Genital Psoriasis or simply “Psoriasis” is a skin disorder that causes skin cells to multiply up to 10 times faster than normal. This makes the skin build up into bumpy red patches covered with white scales. They can grow anywhere on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back, Thighs, genitals, groins etc.
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Psoriasis patches can range from a few spots of dandruff-like scaling to major eruptions that cover large areas.
In the most common type of psoriasis, known as plaque psoriasis, this rapid turnover of cells results in scales and red patches.
Psoriasis can’t be passed from person to person.
Genital psoriasis develops around human genital area. It can flare up on the vulva or the penis. It can also appear on upper thighs, the folds of skin between thigh and groin, or between buttocks.
Anyone can get psoriasis, but researchers do not know the precise cause. It’s not clear why some people with psoriasis get it around their genitals.
If someone have psoriasis, he/she might go a long time without a problem and then have a flare-up. Flare-ups may be triggered by factors such as stress or illness, but it can be hard to determine those factors and avoid them.
Psoriasis tends to run in families, but it is not contagious. The condition can be managed effectively.
What does genital psoriasis look like?
In general, psoriasis looks like patches of red skin with thick white scales. When it develops in the genital area, the patches may be a brighter red, but the patient usually will not see the classic scales of psoriasis.
When it occurs within the folds of skin, also known as inverse psoriasis, the color may be more of a reddish-white or reddish gray. Patient’s skin can become cracked and sore and may bleed. When it occurs in the skin folds, psoriasis can also look a lot like a yeast infection.
The genitals are a sensitive area and have delicate skin, so patient’s skin is likely to be tender. Genital psoriasis can cause itching, burning, and discomfort. It can even become painful.
Many items can aggravate symptoms, including:
- tight clothes
- rough toilet paper
- period products, such as pads or tampons
- anything that rubs against the skin or causes friction, including sexual activity.
It can be hard to differentiate between genital psoriasis and contact dermatitis or some types of infection.
If some one’s skin cracks, he/she is more susceptible to bacterial or fungal infections. It’s possible to have both genital psoriasis and an infection at the same time, which may require a combination of treatments.
The causes of genital psoriasis are the same as the causes of psoriasis elsewhere on the body.
Genital psoriasis is not a sexually transmitted disease (STD) because it is an autoimmune disease not an infection; nor does it affect fertility. STDs, such as genital herpes, develop due to infection and are transmitted through vaginal, oral, and anal sex.
If your patient has rashes in genital area, these tips. may help keep his/her rash from getting worse:
- avoiding personal hygiene products with fragrances or other harsh ingredients.
- keeping the area clean.
- after bathing or showering, using a soft towel and gently.
- avoiding rubbing.
- using soft, absorbent toilet paper.
- minimizing friction by wearing cotton underwear or boxers and avoiding tight thongs.
- choosing loose-fitting, breathable clothing.
Modifying diet may also help prevent flare-ups of genital psoriasis:
- eating fresh fruits and vegetables.
- eating whole grains.
- eating fat-free or low-fat dairy.
- Stop or reducing alcohol consumption.
- eating lean proteins, like salmon, poultry, shrimp, walnuts, and soybeans.
- avoiding trigger foods, like red meat, eggs, chilly, artificial flavors, fast food etc and foods high in saturated fat.
Allopathic treatments Psoriasis and Genital Psoriasis
There is not any treatment in allopathic drugs except some Kind of antibiotic, steroids/corticosteroids (orally and externally), immunosuppressive, salicylic acid, coal tar and anti-allergic drug therapy.
Note: Some other ingredients that are traditionally used to treat psoriasis, such as capsaicin, anthralin, topical vitamin A, and retinoids, are not usually recommended for genital psoriasis because they have the potential to irritate delicate skin.
Homeopathic treatment for Psoriasis and Genital Psoriasis
There are a variety of treatments available for psoriasis in Homeopathy. Sometimes a combination of medications works best.
Arsenicum album
Desquamation of the skin, Skin dry as parchment, cold and bluish or pale/yellowish color. Shootings, hot itching, and violent burning in the skin. Reddish or bluish spots on the skin. Petechiae, Inflamed spots, chiefly in the head, face, and neck. Miliary eruptions, red and white. Conical pimples, whitish or reddish, with burning itching. Nettle-rash.
