Cerebral anemia or ischemia (Brain ischemia) is a condition that occurs when there isn’t enough blood flow to the brain to meet metabolic demand. This leads to limited oxygen supply or cerebral hypoxia and leads to the death of brain tissue, cerebral infarction, or ischemic stroke.
Cerebra infarction or ischemic stroke is a subtype of stroke along with subarachnoid hemorrhage and intracerebral hemorrhage.
There are two kinds of ischemia:
- Focal ischemia: confined to a specific region of the brain.
- Global ischemia: encompasses wide areas of brain tissue.
Other conditions that may result from brain ischemia are stroke, cardiorespiratory arrest, and irreversible brain damage. The causes of brain ischemia can vary from sickle cell anemia to congenital heart defects.
The term “stroke” can be divided into three categories: brain ischemia, subarachnoid hemorrhage and intracerebral hemorrhage.
Brain ischemia can be further sectioned into thrombotic, embolic, and hypoperfusion.
Thrombotic and embolic are focal or multifocal in nature while hypoperfusion affects the brain altogether.
Focal cerebral ischemia
Focal cerebral (or brain) ischemia occurs when a blood clot has blocked a cerebral vessel. Focal cerebral ischemia reduces blood flow to the particular brain region, increasing the risk of cell death to that area. It can be either caused by thrombosis or embolism.
Global cerebral ischemia
Global cerebral ischemia occurs when blood flow to the brain is stopped or reduced. This is usually triggered by cardiac arrest. If adequate circulation is restored within a short period of time, symptoms may be brief. However, if a large amount of time passes before restoration, brain damage can be permanent. While reperfusion may be essential to protecting as much brain tissue as possible, it may also lead to reperfusion injury or damage that results from the restoration of blood supply to ischemic tissue.
The arterial border zones are the most vulnerable regions to a fall in cerebral perfusion.
Acute anemia or low hematocrit is a common blood disorder, occurs when the number of healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen through the body drops to an abnormal level, or if the cells don’t contain enough hemoglobin may produce cerebral blood flow insufficiency, reduce oxygen-carrying capacity, and result in distal-field tissue ischemic injury when hemoglobin level decreases below a critical level, especially in patients with intracranial stenosis.
The symptoms of Cerebral Anemia or Ischemia include:
- Weakness in one arm or leg,
- Weakness in one entire side of the body,
- Dizziness, vertigo, double vision,
- Weakness on both sides of the body,
- Difficulty speaking,
- Slurred speech,
- Loss of coordination,
- Impairments in vision, body movement, and speaking,
- Unconsciousness,
- Blindness,
- Problems with coordination,
- General weakness.
The symptoms of cerebral ischemia range from mild to severe. Symptoms can last from a few seconds to a few minutes or for extended periods of time. If the brain becomes damaged irreversibly and tissue death occurs, the symptoms may be permanent.
Cerebral ischemia is linked to many diseases or irregularities. Patients with compressed blood vessels, plaque buildup in the arteries, blood clots, very low blood pressure as a result of heart attack, congenital heart defects and even sickle cell anemia have a higher tendency to cerebral ischemia in comparison to their healthy counterparts.
Sickle cell anemia may cause cerebral ischemia linked with the irregularly shaped blood cells. Sickle shaped blood cells clot more easily than normal blood cells, obstructing blood flow to the brain.
Compression of blood vessels may also lead to cerebral ischemia, by obstructing the arteries that bring oxygen to the brain.
Plaque buildup in the arteries, tumors, injuries etc may result in ischemia. Even the slightest amount of plaque buildup can cause the narrowing of passageways, affecting that area to become more prone to blood clots. Bigger blood clots can also cause ischemia by blocking blood flow.
A heart attack can also lead to cerebral ischemia due to the association that exists between heart attack and low blood pressure. Extremely low blood pressure usually characterizes the insufficient oxygenation of tissues. Untreated heart attacks slow blood flow enough that blood may start to clot and stop the flow of blood to the brain or other major organs. Cerebral ischemia can result from events other than heart attacks.
Congenital Defects
Congenital heart defects can result in cerebral ischemia due to the lack of proper artery formation and connection. Patients with congenital heart defects may also be predisposed to blood clots.
