same place on your body.
Allopathic treatment with antiretroviral drugs, for example protease inhibitors (PIs) and nucleoside RT inhibitors (NRTIs) for HIV infection has been found to cause lipodystrophy.
To make the diagnosis of lipodystrophy the doctor will first examine the abnormal appearance caused by changes in fat loss or gain, and then look for the characteristic clinical symptoms and signs.
Blood tests to measure leptin levels as well as to confirm the presence of other metabolic problems (like insulin resistance, diabetes, or elevated blood lipid levels) are other important diagnostic tests, but not all patients with lipodystrophy have low levels of leptin.
Genetic testing may be performed to evaluate whether a genetic mutation is present in a patient that causes the inherited form.
Allopathic treatment for lipodystrophy
Generalized lipodystrophy: Metreleptin for injection as replacement therapy to treat the complications of leptin deficiency. Metreleptin is used in addition to dietary changes for patients with the congenital generalized or acquired generalized type. Metreleptin is given by injection and is an analog of human leptin produced by recombinant DNA technology.
Side effects: T-cell lymphoma has occurred in patients with the acquired type who had immunodeficiency before beginning metreleptin treatment. Common side effects of metreleptin can include:
- Fatigue.
- Hypoglycemia.
- Headache.
- Decreased weight.
- Abdominal pain.
Diet and lipodystrophy: Low-fat diet is recommended for people with the disorder.
Treatment of associated diseases: Treatment of any associated metabolic abnormalities, including diabetes or high blood cholesterol, is the same as for other patients with these health problems. These treatments include both lifestyle modifications and medications.
Acquired lipodystrophy: If you give yourself insulin shots don’t use the same location on the skin every time.
Treatment for HIV patients: There are several treatments described for HIV-associated lipodystrophy. HIV treatment options include thiazolidinedione drugs (such as pioglitazon, growth hormone, growth hormone-releasing hormone, metformin, and recombinant human leptin.
Surgery: Surgical treatments have also been used to improve the cosmetic appearance in some patients.
Homeopathic treatment for lipodystrophy
Homeopathy treats the person as well as his/her pathological condition(s).
Homeopathic medicine for lipodystrophy and for anorexia is individual for every patient, Miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) is also often takes into account for the treatment of chronic conditions.
The medicines given below indicate the therapeutic affinity, but this is not a complete and definite guide to the treatment of obesity or weight loss that’s why None of homeopathy medicines should be taken without professional advice.
Apis Mellifica
Swelling or puffing up of various parts, oedema, red, rosy hue, stinging pains, soreness, intolerance of heat, and slightest touch, and afternoon aggravation are some of the general guiding symptoms. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia nervosa. Erysipelatous inflammations, dropsical effusions and anasarca, acute, inflammation of kidneys, and other parenchymatous tissues are characteristic pathological states corresponding to Apis. Apis acts especially on outer parts, skin, coatings of inner organs, serous membranes. It reduces inflammation with effusion, membranes of brain, heart, pleuritic effusion, etc. Extreme sensitiveness to touch and general soreness. Constricted sensations. Sensation of stiffness and as of something torn off in the interior of the body. Much prostration.
Carbo Vegitablis
Disintegration and imperfect oxidation are the keynote of this remedy. The typical Carbo patient is sluggish, fat and lazy and has a tendency to chronicity in his complaints. Blood seems to stagnate in the capillaries, causing blueness, coldness, and ecchymosis. Body becomes blue, icy-cold. Bacteria find a rich soil in the nearly lifeless stream and sepsis and typhoidal state ensues. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia.
A lowered vital power from loss of fluids, after drugging; after other diseases; in old people with venous congestions; states of collapse in cholera, typhoid; these are some of the conditions offering special inducements to the action of Carbo veg. The patient may be almost lifeless, but the head is hot; coldness, breath cool, pulse imperceptible, oppressed and quickened respiration, and must have air.
This is a typical state for Carbo veg. The patient faints easily, is worn out, and must have fresh air. Hemorrhage from any mucous surface. Very debilitated. Patient seems to be too weak to hold out. Persons who have never fully recovered from the effects of other chronic illness. Sense of weight, as in the head (occiput), eyes and eyelids, before the ears, in the stomach, and elsewhere in the body; putrid (septic) condition of all its affections, coupled with a burning sensation. General venous stasis, bluish skin, limbs cold.
Calcarea Carbonica
It is considered one of the most common homeopathic medicines for weight loss. The patient is FAT, FAIR AND FLABBY. Great anti psora remedy with increased general and local perspiration and swelling of glands, scrofulous and rachitic conditions. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia. Persons who take cold easily, grow fat, are large bellied, with large heads and pale skin.
Ferrum Metallicum
Obesity with anemia, face puffy, weak, anemic and chlorotic/synotic, with pseudo – plethora, flush easily, have cold extremities, suffer from weakness even on speaking or walking though looking strong. Pallor of skin, mucus membranes and face. Muscles flabby and relaxed. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia Nervosa.