Eruption of painful black pustules. Eruption of itchy pimples, small and tickling. Eruption of small red pimples, which increase and change into gnawing ulcers, covered with a scurf. Vesicular eruptions. Herpes, with vesicles, and violently burning, especially at night, or with coverings, like fish-scales.
Skin pale/jaundiced; general anasarca; black blisters. Pustules filled with blood and pus. Titter spots, covered with phlyctenules and furfur, with burning nocturnal pains.
Ulcers with raised and hard edges, surrounded by a red and shining crown; with the bottoms like lard, or of a blackish-blue color, with burning pains or shooting, principally when the parts affected become cold. Ulcers, hard on the edges, stinging, burning spongy; with proud flesh; turning black; flat; pus thin, ichorous (cancers).
Fetid smell, ichorous suppuration, ready bleeding, putridity, and bluish or greenish color of the ulcers. Thin crusts or proud flesh on the ulcers. Sphacelus. Want of secretion in the ulcers. Carbuncles (burning). Inflammatory tumors with burning pains.
Warts. Ulcers inform of a wart. Chilblains. Varices. Discolored nails.
Arsenic Iodatum
Arsenic Iodatum will be advised when there is shedding of large scales from the skin eruptions. Skin is covered with inflamed patches with scales on them. There is persistent itching in the patches and the shedding of the scales leaves raw skin behind. Lump in mamma, sensitive to touch and painful; nipple retracted.
People needing this remedy often have a long-term history of skin disease. The skin looks tough or leathery skin with cracks and soreness. Itching is often worse from getting warm, and the person may scratch the irritated places till they bleed. Trouble concentrating, especially in the morning.
Obstinate dryness of the skin, absence of perspiration. Red spots on the skin, like fleabites. Erysipelatous inflammations, vesicular erysipelas, like zona, on the abdomen and on the back. Itching of the varices on the lower limbs. Itching-stinging on the surface of a mole.
Eruptions oozing out a thick honey-like fluid. Titters are humid, scabby eruptions, sometimes with secretion of corrosive serum, or with itching in the evening, and at night.
Eruption of pimples and nodules (principally under hair and on covered parts) which itch very much. Swelling and induration of the glands.
Encysted tumors, Corrosive nodules. Excoriation of the skin (in the bends of the limbs, groins, neck, behind the ears), especially in children, Proud flesh, and fetid pus, in ulcers, with tearing pains, burning, and shooting.
Scrofulous and syphilitic ulcers. Burning pain in an old cicatrix. Deformity and thickness of the nails.
This remedy is often indicated for patients whose physical problems are aggravated by stressful emotional experiences. It is especially suited to individuals with extremely dry skin, and problems that involve the palms and fingertips. Patient may feel a cold sensation after scratching, and the skin is easily infected and may look tough and leathery. Itching will be worse at night, and from getting warm in bed.
Petroleum acts on sweat and oil glands; symptoms worse during the winter season. Burning pain, itching, redness, excoriation, and oozing, or itching pimples and tatters, on scrotum and between scrotum and thigh. Diminished sexual desire, frequent nocturnal discharges. Discharge of prostatic fluid (Prostatitis), weakness and nervous irritability after coition. Reddish eruption on glans, with itching.
In female patients, Catamenia too early, with a menstrual flux which excites itching. Leucorrhea like egg white, Leucorrhea with lascivious dreams.
During pregnancy diarrheas and vomiting. Itching and furfur on the mammie; the nipples itch and have a mealy coating.
This remedy may be helpful to a person who feels dragged out and irritable, often with little enthusiasm for work or family life. The person’s skin may be look dry and stiff. Psoriasis may appear in many places on the body, including the nails and genitals. Signs of hormonal imbalance are often seen (in either sex), or problems with circulation are common. Exercise often helps this person’s energy and mood, burning itching, humid or scurfy, choppy herpes like, with a circular desquamation of skin.
Eruptions on glans and labia; indolent Cancers; itching and dry eruptions on genitals, condyloma; chancres on glans and prepuce.
Hard nodosities on breast. Atrophy of breasts, chapping of the skin, or cracks may extend deeply into the tissues, brown spacelabs, titters, ulcers suppurating, with copious pus.