In order to treat cerebral ischemia, doctors may prescribe medications for ischemic stroke. Alteplase is a medication used to acute ischemic stroke. If this medication is administered within four and a half hours, the treatment with tpa and most important treatment with Homeopathic medicines improves the probability for a promising outcome over an allopathic drug.
Systemic blood pressure should be maintained to restore blood flow to the cerebrum. Anticonvulsants especially Homeopathic, are usually prescribed to avoid seizures as well.
Complications of Cerebral Anemia or Ischemia
The symptoms of anemia vary, depending on the degree of RBC loss or shortage. Menstrual bleeding or iron deficiency tends to cause mild chronic anemia with symptoms of fatigue, pallor (pale skin color), shortness of breath, and weakness.
Those with iron deficiency may experience a craving to eat ice, clay, dirt or other substances. This is known as pica. Treating the iron deficiency will resolve pica.
If anemia is due to major blood loss, such as in cases of severe gastrointestinal bleeding caused by ulcers, patient may feel dizzy and very weak, especially if stand up suddenly.
Severe anemia can cause tissues and organs to be completely starved of blood and oxygen. When this happens, cells rapidly die in a process called ischemia.
In sickle cell anemia, RBCs, which are normally disc-shaped, become sickle-shaped. This abnormal shape of the cells causes them to get lodged in small blood vessels, blocking normal blood flow. People with this disease may get serious ischemia in their feet, sometimes requiring amputation, or in other organs, causing pain.
People with sickle cell anemia are at a high risk of stroke, since the sickle-shaped cells can easily bunch together, forming masses (clots) that block blood flow in the brain’s blood vessels.
For those with cancer, the most common symptoms of anemia are usually fatigue and shortness of breath. This makes it difficult to keep up usual energy levels and activities and can have very negative effects on daily life.
Diagnosis of Cerebral Anemia or Ischemia
Blood sample that will be sent to the laboratory for a hemoglobin level. This measures the number of grams of hemoglobin per litter of patient’s blood. Blood will also be checked for levels of white blood cells, platelets, and various other blood components. The laboratory will also look at the size and shape of RBCs.
The different levels, and how the blood cells look, can tell us a lot about what’s causing the anemia. For instance, low red and white cells suggest a condition involving the bone marrow or spleen. The doctor will then test for other conditions, depending on the results of patient’s initial blood test.
Allopathic Treatment of Cerebral Anemia or Ischemia
The treatment for anemia depends on the underlying illness causing it. Severe bleeding is usually treated with blood transfusions (I – Dr. Qaisar Ahmed never recommend transfusion due to its lifelong side effects). Patient who doesn’t like Homeopathic treatment may also need regular transfusions of blood if he/she has a serious chronic type of anemia (e.g., Fanconi anemia or sickle cell anemia).
There has been a great improvement in lifespan for people with sickle cell anemia. In the past, those with the disease often did not make it to adulthood. The expected lifespan has now surpassed 50 years of age. The disease is managed by general health maintenance with Homeopathic medication and folate supplementation (also Homeopathic).
In allopathy currently, the only cure is a hematopoietic stem cell transplant (a procedure which replaces the abnormal bone marrow). This procedure is very costly and has many risks and is generally used only for those with advanced complications of the disease.
Infants who have this problem tend to be bottle-fed. A baby is able to absorb more iron from breast milk than from artificial milk.
Patient may want to take iron supplements (especially Homeopathic) for herself when breastfeeding. Iron supplements will also help in cases of mild anemia that’s due to GI or menstrual bleeding.
It may take 3 to 6 weeks of taking iron supplements to replenish the iron your body needs.
Vitamin B12, vitamin C, and folic acid are all crucial to RBC production, and a deficiency in any one of these vitamins puts patient at risk for anemia.
Good sources of vitamin B12 include beef and fish. Vegetables don’t contain vitamin B12, so if patient don’t eat meat, fish, or dairy products, she will need to take vitamin B12 supplements.
Sources of folic acid include spinach, green peas, oranges, and cantaloupe.
When anemia is caused by decreased production of RBCs, such as in cancer or severe kidney disease, medications such as epoetin alfa and darbepoetin alfa can be used. These medications mimic the action of erythropoietin, the natural hormone that causes the bone marrow to produce more RBCs; to avoid severe side effects of epoetin alfa or darbepoetin alfa, prescribe Homeopathic medicines to your patients.