Ammonium Muriaticum
Ammonium Muriaticum suited to those who are fat and sluggish and with large buttocks, fatty tumors and thin legs. All mucus secretions are increased and retained. Generally suffering from respiratory troubles and associated affections of liver. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia. Obstinate constipation accompanied by much flatus. Hard, crumbling stools require great effort in expulsion, crumble from the verge of anus.
Thyroid malfunctioning produces anemia, emaciation, muscular weakness, hyper sweating, tingling and increased heart rate. It exerts great influence over goiter and excessive obesity. Acts best in females with paleness and uterine fibroids or mammary tumors. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia.
Antimonium crudum
Obesity in young people with excessive irritability and frightfulness, with a thick white coated tongue. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia. Tendency to grow fat. An absence of pain, where it could be expected, is noticeable.
Tendency to obesity in females with delayed menstruation. Tendency to skin affections and constipation, fat, chilly, and costive, with delayed menstrual history, take cold easily. Tendency to obesity. Swollen genitals. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia.
Phytolacca Decnadra
An important Homeopathic medicine for weight loss. Reduces fat and false growths. Glandular swellings with heat and inflammation. Has a powerful effect on fibrous and osseous tissues; fasciae and muscle sheaths; acts on scar tissue. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia.
Mother tincture is used for Obesity treatment.
A good remedy for obesity and non-toxic goiter (also exophthalmic). Digestion and flatulence, Obstinate constipation. Thyroid enlargement. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia.
Calcarea arsenicum
Fat women with climacteric or approaching menopause. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia. Chilliness with dropsical affections, uterine cancers, affections of spleen and mesenteric glands are often found associated. Great depression, anxiety, the slightest emotion causes tachycardia and/or bradycardia.
Capsicum Annum
Suits nicely those people with lax fibers, weak, diminished vital heat, fat/obese, indolent and have no vital heat or no reactive force. General uncleanliness of body and opposed to physical exertion. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia. Burning pains and general chilliness with marked tendency to suppuration in every inflammatory process.
Persons of waxy, translucent skin, fair skin, sanguine temperament, delicate eyelashes, find blond or red hair, anemic, young kids growing too rapidly, fair, blondes, quick and hemorrhagic diathesis, quick perceptions, and very sensitive to nature. old people with morning diarrhea. Hemorrhagic diathesis: small wounds bleed profusely from every mucous outlet. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia Nervosa.
Destructive metabolism. Causes yellow atrophy of the liver (cirrhosis) and sub-acute hepatitis. Tall, slender persons, narrow chested, with thin, transparent skin, weakened by loss of animal fluids, with great nervous debility, emaciation, amative tendencies.
Lac Vaccinum Defloratum
Useful in obesity with faulty nutrition. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia. Sick headaches with intense throbbing, nausea and vomiting; prostration and all complaints aggravated during menses.
Kali bichromicum
It is specially indicated for fleshy, fat, light haired complexioned people with scrofulous or syphilitic history. Fatty degenerations. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia. Stinging pains in muscles and internal parts. Twitching of muscles.
It is per-eminently a female remedy with tendency to obesity in mild, gentle, yielding females. Thirstlessness and chilliness in fat females, Aversion to fatty foods and still grows obese. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia. Adapted to persons of indecisive, slow, phlegmatic temperament, sandy hair, pale face, scanty and protracted menstruation.
Obesity in females with weakness, yellow complexion and bearing down sensations. Obesity in menopausal females with hot flushes and perspiration. Lack of vital heat, especially in chronic diseases. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia.
Especially suited for persons of lax fibers who tend to become obese and also to children who are chubby in appearance. These children usually suffer from repeated respiratory catarrhal affections where rattling cough and profuse mucus, but difficult raising are characteristics. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia Nervosa.
Secale Cornutum
Contraction of the unstriped muscular fibers; hence a constringent feeling throughout the whole body. anemic condition, coldness, numbness, petechiae, mortification, gangrene. A useful medicine for old people with shriveled skin-thin, scrawny old women. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia. Hemorrhages; continued oozing; thin, fetid, watery black blood. Debility, anxiety, emaciation, though appetite and thirst may be excessive. Facial and abdominal muscles twitch. Secale decreases the flow of pancreatic juice by raising the blood pressure.
Abies Canadensis or Pinus canadensis
Canine hunger…eat beyond capacity of digestion, Acidity with tachycardia, Gastritis. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia.
Irritable. Anxious. Cross mind. Blue rings under eyes. Best medicine for marasmus/weakness especially of lower extremities. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia.
Bloody Hemorrhoids, Rheumatism with hemorrhoids. Undigested stools. Alternate diarrhea and constipation. Ascarides (worms). Umbilical oozing (pus). Indigestion and vomiting with very bad smell. Acne. Furuncles. Wrinkles. Skin purple. Skin flabby. Hair fall. Itching.
Aceticum Acidum
Ascarides (worms). Debility. Irritable. Worried about business etc. Nervous headaches of narcotics users. Stomach cancer. Jaundice. Salvation. Vomiting after any kind of food. Frequent watery stools. Duodenal ulcers. Stomach Cancer. Ascites, Anasarca. Bloody stools. Emaciation. Excessive catamenia (excessive menses). After labor bleeding. Nausea of pregnancy. Itching (due to liver). Furuncle. Pale (anemic). Burning dry skin. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia.