Dry and itching eruptions, like scabies, brown, or vinous, or else reddish, and herpetic spots on skin.
-Dry, scaly, unhealthy; every little injury suppurates. Freckles. Itching, burning; worse scratching and washing. Pimply eruption, pustules, rhagades, hangnails. Excoriation, especially in folds (Lyc). Feeling of a band around bones. Skin affections after local medication. Pruritus, especially from warmth, is evening, often recurs in springtime, in damp weather.
Patients with dirty complexion.
Calcarea carbonica
Flaccidity of the skin. Visible quivering of the skin from head to foot, followed by giddiness. Burning, smarting, itching.
Syphilis. Nettle rash, mostly disappearing in the fresh air. Eruption of lenticular red and raised spots, with great heat, much thirst, and want of appetite.
Skin hot and dry during motion. Skin rough, dry, and as if covered with a kind of miliary eruption. Furfuraceous coating of the skin; burning; chapped. Humid, scabby eruptions and titters, or in form of clusters, with burning pains. Itching pemphigus over the whole body.
Skin excoriated in several places, unhealthy; every injury tends to ulceration; even small wounds suppurate and do not heal. Ulcers deep; fistulous; carious. Ulcers with too little pus. Erysipelatous inflammations. Furunculi. Warts. Corns, with pain as of excoriation, and burning.
Polypus (nose, ear, uterus). Encysted tumors, which are renewed and suppurate every month. Bloatedness. Swelling and induration of the glands, with or without pain. Varices.
Arthritic nodosities. Swelling; softening; curvature of; stinging in; caries and distortion of the bones. Ulceration of the bones. Panaris. Flaws in the fingers. Anxiety, claustrophobia, and fear of heights are common. Cravings for sweets and eggs.
Mercurius Solubilis
Almost constantly moist. Persistent dryness of the skin contra indicates mercurius. Excessive odorous viscid perspiration; worse, night. General tendency to free perspiration, but patient is not relieved thereby. Vesicular and pustular eruptions. Ulcers, irregular in shape, edges undefined. Pimples around the main eruption. Itching, worse from warmth of bed. Crusta lactea; yellowish-brown crusts, considerable suppuration. Glands swell every time patient takes cold. Buboes. Orchitis (Clemat, Hamam, Puls)
Skin sensitiveness to touch, General desquamation of skin of body; usual liver spots on chest and arms become dark and desquamate. Red rash, itching violently better in bed, from touch; burning and change of place after scratching.
Cutaneous ulcers form over bony protuberances. Ulcers with thick, whitish, yellow scabs, under which thick, yellow pus collects. Genital Psoriasis. Skin covered with elevated white scabs; Itching especially at night/in bed, more violent and painful (and changed to burning) after scratching the parts, and sometimes with swelling of the part that has been scratched.
Gnawing itching as from vermin. Miliary eruptions, sometimes chronic. Furunculi. Inflamed ulcers, with burning and shooting, or with gnawing pain of excoriation. Inflammation and swelling of the bones, rachitic, caries.
Ulcers: with an areola, sensitive and easily bleeding when removing the linen, which sticks, painful at night, the pus tends to form an adherent scab, under which a quantity of pus collects, burning and stinging with inflammation. Vesicles around the ulcers, itching violently and burning like fire. Suppuration after inflammation.
Rhus Toxicodendron
Skin vesicular erysipelas where the vesicles are large. Exanthema on face in general on chin, face, cheeks, mouth, nose, forehead, causing much burning itching. Pustules chilblains. Exanthema in general; burning; burning itching; pustules; with swelling; blotches; like milk crust; moist; like nettle-rash; blue with erysipelas; scurfy; tensive or tight feeling in; pock-shaped; black; purulent; zona or shingles; petechiae; prickling; tickling; blisters which will sometimes spread up the limb, and are sometimes circular in form, spreading with a red edge in the advance, which gradually turns to a blister, the red border still keeping in advance (if the edges be black, Arsen.); itching feels better after scratching.