Homeopathic Treatment for Anemia and Cerebral Anemia or Ischemia
The goles of Homeopathic treatment for cerebral anemia/ischemia is to control and cure the anemia, causes of anemia and any other reason(s) slowing or blocking the brain blood circulation. Here are few well proven Homeopathic medicines for cerebral anemia or ischemia:
Ferrum Metallicum
The patients are pale; pits on pressure; flushes readily that is frequent false flashings. Vertigo, pulsating headaches and tinnitus (ringing in ears), Difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath with tachycardia (palpitations of heart); Chest oppressed; breathing difficult. Surging of blood to chest. Palpitation; worse, movement. Sense of oppression. Anemic murmur. Pulse full, but soft and yielding; also, small and weak. Heart suddenly bleeds into the blood vessels, and as suddenly draws a reflux, leaving pallor of surface.
Ferrum Phos (Hemoglobin enhancer)
Ferr phos. 3x increases hemoglobin. Patient nervous, sensitive, anemic with the false plethora and easy flushing, Pulse soft and flowing; no anxious restlessness. Facial neuralgia; worse, shaking head and stooping. Palpitation; pulse rapid. First stage of cardiac diseases. Short, quick, soft pulse. Night sweats of anemia.
Digitalis Purpura
Pulse weak, irregular, intermittent, abnormally slow, dropsy of external and internal parts. Weakness and dilatation of myocardium. Failure of compensation and especially when auricular fibrillation has set in. Slow pulse in recumbent posture, but irregular and dicrotic on sitting up. Auricular flutter and fibrillation especially when subsequent to rheumatic fever. Heart block, very slow pulse. Weakness and sinking of strength, faintness, coldness of skin, and irregular respiration; cardiac irritability and ocular troubles of tobacco users. Jaundice with heart disease. Faint, as if dying. Cyanosis. Cardiac muscular failure when asystole is present. Despondency; fearful; anxious. Dullness of sense. Every shock strikes in epigastrium. Melancholia, dull lethargic with slow pulse.
Vertigo in cardiac and hepatic affections. Sharp, shooting frontal headache. Confusion, fullness and tinnitus. Cracking sounds during a nap. Blue tongue and lips.
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Stitching, burning pain in head, with vertigo, worse in morning, but relieved by food. Pressure in forehead. Inability to walk except with eyes open. Throbbing headache, with constipation. Vertigo, with nausea; better after breakfast. Falling out of hair; scalp itches and is numb.
Calcarea Carb
To control pica, impaired nutrition being the keynote of its action, tickling cough, fleeting chest pains, raised blood coagulability, Headache, with cold hands and feet but head feels hot. Vertigo on ascending, and when turning head. Headache from over lifting, from mental exertion, with nausea.
Strontium Carbonicum
Chronic sequelae of hemorrhages, after surgeries with much oozing of blood and coldness and prostration. Arteriosclerosis. High blood pressure with flushed face pulsating arteries, threatened apoplexy.
Vertigo with headache and nausea. Distensive pressure. Aches from nape of neck, spreading upwards; better wrapping head up warmly. Flushes in face; violent pulsating. Supraorbital neuralgia: pains increase and decrease slowly (Stann). Bloody crusts in nose. Face red; burns, itches. Itching, redness and burning of nose. aversion to meat, craves bread and beer. Food tasteless. Eructation after eating. Hiccough causes chest pains; cardialgia.
Lachesis Mutus
Thrombosis. Immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Delirium. Diphtheric paralysis. Palpitation, with fainting spells, especially during climacteric. Constricted feeling causing palpitation, with anxiety. Cyanosis. Irregular beats. Hot perspiration, bluish, purplish appearance. Boils, carbuncles, ulcers, with bluish, purple surroundings. Dark blisters. Blue-black swellings. Pyemia; dissecting wounds. Cellulitis. Varicose.
Stannum Metallicum
Chief action is centered upon the nervous system and respiratory organs. Aching in temples and forehead, Paralytic weakness; drops things. Ankles swollen. Limbs suddenly give out when attempting to sit down. Dizziness and weakness when descending. Spasmodic twitching of muscles of forearm and hand. Fingers jerk when holding pen. Neuritis. Typewriters’ paralysis.