Ammonium Carbonicum
Forgetful. Ill humored. Gloomy during stormy weather. Uncleanliness. Sad, weepy. Unreasonable. Noises and pain in abdomen. Flatulent Hernia. Constipation. Acidity, Great appetite. Weeping Piles, Protruding Piles. Rectal itching. Itching and blisters. Scarlet rash. Miliary rash. Malignant scarlatina. Eruptions. Eczema. Erysipelas. Urine frequent. Involuntary during night. Bladder tenesmus. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia.
In women: Leucorrhea – burning, acidic, watery. Aversion to opposite sex (man). Manses – frequent, profuse, early, copious, clotted, black and colicky.
Constipation. Fistula. Fistula dentals. Hemorrhoids. Emaciation (abnormally thin person/muscular atrophy). Hip disease. Myalgia (pain muscles). Lipodystrophy. Anorexia Nervosa.
Cholera (dysentery). Diarrhea. Dropsy. Dysentery. Hemorrhage (bleeding). Hemorrhoids. Hay-fever. Crusta lactea (large size of dandruff ion scalp). Hemorrhage (bleeding). Herpes. Measles. Nettle-rash (itchy rash). Pemphigus (blistering of the skin and the inside of the mouth, nose, throat, eyes, and genitals). Emaciation (abnormally thin). Lumbago. Myalgia (muscular weakness). Myelitis. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia Nervosa.
Constipation. Diarrhea. Pleurodynia. Stomach affections. Vomiting. Emaciation (abnormally thin/weak). Gout. Growing pains. Neuralgia (sever nervous pain). Osteoma Lacia. Amenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea. Membranous Dysmenorrhea. Ovaries inflammation. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia Nervosa.
Appetite disordered. Constipation. Diarrhea. Hemorrhoids. Hiccough. Jaundice. Liver affections. Lymphatic swellings. Dropsy. Vomiting. Worms. Consumption (TB). Debility. Atrophy. Emaciation (abnormally very thin/weak). Joints affections. Mollities ossium. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia Nervosa.
Kali Bichromicum
Constipation. Duodenum ulcers. Dyspepsia. Gastric ulcer. Glanders. Intestines ulceration. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia Nervosa. Emaciation (abnormally thin/weak). Gout. Lumbago. Neuralgia. Climacteric flushes/Menopause. Pruritus vulvae or Sycoses.
Kali Iodatum
Liver diseases. Edema. Pancreatitis. Spleen. Bubo. Condylomas. Rupia. Emaciation. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia. Rickets. Pott’s curvature.
Mercurious or Mercsolubus
Diarrhea. Dysentery. Dyspepsia. Jaundice. Liver affections/diseases. Bubo. Ecthyma or Deep impetigo (a skin infection). Eczema. Fissures. Herpes. Offensive body odor/smell. Perspiration/sweat abnormal. Emaciation. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia Nervosa. Joints affections/diseases. Lumbago/Spinal pan. Mollities ossium (spontaneous fractures – Osteopenia). Rheumatism. Rickets. Leucorrhea even in kids. Ovaries affections/diseases. Para metritis. Pregnancy affections. Balanitis.
Nux Moschata
Dyspepsia. Eructation. Flatulence (rectal gases). Hemorrhage (bleeding). Hiccough. Worms. Bloody perspiration. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia Nervosa. Chilblains. Freckles. Marasmus. Abortion. Dysmenorrhea. Hemorrhage. Menopause. Menorrhagia. Manses suppressed. Metrorrhagia. Pelvis congestion/Pelvic congestion syndrome is a condition that causes chronic pelvic pain.
Oleum Jecoris Aselli
Alopecia. Amenorrhea. Anemia. Asthma. Bones, affections of. Bright’s disease. Diarrhea. Dwarfishness. Emaciation. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia. Fistula. Goiter. Hair, abnormal growth. Liver, diseases.
Constipation. Diabetes. Cancer. Catalepsy. Dysmenorrhea. Epilepsy. Marasmus. Uremia. Urine suppression/retention of. Uterus, inertia. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia.
Aneurysm. Lipodystrophy. Anorexia nervosa. Anhidrosis. Appendicitis. Asthma. Atrophy. Depression. Dysmenorrhea. Dysuria. Emaciation. Epilepsy. Epulis. Eyes inflammation. Hemoptysis. Hemorrhoids. Headache. Hernia, strangulated. Hyperesthesia. Hypopyon. Ichthyosis. Intermittent fever. Intestines obstruction. Liver affections. Proctalgia. Progressive muscular atrophy. Prolapsus ani. Umbilicus abscess. Umbilical hernia. Uric-acidemia. Vagina spasm. Vaginismus.
P. S: This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy, for learning purpose(s).
For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.
None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment, but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.
To order medicine by courier, please send your details at WhatsApp– +923119884588
Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.
Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.
Location: Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.
Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at: Qaisar Ahmed drqaisar