Titters in general. Genital Psoriasis. Ulcers burning; with corroding pus; with ichorous pus. Rash itches a great deal, in scarlet fever, smallpox, &c., with the peculiar restlessness. Phlegmonous erysipelas, esp. where the erysipelas begins in the ankle, and moves gradually up the leg, running up in the deeper tissues, no fever. Itching over whole body, chiefly in hairy parts.
Stinging and tingling on skin, burning after scratching. Humidity of skin. Hardness of skin with thickening. Swelling (hard) of affected parts. Erysipelatous inflammations. Nettle-rash. Eruptions, generally vesicular, scabby, with burning itching, appearing especially in spring and autumn.
Eruption of small pustules on a red bottom, like zona. Gangrenous ulcers resulting from small vesicles, with violent fever. Petechiae, with great weakness, amounting to entire prostration. Black pustules. Herpes, sometimes alternately with asthmatic sufferings and dysenteric looseness.
Warts, especially on hands and fingers; large jagged, often pedunculated, exuding moisture and bleeding readily. Rhagades on hands. Pancratium. Tingling or shooting or else burning smarting in ulcers, especially at night. Chilblains. Corns on feet, with burning sensation, and pain as of excoriation.
Skin tingling, as from insects, over whole body especially in morning. Chronic miliary eruptions, sometimes with convulsive jerks at night. Eruption of itching, oozing nodosities, with burning pain.
Scald-head with yellow scab, smells badly, itches very much, & c. Exanthema on cheeks, face, or particularly if it is yellow, with a creeping itching. Incised wounds, with great pain. Herpetic eruptions, with itching in evening; and burning sensation after scratching them. Genital Psoriasis.
Arthritic nodosities on the joints. Dry, crusty titters on the joints. Painful engorgement and induration of the glands. Unhealthy skin, easily suppurating. Frequent furunculi. Ulcers, with tearing shootings (gnawing pains), or itching smarting. Jerking and tearing round ulcers, especially in morning and evening. Wens and encysted tumors burst after Staphisagria.
Skin rash above left brow and on left cheek; red, on external throat, beginning with sticking. Nodules on face, neck, and legs. Pimples on forehead; on neck and mammie; with black points in center, painful when scratched; on external throat. Burning like heat-rash below eyes; causing itching, smarting pain, burning after scratching, and feeling sore (in a herpetic patient); and ulcers, from which watery fluid oozed for hours after being opened (hands, wrists, and palms).
Herpes like – and it causes smarting and itching. A scab on nose which commonly fell off when coughing is now adherent and hard. Pustules on nape, with sticking. Genital Psoriasis.
Boils on chest and loins; on buttocks, with burning itching, soon disappearing, leaving crusts. Itch-like eruption on face, hand, back, and leg, and agglutination of eyes. Vesicles on face; quickly filling with yellow lymph, sore to touch on forehead, face, and behind right ear; filled with lymph, painful to touch on various parts, some forming itching papules. An old rhagade near right styloid process suppurated, itched, and was surrounded by blisters filled with clear water, these soon changed to pustules, which healed under a crust.
Itching on forehead; tip of nose; left arm; biceps of left arm; right elbow, soles with tickling and heat. Itching of face, neck, and hands on touch; over whole body after rubbing papules and vesicles; between fingers, and vesicles filled with lymph; on right carpus, with red spots; voluptuous, where a flea had bitten, with white, hard blisters on a red base of the itching pustules, which he had had for years on knees.
Kali Arsen
Skin dry, wilted; emaciated to a skeleton. On three different occasions, swelling of face and eyelids, then erysipelas invading whole face ending in desquamation in a week. Acne, appearance like that in early stage of variola. Miliary eruption. Herpes zoster behind right ear, right side of neck, right shoulder, right upper arm, right side of chest, a few isolated vesicles left side of neck.
Severe attack of shingles right side of chest. Eruption covering entire body except scalp, comes out in red papillae, varying in diameter from size of pin’s head to three centimeters. vesicles form on summit, suppurate, crusts form and fall off, leaving a sore which heals; the places occupied by these sores are marked by a dark-colored cicatrix, and the skin generally has a dusky look; intolerable itching, stinging, and burning, especially on undressing at night; (on trunk, leg and forearms); mind much depressed.