Aletris Farinosa:
An anemic, relaxed condition, especially of the female organism, tired all the time, and suffers from prolapsus, leucorrhea, rectal distress, etc. Marked anemia. Chlorotic girls and pregnant women, Confused feelings. Cannot concentrate mind. Fainting, with vertigo, Prolapse, with pain in right inguinal region. Leucorrhea due to weakness and anemia. Habitual tendency to abortion. Muscular pains during pregnancy.
China officinalis:
Debility from exhausting discharges, from loss of vital fluids, together with a nervous erethism, loose of blood, the bleeding can be the result of a traumatic injury, excessive bleeding in periods or bleeding from any part of body like throat, bowels, nose, etc.
Sensation as if brain were balancing to and fro, and striking against skull, receiving great pain (Sulph; Sulph ac). Intense throbbing of head and carotid arteries. Face flushed after haemorrhages, or sexual excesses, or loss of vital fluids. Scalp sensitive; worse combing hair, Dizziness, Blue color around eyes. Hollow eyes. Yellowish sclerotica. Black specks, bright dazzling illusions; night blindness in anaemic retina. Spots before eyes. Photophobia. Distortion of eyeballs. Intermittent ciliary neuralgia.
Hearing sensitive to noise, tinnitus, Sallow complexion. Face bloated, Liver and spleen swollen and enlarged, Menses too early. Profuse menses with pain. Irregular cardiac rhythm with weak rapid beats followed by strong, hard beats. Suffocative attacks, syncope; anemia and dropsy. One hand ice cold, the other warm.
Crataegus Oxyacantha
Giddiness, low pulse, air hunger and hypotension. Myocarditis. Failing compensation. Irregularity of heart. Insomnia of aortic sufferers; anemia; edema; cutaneous chilliness. High arterial tension. Irritable with cardiac symptoms.
Chronic heart disease, with extreme weakness. General anasarca. Cold extremities, pallor; irregular pulse and breathing. Rheumatic heart. Arteriosclerosis (have a solvent power upon crustaceous and calcareous deposits in arteries).
Apprehensive, despondent. Very nervous and irritable. Mental dullness conjunctival irritation nasal discharges. Cardiac dropsy. Fatty degeneration. Aortic disease. Extreme dyspnea on least exertion, without much increase of pulse. Valvular murmurs, angina pectoris. Cutaneous chilliness.
Natrum Mur: Anemia with weight loss
The prolonged taking of excessive salt causes profound nutritive changes to take place in the system, and there arise not only the symptoms of salt retention as evidenced by dropsies and oedemas, but also an alteration in the blood causing a condition of anemia and leukocytosis. Anemia, chlorosis, many disturbances of the alimentary tract and skin. Great debility. Morning sickness. Blinding headache, semi-lateral headache, pale face, nausea, vomiting, numbness and tingling in lips, tongue and nose, relieved by sleep.
Eyelids heavy. Muscles weak and stiff, Numbness, tingling of tongue, lips, and nose. Vesicles and burning on tongue, Numbness and tingling in fingers and lower extremities. Cough from a tickling in the pit of stomach, accompanied by stitches in liver and spurting of urine.
Tachycardia. Sensation of coldness of heart. Heart and chest feel constricted. Fluttering, palpitating; intermittent pulse. Heart’s pulsations shake body. Intermits on lying down.
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Acid Picricum:
Paralysis, prostration, weakness and pain of back, pins and needle sensation in extremities. Neurasthenia. Muscular debility. Heavy tired feeling. Myelitis with spasms and prostration. Writer’s palsy. Progressive, pernicious anemia, Lack of will-power; disinclined to work. Cerebral softening. Dementia with prostration, sits still and listless, Vertigo and noises in ear (tinnitus). Burning along spine. Great weakness. Tired, heavy feeling all over body, especially limbs; worse, exertion. Feet cold. Cannot get warm. Acute descending paralysis.
Stannum Metallicum
Paralytic weakness; drops things. Ankles swollen. Limbs suddenly give out when attempting to sit down. Dizziness and weakness, stunning pressure in head with nausea. Vertigo. Spasmodic twitching of muscles of forearm and hand. Difficult, weak speech, occasioned by weakness. Neuritis. Paralytic heaviness in the arms. paralysis. Jerking and quivering of eyes. Convulsed or prominent eyes.