Lichen confluence over whole body except face, palms, and soles, and part of chest; the rest studded with papule, particularly distinct about outer sides of thighs, arms, and back; they are covered with very minute, flimsy, whitish scabs, causing a powdery appearance of skin; head very scurfy; hair crisp and dry; often irritation in skin, which becomes reddened and cracked, particularly about bend of arms and knees. Genital Psoriasis.
One of the earlier signs is a minute popular rash, which by and by assumes the form of delicate, brownish scales giving the skin an unwashed appearance; especially observed on parts protected from light by clothing.
After taking it for three weeks, suddenly, after feeling ill for a few hours, a copious rash made its appearance on face, hands, and chest, like measles; accompanied by catarrhal symptoms swelling of face, lips, eyelids, yellow-furred tongue, gastro-intestinal irritation, intense lameness of feet, standing giving great pain; complete aphonia followed in a few days, desquamation commenced in tenth day; redness lasted some weeks.
Dry chronic eczema: skin of arms thicker and rougher than natural, covered with flimsy exfoliations of epidermis; very irritable, itching and tingling when she gets warm; intensely fissured about bends of elbows and wrists; occasional exacerbation, with eruption of distinct vesicles; languor and lassitude; pale, sallow complexion; catamenia irregular.
Patches of psoriasis on back, arms, and spreading from elbows, and anteriorly on legs, size of a crown piece, and indolent. Psoriasis scaly itching, causing patient to scratch till an ichorous fluid discharges, forming a hard cake.
Discoloration of skin after psoriasis and lepro. Psoriasis in numerous patches, with great itching; the patches becoming more active, scale off, and are replaced by smaller they leave behind them a red skin. Jaundice.
3. Thuja Occidentalis
Polyps, tubercles, warts epithelioma, naïve, carbuncles; ulcers, especially in anogenital region. Genital Psoriasis. Freckles and blotches. Perspiration sweetish, and strong. Dry skin, with brown spots. Zona; herpetic eruptions. Tearing pains in glands. Glandular enlargement. Nails crippled; brittle and soft. Eruptions only on covered parts; worse after scratching. Very sensitive to touch. Coldness of one side. Sarcoma. Brown spots on hands and arms.
4. Antimonium Crudum
Skin itching, especially in the neck, chest, back and limbs. Eruptions which appear chiefly in the evening, or which itch in the heat of the bed, and prevent sleep. Miliary eruptions and nettle-rash. Tumors and blisters, as if from the stings of insects. Measles-like eruption.
Eruptions, similar to chickenpox, with shooting pain on pressure. Thick, hard scabs, often honey-yellow, here and there a crack oozing a green sinuous fluid, burning as if immersed in hot embers. Genital Psoriasis.
Urticaria white, with red areolae, which itch fearfully. Pustules with yellowish or brown scurf. Freckles. Hepatic spots. Deep spongy ulcers with gastric ulcers. Fistulous ulcers.
Horn-like excrescences and disposition to abnormal organizations of the skin. Corns and callous excrescences on the feet. Nails discolored and deformed. Red and hot swellings. Degeneration of the skin. Fungus of the joints.
5. Phosphorus – For Knees and Elbows Psoriasis
Phosphorus works wonders in cases of Genital Psoriasis especially when they affect knees and elbows. The skin of elbows and knees is covered with dry, scaly eruptions. Itching appears in the eruptions. In the majority of cases, the itching is worse in heat. Other accompanying features are a burning and stinging sensation in the eruptions. In a few cases a formication on the area affected is present.
6. Lycopodium Clavatum – Psoriasis on the Hands
Ulcerates. Abscesses beneath skin; worse warm applications. Hives; worse, warmth. Violent itching; fissured eruptions. Acne. Chronic eczema associated with urinary, gastric and hepatic disorders, bleeds easily. Skin becomes thick and indurated. Genital Psoriasis.
Varicose veins, naïve, erectile tumors. Brown spots, freckles worse on left side of face and nose. Dry, shrunken, especially palms; hair becomes prematurely gray.
Dropsies. Offensive secretions; viscid and offensive perspiration, especially of feet and axilla. Psoriasis.
P. S: This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy, for learning purpose(s).
For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.
None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment, but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.
To order medicine by courier, please send your details at WhatsApp– +923119884588
Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.
Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.
Location: Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.
Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at: Qaisar Ahmed