Strontium Carbonicum
Chronic sequelae of hemorrhages, after surgeries with much oozing of blood and coldness and prostration. Arteriosclerosis. High blood pressure with flushed face pulsating arteries, threatened apoplexy. Painful paralytic sensation. Numbness.
Vertigo with headache and nausea. Distensive pressure. Aches from nape of neck. Flushes in face; violent pulsating. Angina pectoris. Luminous vibrations before the eyes. Photopsia. Humming in the ears. Food tasteless. Violent hiccough causes chest pains; cardialgia. Violent beating of arteries and of heart.
Dizziness as during intoxication. Vertigo, jaws dropped, pupils dilated, quivering of eyes and lids, eyes half open and are turned upwards. Hot sweat and one-sided paralysis. There is coma with dusky red face and oppressed breathing. Slow and labored pulse. Buzzing in ears. Swelling of veins in face and head. Relaxation of all the muscles of the face. Trembling, shocks, and convulsive movements of facial muscles. Paralysis of tongue. Swelling and movements in throat, with fits of obstructed deglutition and strangulation.
Inability to swallow. Retention of urine, inactivity of the bladder. Tension, aching and constriction in chest. Pulsating arteries and swollen veins on neck. Swelling of veins and beating in arteries of neck. Spasmodic jerking and numbness of limbs. Coldness of the extremities. Limb(s) paralysis.
Acid Picricum
Vertigo and noises in ear. Heavy throbbing and burning pains in nap and/or occiput. Shooting in center of eye, photophobia, Pupils dilated. Tingling in lips and other facial muscles, difficulty in swallowing. A heavy throbbing in chest under tenth and eleventh ribs, numbness. Intermittent fluttering of heart. Lame sensation in extremities. Trembling of all muscles.
Nux Vomica
Cloudiness of eyes, danger of falling, staggering, fainting, buzzing in ears, and loss of consciousness with humming in ears. Pupils dilated or contracted. Burning itching, or sharp drawing pains or sensation of excoriation in lids and in margins. Twitching of lids. Presbyopia. Threatened brain hemorrhage with giddiness, headache, and fullness of head. Humming in ears, sighing, whistling, buzzing, and tinkling in ears or cracking when masticating. Stroke.
Muscular palpitations or tingling itching in face. Drawing in masseter muscles, with stiffness. Tearing and drawing pains in face. Tongue covered with a (heavy) white, thick, or yellowish coating, heaviness of tongue, with difficulty of speech, and sensation when speaking, as if tongue had become thicker. Stuttering. Sensation of sudden loss of power in extremities, paralysis
Stupefaction, with falling down, and loss of consciousness., with palpitation, cold moist skin and convulsions of the facial muscles. Sudden cough, suffocation and loss of speech. Very violent pressive headache. Stroke. The headache disappears, with a sensation of coldness in vertex, forehead, in nape of neck, extending to loins. Eyes widely open, or half-closed, convulsed, prominent, and fixed. Pupils dilated, and immovable, darkness before the eyes, obscuration of sight.
Twitching of facial muscles. Sensation of coldness on tongue. Loss of speech. Dry and rough tongue. Tongue feels cold, or burnt and numb. Swelling and stiffness of tongue. Pains in region of heart, slow and irregular beating. Painful stiffness in small of back. Trembling of hands.
Disorganized blood, causing fatty degeneration of blood vessels and every tissue and organ of the body and thus gives rise to hemorrhages, fatty degenerations, cirrhosis, caries, loss of memory, brain feels tired, destructive metabolism. Chronic congestion of head. Brain-fag, coldness of occiput. Vertigo, with faintness. Partial loss of vision. Hearing difficult, especially to human voice. Re-echoing of sounds. Dullness of hearing, drowsiness.
Face pale, sickly complexion; blue rings under eyes. Hippocratic countenance. Violent palpitation with anxiety, while lying on left side. Pulse rapid, small, and soft. Heart dilated, especially right. Feeling of warmth in heart. Ascending sensory and motor paralysis from ends of fingers and toes.
Paralysis, progressive loss of muscular strength, Local paralysis, vocal cords, muscles of deglutition, of tongue, eyelids, cataract with motor disturbances, vision impaired, face, bladder and extremities, Paralysis of ocular muscles. Tinnitus – Ringing, roaring, pulsating in the ears, with deafness.
Arnica Montana
Arnica Montana affects the venous system inducing stasis. Stroke. Debilitated with impoverished blood, cardiac dropsy with dyspnea. Tendency to hemorrhage and low fever. There is deathly coldness of forearm. Complaints due to injury. Head hot, with cold body; confused; sensitiveness of brain, with sharp, pinching pains. Diplopia from traumatism, muscular paralysis. Angina pectoris. Stitches in heart. Pulse feeble and irregular. Cardiac dropsy with distressing dyspnea. Extremities distended, feel bruised and sore. Fatty heart and hypertrophy. Skin black and blue.
Lathyrus Sativus
Reflexes always increased. Paralytic affections of lower extremities; spastic paralysis; lateral sclerosis; Beri-Beri. Athetosis. Infantile paralysis, weakness and heaviness, slow recovery of nerve power. Sleepy, constant yawning. Tips of fingers numb. Tremulous, tottering gait. Stroke. Excessive rigidity of legs; spastic gait. Knees knock against each other when walking. Rheumatic paralysis. Gluteal muscles and lower limbs emaciated. Legs blue; swollen, if hanging down.
Pituitrinum is affective for arresting the hemorrhage. Stimulates muscular activity and overcomes inertia. Its influence over unstriped muscular fiber is marked. Cerebral hemorrhage. Will check hemorrhage and add absorption of clot. Vertigo, difficult mental concentration, confusion and fullness deep in frontal region.
Plumbum Metallicum

The great drug for general sclerotic conditions. Lead paralysis is chiefly of extensors, forearm or upper limb, from center to periphery with partial anesthesia or excessive hyperesthesia, preceded by pain. Stroke. Localized neuralgic pains, neuritis. The blood, alimentary and nervous systems are the special seats of action of Plumbum. Hemostasis is interfered with, rapid reduction in number of red corpuscles, hence pallor, icterus, anemia. Constrictive sensation in internal organs. Stinging and tearing in limbs, also twitching and tingling, numbness, pain or tremor. Paralysis.
Belladonna acts upon every part of the nervous system, active congestion, furious excitement, perverted special senses, twitching, convulsions and pain. It has a marked action on the vascular system, skin and glands. Belladonna always is associated with hot, red skin, flushed face, glaring eyes, throbbing carotids, excited mental state, hyperesthesia of all senses, delirium, restless sleep, convulsive movements, dryness of mouth and throat with aversion to water, neuralgic pains that come and go suddenly. Heat, redness, throbbing and burning. Eyes are wide and staring. Throbbing and hammering headache. Eyes are dilated and staring. Throbbing pain deep in eyes. Pulse full and rapid.
Oxytropis Lamberti
Marked action on nervous system. Trembling, sensation of emptiness. Walks backwards. Congestion of spine and paralysis. Pains come and go quickly. Sphincters relaxed. Staggering gait. Reflexes lost. Desires to be alone. Disinclined to work or talk. Worse, thinking of symptoms. Stroke. Depression. Vertigo. Head full, warm feeling. Loss of vision. Pain in maxillary bones and masseter muscles. Mouth and nose dry Eyesight obscured; pupils contracted; do not respond to light. Paralysis of nerves and muscles of eyes.
Stomach: Eructation with colicky pains. Epigastrium tender. Rectum: Sphincter seems relaxed. Stools slip from anus, like lumps of jelly, mushy. Urging to urinate when thinking of it. Profuse flow. No desire of sex or ability. Pain in testicles and along spermatic cord and down thighs. Pain along ulnar nerve. Numb feeling about spine. Staggering gait. Loss of co-ordination. Patellar tendon reflex lost. Pains come and go quickly, but muscles remain sore and stiff.
Cadmium Sulphuricum
Unconscious. Vertigo. Hammering in head. Heat in head. Cornial opacity. Blue circle around eyes. One pupil dilated. Night blindness. Distortion of mouth. Trembling of jaw. Facial paralysis. Difficult swallowing. esophagus constricted. Intense nausea, with pain and cold. Stringy, offensive exudation on mucous membrane. Constant tickling; gagging and nausea, worse deep breathing; chilliness and aching.
Crotalus Horridus
General disorganization of the blood. Paralysis from stroke. Blood coagulation. Lower limbs go to sleep easily. Hands tremble, swollen. Cannot keep legs still. The patient is loquacious with desire to escape. Muttering, mumbles, jumbles, and stumbles over his words, tremens. Vertigo, with weakness and trembling. Dull heavy occipital pain. Headache with pain in heart on lying on left side. Headache: must walk on tiptoe to avoid jarring. Stroke.
Eyes very sensitive to light. Illusions; blue colors. Ciliary neuralgia: tearing, boring pain. For absorption of intra-ocular hemorrhages, into the vitreous, but particularly for non-inflammatory retinal hemorrhages. Diplopia. Auditory vertigo. Blood oozes from ears. Feeling of stoppage in right ear.
Causticum is effective for paralysis after stroke. Paralysis of single parts. Gradually appearing paralysis. Local paralysis of vocal cords, muscles of deglutition, tongue, rectum, eyelids, face, bladder and extremities. Pain in right frontal eminence.
Face: Paralysis of right side. Pain in facial bones. Dental fistula. Pain in jaws, with difficulty in opening mouth. Cataract with motor disturbances. Inflammation of eyelids; ulceration. Sparks and dark spots before eyes Ptosis. Vision impaired. Paralysis of ocular muscles after exposure to cold. Paralysis of tongue, with indistinct speech.
Ears ringing, roaring, pulsating, with deafness; words and steps re-echo; chronic middle-ear catarrh; accumulation of earwax. Urine: Involuntary when coughing, sneezing.
Lycopodium Clavatum
Aneurism. Aortic disease. Palpitation at night. Melancholy. Weak memory. Shakes head without apparent cause. Twists face and mouth. Pressing headache on vertex. Throbbing headache after every paroxysm of coughing. Vertigo.
Baryta Carbonicum
Diseases of old people when degenerative changes begin; cardiac vascular and cerebral. Arterial fibrosis. Blood-vessels inflamed and degenerate, distended, aneurisms, ruptures, and apoplexies. Spasm. Palpitation and distress in region of heart. Aneurism. Slow heart’s action. Hypertension, contraction of blood vessels. Palpitation, pulse full and hard. Loss of memory, mental weakness. Irresolute. Senile dementia. Confusion. Vertigo.
Anacardium Orientale
Palpitation, with weak memory, with coryza in the aged; stitches in heart region. Rheumatic pericarditis with double stitches. Neuralgia in thumb. Paralytic weakness. Fixed ideas. Hallucinations. Anxiety. Melancholy and hypochondriasis, with tendency to use violent language. Brain-fag. Impaired memory. Absent mindedness. Senile dementia. Absence of all moral restraint. Vertigo.
Aconit Nepalus
Aconite is considered in the initial stage, when the hemorrhage has just happened. It may be due to emotional shock or fright. The person feels restlessness and tossing about. There is great anxiety of mind and body. Face becomes red. Congestive headaches. Hot heavy and bursting sensation in the head. The pulse is fast, full, hard, tense and bounding. Palpitation with anxiety. Hot hands and cold feet. Numbness and tingling in hands and feet, especially left arm. Dry, burning mouth with numbness and tingling. Vertigo, worse on rising.
Cocculus Indicus
Within the sphere of action of Cocculus are many spasmodic and paretic affections, notably those affecting one-half of the body. Stroke. Affects the cerebrum. Painful contracture of limbs and trunk, tetanus. Sensation of hollowness, or emptiness, as if parts had gone to sleep. Feels too weak to talk loudly. Vertigo, nausea, especially when riding or sitting up. Headache in occiput and nape; worse, lying on back of head. Pupils contracted. Opening and shutting sensation, especially in occiput. Trembling of head. Pain in eyes as if torn out of head.
Paralysis of facial nerve. Cramp-like pain in masseter muscle; worse, opening mouth. Prosoplasia with wide radiations of pain. Lameness; worse by bending. Trembling and pain in limbs. Arms go to sleep. One-sided paralysis; worse after sleep. Hands are alternately hot and cold; numbness and cold sweat now of one, now of the other hand. Numb and unsteady. Knees crack on motion. Lower limbs very weak. Inflammatory swelling of knee. Intensely painful, paralytic drawing. Limbs straightened out, painful when flexed.
Gelsemium Sempervirens
Centers its action upon the nervous system, acts on various degrees of motor paralysis. General prostration. Dizziness, drowsiness, dullness, and trembling. Slow pulse, tired feeling, mental apathy. Paralysis of various groups of muscles about the eyes, throat, chest, larynx, sphincter, extremities, etc. Post-diphtheritic paralysis. Muscular weakness. Complete relaxation and prostration. Lack of muscular co-ordination. General depression from heat of sun. Fear falling. Sluggish circulation. Nervous affections of cigarette/cigarmakers. Influenza. Measles. Pellagra.
Hypericum Perforatum
Brain/head injuries. Lockjaw. Coccydynia. Spasmodic asthmatic attacks. Tetanus. Neuritis, tingling, burning and numbness. Constant drowsiness. Stroke. Throbbing in vertex. Right side of face aches. Brain-fag and neurasthenia. Facial neuralgia and toothache of a pulling, tearing character, with sadness. Head feels longer elongated to a point. In fractured skull, bone splinters. Brain feels alive. Pains in eyes and ears. Falling out of hair.
Darting pain in shoulders. Pressure along ulnar side of arm. Cramp in calves. Pain in toes and fingers, especially in tips. Crawling in hand and feet. Lancinating pain in upper and lower limbs. Neuritis, with tingling, burning pain, numbness and flossy skin. Joints feel bruised. Hysterical joints. Tetanus. Traumatic neuralgia and neuritis.

Vertigo of cerebral origin, cerebellar disease, ataxic symptoms and chorea. Profound weakness, gone, faint feeling, and despondency. Loss of control of sphincter. Muscular inco-ordination. Mental confusion, incoherency, illusions; apathetic. Alternation of happy, hopeful states with depression and weakness. Extreme irritability.
Stroke. Dropsy, stupid; pain on attempting to raise head. Double vision, ptosis; heavy look about eyes; tinnitus, aphasia; tongue paralyzed. Eyes bloodshot and restless. Vertigo, unable to rise. Tinnitus; dysphagia, difficult speech.
Ataxic movements, staggering gait; cold, weak, trembling; legs seem too heavy. Extreme restlessness; muscular twitching. Knee-jerks disappear. Stiffness and paralysis of both legs. Anesthesia of legs.
Allium Sativum
Allium sativa is an effective cardiac tonic, it makes the blood thin, improve circulation and cardiac disease. Short-lasting vertigo. Weakness in lower limbs; painful weariness in the thighs.
Ginko Biloba
Ginkgo biloba is a best choice for the prevention of stroke. Ginko Biloba improve the brain blood circulation, improves memory. It is among best blood thinner.
Prognosis for Cerebral anemia or ischemia
With the ability to intervene with thrombolytic therapy to reverse the stroke and with more aggressive rehabilitation, the goal is to increase patient survival and function after recovery.
Specialized allopathic stroke centers — hospitals that have the doctors, equipment, and resources to intervene quickly and treat strokes aggressively — have shown to increase stroke survival as well as patient function and recovery. But unfortunately, the allopathic way of treatment for cerebral anemia or ischemia and stroke has no proper and full treatment, many complications can develop in patients, some of whom may not be able to return to full-time employment because of disability, patients are affected physically with decreased body function, mentally with decreased cognition, and emotionally with depression and anxiety.
Even with Homeopathic treatment the return to function depends upon the severity of the cerebral anemia or ischemia and stroke, what parts of the brain and body have stopped working, and what complications develop.
With allopathic treatment patients could lose their ability to swallow and may develop aspiration pneumonia when they inhale food or saliva into the lungs, causing infections, and patients who have difficulty moving can develop pressure sores and infections due to skin breakdown. Seizures may be another complication, the more severe the stroke, the more likely that seizures may develop.
Thats why its recommended for cerebral anemia or ischemia and stroke patients to contact Homeopathic doctor for full recovery and avoid other infections and complications.
P. S: This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy, for learning purpose(s).
For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.
None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.
Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.
Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.
Location: Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.
Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at:
https://www.youtube.com/Dr Qaisar Ahmed